From df412822fc4897c9058a44c5b3c4a84e5d01b20a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: frantuma Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 16:07:32 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] ref #8796 - fix html2 request and response schemas --- .../main/resources/htmlDocs2/index.mustache | 2 +- samples/html2/.swagger-codegen/VERSION | 2 +- samples/html2/index.html | 11293 ++++++++++------ 3 files changed, 6863 insertions(+), 4434 deletions(-) diff --git a/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/htmlDocs2/index.mustache b/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/htmlDocs2/index.mustache index 093dce63c7a..e9f0212a853 100644 --- a/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/htmlDocs2/index.mustache +++ b/modules/swagger-codegen/src/main/resources/htmlDocs2/index.mustache @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ var defs = {} {{#models}} {{#model}} - defs.{{name}} = {{{modelJson}}}; + defs["{{name}}"] = {{{modelJson}}}; {{/model}} {{/models}} diff --git a/samples/html2/.swagger-codegen/VERSION b/samples/html2/.swagger-codegen/VERSION index 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    - -

    Swagger Petstore

    - -





    Add a new pet to the store






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X POST ""
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Pet body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.addPet(body);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#addPet");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +        defs["GetPaymentTransactionDetailsRequest"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "my_institution", "uetr" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "my_institution" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Specifies the institution which payments are requested.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +      },
    +      "maxItems" : 250
    +    },
    +    "uetr" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the unique end to end transaction reference (UETR) of a payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UUIDv4Identifier"
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Pet body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.addPet(body);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#addPet");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "This API is a payment query to get detailed information regarding a given payment transaction. It requires the UETR to be known.\r\nExamples of use cases are:\r\n•\tDebtor status check - debtor's agent or debtor wants to see the status\r\n•\tCreditor status check - creditor's agent or creditor wants to see the status\r\n"
    +        defs["GetPaymentTransactionDetailsResponse"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "initiation_time", "last_update_time", "transaction_status", "uetr" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "uetr" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the unique end to end transaction reference of a payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UUIDv4Identifier"
    +    },
    +    "transaction_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentStatus3"
    +    },
    +    "cancellation_status" : {
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentTransactionCancellationStatus1"
    +    },
    +    "initiation_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and Time at which the message enters the tracking system (e.g. gpi).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "completion_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Time at which the Instructed Bank reports that the transaction has been completed. \r\nDate and time based on the creation date of the status confirmation containing a final status ACSC",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "last_update_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Last date and time at which the status of this transaction was updated.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "payment_event" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "This groups the information of an event, i.e., of a payment message or status confirmation update. It is repeated as many times as there are events to be returned.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentEvent7"
    +      }
    - -
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -Pet *body = ; // Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// Add a new pet to the store
    -[apiInstance addPetWith:body
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    -var body = ; // {Pet} Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    -  if (error) {
    -    console.error(error);
    -  } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    -  }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "This API is the response to a payment query to get detailed information regarding a given payment transaction.\r\nExamples of use cases are:\r\n•\tDebtor status check - debtor's agent or debtor wants to see the status\r\n•\tCreditor status check - creditor's agent or creditor wants to see the status\r\n"
    -api.addPet(body, callback);
    - - -
    using System;
    -using System.Diagnostics;
    -using IO.Swagger.Api;
    -using IO.Swagger.Client;
    -using IO.Swagger.Model;
    -namespace Example
    -    public class addPetExample
    -    {
    -        public void main()
    -        {
    -            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
    -            var apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -            var body = new Pet(); // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -            try
    -            {
    -                // Add a new pet to the store
    -                apiInstance.addPet(body);
    -            }
    -            catch (Exception e)
    -            {
    -                Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.addPet: " + e.Message );
    -            }
    -        }
    +        defs["GetPaymentTransactionsRequest"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "event", "maximum_number", "my_institution", "payment_scenario_return_criteria", "time_window" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "my_institution" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Specifies an institution that is owned by the sender, for which the sender can ask payment transaction details.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +      },
    +      "maxItems" : 250
    +    },
    +    "time_window" : {
    +      "description" : "Time window for this institution to which the search applies.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/DateTimePeriodDetails"
    +    },
    +    "payment_scenario_return_criteria" : {
    +      "description" : "Criteria that specify which payment scenario is to be returned by the search.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentScenario2Code"
    +    },
    +    "agent" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Identifies agent(s) involved in a payment transaction.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/AgentType1"
    +      }
    +    },
    +    "location" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the location of the search.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Location1Code"
    +    },
    +    "instruction_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction.\n\nUsage: The instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages related to the instruction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "transaction_status" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentStatus3"
    +      }
    +    },
    +    "amount" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the amount range for a given currency and amount type.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AmountType1"
    +    },
    +    "event" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies one of the states of the payment transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentTransactionState1Code"
    +    },
    +    "subject_to_cancellation_process_indicator" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates whether only payment transactions under a past or present stop and recall process should be retrieved. \r\nAbsence means no.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/YesNoIndicator"
    +    },
    +    "maximum_number" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates the maximum number of entries returned.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Number"
    +    },
    +    "more" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the token to get the next set of responses.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max350Text"
    - -
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -try {
    -    $api_instance->addPet($body);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->addPet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    - -
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Pet->new(); # Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->addPet(body => $body);
    +  },
    +  "description" : "This API is a payment transaction search to get transaction-level information regarding all payments that match the search criteria. To have full information of a given payment transaction, the GetPaymentTransactionDetailsRequest can be used.\r\nExamples of use cases are:\r\n•\tInvestigation by a participating institution based on criteria given by a customer, such as instructed amount, time of initiation\r\n•\tFlow monitoring, for instance to find payments that are \"stuck\" for which the institution is the beneficiary institution\r\n•\tFeed a dashboard - give all payment transactions with their last status\r\n"
    -if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->addPet: $@\n";
    - -
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
    -# create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi()
    -body =  # Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -    # Add a new pet to the store
    -    api_instance.add_pet(body)
    -except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling PetApi->addPet: %s\n" % e)
    - -


    - - - -
    Body parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    body * - - - -
    - - - -



