
# Regional and sectoral disaggregation of multi-regional input-output tables

C++-Implementation of the flexible algorithm for regional and sectoral disaggregation of multi-regional input-output tables as described in:

L. Wenz, S.N. Willner, A. Radebach, R. Bierkandt, J.C. Steckel, A. Levermann  
**[Regional and sectoral disaggregation of multi-regional input-output tables: a flexible algorithm](http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~anders/publications/wenz_willner15.pdf)**  
*Economic Systems Research* 27 (2015), [DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2014.987731](http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09535314.2014.987731).

It includes a library for handling heterogeneous MRIO tables with up to one level of hierarchy. If you want to use it and have trouble with it just drop me an [email](mailto:sven.willner@pik-potsdam.de).

## Compiling

Just use cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
to create the `mrio_disaggregate` binary. Compiler has to support C++11.

To use `libmrio` as a static library you can include `libmrio.cmake` from `cmake`.

## Dependencies

Libmrio depends on my [https://github.com/swillner/cpp-library](CSV parser) and [https://github.com/swillner/settingsnode](Settings wrapper). These are included as subtrees.

It also uses [https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp.git](yaml-cpp), which you either need to have installed or get as a submodule:
git submodule update --init --recursive

The implementation optionally uses the [https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-cxx4](NetCDF-CXX4-library) (e.g. package `libnetcdf-c++4-dev` in Ubuntu/Debian). Its use is controlled via the cmake option `LIBMRIO_WITH_NETCDF` (e.g. use `ccmake ..`).

## Usage

`mrio_disaggregate` expects the path of a YAML control file as parameter (or `-` and the file is read from stdin):

- YAML control file
see example in `examples/simple`.

- Proxy files
CSV-files with proxy data. Column numbers depend on proxy level (as documented in the paper). First column: Year; Then columns of either region/sector name or column pairs of region/sector name and index (starting with 0) of subregion/subsector; Then value; Concluding with an optional column given the sum (only applies for GDP and population levels).

- Formats
Supported input and output formats are `csv`, `mrio` and `netcdf`.