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File metadata and controls

180 lines (129 loc) · 5.14 KB


Modelo makes it easy to run Spark queries powered by templates. "Modelo" means template in Spanish.

It's typically best to write Spark logic via custom transformations with the Scala API.

Sometimes it's easier to express complex logic with pure SQL. Mustache templates are more powerful than raw SQL strings because you can pass parameters to a template.

"select * from my_table where first_name = {{{firstName}}}" is an example of a Mustache template. firstName is a parameter that can be dynamically passed to the template.

Templates are also great for business users that are comfortable writing pure SQL, but don't want to use the Scala API. Templates let these users update queries by modifying parameter maps instead of directly modifying SQL strings.

Simple example

Let's create a DataFrame to demonstrate how to use this lib:

val df = Seq(
  ("hans", 34),
  ("frank", 15),
  ("luisa", 27),
  ("federica", 78)
).toDF("first_name", "age")


Let's run a query on the some_people view.

import mrpowers.modelo.mustache

val template = "select * from {{{viewName}}} where age > {{{minAge}}}"
val attrs = Map("viewName" -> "some_people", "minAge" -> 30)
val res = spark.sql(mustache(template, attrs))

This returns the following DataFrame:

|      hans| 34|
|  federica| 78|

Databricks notebook example

Suppose you have the following data table.

|first_name| country|
|        li|   china|
|      luis|colombia|
|  fernanda|  brasil|

Let's look at a query interface that'll let users filter by certain countries (this interface is for less technical users that can't even write SQL code).


The users just need to update some strings to get different results. Here's how they can fetch all the Colombians in the dataset.


This interface is powered by Mustache SQL templates behind the scenes, see the test suite for the entire code snippet.

Leveraging a partial

This section demonstrates how to render SQL templates with partials.

Suppose you have the following data view:

import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
  ("crosby", 1987, true),
  ("gretzky", 1961, false),
  ("jagr", 1972, false),
  ("mcdavid", 1997, true)
).toDF("player", "birth_year", "is_active")

Here's how you can get the age of all the active players with a base template and a partial template:

val ageCalculator = "year(current_date()) - birth_year as age"
val baseTemplate = "select {{> ageCalculator}} from {{{viewName}}} where is_active = {{{isActive}}}"
val templates = Map("baseTemplate.mustache" -> baseTemplate, "ageCalculator.mustache" -> ageCalculator)
val attrs = Map("viewName" -> "hockey_players", "isActive" -> true)
val res = spark.sql(mustache(templates, "baseTemplate.mustache", attrs))

Let's take a look at the results:

| 33|
| 23|

Partials are a great way to create DRY templates. You can abstract complex logic to partials and reuse it in multiple places.

Running a template in a transformation chain

Let's see how to run a Mustache template in a chain of DataFrame transformations.

Let's create some fake data with information on dogs.

import spark.implicits._
val dogs = Seq(
  ("lucky", 2),
  ("tio", 1),
  ("spot", 5),
  ("luna", 13)
).toDF("first_name", "age")

Use the Scala API to add an is_adult column to the DataFrame. Then use a Mustache template to filter out all the rows when is_adult is false.

val template = "select * from {{{viewName}}} where is_adult = {{{isAdult}}}"
val attrs = Map("viewName" -> "some_dogs", "isAdult" -> true)
val res = dogs
  // normal DataFrame transformation
  .withColumn("is_adult", $"age" > 3)
  // Running SQL defined in a Mustache view
  .transform(mustacheTransform(template, attrs))

Let's see the results:

|      spot|  5|    true|
|      luna| 13|    true|

This is a simplistic example, so a Mustache template wouldn't really be needed in this case. Templates are more applicable for complex logic or for users that don't want to interact with the Scala API.


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When the release command is run, you'll be prompted to enter your GPG passphrase.

The Sonatype credentials should be stored in the ~/.sbt/sonatype_credentials file in this format:

realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager