2.5.0 (2024-12-31)
- Add a clearer action repr to aid debugging. (0621905)
- Flesh out rewards with a base class & add a new reward fn: FrequentAssetRewardFn. (60ba3e0)
- Make short sleep between requests when playing online, preventing temporary bans (f139efb)
2.4.0 (2024-12-27)
- Info dict from the environment now contains whether game is done and who won (0d8990b)
- action to a subclass of ndarray for a clearer interface and consistent repr. (ba73902)
- observation & action for clarity (ddb1a88)
2.3.0 (2024-12-23)
- Random grid sizes, speed multipliers and better docstrings (af2535d)
- improve clarity of grid & gridfactory (731f7f2)
2.2.1 (2024-12-22)
- Agent order is now alternating, instead of one player having always priority (bb06696)
- Allow cities with 50 army as in the original generals.io (0fe5087)
- Resolve very corner cases when priority takes a role (6eb0db7)
2.2.0 (2024-12-06)
- Add default reward based on win/lose (7b2b5b8)
- Actions now MultiDiscrete instead of Dict (9b909ca)
- Channels dont change type from bool to int (0e540b6)
- Fix wrapper handling in gymnasium v1.0.0 (aaf4d43)
- Pass pre-commit checks (6230e5d)
2.1.0 (2024-11-22)
- Add new better wrappers (96b27b4)
- Update RemoveActionMaskWrapper (8b9676e)
2.0.1 (2024-10-29)
2.0.0 (2024-10-26)
- generalsio: Update docs with deployment comments
- Add client autopilot mode (6c1f6e6)
- First game between human and bot made by this repo! (5f504ec)
- generalsio: Add patch parsing (39b30d0)
- generalsio: handle basic game progress (5457624)
- generalsio: implement GeneralsIO client (0ca4c43)
- generalsio: read agent index (68a10b5)
- generalsio: read game updates (e643ee6)
- Fix deterministicity.. seeds now work properly (d56c63c)
- Generals are now generated sufficiently apart, with free path between them (ccbb1dc)
- Make truncation as a parameter to the env (8af020e)
- Update complete example (e588cfa)
- Align observations more with generalsio (0c80b93)
- Codebase combing and docs update (12f194c)
- Make Channels properties settable, progress on generalsio client (f745832)
- Make Observation a standalone object (ba6970a)
- generalsio: Update docs with deployment comments (48b608d)
1.0.0 (2024-10-14)
- Rename repository (#89)
- Add new registry system (faeffe9)
- Add normalization wrapper (74e447a)
- Add observation as image wrapper (34666c3)
- Add RemoveActionMaskWrapper (3f590fe)
- Finish registry system (977dec5)
- Rename repository (#89) (c85364e)
- Add ABC baseclass to abstrat classes so that they cannot be instantiated (f1991fb)
- Add missing requirements (8c63062)
- Apply precommit (8ae653f)
- Apply precommit (5798a74)
- Fix seeding for gym v1.0.0 (c283488)
- Import types from gymnasium.core (5fbdc17)
- New seed handling since gym v1.0.0 (7ff6ed8)
- New seed handling since gym v1.0.0 (1e79af3)
- Add abstract command property to event handlers (cde3f45)
- Add Channels class (40f70bc)
- Add Enums for keybindings (0e98e1f)
- Add EventHandler static constroctor (252020d)
- Add FoV toggle to all modes (a2afa3b)
- Add GuiMode enum (6b2e295)
- Add strategy pattern for event handlers (7a9c526)
- Add types in renderer (bc3f7b0)
- additional fix (7a9c526)
- Additional include to fix crashing (1dc144a)
- Better check for replay commands handling (557e97a)
- Create CommonEnvironment that is subclassed (5899908)
- Fix direction types (a4713b0)
- Fix referencing wrong variables (566b586)
- Fix some naming stuff (acf8fd5)
- Fix some observation space mismatches (d67dbbf)
- Fix wrong class initialization in handlers (7a9c526)
- handle quit better (7a9c526)
- Improve code style (38b0266)
- Improve handle events (4258b79)
- Include enums, remove unused things (3aafe7f)
- Instantiate event handler only once on GUI creation (4921188)
- little fix (7a9c526)
- Make default default reward methods static (32e8cf7)
- Make env more aligned from RL practitioner perspective (df3e36e)
- Remake folder structure (722b1e9)
- Remove unused imports (61f276c)
- Remove unused mode attribute (aaa68eb)
- Rename Observation item visibile_cells to visible_cells (aa196ac)
- Restructure files (03465b8)
- Use match clause in grid setter (c6efed0)
0.5.1 (2024-10-01)
- abstract GUI handling (f3552fc)
- add more typing (71e72ab)
- fix RewardFn type alias (0c30cb7)
- From Map to GridFactory (075eb0f)
- Improve Grid class (aa8438e)
- improve GUI handling (7020813)
- move all GUI properties to Properties class (669b8a3)
0.5.0 (2024-10-01)
- Reset replay if 'r' is pressed (0c2357f)
- add missing types (960afae)
- move common attributes to Agent class (e48a39b)
- New action space and observation space (4979342)
- Unify reward_fn design (3039ace)
0.4.0 (2024-09-29)
- Support rectangular grid shapes (bb3c5e1)
- Delete replay class on reset (3ee9a68)
- Fix possibility that two generals are generated in the same location (d63978b)
0.3.2 (2024-09-27)
- mapper: properly regenerate invalid map (63ff837)
0.3.1 (2024-09-26)
0.3.0 (2024-09-25)
- add custom colors and names (8fcc858)
- game: check validity of moves in game step (e6fc5f0)
- only non-trivial actions are valid (e3119cd)
- raise warning when invalid moves are made by agents (6cd5257)
- agent: cleaner code, better naming (a4b3b64)
- game: change move format (f14d716)
- Simplify Expander code (4cedc9f)