Example1 🐾
- Create a program that takes two integer different from zero and calculates the harmonic mean and printss on the screen.
Example2 🐾
- Create a program that takes radius(cm) and center angle value (x) and calculates the scanned area then prints on the screen.
Example3 🐾
Determine the English level according to the net correct number determined from the true and false numbers entered on the keyboard. 4 false answers takes a right answer.
Net Level net < 10 Beginner 10 <= net < 30 Elementary 30 <= net < 50 Preintermediate 50 <= net < 70 Intermediate 70 <= net Upper
Example4 🐾
- Get the information of the selected geometric shape and print the area on the screen.
Example5 🐾
- Print the ASCII equivalents of the numbers between 65 and 90
- Print the decimal,octal,hexadecimal equivalents of numbers between 0 and 16
- Print the ASCII equivalents of the numbers between 65 and 90
Example6 🐾
- Calculate the GCD and LCM of two numbers - greatest common divisor & least common multiple
Example7 🐾
Take the student number,midterms and finals. Calculate each students average and letter grade and general average then print them.
Average(a) Letter Grade a < 2 F 2.0 <= a < 2.5 C 2.5 <= a < 3.5 B 3.5 <= a A
Example8 🐾
- Find Factorial
- Find Factorial
Example9 🐾
- Find the number is narcissistic or not. An n-digit number that is the sum of the nth powers of its digits is called an n-narcissistic number.
- example: 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3
- Find the number is narcissistic or not. An n-digit number that is the sum of the nth powers of its digits is called an n-narcissistic number.
Example10 🐾
- Fibonacci Series
Example11 🐾
- GCD - Greatest Common Divisor - (EBOB)
If you want more example, let me know!