    Status: 405 - Invalid input

    - - - -
    - -



    Deletes a pet






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X DELETE "{petId}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | Pet id to delete
    -        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | 
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deletePet(petId, apiKey);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#deletePet");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +        defs["Location1Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Specifies the location of the search",
    +  "enum" : [ "OTHR", "MYIN" ]
    +        defs["Max1850Text"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "minLength" : 1,
    +  "maxLength" : 1850,
    +  "description" : "Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 1850 characters."
    +        defs["Max350Text"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "minLength" : 1,
    +  "maxLength" : 350,
    +  "description" : "Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 350 characters."
    +        defs["Max35Text"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "minLength" : 1,
    +  "maxLength" : 35,
    +  "description" : "Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 35 characters."
    +        defs["Max50Text"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "minLength" : 1,
    +  "maxLength" : 50,
    +  "description" : "Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 50 characters."
    +        defs["Number"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "maxLength" : 19,
    +  "description" : "Number of objects represented as an integer."
    +        defs["PaymentCancellationRejection3Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Returned when a request for cancellation cannot be executed.",
    +  "enum" : [ "AGNT", "ARDT", "INDM", "AC04", "CUST", "AM04", "LEGL", "NOAS", "NOOR" ]
    +        defs["PaymentCancellationStatusReason2Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "enum" : [ "S004", "S003", "S002", "S000", "S001" ]
    +        defs["PaymentCancellationStatusReason3Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "enum" : [ "S003", "S004" ]
    +        defs["PaymentEvent2"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "from", "received", "to" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "from" : {
    +      "description" : "The sending MessagingEndpoint that has created this Business Message for the receiving MessagingEndpoint that will process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote\tthe sending MessagingEndpoint might be different from the sending address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "to" : {
    +      "description" : "The MessagingEndpoint designated by the sending MessagingEndpoint to be the recipient who will ultimately process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote the receiving MessagingEndpoint might be different from the receiving address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "received" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates whether a payment has been received or not. ",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/YesNoIndicator"
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | Pet id to delete
    -        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | 
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deletePet(petId, apiKey);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#deletePet");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains elements identifying an event belonging to the transaction."
    +        defs["PaymentEvent3"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "from", "instruction_identification", "invalidity_reason", "message_name_identification", "network_reference", "participant", "uetr" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "uetr" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the unique end to end transaction reference of a payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UUIDv4Identifier"
    +    },
    +    "business_service" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the business service agreed between the two MessagingEndpoints under which rules this Business Message is exchanged.\r\nTo be used when there is a choice of processing services or processing service levels.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "participant" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates whether the requestor institution participates in the payment transaction identified by the unique end to end transaction reference identification  (UETR).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/YesNoIndicator"
    +    },
    +    "network_reference" : {
    +      "description" : "Reference assigned by the network when sending the payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max350Text"
    +    },
    +    "message_name_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "instruction_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction.\n\nUsage: The instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages related to the instruction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "from" : {
    +      "description" : "The sending MessagingEndpoint that has created this Business Message for the receiving MessagingEndpoint that will process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote\tthe sending MessagingEndpoint might be different from the sending address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "to" : {
    +      "description" : "The MessagingEndpoint designated by the sending MessagingEndpoint to be the recipient who will ultimately process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote the receiving MessagingEndpoint might be different from the receiving address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "invalidity_reason" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the reason why the event is invalid.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ExternalInvalidEventReason1Code"
    - -
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -Long *petId = 789; // Pet id to delete
    -String *apiKey = apiKey_example; //  (optional)
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// Deletes a pet
    -[apiInstance deletePetWith:petId
    -    apiKey:apiKey
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    -var petId = 789; // {Long} Pet id to delete
    -var opts = { 
    -  'apiKey': apiKey_example // {String} 
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains the details of an invalid payment event."
    -var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    -  if (error) {
    -    console.error(error);
    -  } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    -  }
    +        defs["PaymentEvent7"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "from", "last_update_time", "message_name_identification", "network_reference", "sender_acknowledgement_receipt", "to", "tracker_event_type", "valid" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "network_reference" : {
    +      "description" : "Reference assigned by the network when sending the payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max350Text"
    +    },
    +    "message_name_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "business_service" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the business service agreed between the two MessagingEndpoints under which rules this Business Message is exchanged.\r\nTo be used when there is a choice of processing services or processing service levels.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "tracker_event_type" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates the type of payment event.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/TrackerEventType1Code"
    +    },
    +    "valid" : {
    +      "description" : "Indicates if a payment is consistent (YES) or not (NO).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/YesNoIndicator"
    +    },
    +    "invalidity_reason" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the additional information in case the event is not a valid component of a payment transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ExternalInvalidPaymentsEvent1Code"
    +    },
    +    "invalidity_description" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains a textual description as to why the event is not a valid component of a payments transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max350Text"
    +    },
    +    "instruction_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction.\n\nUsage: The instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in several messages related to the instruction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "related_reference" : {
    +      "description" : "Identification referring to the underlying payment transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "case_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Uniquely identifies the case.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "original_instruction_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "assignment_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Uniquely identifies the case assignment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "resolved_case_identification" : {
    +      "description" : "Uniquely identifies the case.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "transaction_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentStatus3"
    +    },
    +    "underlying_cancellation_details" : {
    +      "description" : "Provides further information with regards to the cancellation of the payments event.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UnderlyingCancellationDetails2"
    +    },
    +    "forwarded_to_agent" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the BIC of the entity to which the entity reporting the status has forwarded the payment transaction.\r\nThis element can only be used in case the status is ACSP and the reason is G000 or G001.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "funds_available" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and time at which the funds are available,  as reported in the ACSC status update.\r\nMust only be used when TransactionStatus is \"ACSC\".",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "from" : {
    +      "description" : "The sending MessagingEndpoint that has created this Business Message for the receiving MessagingEndpoint that will process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote\tthe sending MessagingEndpoint might be different from the sending address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "to" : {
    +      "description" : "The MessagingEndpoint designated by the sending MessagingEndpoint to be the recipient who will ultimately process this Business Message.\r\n\r\nNote the receiving MessagingEndpoint might be different from the receiving address potentially contained in the transport header (as defined in the transport layer).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "originator" : {
    +      "description" : "Party that issues the status.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "serial_parties" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the parties involved in a serial payment scenario.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/CustomerCreditTransferTransactionParties1"
    +    },
    +    "cover_parties" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the parties involved in a cover payment scenario.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/CreditTransferTransactionParties1"
    +    },
    +    "sender_acknowledgement_receipt" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and time at which the sender was acknowledged receipt of the message.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "received_date" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and time at which the message was acknowledged by the receiver.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "instructed_amount" : {
    +      "description" : "Amount of money to be moved between the debtor (ordering customer) and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.\r\nUsage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"
    +    },
    +    "confirmed_amount" : {
    +      "description" : "The amount confirmed by the Originator. Depending on the Transaction Status, this amount can be the credited amount, pending amount, rejected amount or transferred amount.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"
    +    },
    +    "interbank_settlement_amount" : {
    +      "description" : "Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveCurrencyAndAmount"
    +    },
    +    "interbank_settlement_date" : {
    +      "description" : "Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODate"
    +    },
    +    "charge_bearer" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ChargeBearerType3Code"
    +    },
    +    "charge_amount" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Amount of money asked or paid for the charge.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"
    +      }
    +    },
    +    "foreign_exchange_details" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the exchange rate details between two currencies.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/CurrencyExchange8"
    +    },
    +    "update_payment" : {
    +      "description" : "Implements the correlation between a payment message and a status update on it. \r\nContains the network reference of the payment for which the status confirmation was applicable.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "duplicate_message_reference" : {
    +      "description" : "Network reference of the Payment that is the original recorded Payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max50Text"
    +    },
    +    "copied_business_service" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the copied business service of the market infrastructure.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max35Text"
    +    },
    +    "last_update_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Last date and time at which the status of this Payment event was updated.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains information coming from the related MT 199 or MT 103, or the StatusConfirmationUpdate."
    -api.deletePet(petId, opts, callback);
    - - -
    using System;
    -using System.Diagnostics;
    -using IO.Swagger.Api;
    -using IO.Swagger.Client;
    -using IO.Swagger.Model;
    -namespace Example
    -    public class deletePetExample
    -    {
    -        public void main()
    -        {
    -            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
    -            var apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -            var petId = 789;  // Long | Pet id to delete
    -            var apiKey = apiKey_example;  // String |  (optional) 
    -            try
    -            {
    -                // Deletes a pet
    -                apiInstance.deletePet(petId, apiKey);
    -            }
    -            catch (Exception e)
    -            {
    -                Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.deletePet: " + e.Message );
    -            }
    -        }
    +        defs["PaymentReason1Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Provides the reason for a specific Payment Status.",
    +  "enum" : [ "G002", "G004", "G000", "G001", "G003" ]
    +        defs["PaymentScenario1Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Describes the payment scenario used for a payment transaction.",
    +  "enum" : [ "COVE", "CCTR" ]
    +        defs["PaymentScenario2Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Describes the payment scenario used for a payment transaction.",
    +  "enum" : [ "CCTR", "COVE", "CTCO" ]
    +        defs["PaymentScenario3Code"] = {
    +  "type" : "string",
    +  "description" : "Describes the payment scenario used for a payment transaction.",
    +  "enum" : [ "COVE", "CCTW", "CCTC" ]
    +        defs["PaymentStatus3"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "status" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "status" : {
    +      "description" : "Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/TransactionIndividualStatus4Code"
    +    },
    +    "reason" : {
    +      "description" : "Provides more details on the status in process.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentReason1Code"
    - -
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$petId = 789; // Long | Pet id to delete
    -$apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | 
    -try {
    -    $api_instance->deletePet($petId, $apiKey);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->deletePet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    - -
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $petId = 789; # Long | Pet id to delete
    -my $apiKey = apiKey_example; # String | 
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->deletePet(petId => $petId, apiKey => $apiKey);
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Indicates the payment transaction status and optionally the reason for that status. "
    -if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->deletePet: $@\n";
    - -
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
    -# create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi()
    -petId = 789 # Long | Pet id to delete
    -apiKey = apiKey_example # String |  (optional)
    -    # Deletes a pet
    -    api_instance.delete_pet(petId, apiKey=apiKey)
    -except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling PetApi->deletePet: %s\n" % e)
    - -


    - -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    petId* - - -
    - - Long - - - (int64) - - -
    - Pet id to delete -
    - Required -
    - -
    Header parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    api_key - - -
    - - String - - -
    - - - - -



