- other/tensor
- other/tensors
- other/tensorsave (planned --> canceled)
The findtype specifics: refer to the wiki (other/tensorsave (canceled))
Each frame of an other/tensor or other/tensors stream should have only ONE instance of other/tensor or other/tensors.
Except tensor_decoder, which accepts data semantics from pipeline developers, and tensor_converter, which accepts data semantics from sink pad caps, every NNStreamer tensor plugin and tensor stream should be agnostic to the data semantics. With data semantics, we know whether the corresponding tensor denotes for video, audio, text, or any other "meaningful data types". The NNStreamer elements and data-pipeline, being agnostic to such semantics, should treat every other/tensor and other/tensors as multi-dimensional arrays of general numbers.
Note that "stable" does not mean that it is complete. It means that it has enough test cases and complies with the overall design; thus, "stable" features probably won't be modified extensively. Features marked "experimental" can be modified extensively due to its incomplete design and implementation or crudeness. "Planned" is still in the works so it will be released soon.
In this page, we focus on the status of each elements. For requirements and designs of each element, please refer to the README.md of the element.
- tensor_converter
- Video (stable)
- video/x-raw. Colorspaces of RGB, BGRx, Gray8 are supported.
- Caution: if width is not divisible by 4, RGB/Gray8 video incurs memcpy.
- Audio (stable)
- audio/x-raw. Users should specify the number of frames in a single buffer, which denotes the number of frames in a single tensor frame with the property of
. Needs more test cases.
- audio/x-raw. Users should specify the number of frames in a single buffer, which denotes the number of frames in a single tensor frame with the property of
- Text (stable)
- text/x-raw. Users should specify the byte size of a single tensor frame with the property
. Needs more test cases.
- text/x-raw. Users should specify the byte size of a single tensor frame with the property
- Binary (stable)
- application/octet-stream. Stream pipeline developer MUST specify the corresponding type and dimensions via properties (input-dim, input-type)
- You may add subplugins of converters. However, as of 2020-01-10, we do not have any converter subplugins released although we do support them. Users may add such subplugins in run-time.
- WIP: flatbuffers, protobuf
- Video (stable)
- tensor_filter
- Main (stable)
- Supported features
- Fixed input/ouput dimensions (fixed by subplugin)
- Flexible dimensions (output dimension determined by subplugin according to the input dimension determined by pipeline initialization)
- Invoke subplugin with pre-allocated buffers
- Invoke subplugin and let subplugin allocate output buffers.
- Accept other/tensors.
- Users can add plugins in run-time.
- TODO: Allow to manage synchronization policies.
- Supported features
- Custom-C (stable)
- Custom-C++-Class (WIP)
- Custom-C-Easy (stable) (single function ops. basis for lambda functions in the future)
- Custom-Python (stable) (2.7 and 3)
- Custom Native Functions (stable) (Supply custom-filter in run-time)
- Tensorflow (stable) (1.09, 1.13 tested)
- Tensorflow-lite (stable) (1.09, 1.13 tested)
- Caffe2 (stable)
- PyTorch (stable)
- Movidius-X NCS2 (stable)
- NNFW-Runtime/nnfw (stable)
- Edge-TPU (stable)
- openVINO (stable)
- ARMNN (stable)
- SNPE (stable)
- Vivante (stable)
- WIP: SNAP (Exynos-NPU & Qualcomm-SNPE), ...
- Guide on writing a filter subplugin
- Codegen and code template for tensor_filter subplugin
- Main (stable)
- tensor_sink (stable)
- tensor_transform (stable)
- Supported features
- Type Cast (typecast) (stable, orc supported with the property
) - Dimension Change (dimchg) (stable with limited sub features)
- Arithmetic (arithmetic) (stable, orc supported with the property
) - Transpose (transpose) (stable with limited sub features)
- Standardization/Normalization (stand) (stable with limited sub features)
- More features coming soon!
- Type Cast (typecast) (stable, orc supported with the property
- Supported features
- tensor_merge (stable)
- tensor_split (stable)
- tensor_decoder (stable, but with NYI WIP items)
- Supported features
- Direct video conversion (video/x-raw) (stable)
- Image classification labeling (text/x-raw) (stable)
- Bounding boxes (video/x-raw) (stable)
- Image segmentation (video/x-raw) (stable) and depth
- Body pose (video/x-raw) (stable)
- Users can add plugins in run-time.
- WIP: flatbuffers, protobuf
- Supported features
- tensor_mux (stable)
- tensor_demux (stable)
- tensor_source (stable for IIO. More sources coming soon)
- tensor_aggregator (stable)
- tensor_repo_sink (stable)
- tensor_repo_src (stable)
- tensor_src_iio (stable)
- Requires GStreamer 1.8 or above.
- tensor_src_tizensensor (stable)
- tensor_ros_sink (stable for ROS1)
- tensor_ros_src (stable for ROS1)
- tensor_if WIP
- tensor_save and tensor_load canceled.
Note that test elements in /tests/ are not elements for applications. They exist as scaffoldings to test the above elements especially in the case where related elements are not yet implemented.
- Main target is Tizen, but supports other OS as well.
- Implementation (stable, since Tizen 5.5 M2)
- C#-API (.NET)
- Main target is Tizen, but supports other OS as well.
- Implementation
- Single API: Tizen 5.5 M2
- Pipeline API: Tizen 6.0 M1
- JAVA-API (Android)
- Android sample app uses JAVA APIs to implement Android-NNStreamer apps.
- Available at JCenter
- Note that the Android Sample Applications published via Google Play Store, Source Code, are developed before NNStreamer Java API. They use GStreamer functions.
- Web API (HTML5) Planned (Tizen 7.0?)
- Python API Planned (Tizen 7.0?)
- CI (@AWS) (stable): Up and Running.
- CD
- Tizen (since 5.5 M1) Package Download Build & Release Infra
- Ubuntu Launchpad PPA
- Yocto/OpenEmbedded OpenEmbedded Layer, "meta-neural-network"
- Android WIP: JCenter Repository & Daily Build Release
- macOS WIP: Daily Build Release
- Test cases: Mandatory unit test cases required to pass for each PR.
- Used SSAT.
- Each element and feature is required to register its testcases at test case directory
- Examples: Example GStreamer applications using NNStreamer and example sub-plugins for NNStreamer. The binaries from this directory is not supposed to be packaged with the main binary package.
- Packaing for Distros / SW-Platform Compatibility.
- Tizen (stable): RPM packaging for Tizen 5.0+. It is expected to be compatible with other RPM-based distros; however, it is not tested or guaranteed.
- Ubuntu (stable): DEB packaging for Ubuntu 16.04. It is highly expected to be compatible with later versions as well; but, not tested yet. Debian is not tested, either.
- Yocto (stable)
- Android (stable)
- macOS (built & tested w/ macOS. but packaging is not provided, yet.)
- iOS (planned with low priority)
- Common headers
- Change Log