Turtle Blocks Javascript is designed to run in a browser. Most of the development has been done in Chrome, but it should also work in Firefox. You can run it directly from index.html, from a server maintained by Sugar Labs, from the github repo, or by setting up a local server.
Once you've launched it in your browser, start by clicking on (or dragging) blocks from the Turtle palette. Use multiple blocks to create drawings; as the turtle moves under your control, colorful lines are drawn.
To write your own programs, drag blocks from their respective palettes on the left side of the screen. Use multiple blocks in stack(s) to create drawings; as the turtle moves under your control, colorful lines are drawn.
Note that blocks either snap together vertically or horizontally. Vertical connections indicate program (and temporal) flow. Code is executed from the top to bottom of a stack of blocks. Horizontal connections are used for parameters and arguments, e.g., the distance to go forward, the degrees to rotate right, the numerator and denominator of a division. From the shape of the block, it should be apparent whether they connect vertically or horizontally.
Some blocks, referred to as "clamp" blocks have an interior—child—flow. This might be code that is run if a condition is true, or, more common, the code that is run over the duration of a note.
For the most part, any combination of blocks will run (although there is no guarantee that they will produce music). Illegal combinations of blocks will be flag by a warning on the screen as the program runs.
You can delete a block by dragging it back into the trash area that appear at the bottom of the screen.
To maximize screen real estate, Music Blocks overlays the program elements (stacks of blocks) on top of the canvas. These blocks can be hidden at any time while running the program.
There are three toolbars: (1) the main toolbar across the top of the screen; (2) the secondary toolbar on the right side of the screen; and (3) the palette toolbar on the left side of the screen. An additional toolbar appears when a "long press" (or "right click") is applied to a stack of blocks. There is also a utility panel with additional controls.
The Main toolbar is used to run programs and to save and load projects.
On the left side of the main toolbar:
Click on the Run button to run the blocks.
Stop running the current project.
Under the secondary toolbar
are additonal buttons to run the blocks slowly. When running slowly,
the values of parameter boxes are shown as an additional debugging
to play step-by-step (one block will run with each button press).
On the right side of the main toolbar:
To save a project to the local file system of your computer.
To open a viewer for loading example projects and projects made by other Turtle Blocks users.
Expand the auxillary toolbar. The
button closes the auxillary toolbar.
There are some additional buttons at the top of the canvas:
The Show (or hide) grid button will display a pie menu with a variety of grid options.
The Erase button will clear the screen and return the turtles to the center of the screen.
The Screen button will shrink (or expand) the graphics area.
And there are some buttons on the bottom of the canvas:
The Home buttom returns the blocks the center of the screen.
The Hide button hides (or reveals) the blocks.
The Collapse button collapses (or expands) stacks of blocks.
The Shrink and Grow (magnifying glass) buttons change the size of the blocks.
In addition to the run-slowly and step buttons described above:
Restore blocks from the trash.
Load new blocks/palettes from plugins (previously downloaded to the file system).
Load a new project without removing the current blocks (AKA, "merge").
Enable/disable horizontal scrolling.
Open the JavaScript editor. (Your blocks program will be transcribed into JavaScript.)
Select a language, e.g., Spanish, for the interface.
When you "long-press" or "right-click" on a block, a pie menu appears.
Going clockwise from the top:
Block help
Copy block
Extract block (from a stack of blocks)
Put block in the trash
Close the pie menu
There are several keyboard shortcuts:
PgUp and PgDn will scroll the screen vertically. This is useful for creating long stacks of blocks.
You can use the arrow keys to move blocks and the Delete key to remove an individual block from a stack.
Enter is the equivalent of clicking the Run button.
Alt-C is copy and Alt-V is paste. Be sure that the cursor is highlighting the block(s) you want to copy.
The block palettes are displayed on the left side of the screen. The palette button on the Main toolbar show and hide the block palettes. These palettes contain the blocks used to create programs. See the Programming Guide for more details on how to use the blocks.
Clear the screen and reset the turtle.
