An explanation of the fields in a kustomization.yaml file.
What existing things should be customized.
Field | Type | Explanation |
resources | list | Files containing k8s API objects, or directories containing other kustomizations. |
CRDs | list | Custom resource definition files, to allow specification of the custom resources in the resources list. |
What things should be created (and optionally subsequently customized)?
Field | Type | Explanation |
configMapGenerator | list | Each entry in this list results in the creation of one ConfigMap resource (it's a generator of n maps). |
secretGenerator | list | Each entry in this list results in the creation of one Secret resource (it's a generator of n secrets) |
generatorOptions | string | generatorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators |
generators | list | plugin configuration files |
What transformations (customizations) should be applied?
Field | Type | Explanation |
commonLabels | string | Adds labels and some corresponding label selectors to all resources. |
commonAnnotations | string | Adds annotions (non-identifying metadata) to add all resources. |
images | list | Images modify the name, tags and/or digest for images without creating patches. |
inventory | struct | Specify an object who's annotations will contain a build result summary. |
namespace | string | Adds namespace to all resources |
namePrefix | string | Prepends value to the names of all resources |
nameSuffix | string | The value is appended to the names of all resources. |
replicas | list | Replicas modifies the number of replicas of a resource. |
patches | list | Each entry should resolve to a patch that can be applied to multiple targets. |
patchesStrategicMerge | list | Each entry in this list should resolve to a partial or complete resource definition file. |
patchesJson6902 | list | Each entry in this list should resolve to a kubernetes object and a JSON patch that will be applied to the object. |
transformers | list | plugin configuration files |
Field | Type | Explanation |
vars | string | Vars capture text from one resource's field and insert that text elsewhere. |
apiVersion | string | k8s metadata field. |
kind | string | k8s metadata field. |
If missing, this field's value defaults to
The bases
field was deprecated in v2.1.0.
Move entries into the resources field. This allows bases - which are still a central concept - to be ordered relative to other input resources.
See field-name-commonAnnotations.
See field-name-configMapGenerator.
Each entry in this list should be a relative path to a file for custom resource definition (CRD).
The presence of this field is to allow kustomize be aware of CRDs and apply proper transformation for any objects in those types.
Typical use case: A CRD object refers to a ConfigMap object. In a kustomization, the ConfigMap object name may change by adding namePrefix, nameSuffix, or hashing. The name reference for this ConfigMap object in CRD object need to be updated with namePrefix, nameSuffix, or hashing in the same way.
The annotations can be put into openAPI definitions are:
- "x-kubernetes-annotation": ""
- "x-kubernetes-label-selector": ""
- "x-kubernetes-identity": ""
- "x-kubernetes-object-ref-api-version": "v1",
- "x-kubernetes-object-ref-kind": "Secret",
- "x-kubernetes-object-ref-name-key": "name",
- crds/typeA.yaml
- crds/typeB.yaml
Modifies behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators.
# labels to add to all generated resources
kustomize.generated.resources: somevalue
# annotations to add to all generated resources
kustomize.generated.resource: somevalue
# disableNameSuffixHash is true disables the default behavior of adding a
# suffix to the names of generated resources that is a hash of
# the resource contents.
disableNameSuffixHash: true
A list of generator plugin configuration files.
- mySecretGeneratorPlugin.yaml
- myAppGeneratorPlugin.yaml
See field-name-images.
See inventory object.
If missing, this field's value defaults to
kind: Kustomization
See field-name-namespace.
See field-name-patches.
See field-name-patchesStrategicMerge.
See field-name-patchesJson6902.
See field-name-replicas.
Each entry in this list must be a path to a file, or a path (or URL) refering to another kustomization directory, e.g.
- myNamespace.yaml
- sub-dir/some-deployment.yaml
- ../../commonbase
- deployment.yaml
Resources will be read and processed in depth-first order.
Files should contain k8s resources in YAML form.
A file may contain multiple resources separated by
the document marker ---
. File paths should be
specified relative to the directory holding the
kustomization file containing the resources
Directory specification can be relative, absolute,
or part of a URL. URL specifications should
follow the hashicorp URL format. The directory
must contain a kustomization.yaml
See field-name-secretGenerator.
Vars are used to capture text from one resource's field and insert that text elsewhere - a reflection feature.
For example, suppose one specifies the name of a k8s Service object in a container's command line, and the name of a k8s Secret object in a container's environment variable, so that the following would work:
- image: myimage
command: ["start", "--host", "$(MY_SERVICE_NAME)"]
To do so, add an entry to vars:
as follows:
kind: Secret
name: my-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
fieldpath: spec.template.spec.restartPolicy
A var is a tuple of variable name, object reference and field reference within that object. That's where the text is found.
The field reference is optional; it defaults to
, a normal default, since kustomize
is used to generate or modify the names of
At time of writing, only string type fields are supported. No ints, bools, arrays etc. It's not possible to, say, extract the name of the image in container number 2 of some pod template.
A variable reference, i.e. the string '$(FOO)', can only be placed in particular fields of particular objects as specified by kustomize's configuration data.
The default config data for vars is at Long story short, the default targets are all container command args and env value fields.
Vars should not be used for inserting names in places where kustomize is already handling that job. E.g., a Deployment may reference a ConfigMap by name, and if kustomize changes the name of a ConfigMap, it knows to change the name reference in the Deployment.