diff --git a/versions/3.2.0.md b/versions/3.2.0.md
index 87a88906b2..fe7172ebe4 100644
--- a/versions/3.2.0.md
+++ b/versions/3.2.0.md
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ The path is appended to the URL from the [`Server Object`](#serverObject) in ord
Field Pattern | Type | Description
-/{path} | [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) | A relative path to an individual endpoint. The field name MUST begin with a forward slash (`/`). The path is **appended** (no relative URL resolution) to the expanded URL from the [`Server Object`](#serverObject)'s `url` field in order to construct the full URL. [Path templating](#pathTemplating) is allowed. When matching URLs, concrete (non-templated) paths would be matched before their templated counterparts. Templated paths with the same hierarchy but different templated names MUST NOT exist as they are identical. In case of ambiguous matching, it's up to the tooling to decide which one to use.
+/{path} | [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject) \| [Reference Object](#referenceObject) | A relative path to an individual endpoint. The field name MUST begin with a forward slash (`/`). The path is **appended** (no relative URL resolution) to the expanded URL from the [`Server Object`](#serverObject)'s `url` field in order to construct the full URL. [Path templating](#pathTemplating) is allowed. When matching URLs, concrete (non-templated) paths would be matched before their templated counterparts. Templated paths with the same hierarchy but different templated names MUST NOT exist as they are identical. In case of ambiguous matching, it's up to the tooling to decide which one to use.
This object MAY be extended with [Specification Extensions](#specificationExtensions).
@@ -740,7 +740,6 @@ The path itself is still exposed to the documentation viewer but they will not k
Field Name | Type | Description
-$ref | `string` | Allows for a referenced definition of this path item. The referenced structure MUST be in the form of a [Path Item Object](#pathItemObject). In case a Path Item Object field appears both in the defined object and the referenced object, the behavior is undefined. See the rules for resolving [Relative References](#relativeReferencesURI).
summary| `string` | An optional, string summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path.
description | `string` | An optional, string description, intended to apply to all operations in this path. [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
get | [Operation Object](#operationObject) | A definition of a GET operation on this path.