Move turtle forward.
Turn turtle clockwise (angle in degrees).
Move turtle backward.
Turn turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees).
Move turtle along an arc.
Set the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen).
The current heading of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
Move turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen.
Current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
Current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)
Set color of the line drawn by the turtle (hue, shade, and grey).
Current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)
Set hue of the line drawn by the turtle (hue is the spectral color, e.g., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, etc.).
Set shade of the line drawn by the turtle (shade is lightness, e.g., black, grey, white).
Current pen shade (can be used in place of a number block)
Set grey level of the line drawn by the turtle (grey is vividness or saturation).
Current grey level (can be used in place of a number block)
Set size of the line drawn by the turtle.
Current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)
Turtle will not draw when moved.
Turtle will draw when moved.
Draw filled polygon.
Set pen attribute to hollow line mode (useful for working with 3D printers).
Set the font of the text drawn with Show Block.
Set the background color.
Use as numeric input in mathematic operators (click to change the value).
Returns random number between minimum (top) and maximum (bottom) values
Returns one of two inputs as determined by a coin toss (random selection)
Adds two numeric inputs (also can be used to concatenate two strings)
Subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input
Multiplies two numeric inputs
Divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)
Calculates square root
Converts real numbers to integers
Returns top input modular (remainder) bottom input.
A programmable block used to add advanced single-variable math equations, e.g., sin(x).
Logical greater-than operator
Logical less-than operator
Logical equal-to operator
Logical AND operator
Logical OR operator
Logical NOT operator
Loops specified number of times through enclosed blocks
Loops forever through enclosed blocks
Stops current loop or action
If-then operator that uses boolean operators to determine whether or not to run encloded "flow"
Do-until-True operator that uses boolean operators to determine how long to run enclosed "flow"
Waits for condition
Do-while-True operator that uses boolean operators to determine how long to run enclosed "flow"
If-then-else operator that uses boolean operators to determine which encloded "flow" to run
Stores value in named variable.
Named variable
Adds 1 to named variable
Adds numeric value to named variable
Named variable (name is passed as input)
Top of nameable action stack
Invokes named action stack
Invokes an action stack with arguments (To add more arguments, drag them into the clamp.)
Invokes an action stack that returns a value
Invokes an action stack with arguments that returns a value
Returns a value from an action stack
An argument passed to an action stack
The first argument passed to an action stack
Connects action to toolbar run buttons (each Start Block invokes its own turtle)
Invokes named action stack (name is passed as input)
Connects an action with an event
Broadcasts an event (event name is given as input)
Speaks text
Draws text or shows media (from the camera, the Web, or the file system).
Puts a custom "shell" on the turtle (used to turn a turtle into a "sprite")
Text (string) value
Opens a file-open dialog to load an image (used with Show Block)
Accesses webcam (used with Show Block)
Opens a file-open dialog to load a video (used with Show Block)
Returns the selected file (used with Show Block)
Stops the media being played
Plays a tone at frequency (Hz) and duration (in seconds)
Converts notes to frequency, e.g., A4 --> 440 Hz.
Elapsed time (in seconds) since program started
Returns mouse X coordinate
Returns mouse Y coordinate
Returns True if mouse button is pressed
Holds results of query-keyboard block as ASCII
Returns pixel color under turtle
Microphone input volume
The "click" event associated with a turtle (used with Do Block)
Push a value onto the heap.
Pop a value off of the heap.
Reference an entry in the heap.
Change an entry in the heap.
Display the contents of the heap.
The length of the heap.
Empty the heap.
True is the heap is empty.
Save the heap to a file (JSON-encoded).
Load the heap from a file (JSON-encoded).
Used to layout blocks vertically
Used to layout blocks horizontally
Pauses turtle a specified number of seconds
Prints value
Saves turtle graphics as an SVG file
Shows blocks and runs slowly (used to isolate code during debugging)
Hides blocks and runs at full speed (used to isolate code during debugging)
Plays media
Stops playing media