diff --git a/cms.js b/cms.js
index 88fc2ae..38d691e 100644
--- a/cms.js
+++ b/cms.js
@@ -8,47 +8,75 @@ app.use(express.static('cms'))
+const readSection = () => {
+ let section = fs.readFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', "utf8").split('\n')
+ section.shift()
+ return (JSON.parse(section.join('\n')))
+const readSectionAsString = () => {
+ return fs.readFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', "utf8")
+const storeSection = newData => {
+ const topBuffer = 'var sectionList = \n'
+ let buffer = topBuffer + JSON.stringify(newData)
+ fs.writeFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', buffer, {encoding: 'utf8'})
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
app.get('/sectionList', (req, res) => {
- const buffer = fs.readFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', "utf8").split('\n')
- let newBuffer = buffer
- .map( (current, index, arr) => {
- if( index !== 0 && index !== arr.length - 1 ) {
- return current
- } else {
- return ''
- }
- })
- .join('\n')
- .replace(/\s/g, '')
- newBuffer = `[ ${newBuffer} ]`
- res.send(newBuffer)
+ const bufferObj = readSection()
+ res.send(bufferObj)
app.post('/sectionAdd', (req, res) => {
- const buffer = fs.readFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', "utf8").split('\n')
- const topBuffer = buffer[0]
- const bottomBuffer = '\n' + buffer[buffer.length - 1]
- const midBuffer = buffer
- .map( (current, index, arr) => {
- if( index !== 0 && index !== arr.length - 1 ) {
- return current
- } else {
- return ''
- }
- })
- .concat(', ')
- .concat(JSON.stringify(req.body))
- .join('\n')
- const newBuffer = topBuffer + midBuffer + bottomBuffer
- fs.writeFileSync('configs/sectionlist.js', newBuffer, {
- encoding: 'utf8'
- })
+ let newSection = req.body
+ let bufferObj = readSection()
+ newSection.id = Date.now()
+ console.log(newSection)
+ bufferObj.push(newSection)
+ storeSection(bufferObj)
+ res.send('ok')
+app.post('/sectionDelete', (req, res) => {
+ const id = req.body.id
+ let buffer = readSection().filter( obj => {
+ return !( obj.id === id )
+ })
+ storeSection(buffer)
+ res.send('ok')
+app.post('/sectionEdit', (req, res) => {
+ const newData = req.body
+ console.log(newData)
+ let buffer = readSection().map( obj => {
+ if (obj.id === newData.id) {
+ return newData
+ }
+ else
+ return obj
+ })
+ storeSection(buffer)
diff --git a/cms/index.html b/cms/index.html
index 9558da0..5109f58 100644
--- a/cms/index.html
+++ b/cms/index.html
@@ -1,29 +1,72 @@
- Suitmedia Front-End Standards Node.JS CMS
+ Suitmedia Front-End Standards CMS
- Section Editor
- Section List
+ New Section
+ Edit Section
+ -
+ route: /
+ name:
+ header:
+ icon:
diff --git a/cms/main.js b/cms/main.js
index a4354d4..6daa2d9 100644
--- a/cms/main.js
+++ b/cms/main.js
@@ -2,12 +2,8 @@ const app = angular.module('cms', [])
app.controller('cmsController', ['$scope', '$http', ($scope, $http) => {
$scope.sectionList = [{}]
- $scope.input = {
- sectionId: 'css',
- sectionName: 'css guideline',
- sectionHeader: 'css/sass',
- sectionIcon: 'icon'
- }
+ $scope.newInput = {}
+ $scope.editInput = {}
$scope.getSection = () => {
$http.get('sectionList').then( res => {
@@ -16,19 +12,49 @@ app.controller('cmsController', ['$scope', '$http', ($scope, $http) => {
$scope.postSection = () => {
- $http.post('sectionAdd', $scope.input).then( (req, res) => {
- console.log(req)
+ $http.post('sectionAdd', $scope.newInput).then( (req, res) => {
+ console.log(res)
+ $scope.getSection()
+ $scope.resetInput()
- $scope.getSection()
- $scope.log = () => {
- console.log($scope.sectionList)
- console.log($scope.input)
+ $scope.deleteSection = (section) => {
+ $http.post('sectionDelete', section).then( (req, res) => {
+ console.log(res)
+ $scope.getSection()
+ })
- $scope.init = () => {
- $scope.getSection()
+ $scope.editSection = (sectionId) => {
+ let newData = {
+ id: sectionId,
+ sectionId: $scope.editInput.sectionId,
+ sectionName: $scope.editInput.sectionName,
+ sectionHeader: $scope.editInput.sectionHeader,
+ sectionIcon: $scope.editInput.sectionIcon
+ }
+ $http.post('sectionEdit', newData).then( (req, res) => {
+ console.log(res)
+ $scope.getSection()
+ })
+ }
+ $scope.resetInput = () => {
+ $scope.newInput = {}
+ $scope.editInput = {}
+ }
+ $scope.showForm = (target) => {
+ let targetObj = document.querySelector(`#${target}`)
+ let forms = [...document.querySelectorAll('.section-form')]
+ $scope.resetInput()
+ forms.forEach( current => {
+ current.style.display = 'none'
+ })
+ targetObj.style.display = 'block'
diff --git a/cms/sectionlist.html b/cms/sectionlist.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a7802..0000000
--- a/cms/sectionlist.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- Suitmedia Front-End Standards Node.JS CMS
- Section List
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configs/sectionlist.js b/configs/sectionlist.js
index 7c59165..f7af2c0 100644
--- a/configs/sectionlist.js
+++ b/configs/sectionlist.js
@@ -1,26 +1,2 @@
-var sectionList = [
- {
- "sectionId" : "html",
- "sectionName" : "HTML Guideline",
- "sectionHeader" : "HTML",
- "sectionIcon" : ""
- },
- {
- "sectionId" : "css",
- "sectionName" : "CSS/SASS Guideline",
- "sectionHeader" : "CSS/SASS",
- "sectionIcon" : "CSS"
- },
- {
- "sectionId" : "js",
- "sectionName" : "JavaScript Guideline",
- "sectionHeader" : "JavaScript",
- "sectionIcon" : "JS"
- },
- {
- "sectionId" : "tools",
- "sectionName" : "Tools & Plugin",
- "sectionHeader" : "Tools & Plugin",
- "sectionIcon" : ""
- },
- ];
\ No newline at end of file
+var sectionList =
+[{"id":"html","sectionId":"html","sectionName":"HTML Guideline","sectionHeader":"HTML","sectionIcon":""},{"id":"css","sectionId":"css","sectionName":"CSS/SASS Guideline","sectionHeader":"CSS/SASS","sectionIcon":"CSS"},{"id":"js","sectionId":"js","sectionName":"JavaScript Guideline","sectionHeader":"JavaScript","sectionIcon":"JS"},{"id":"tools","sectionId":"tools","sectionName":"Tools & Plugin","sectionHeader":"Tools & Plugin","sectionIcon":""}]
\ No newline at end of file