    Status: 400 - Invalid pet value

    - - - -
    - -



    Finds Pets by status



    Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X GET ""
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        array[String] status = ; // array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -        try {
    -            array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByStatus(status);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#findPetsByStatus");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +        defs["PaymentStatusType2Choice"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "raw_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the status of the payment taken from field 79 of the MT 199.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max1850Text"
    +    },
    +    "detailed_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the detailed status of the payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/StatusDetails2"
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        array[String] status = ; // array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -        try {
    -            array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByStatus(status);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#findPetsByStatus");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains the status of the payment, either as a raw status, or as a detailed status."
    +        defs["PaymentTransaction72"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "event_time", "initiation_time", "last_update_time", "my_institution", "payment_scenario_returned", "role", "transaction_status", "uetr" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "uetr" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the unique end to end transaction reference of a payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UUIDv4Identifier"
    +    },
    +    "payment_scenario_returned" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies which payment scenario is returned by the search.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentScenario3Code"
    +    },
    +    "my_institution" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies an institution that is owned by the sender, for which the sender can ask payment transaction details.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "role" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the role of the party in the payment chain.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentsPartyType2Code"
    +    },
    +    "event_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Time determined by the Role that the entity defined in MyInstitution is playing in this transaction.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "transaction_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentStatus3"
    +    },
    +    "cancellation_status" : {
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentTransactionCancellationStatus3"
    +    },
    +    "debtor_agent" : {
    +      "description" : "Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. \r\n\r\nDebtor Agent in this case only refers to FI to FI Customer Credit Transfers.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "debtor" : {
    +      "description" : "Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.\r\n\r\nDebtor in this case only refers to Financial Institution Credit Transfer with cover.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "agent" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Identifies the agent(s) currently participating in a transaction.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentEvent2"
    +      }
    +    },
    +    "creditor_agent" : {
    +      "description" : "Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "creditor" : {
    +      "description" : "Party to which an amount of money is due.\r\n\r\nThis role is only to be used in Financial Institution Credit Transfer with cover",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/AnyBICIdentifier"
    +    },
    +    "initiation_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and Time at which the message enters the Gpi system.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "completion_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Time at which the Instructed Bank reports that the transaction has been completed. \r\nDate and time based on the creation date of the status confirmation containing a final status ACSC.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "instructed_amount" : {
    +      "description" : "Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.\r\nThis amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"
    +    },
    +    "confirmed_amount" : {
    +      "description" : "The actual amount that has been paid to the ultimate beneficiary, after all charges etc... have been deducted.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"
    +    },
    +    "last_update_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Last date and time at which the status of this transaction was updated.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "cover_payment_event" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "Specifies the payment events related to the underlying cover payment.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/CoverPaymentEvent1"
    +      }
    - -
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -array[String] *status = ; // Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// Finds Pets by status
    -[apiInstance findPetsByStatusWith:status
    -              completionHandler: ^(array[Pet] output, NSError* error) {
    -                            if (output) {
    -                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
    -                            }
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    -var status = ; // {array[String]} Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    -  if (error) {
    -    console.error(error);
    -  } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
    -  }
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains details on the payment transaction."
    -api.findPetsByStatus(status, callback);
    - - -
    using System;
    -using System.Diagnostics;
    -using IO.Swagger.Api;
    -using IO.Swagger.Client;
    -using IO.Swagger.Model;
    -namespace Example
    -    public class findPetsByStatusExample
    -    {
    -        public void main()
    -        {
    -            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -            Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
    -            var apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -            var status = new array[String](); // array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -            try
    -            {
    -                // Finds Pets by status
    -                array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByStatus(status);
    -                Debug.WriteLine(result);
    -            }
    -            catch (Exception e)
    -            {
    -                Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.findPetsByStatus: " + e.Message );
    -            }
    -        }
    +        defs["PaymentTransaction76"] = {
    +  "type" : "object",
    +  "required" : [ "initiation_time", "last_update_time", "transaction_status", "uetr" ],
    +  "properties" : {
    +    "uetr" : {
    +      "description" : "Contains the unique end to end transaction reference of a payment.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/UUIDv4Identifier"
    +    },
    +    "transaction_status" : {
    +      "description" : "Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentStatus3"
    +    },
    +    "cancellation_status" : {
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentTransactionCancellationStatus1"
    +    },
    +    "initiation_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Date and Time at which the message enters the tracking system (e.g. gpi).",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "completion_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Time at which the Instructed Bank reports that the transaction has been completed. \r\nDate and time based on the creation date of the status confirmation containing a final status ACSC",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "last_update_time" : {
    +      "description" : "Last date and time at which the status of this transaction was updated.",
    +      "$ref" : "#/definitions/ISODateTime"
    +    },
    +    "payment_event" : {
    +      "type" : "array",
    +      "description" : "This groups the information of an event, i.e., of a payment message or status confirmation update. It is repeated as many times as there are events to be returned.",
    +      "items" : {
    +        "$ref" : "#/definitions/PaymentEvent7"
    +      }
    - -
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$status = ; // array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->findPetsByStatus($status);
    -    print_r($result);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByStatus: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    - -
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $status = []; # array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->findPetsByStatus(status => $status);
    -    print Dumper($result);
    +  },
    +  "description" : "Contains details on the payment transaction."
    -if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByStatus: $@\n";
    - -
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
    -# create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi()
    -status =  # array[String] | Status values that need to be considered for filter
    -    # Finds Pets by status
    -    api_response = api_instance.find_pets_by_status(status)
    -    pprint(api_response)
    -except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByStatus: %s\n" % e)
    - -


    - - - - - -
    Query parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    status* - - -
    - - array[String] - - -
    - Status values that need to be considered for filter -
    - Required -
    - -



    Status: 200 - successful operation

    - - - -
    - -
    - -
    + defs["UpdatePaymentStatusResponse"] = { + "type" : "object", + "required" : [ "network_reference" ], + "properties" : { + "network_reference" : { + "description" : "Reference assigned by the network.", + "$ref" : "#/definitions/Max350Text" + } + }, + "description" : "This API is the response to a status confirmation update to inform the tracker about the updated status of a given payment." +}; + defs["YesNoIndicator"] = { + "type" : "boolean", + "description" : "Indicates a \"Yes\" or \"No\" type of answer for an element." +}; + -

    Status: 400 - Invalid status value

    - +

    gpi API

    + +





    Finds Pets by tags




    Cancel Transaction


    Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.


    This API informs the tracker about the cancellation of a given transaction


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X GET ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/cancel_transaction"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.CancelTransactionApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class CancelTransactionApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        array[String] tags = ; // array[String] | Tags to filter by
    +        CancelTransactionApi apiInstance = new CancelTransactionApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a06.001.02 requestBody = ; // Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request
             try {
    -            array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByTags(tags);
    +            camt.a06.002.02 result = apiInstance.cancelTransactionPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#findPetsByTags");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi#cancelTransactionPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.CancelTransactionApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class CancelTransactionApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        array[String] tags = ; // array[String] | Tags to filter by
    +        CancelTransactionApi apiInstance = new CancelTransactionApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a06.001.02 requestBody = ; // Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request
             try {
    -            array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByTags(tags);
    +            camt.a06.002.02 result = apiInstance.cancelTransactionPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#findPetsByTags");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi#cancelTransactionPost");
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -array[String] *tags = ; // Tags to filter by
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// Finds Pets by tags
    -[apiInstance findPetsByTagsWith:tags
    -              completionHandler: ^(array[Pet] output, NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Boolean *signatureRequired = true; // a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true)
    +Camt.a06.001.02 *requestBody = ; // Cancel Transaction Request
    +CancelTransactionApi *apiInstance = [[CancelTransactionApi alloc] init];
    +// Cancel Transaction
    +[apiInstance cancelTransactionPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    signatureRequired:signatureRequired
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a06.002.02 output, NSError* error) {
                                 if (output) {
                                     NSLog(@"%@", output);
    @@ -2005,17 +2804,26 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    +var api = new GpiApi.CancelTransactionApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    +var signatureRequired = true; // {Boolean} a field indicating that a Signature is required
    -var tags = ; // {array[String]} Tags to filter by
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a06.001.02} Cancel Transaction Request
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    @@ -2025,14 +2833,14 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); } }; -api.findPetsByTags(tags, callback); +api.cancelTransactionPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -2041,26 +2849,30 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class findPetsByTagsExample + public class cancelTransactionPostExample { public void main() { - // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth - Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; - - var apiInstance = new PetApi(); - var tags = new array[String](); // array[String] | Tags to filter by + var apiInstance = new CancelTransactionApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true) + var requestBody = new Camt.a06.001.02(); // Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request try { - // Finds Pets by tags - array[Pet] result = apiInstance.findPetsByTags(tags); + // Cancel Transaction + camt.a06.002.02 result = apiInstance.cancelTransactionPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody); Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.findPetsByTags: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi.cancelTransactionPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -2068,93 +2880,240 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$tags = ; // array[String] | Tags to filter by
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\CancelTransactionApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request
     try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->findPetsByTags($tags);
    +    $result = $api_instance->cancelTransactionPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $signatureRequired, $requestBody);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByTags: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi->cancelTransactionPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $tags = []; # array[String] | Tags to filter by
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::CancelTransactionApi;
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::CancelTransactionApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $signatureRequired = true; # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a06.001.02->new(); # Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request
     eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->findPetsByTags(tags => $tags);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->cancelTransactionPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, signatureRequired => $signatureRequired, requestBody => $requestBody);
         print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByTags: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi->cancelTransactionPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
     from import ApiException
     from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
     # create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi()
    -tags =  # array[String] | Tags to filter by
    +api_instance = swagger_client.CancelTransactionApi()
    +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +signatureRequired = true # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true)
    +requestBody =  # Camt.a06.001.02 | Cancel Transaction Request
    -    # Finds Pets by tags
    -    api_response = api_instance.find_pets_by_tags(tags)
    +    # Cancel Transaction
    +    api_response = api_instance.cancel_transaction_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody)
     except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling PetApi->findPetsByTags: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling CancelTransactionApi->cancelTransactionPost: %s\n" % e)


    - - - -
    Query parameters
    Header parameters
    - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Name Description
    LAUApplicationID* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + Required +
    LAUVersion* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    LAUCallTime* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    LAURequestNonce* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    LAUSigned* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    LAUSignature* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded +
    + Required +
    SignatureRequired* -
    - array[String] + Boolean
    - Tags to filter by + a field indicating that a Signature is required
    @@ -2167,35 +3126,112 @@


    Body parameters
    + + + + + + + + + +
    requestBody * + + + +
    + + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: 200 - Cancel Transaction Response

    - + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded

    Status: 400 - Invalid tag value


    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    - -



    Find pet by ID



    Returns a single pet




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X GET -H "api_key: [[apiKey]]" "{petId}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
    -        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
    -        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
    -        //api_key.setApiKeyPrefix("Token");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to return
    -        try {
    -            Pet result = apiInstance.getPetById(petId);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#getPetById");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to return
    -        try {
    -            Pet result = apiInstance.getPetById(petId);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#getPetById");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: api_key)
    -[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"api_key"];
    -// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    -//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"api_key"];
    -Long *petId = 789; // ID of pet to return
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    + +
    + +
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    -// Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -var api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
    -api_key.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
    -// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
    -//api_key.apiKeyPrefix['api_key'] = "Token"

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi() - -var petId = 789; // {Long} ID of pet to return + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); +
    + +
    + +
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    + + -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi(); -$petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to return +
    + +
    + +
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    -# Configure API key authorization: api_key -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'api_key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY'; -# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed -#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'api_key'} = "Bearer"; + -eval { - my $result = $api_instance->getPetById(petId => $petId); - print Dumper($result); +
    + +
    + +
    - -


    - -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - - - -
    petId* - - -
    - - Long - - - (int64) - - -
    - ID of pet to return -
    - Required -

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    + +
    + +
    + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    - +

    Status: 400 - Invalid ID supplied


    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    + +
    + +

    Status: 404 - Pet not found


    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    + +
    + +






    Update an existing pet




    Get Changed Payment Transactions



    This API is a delta query to get all payment update information starting from a given date and time. This API allows synchronization of a local database with the tracker database.


