- Added license (MIT)
- Expand release.sh section to contain requirements, features and usage
- New sections is README.md: How to use, Changelog, License
- Add .editorconfig
- Ignore .idea folder
- Comment out unused variables (unused colors and BRANCH_CURRENT)
- Remove extra new line before Full changelog link
- Fix changelog url generation
- Fix ssh remote url, convert to https
- Take account diffs in bitbucket and github changelog urls
- Reverse commit message list
- Explicitly push tags
- Better wording to push question
- Fix changelog url
- Echo into the temp file, not to the screen
- Remove paging from git log, works better for automation
- Change changelog formatting to simple message
- Add link to full changelog, detect project url from origin url
- Add composer.json, ignore vendor folder
- db2367d 2016-08-04 | Create the README.md (HEAD -> release-0.0.10, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 0140b53 2016-08-04 | Implement shellcheck recommendations [Ismo Vuorinen]
- eb48964 2016-08-04 | Check for the first commit [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 5bf9c8f 2016-08-04 | Use env to detect bash path [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 72d3fe5 2016-08-04 | Changed git log hash length (HEAD -> release-0.0.9, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 94cefa4 2016-08-04 | Remove merges from git log command output [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 2a88069 2016-08-04 | Fixed pushing [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 964866a 2016-08-04 | Push master and dev branches explicitly (HEAD -> release-0.0.8, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 9408ec3 2016-08-04 | Change pushing to do all (HEAD -> release-0.0.7, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 5af80c2 2016-08-04 | Ask should we push to origin, with tags (HEAD -> release-0.0.6, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 9ac3cdf 2016-08-04 | Final message to show we are done (HEAD -> release-0.0.5, origin/develop, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- 865447c 2016-08-04 | Minor changes to make sure nothing strange happens when releasing (HEAD -> release-0.0.4, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- c23b512 2016-08-04 | If our changelog is missing, create one? (HEAD -> release-0.0.3, develop) [Ismo Vuorinen]
- e4f313a 2016-08-04 | Add missing changelog file [Ismo Vuorinen]
- Changed date format on release header
- Uncomment rest of the script
- Remove "-f" force option, keeping it simple
- Add our empty VERSION file to generate another commit
- First commit to get things rolling