The Transifex Command-line Tool enables you to manage your translations within a project without the need of an elaborate UI system.
You can use the command line tool to create new resources, map locale files to translations, and synchronize your Transifex project with your local repository. Translators and localization managers can use it to handle large volumes of translation files. The Transifex Command-line Tool can help to enable continuous integration workflows and can be run from CI servers like Jenkins and Bamboo.
Check the full documentation at
You can install the latest version of transifex-client running pip
install transifex-client
or easy_install transifex-client
Download transifex-client sources via git or github archive.
git clone
- Download and unpack
Download and install Python.
At this step choose right version of python: 2 or 3 and x86 or x86-64 instruction set.
Make sure pip marked for installation(default for latest installers).
Install PyInstaller.
Suppose that Python installed to
C:\\Program Files\\Python35-32
accessible via PATH environment variable or cd to directory containing python.exe.python -m pip install pyinstaller
This command will install
package and its dependencies.Build
distribution.Change directory to transifex-client folder and run command:
python -m PyInstaller contrib/tx.spec # or pyinstaller contrib/tx.spec
will be created as the result of build process.