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X PUT ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/get_changed_payment_transactions"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Pet body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +        GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi apiInstance = new GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a04.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.updatePet(body);
    +            camt.a04.002.03 result = apiInstance.getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#updatePet");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi#getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Pet body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +        GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi apiInstance = new GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a04.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.updatePet(body);
    +            camt.a04.002.03 result = apiInstance.getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#updatePet");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi#getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost");
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -Pet *body = ; // Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// Update an existing pet
    -[apiInstance updatePetWith:body
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Camt.a04.001.03 *requestBody = ; // Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
    +GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi *apiInstance = [[GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi alloc] init];
    +// Get Changed Payment Transactions
    +[apiInstance getChangedPaymentTransactionsPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a04.002.03 output, NSError* error) {
    +                            if (output) {
    +                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
    +                            }
                                 if (error) {
                                     NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    @@ -2682,34 +3770,41 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    +var api = new GpiApi.GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi()
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    -var body = ; // {Pet} Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a04.001.03} Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
       if (error) {
       } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    +    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
    -api.updatePet(body, callback);
    +api.getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -2718,25 +3813,29 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class updatePetExample + public class getChangedPaymentTransactionsPostExample { public void main() { - // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth - Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; - - var apiInstance = new PetApi(); - var body = new Pet(); // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store + var apiInstance = new GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var requestBody = new Camt.a04.001.03(); // Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request try { - // Update an existing pet - apiInstance.updatePet(body); + // Get Changed Payment Transactions + camt.a04.002.03 result = apiInstance.getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody); + Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.updatePet: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi.getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -2744,68 +3843,225 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$body = ; // Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
     try {
    -    $api_instance->updatePet($body);
    +    $result = $api_instance->getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $requestBody);
    +    print_r($result);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->updatePet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi->getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Pet->new(); # Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a04.001.03->new(); # Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
     eval { 
    -    $api_instance->updatePet(body => $body);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, requestBody => $requestBody);
    +    print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->updatePet: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi->getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
     from import ApiException
     from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
     # create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi()
    -body =  # Pet | Pet object that needs to be added to the store
    +api_instance = swagger_client.GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi()
    +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +requestBody =  # Camt.a04.001.03 | Last Changed Payment Transactions Request
    -    # Update an existing pet
    -    api_instance.update_pet(body)
    +    # Get Changed Payment Transactions
    +    api_response = api_instance.get_changed_payment_transactions_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody)
    +    pprint(api_response)
     except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling PetApi->updatePet: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling GetChangedPaymentTransactionsApi->getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost: %s\n" % e)


    Header parameters
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationID* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + Required +
    LAUVersion* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    LAUCallTime* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    LAURequestNonce* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    LAUSigned* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    LAUSignature* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded +
    + Required +
    Body parameters
    @@ -2813,7 +4069,7 @@


    - + @@ -2853,486 +4109,594 @@




    Status: 400 - Invalid ID supplied


    Status: 200 - Last Changed Payment Transactions Request

    + +
    + +
    Name Description
    body *
    requestBody * @@ -2821,11 +4077,11 @@


    $(document).ready(function() { var schemaWrapper = { "in" : "body", - "name" : "body", - "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store", + "name" : "request_body", + "description" : "Last Changed Payment Transactions Request", "required" : true, "schema" : { - "$ref" : "#/definitions/Pet" + "$ref" : "#/definitions/camt.a04.001.03" } }; var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; @@ -2839,12 +4095,12 @@


    } var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); - var result = $('#d2e199_updatePet_body'); + var result = $('#d2e199_getChangedPaymentTransactionsPost_requestBody'); result.empty(); result.append(view.render()); }); -
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded

    Status: 404 - Pet not found


    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    + +
    + +

    Status: 405 - Validation exception


    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    - -



    Updates a pet in the store with form data






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X POST "{petId}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet that needs to be updated
    -        String name = name_example; // String | Updated name of the pet
    -        String status = status_example; // String | Updated status of the pet
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.updatePetWithForm(petId, name, status);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#updatePetWithForm");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet that needs to be updated
    -        String name = name_example; // String | Updated name of the pet
    -        String status = status_example; // String | Updated status of the pet
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.updatePetWithForm(petId, name, status);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#updatePetWithForm");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -Long *petId = 789; // ID of pet that needs to be updated
    -String *name = name_example; // Updated name of the pet (optional)
    -String *status = status_example; // Updated status of the pet (optional)
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    + +
    + +
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    -var petId = 789; // {Long} ID of pet that needs to be updated + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully.'); +
    + +
    + +
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; + -eval { - $api_instance->updatePetWithForm(petId => $petId, name => $name, status => $status); +
    + +
    + +
    - -


    - -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - - - +
    petId* +

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    - - Long - - - (int64) - - -
    - ID of pet that needs to be updated -
    - Required -
    + +
    + +
    + +
    Form parameters
    - - - - - - - - +
    + +
    + +

    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    - - String - +
    - - + -
    name +

    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    + -
    - Updated name of the pet -
    - - - -
    + +
    + +



    Status: 405 - Invalid input


    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    + +
    + +






    uploads an image




    Get Invalid Events



    This API is a payment events' query to get invalid events for payment transactions within a given time frame. An event is either a payment or a status confirmation.


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X POST "{petId}/uploadImage"
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/get_invalid_events"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.GetInvalidEventsApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class GetInvalidEventsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -        OAuth petstore_auth = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("petstore_auth");
    -        petstore_auth.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to update
    -        String additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; // String | Additional data to pass to server
    -        File file = /path/to/file.txt; // File | file to upload
    +        GetInvalidEventsApi apiInstance = new GetInvalidEventsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a05.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request
             try {
    -            ApiResponse result = apiInstance.uploadFile(petId, additionalMetadata, file);
    +            camt.a05.002.03 result = apiInstance.getInvalidEventsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#uploadFile");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi#getInvalidEventsPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.PetApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.GetInvalidEventsApi;
    -public class PetApiExample {
    +public class GetInvalidEventsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        PetApi apiInstance = new PetApi();
    -        Long petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to update
    -        String additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; // String | Additional data to pass to server
    -        File file = /path/to/file.txt; // File | file to upload
    +        GetInvalidEventsApi apiInstance = new GetInvalidEventsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a05.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request
             try {
    -            ApiResponse result = apiInstance.uploadFile(petId, additionalMetadata, file);
    +            camt.a05.002.03 result = apiInstance.getInvalidEventsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling PetApi#uploadFile");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi#getInvalidEventsPost");
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: petstore_auth)
    -[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
    -Long *petId = 789; // ID of pet to update
    -String *additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; // Additional data to pass to server (optional)
    -File *file = /path/to/file.txt; // file to upload (optional)
    -PetApi *apiInstance = [[PetApi alloc] init];
    -// uploads an image
    -[apiInstance uploadFileWith:petId
    -    additionalMetadata:additionalMetadata
    -    file:file
    -              completionHandler: ^(ApiResponse output, NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Camt.a05.001.03 *requestBody = ; // Payment Event Request
    +GetInvalidEventsApi *apiInstance = [[GetInvalidEventsApi alloc] init];
    +// Get Invalid Events
    +[apiInstance getInvalidEventsPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a05.002.03 output, NSError* error) {
                                 if (output) {
                                     NSLog(@"%@", output);
    @@ -3343,22 +4707,25 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -var petstore_auth = defaultClient.authentications['petstore_auth'];
    -petstore_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
    +var api = new GpiApi.GetInvalidEventsApi()
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.PetApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    -var petId = 789; // {Long} ID of pet to update
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a05.001.03} Payment Event Request
    -var opts = { 
    -  'additionalMetadata': additionalMetadata_example, // {String} Additional data to pass to server
    -  'file': /path/to/file.txt // {File} file to upload
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
       if (error) {
    @@ -3367,14 +4734,14 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); } }; -api.uploadFile(petId, opts, callback); +api.getInvalidEventsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -3383,28 +4750,29 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class uploadFileExample + public class getInvalidEventsPostExample { public void main() { - // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth - Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; - - var apiInstance = new PetApi(); - var petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to update - var additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; // String | Additional data to pass to server (optional) - var file = new File(); // File | file to upload (optional) + var apiInstance = new GetInvalidEventsApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var requestBody = new Camt.a05.001.03(); // Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request try { - // uploads an image - ApiResponse result = apiInstance.uploadFile(petId, additionalMetadata, file); + // Get Invalid Events + camt.a05.002.03 result = apiInstance.getInvalidEventsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody); Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling PetApi.uploadFile: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi.getInvalidEventsPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -3412,98 +4780,145 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi();
    -$petId = 789; // Long | ID of pet to update
    -$additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; // String | Additional data to pass to server
    -$file = /path/to/file.txt; // File | file to upload
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\GetInvalidEventsApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request
     try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->uploadFile($petId, $additionalMetadata, $file);
    +    $result = $api_instance->getInvalidEventsPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $requestBody);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling PetApi->uploadFile: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi->getInvalidEventsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi;
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::GetInvalidEventsApi;
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::PetApi->new();
    -my $petId = 789; # Long | ID of pet to update
    -my $additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example; # String | Additional data to pass to server
    -my $file = /path/to/file.txt; # File | file to upload
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::GetInvalidEventsApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a05.001.03->new(); # Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request
     eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->uploadFile(petId => $petId, additionalMetadata => $additionalMetadata, file => $file);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->getInvalidEventsPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, requestBody => $requestBody);
         print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling PetApi->uploadFile: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi->getInvalidEventsPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
     from import ApiException
     from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: petstore_auth
    -swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
    +# create an instance of the API class
    +api_instance = swagger_client.GetInvalidEventsApi()
    +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +requestBody =  # Camt.a05.001.03 | Payment Event Request
    +    # Get Invalid Events
    +    api_response = api_instance.get_invalid_events_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody)
    +    pprint(api_response)
    +except ApiException as e:
    +    print("Exception when calling GetInvalidEventsApi->getInvalidEventsPost: %s\n" % e)
    + +


    + + +
    Header parameters
    + + + + + + + + + + + + -
    Path parameters
    LAUApplicationID* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + Required +
    LAUVersion* -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.PetApi() -petId = 789 # Long | ID of pet to update -additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata_example # String | Additional data to pass to server (optional) -file = /path/to/file.txt # File | file to upload (optional) -try: - # uploads an image - api_response = api_instance.upload_file(petId, additionalMetadata=additionalMetadata, file=file) - pprint(api_response) -except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling PetApi->uploadFile: %s\n" % e) - - +
    + + String + -


    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    - - - - - + -
    LAUCallTime* -
    - Long + String - - (int64) -
    - ID of pet to update + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    @@ -3514,21 +4929,34 @@


    + LAURequestNonce* + + +
    + + String + +
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    + + -
    Form parameters
    - - - - - - + - + @@ -3566,33 +5000,330 @@


    LAUSigned* -
    @@ -3536,29 +4964,35 @@


    - Additional data to pass to server + service specific HTTP headers
    + Required +
    LAUSignature* -
    - File + String
    - file to upload + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    + Required +
    Body parameters
    + + + + + + + + + +
    requestBody * + + + +
    + + + +



    Status: 200 - Payment Events Response

    + + + +
    + +
    + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    + +

    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    + + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    + + + +
    + +
    + +
    + +

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    + + + +
    + +
    + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    - +





    Delete purchase order by ID



    For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X DELETE "{orderId}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    -        String orderId = orderId_example; // String | ID of the order that needs to be deleted
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deleteOrder(orderId);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#deleteOrder");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    -        String orderId = orderId_example; // String | ID of the order that needs to be deleted
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deleteOrder(orderId);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#deleteOrder");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    String *orderId = orderId_example; // ID of the order that needs to be deleted
    -StoreApi *apiInstance = [[StoreApi alloc] init];
    -// Delete purchase order by ID
    -[apiInstance deleteOrderWith:orderId
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.StoreApi()

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    -var orderId = orderId_example; // {String} ID of the order that needs to be deleted + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully.'); +
    + +
    + +
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\StoreApi();
    -$orderId = orderId_example; // String | ID of the order that needs to be deleted
    -try {
    -    $api_instance->deleteOrder($orderId);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling StoreApi->deleteOrder: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::StoreApi;
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->deleteOrder(orderId => $orderId);
    + +
    + +
    - -


    - -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    orderId* - - -
    - - String - - -
    - ID of the order that needs to be deleted -
    - Required -
    - - - - -



    Status: 400 - Invalid ID supplied


    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    + +
    + +

    Status: 404 - Order not found


    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    + +
    + +






    Returns pet inventories by status




    Get Payment Transaction Details


    Returns a map of status codes to quantities


    This API is a payment query to get detailed information regarding a given payment. It requires the UETR to be known.


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X GET -H "api_key: [[apiKey]]" ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/get_payment_transaction_details"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    +public class GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    -        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
    -        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
    -        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
    -        //api_key.setApiKeyPrefix("Token");
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    +        GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a02.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request
             try {
    -            map['String', 'Integer'] result = apiInstance.getInventory();
    +            camt.a02.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#getInventory");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi#getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    +public class GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    +        GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a02.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request
             try {
    -            map['String', 'Integer'] result = apiInstance.getInventory();
    +            camt.a02.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#getInventory");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi#getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost");
    Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
    -// Configure API key authorization: (authentication scheme: api_key)
    -[apiConfig setApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"api_key"];
    -// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    -//[apiConfig setApiKeyPrefix:@"Bearer" forApiKeyIdentifier:@"api_key"];
    -StoreApi *apiInstance = [[StoreApi alloc] init];
    -// Returns pet inventories by status
    -[apiInstance getInventoryWithCompletionHandler: 
    -              ^(map['String', 'Integer'] output, NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Camt.a02.001.03 *requestBody = ; // Payment Transaction Request
    +GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi *apiInstance = [[GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi alloc] init];
    +// Get Payment Transaction Details
    +[apiInstance getPaymentTransactionDetailsPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a02.002.03 output, NSError* error) {
                                 if (output) {
                                     NSLog(@"%@", output);
    @@ -3984,17 +5644,25 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var defaultClient = SwaggerPetstore.ApiClient.instance;
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    +var api = new GpiApi.GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    -// Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -var api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
    -api_key.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
    -// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
    -//api_key.apiKeyPrefix['api_key'] = "Token"
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a02.001.03} Payment Transaction Request
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.StoreApi()
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
       if (error) {
    @@ -4003,14 +5671,14 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); } }; -api.getInventory(callback); +api.getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -4019,27 +5687,29 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class getInventoryExample + public class getPaymentTransactionDetailsPostExample { public void main() { - // Configure API key authorization: api_key - Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY"); - // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed - // Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("api_key", "Bearer"); - - var apiInstance = new StoreApi(); + var apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var requestBody = new Camt.a02.001.03(); // Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request try { - // Returns pet inventories by status - map['String', 'Integer'] result = apiInstance.getInventory(); + // Get Payment Transaction Details + camt.a02.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody); Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling StoreApi.getInventory: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi.getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -4047,108 +5717,421 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -// Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
    -// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    -// Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('api_key', 'Bearer');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\StoreApi();
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request
     try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->getInventory();
    +    $result = $api_instance->getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $requestBody);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling StoreApi->getInventory: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi->getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::StoreApi;
    -# Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key->{'api_key'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
    -# uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    -#$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::api_key_prefix->{'api_key'} = "Bearer";
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi;
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::StoreApi->new();
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a02.001.03->new(); # Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request
     eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->getInventory();
    +    my $result = $api_instance->getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, requestBody => $requestBody);
         print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling StoreApi->getInventory: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi->getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
     from import ApiException
     from pprint import pprint
    -# Configure API key authorization: api_key
    -swagger_client.configuration.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    -# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    -# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Bearer'
     # create an instance of the API class
    -api_instance = swagger_client.StoreApi()
    +api_instance = swagger_client.GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi()
    +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +requestBody =  # Camt.a02.001.03 | Payment Transaction Request
    -    # Returns pet inventories by status
    -    api_response = api_instance.get_inventory()
    +    # Get Payment Transaction Details
    +    api_response = api_instance.get_payment_transaction_details_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody)
     except ApiException as e:
    -    print("Exception when calling StoreApi->getInventory: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionDetailsApi->getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost: %s\n" % e)
    + +


    + + +
    Header parameters
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationID* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + Required +
    LAUVersion* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    LAUCallTime* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    LAURequestNonce* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    LAUSigned* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    LAUSignature* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded +
    + Required +
    + +
    Body parameters
    + + + + + + + + + +
    requestBody * + + + +
    + + + +



    Status: 200 - Payment Transaction Response

    + + + +
    + +
    + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    - -


    - - - - - -



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    - +



    Find purchase order by ID



    For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X GET "{orderId}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    -        Long orderId = 789; // Long | ID of pet that needs to be fetched
    -        try {
    -            Order result = apiInstance.getOrderById(orderId);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#getOrderById");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    -public class StoreApiExample { +
    - -
    Long *orderId = 789; // ID of pet that needs to be fetched
    -StoreApi *apiInstance = [[StoreApi alloc] init];
    + +
    + +
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.StoreApi()

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    -var orderId = 789; // {Long} ID of pet that needs to be fetched + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); +
    + +
    + +
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\StoreApi();
    -$orderId = 789; // Long | ID of pet that needs to be fetched
    -try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->getOrderById($orderId);
    -    print_r($result);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling StoreApi->getOrderById: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::StoreApi;
    -eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->getOrderById(orderId => $orderId);
    -    print Dumper($result);
    + +
    + +
    - -


    - -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - - - -
    orderId* - - -
    - - Long - - - (int64) - - -
    - ID of pet that needs to be fetched -
    - Required -

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    + +
    + +
    + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    - +

    Status: 400 - Invalid ID supplied


    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    - -
    - -

    Status: 404 - Order not found

  • + Schema +
  • -
    - -



    Place an order for a pet






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X POST ""
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    -        Order body = ; // Order | order placed for purchasing the pet
    -        try {
    -            Order result = apiInstance.placeOrder(body);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#placeOrder");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.StoreApi;
    -public class StoreApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        StoreApi apiInstance = new StoreApi();
    -        Order body = ; // Order | order placed for purchasing the pet
    -        try {
    -            Order result = apiInstance.placeOrder(body);
    -            System.out.println(result);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling StoreApi#placeOrder");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    Order *body = ; // order placed for purchasing the pet
    -StoreApi *apiInstance = [[StoreApi alloc] init];
    -// Place an order for a pet
    -[apiInstance placeOrderWith:body
    -              completionHandler: ^(Order output, NSError* error) {
    -                            if (output) {
    -                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
    -                            }
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.StoreApi()
    -var body = ; // {Order} order placed for purchasing the pet
    -var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    -  if (error) {
    -    console.error(error);
    -  } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
    + +
    + +
    - -


    - +

    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    Body parameters
    - - - - - - - - - -
    body * + - -
    - + var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; + if (schema.$ref != null) { + schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); + } else { + schemaWrapper.definitions = defs; + $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { + console.log(err); + }); + } + //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); + var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); + $('#responses-getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost-504-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); + var result = $('#responses-getPaymentTransactionDetailsPost-504-schema-504'); + result.empty(); + result.append(view.render()); + }); + +
    + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: default - Unexpected error

    - +

    Status: 400 - Invalid Order

    - - - -








    Create user




    Get Payment Transactions


    This can only be done by the logged in user.


    This API is a payment transaction search to get transaction-level information regarding all payments that match the search criteria.


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X POST ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/get_payment_transactions"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.GetPaymentTransactionsApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class GetPaymentTransactionsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        User body = ; // User | Created user object
    +        GetPaymentTransactionsApi apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a03.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.createUser(body);
    +            camt.a03.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#createUser");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi#getPaymentTransactionsPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.GetPaymentTransactionsApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class GetPaymentTransactionsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        User body = ; // User | Created user object
    +        GetPaymentTransactionsApi apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Camt.a03.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.createUser(body);
    +            camt.a03.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#createUser");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi#getPaymentTransactionsPost");
    User *body = ; // Created user object
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    -// Create user
    -[apiInstance createUserWith:body
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Camt.a03.001.03 *requestBody = ; // Payment Transactions Request
    +GetPaymentTransactionsApi *apiInstance = [[GetPaymentTransactionsApi alloc] init];
    +// Get Payment Transactions
    +[apiInstance getPaymentTransactionsPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a03.002.03 output, NSError* error) {
    +                            if (output) {
    +                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
    +                            }
                                 if (error) {
                                     NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    @@ -4891,29 +6624,41 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    +var api = new GpiApi.GetPaymentTransactionsApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    -var body = ; // {User} Created user object
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a03.001.03} Payment Transactions Request
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
       if (error) {
       } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    +    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
    -api.createUser(body, callback);
    +api.getPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -4922,22 +6667,29 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class createUserExample + public class getPaymentTransactionsPostExample { public void main() { - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var body = new User(); // User | Created user object + var apiInstance = new GetPaymentTransactionsApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var requestBody = new Camt.a03.001.03(); // Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request try { - // Create user - apiInstance.createUser(body); + // Get Payment Transactions + camt.a03.002.03 result = apiInstance.getPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody); + Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.createUser: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi.getPaymentTransactionsPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -4945,38 +6697,52 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    -$body = ; // User | Created user object
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\GetPaymentTransactionsApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request
     try {
    -    $api_instance->createUser($body);
    +    $result = $api_instance->getPaymentTransactionsPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $requestBody);
    +    print_r($result);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->createUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi->getPaymentTransactionsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::GetPaymentTransactionsApi;
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new();
    -my $body = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::User->new(); # User | Created user object
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::GetPaymentTransactionsApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a03.001.03->new(); # Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request
     eval { 
    -    $api_instance->createUser(body => $body);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->getPaymentTransactionsPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, requestBody => $requestBody);
    +    print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling UserApi->createUser: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi->getPaymentTransactionsPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
    @@ -4984,20 +6750,172 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    from pprint import pprint # create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -body = # User | Created user object +api_instance = swagger_client.GetPaymentTransactionsApi() +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) +requestBody = # Camt.a03.001.03 | Payment Transactions Request try: - # Create user - api_instance.create_user(body) + # Get Payment Transactions + api_response = api_instance.get_payment_transactions_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, requestBody) + pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling UserApi->createUser: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling GetPaymentTransactionsApi->getPaymentTransactionsPost: %s\n" % e)


    Header parameters
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationID* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + Required +
    LAUVersion* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    LAUCallTime* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    LAURequestNonce* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    LAUSigned* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    LAUSignature* + + +
    + + String + + +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded +
    + Required +
    Body parameters
    @@ -5005,7 +6923,7 @@


    - + @@ -5045,368 +6963,644 @@




    Status: default - successful operation


    Status: 200 - Payment Transactions Response

    + +
    + +
    Name Description
    body *
    requestBody * @@ -5013,11 +6931,11 @@


    $(document).ready(function() { var schemaWrapper = { "in" : "body", - "name" : "body", - "description" : "Created user object", + "name" : "request_body", + "description" : "Payment Transactions Request", "required" : true, "schema" : { - "$ref" : "#/definitions/User" + "$ref" : "#/definitions/camt.a03.001.03" } }; var schema = schemaWrapper.schema; @@ -5031,12 +6949,12 @@


    } var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); - var result = $('#d2e199_createUser_body'); + var result = $('#d2e199_getPaymentTransactionsPost_requestBody'); result.empty(); result.append(view.render()); }); -
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded



    Creates list of users with given input array






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - +

    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    curl -X POST ""
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    + +
    + +
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    -public class UserApiExample { +
    - -
    array[User] *body = ; // List of user object
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    + +
    + +
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    -var body = ; // {array[User]} List of user object + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully.'); +
    + +
    + +
    -namespace Example -{ - public class createUsersWithArrayInputExample - { - public void main() - { - - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var body = new array[User](); // array[User] | List of user object +

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    - try - { - // Creates list of users with given input array - apiInstance.createUsersWithArrayInput(body); - } - catch (Exception e) - { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.createUsersWithArrayInput: " + e.Message ); - } - } - } -} -
    + -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi(); -$body = ; // array[User] | List of user object +
    + +
    + +
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    + + -eval { - $api_instance->createUsersWithArrayInput(body => $body); +
    + +
    + +
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint

    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -body = # array[User] | List of user object +
    + -


    + +
    + +

    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    Body parameters
    - - - - - - - - +
    body * + - + + + + + +

    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    - var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); - var result = $('#d2e199_createUsersWithArrayInput_body'); - result.empty(); - result.append(view.render()); -}); - -
    + +
    + +
    + +



    Status: default - successful operation


    Status: default - Unexpected error

    + +
    + +






    Creates list of users with given input array




    Status Confirmations



    This API is a status confirmation update to inform the tracker about the updated status of a given payment


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X POST ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/status_confirmations"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.StatusConfirmationsApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class StatusConfirmationsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        array[User] body = ; // array[User] | List of user object
    +        StatusConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new StatusConfirmationsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a01.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.createUsersWithListInput(body);
    +            camt.a01.002.02 result = apiInstance.statusConfirmationsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#createUsersWithListInput");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi#statusConfirmationsPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.StatusConfirmationsApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class StatusConfirmationsApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        array[User] body = ; // array[User] | List of user object
    +        StatusConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new StatusConfirmationsApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a01.001.03 requestBody = ; // Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request
             try {
    -            apiInstance.createUsersWithListInput(body);
    +            camt.a01.002.02 result = apiInstance.statusConfirmationsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
    +            System.out.println(result);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#createUsersWithListInput");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi#statusConfirmationsPost");
    array[User] *body = ; // List of user object
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    -// Creates list of users with given input array
    -[apiInstance createUsersWithListInputWith:body
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[Update/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Boolean *signatureRequired = true; // a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true)
    +Camt.a01.001.03 *requestBody = ; // Status Confirmation Request
    +StatusConfirmationsApi *apiInstance = [[StatusConfirmationsApi alloc] init];
    +// Status Confirmations
    +[apiInstance statusConfirmationsPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    signatureRequired:signatureRequired
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a01.002.02 output, NSError* error) {
    +                            if (output) {
    +                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
    +                            }
                                 if (error) {
                                     NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    @@ -5414,29 +7608,43 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    +var api = new GpiApi.StatusConfirmationsApi()
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    -var body = ; // {array[User]} List of user object
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded
    +var signatureRequired = true; // {Boolean} a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a01.001.03} Status Confirmation Request
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
       if (error) {
       } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    +    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
    -api.createUsersWithListInput(body, callback);
    +api.statusConfirmationsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -5445,22 +7653,30 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class createUsersWithListInputExample + public class statusConfirmationsPostExample { public void main() { - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var body = new array[User](); // array[User] | List of user object + var apiInstance = new StatusConfirmationsApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[Update/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true) + var requestBody = new Camt.a01.001.03(); // Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request try { - // Creates list of users with given input array - apiInstance.createUsersWithListInput(body); + // Status Confirmations + camt.a01.002.02 result = apiInstance.statusConfirmationsPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody); + Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.createUsersWithListInput: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi.statusConfirmationsPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -5468,38 +7684,54 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    -$body = ; // array[User] | List of user object
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\StatusConfirmationsApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded
    +$signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request
     try {
    -    $api_instance->createUsersWithListInput($body);
    +    $result = $api_instance->statusConfirmationsPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $signatureRequired, $requestBody);
    +    print_r($result);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->createUsersWithListInput: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi->statusConfirmationsPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new();
    -my $body = [WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::array[User]->new()]; # array[User] | List of user object
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::StatusConfirmationsApi;
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::StatusConfirmationsApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded
    +my $signatureRequired = true; # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a01.001.03->new(); # Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request
     eval { 
    -    $api_instance->createUsersWithListInput(body => $body);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->statusConfirmationsPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, signatureRequired => $signatureRequired, requestBody => $requestBody);
    +    print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling UserApi->createUsersWithListInput: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi->statusConfirmationsPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
    @@ -5507,301 +7739,185 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    from pprint import pprint # create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -body = # array[User] | List of user object +api_instance = swagger_client.StatusConfirmationsApi() +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[Update/Scope/cclabeb0])) +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) +signatureRequired = true # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true) +requestBody = # Camt.a01.001.03 | Status Confirmation Request try: - # Creates list of users with given input array - api_instance.create_users_with_list_input(body) + # Status Confirmations + api_response = api_instance.status_confirmations_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody) + pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling UserApi->createUsersWithListInput: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling StatusConfirmationsApi->statusConfirmationsPost: %s\n" % e)


    - -
    Body parameters
    Header parameters
    - + -
    Name Description
    body *
    LAUApplicationID* - -
    + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys +
    + +
    + Required +
    + +
    - - - -



    Status: default - successful operation

    - - - -
    - -



    Delete user



    This can only be done by the logged in user.




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X DELETE "{username}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        String username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be deleted
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deleteUser(username);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#deleteUser");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        String username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be deleted
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.deleteUser(username);
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#deleteUser");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    String *username = username_example; // The name that needs to be deleted
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    -// Delete user
    -[apiInstance deleteUserWith:username
    -              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    + LAUVersion* + -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()
    + + String + -var username = username_example; // {String} The name that needs to be deleted +
    + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release +
    + Required +
    + + + LAUCallTime* + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully.'); - } -}; -api.deleteUser(username, callback); -
    - -
    using System;
    -using System.Diagnostics;
    -using IO.Swagger.Api;
    -using IO.Swagger.Client;
    -using IO.Swagger.Model;
    + + String + -namespace Example -{ - public class deleteUserExample - { - public void main() - { - - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be deleted +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    + + - try - { - // Delete user - apiInstance.deleteUser(username); - } - catch (Exception e) - { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.deleteUser: " + e.Message ); - } - } - } -} -
    + LAURequestNonce* + -
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    -$username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be deleted
    + + String + -try { - $api_instance->deleteUser($username); -} catch (Exception $e) { - echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->deleteUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; -} -?>
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    + + -
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    +                                  LAUSigned*
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new();
    -my $username = username_example; # String | The name that needs to be deleted
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->deleteUser(username => $username);
    -if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling UserApi->deleteUser: $@\n";
    + + String + -
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    + + -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -username = username_example # String | The name that needs to be deleted + LAUSignature* + -try: - # Delete user - api_instance.delete_user(username) -except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling UserApi->deleteUser: %s\n" % e) -


    + + String + -
    Path parameters
    - - - - - - +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 encoded +
    + +
    + Required +
    + + + + + +
    SignatureRequired* -
    - String + Boolean
    - The name that needs to be deleted + a field indicating that a Signature is required
    @@ -5814,301 +7930,545 @@


    Body parameters
    + + + + + + + + +
    requestBody * + + + +



    Status: 400 - Invalid username supplied


    Status: 200 - Status Confirmation Response

    + +
    + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded

    Status: 404 - User not found


    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    + +
    + +
    - -



    Get user by user name






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - +

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    curl -X GET "{username}"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    + +
    + +
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    -public class UserApiExample { +
    - -
    String *username = username_example; // The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. 
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    + +
    + +
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    -var username = username_example; // {String} The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); +
    + +
    + +
    -namespace Example -{ - public class getUserByNameExample - { - public void main() - { - - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. +

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    - try - { - // Get user by user name - User result = apiInstance.getUserByName(username); - Debug.WriteLine(result); - } - catch (Exception e) - { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.getUserByName: " + e.Message ); - } - } - } -} -
    + -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi(); -$username = username_example; // String | The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. +
    + +
    + +
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;

    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new(); -my $username = username_example; # String | The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. - -eval { - my $result = $api_instance->getUserByName(username => $username); - print Dumper($result); -}; -if ($@) { - warn "Exception when calling UserApi->getUserByName: $@\n"; -}
    + -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -username = username_example # String | The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. +
    + +
    + +



    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    Path parameters
    - - - - - - -
    username* + -
    - - String - +
    + +
    + +

    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    + +
    + +
    + +



    Status: 200 - successful operation


    Status: default - Unexpected error

    - +

    Status: 400 - Invalid username supplied

    - - - -
    - -

    Status: 404 - User not found

    - - - -

    + +





    Logs user into the system




    Transaction Cancellation Status



    This call informs the tracker about the updated status of a given payment


    Usage and SDK Samples

    curl -X GET ""
    curl -X POST "https://local-api-domain/swift-apitracker-pilot/v2/transaction_cancellation_status"
    import io.swagger.client.*;
     import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
     import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    +import io.swagger.client.api.TransactionCancellationStatusApi;
     import java.util.*;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class TransactionCancellationStatusApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        String username = username_example; // String | The user name for login
    -        String password = password_example; // String | The password for login in clear text
    +        TransactionCancellationStatusApi apiInstance = new TransactionCancellationStatusApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a07.001.02 requestBody = ; // Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request
             try {
    -            'String' result = apiInstance.loginUser(username, password);
    +            camt.a07.002.02 result = apiInstance.transactionCancellationStatusPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#loginUser");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi#transactionCancellationStatusPost");
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    import io.swagger.client.api.TransactionCancellationStatusApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    +public class TransactionCancellationStatusApiExample {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        String username = username_example; // String | The user name for login
    -        String password = password_example; // String | The password for login in clear text
    +        TransactionCancellationStatusApi apiInstance = new TransactionCancellationStatusApi();
    +        String lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +        String lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +        String lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +        String lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +        String lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +        String lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +        Boolean signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +        Camt.a07.001.02 requestBody = ; // Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request
             try {
    -            'String' result = apiInstance.loginUser(username, password);
    +            camt.a07.002.02 result = apiInstance.transactionCancellationStatusPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody);
             } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#loginUser");
    +            System.err.println("Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi#transactionCancellationStatusPost");
    String *username = username_example; // The user name for login
    -String *password = password_example; // The password for login in clear text
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    -// Logs user into the system
    -[apiInstance loginUserWith:username
    -    password:password
    -              completionHandler: ^('String' output, NSError* error) {
    String *lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001)
    +String *lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0)
    +String *lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z)
    +String *lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074)
    +String *lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0]))
    +String *lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==)
    +Boolean *signatureRequired = true; // a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true)
    +Camt.a07.001.02 *requestBody = ; // Transaction Cancellation Status Request
    +TransactionCancellationStatusApi *apiInstance = [[TransactionCancellationStatusApi alloc] init];
    +// Transaction Cancellation Status
    +[apiInstance transactionCancellationStatusPostWith:lAUApplicationID
    +    lAUVersion:lAUVersion
    +    lAUCallTime:lAUCallTime
    +    lAURequestNonce:lAURequestNonce
    +    lAUSigned:lAUSigned
    +    lAUSignature:lAUSignature
    +    signatureRequired:signatureRequired
    +    requestBody:requestBody
    +              completionHandler: ^(camt.a07.002.02 output, NSError* error) {
                                 if (output) {
                                     NSLog(@"%@", output);
    @@ -6250,14 +8621,26 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    var GpiApi = require('gpi_api');
    +var api = new GpiApi.TransactionCancellationStatusApi()
    +var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // {String} ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // {String} version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // {String} timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // {String} a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()
    +var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // {String} service specific HTTP headers
    -var username = username_example; // {String} The user name for login
    +var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // {String} contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    -var password = password_example; // {String} The password for login in clear text
    +var signatureRequired = true; // {Boolean} a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +var requestBody = ; // {Camt.a07.001.02} Transaction Cancellation Status Request
     var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    @@ -6267,14 +8650,14 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); } }; -api.loginUser(username, password, callback); +api.transactionCancellationStatusPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody, callback);
    - -
    using System;
     using System.Diagnostics;
     using IO.Swagger.Api;
    @@ -6283,24 +8666,30 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    namespace Example { - public class loginUserExample + public class transactionCancellationStatusPostExample { public void main() { - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); - var username = username_example; // String | The user name for login - var password = password_example; // String | The password for login in clear text + var apiInstance = new TransactionCancellationStatusApi(); + var lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) + var lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) + var lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) + var lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) + var lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) + var lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) + var signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true) + var requestBody = new Camt.a07.001.02(); // Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request try { - // Logs user into the system - 'String' result = apiInstance.loginUser(username, password); + // Transaction Cancellation Status + camt.a07.002.02 result = apiInstance.transactionCancellationStatusPost(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody); Debug.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.loginUser: " + e.Message ); + Debug.Print("Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi.transactionCancellationStatusPost: " + e.Message ); } } } @@ -6308,42 +8697,54 @@

    Usage and SDK Samples

     require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    -$username = username_example; // String | The user name for login
    -$password = password_example; // String | The password for login in clear text
    +$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\TransactionCancellationStatusApi();
    +$lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; // String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +$lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; // String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +$lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; // String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +$lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; // String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +$lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; // String | service specific HTTP headers
    +$lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; // String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +$signatureRequired = true; // Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +$requestBody = ; // Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request
     try {
    -    $result = $api_instance->loginUser($username, $password);
    +    $result = $api_instance->transactionCancellationStatusPost($lAUApplicationID, $lAUVersion, $lAUCallTime, $lAURequestNonce, $lAUSigned, $lAUSignature, $signatureRequired, $requestBody);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->loginUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    +    echo 'Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi->transactionCancellationStatusPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
    use Data::Dumper;
     use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new();
    -my $username = username_example; # String | The user name for login
    -my $password = password_example; # String | The password for login in clear text
    +use WWW::SwaggerClient::TransactionCancellationStatusApi;
    +my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::TransactionCancellationStatusApi->new();
    +my $lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example; # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    +my $lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example; # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    +my $lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example; # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    +my $lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example; # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    +my $lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example; # String | service specific HTTP headers
    +my $lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example; # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    +my $signatureRequired = true; # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required
    +my $requestBody = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::Camt.a07.001.02->new(); # Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request
     eval { 
    -    my $result = $api_instance->loginUser(username => $username, password => $password);
    +    my $result = $api_instance->transactionCancellationStatusPost(lAUApplicationID => $lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion => $lAUVersion, lAUCallTime => $lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce => $lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned => $lAUSigned, lAUSignature => $lAUSignature, signatureRequired => $signatureRequired, requestBody => $requestBody);
         print Dumper($result);
     if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling UserApi->loginUser: $@\n";
    +    warn "Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi->transactionCancellationStatusPost: $@\n";
    from __future__ import print_statement
     import time
     import swagger_client
    @@ -6351,36 +8752,39 @@ 

    Usage and SDK Samples

    from pprint import pprint # create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -username = username_example # String | The user name for login -password = password_example # String | The password for login in clear text +api_instance = swagger_client.TransactionCancellationStatusApi() +lAUApplicationID = lAUApplicationID_example # String | ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys (default to 001) +lAUVersion = lAUVersion_example # String | version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release (default to 1.0) +lAUCallTime = lAUCallTime_example # String | timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ (default to 2018-03-23T15:56:26.728Z) +lAURequestNonce = lAURequestNonce_example # String | a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response (default to e802ab96-bb3a-4965-9139-5214b9f0f074) +lAUSigned = lAUSigned_example # String | service specific HTTP headers (default to (ApplAPIKey=yVGhKiV5z1ZGdaqFXoZ8AiSA9n5CrY6B),(RBACRole=[FullViewer/Scope/cclabeb0])) +lAUSignature = lAUSignature_example # String | contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded (default to U1khA8h9Lm1PqzB99fG6uw==) +signatureRequired = true # Boolean | a field indicating that a Signature is required (default to true) +requestBody = # Camt.a07.001.02 | Transaction Cancellation Status Request try: - # Logs user into the system - api_response = api_instance.login_user(username, password) + # Transaction Cancellation Status + api_response = api_instance.transaction_cancellation_status_post(lAUApplicationID, lAUVersion, lAUCallTime, lAURequestNonce, lAUSigned, lAUSignature, signatureRequired, requestBody) pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling UserApi->loginUser: %s\n" % e)
    + print("Exception when calling TransactionCancellationStatusApi->transactionCancellationStatusPost: %s\n" % e)


    - - - -
    Query parameters
    Header parameters
    - + - + -
    Name Description
    LAUApplicationID* -
    @@ -6388,7 +8792,7 @@


    - The user name for login + ID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    @@ -6399,11 +8803,11 @@


    LAUVersion* -
    @@ -6411,7 +8815,7 @@


    - The password for login in clear text + version of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    @@ -6422,611 +8826,635 @@


    - -



    Status: 200 - successful operation

    - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    X-Rate-LimitIntegerint32calls per hour allowed by the user
    X-Expires-AfterDatedate-timedate in UTC when toekn expires
    - -

    Status: 400 - Invalid username/password supplied

    - - - -
    - -



    Logs out current logged in user session






    Usage and SDK Samples


    - - -
    curl -X GET ""
    import io.swagger.client.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.model.*;
    -import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -import java.util.*;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.logoutUser();
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#logoutUser");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;
    -public class UserApiExample {
    -    public static void main(String[] args) {
    -        UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi();
    -        try {
    -            apiInstance.logoutUser();
    -        } catch (ApiException e) {
    -            System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#logoutUser");
    -            e.printStackTrace();
    -        }
    -    }
    - -
    -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init];
    -// Logs out current logged in user session
    -[apiInstance logoutUserWithCompletionHandler: 
    -              ^(NSError* error) {
    -                            if (error) {
    -                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
    -                            }
    -                        }];
    - -
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()
    +                                  LAUCallTime*
    -var callback = function(error, data, response) {
    -  if (error) {
    -    console.error(error);
    -  } else {
    -    console.log('API called successfully.');
    -  }
    - -
    using System;
    -using System.Diagnostics;
    -using IO.Swagger.Api;
    -using IO.Swagger.Client;
    -using IO.Swagger.Model;
    + + String + -namespace Example -{ - public class logoutUserExample - { - public void main() - { - - var apiInstance = new UserApi(); +
    + timestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ +
    + Required +
    + + - try - { - // Logs out current logged in user session - apiInstance.logoutUser(); - } - catch (Exception e) - { - Debug.Print("Exception when calling UserApi.logoutUser: " + e.Message ); - } - } - } -} -
    + LAURequestNonce* + -
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    + + String + -try { - $api_instance->logoutUser(); -} catch (Exception $e) { - echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->logoutUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; -} -?>
    + a random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response +
    + Required +
    + + -
    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    +                                  LAUSigned*
    -my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi->new();
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->logoutUser();
    -if ($@) {
    -    warn "Exception when calling UserApi->logoutUser: $@\n";
    + + String + -
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint
    + service specific HTTP headers +
    + Required +
    + + -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() + LAUSignature* + -try: - # Logs out current logged in user session - api_instance.logout_user() -except ApiException as e: - print("Exception when calling UserApi->logoutUser: %s\n" % e) -


    + + String + +
    + contains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded +
    + Required +
    + + + SignatureRequired* + +
    + + Boolean + +
    + a field indicating that a Signature is required +
    + Required +
    + + -



    Status: default - successful operation

    + - +
    Body parameters
    + + + + + + + + -import; -import java.util.*; +
    requestBody * -
    - - -



    Updated user



    This can only be done by the logged in user.




    Usage and SDK Samples


    - + +
    -public class UserApiExample { - public static void main(String[] args) { - - UserApi apiInstance = new UserApi(); - String username = username_example; // String | name that need to be deleted - User body = ; // User | Updated user object - try { - apiInstance.updateUser(username, body); - } catch (ApiException e) { - System.err.println("Exception when calling UserApi#updateUser"); - e.printStackTrace(); - } - } -}
    import io.swagger.client.api.UserApi;



    Status: 200 - Transaction Cancellation Status Response

    -public class UserApiExample { +
    - -
    String *username = username_example; // name that need to be deleted
    -User *body = ; // Updated user object
  • + Headers +
  • + -UserApi *apiInstance = [[UserApi alloc] init]; +
    + +
    + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    LAUApplicationIDStringID that identifies the application generationg the API and used by the gpi Connector to retrieve the related LAU keys
    LAUVersionStringversion of the LAUSigned header. Mandatory. "1.0" for this first release
    LAUCallTimeStringtimestamp in UTC of the API call in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
    LAURequestNonceStringa random value generated by the client. Provided with the request and copied by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUResponseNonceStringa random value generated by the gpi Connector on the response
    LAUSignatureStringcontains the LAU signature, base64 ecoded
    var SwaggerPetstore = require('swagger_petstore');
    -var api = new SwaggerPetstore.UserApi()

    Status: 400 - Bad Request

    -var username = username_example; // {String} name that need to be deleted - -var body = ; // {User} Updated user object + -var callback = function(error, data, response) { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - } else { - console.log('API called successfully.'); +
    + +
    + +
    -require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    -$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\UserApi();
    -$username = username_example; // String | name that need to be deleted
    -$body = ; // User | Updated user object
    -try {
    -    $api_instance->updateUser($username, $body);
    -} catch (Exception $e) {
    -    echo 'Exception when calling UserApi->updateUser: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

    Status: 401 - Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm='SwAP'

    use Data::Dumper;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
    -use WWW::SwaggerClient::UserApi;
    -eval { 
    -    $api_instance->updateUser(username => $username, body => $body);
    + +
    + +
    from __future__ import print_statement
    -import time
    -import swagger_client
    -from import ApiException
    -from pprint import pprint

    Status: 404 - Not Found

    -# create an instance of the API class -api_instance = swagger_client.UserApi() -username = username_example # String | name that need to be deleted -body = # User | Updated user object +
    + -


    + +
    + +

    Status: 429 - Too many requests

    - - String - +
    - Required -
    - - + - +
    + +
    + +
    Body parameters
    - - - - - - - - + //console.log(JSON.stringify(schema)); + var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); + $('#responses-transactionCancellationStatusPost-500-schema-data').val(stringify(schema)); + var result = $('#responses-transactionCancellationStatusPost-500-schema-500'); + result.empty(); + result.append(view.render()); + }); + + + + + -
    body * +

    Status: 500 - Internal Server Error


    Status: 502 - Bad Gateway

    + -



    Status: 400 - Invalid user supplied

    + +
    + +
    + +

    Status: 503 - Service Unavailable

    + +
    + +

    Status: 404 - User not found


    Status: 504 - Gateway Timeout

    + +
    + +
    @@ -7037,10 +9465,11 @@

    Status: 404 - User not found

    @@ -8763,7 +11192,7 @@

    Status: 404 - User not found