diff --git a/src/mdx2.test.ts b/src/mdx2.test.ts
index c4f7706..ec3e8b3 100644
--- a/src/mdx2.test.ts
+++ b/src/mdx2.test.ts
@@ -59,57 +59,71 @@ describe('mdx2', () => {
// @ts-ignore
-/*@jsxRuntime automatic @jsxImportSource react*/
-import { assertIsFn, AddContext } from "@storybook/addon-docs";
-import {Fragment as _Fragment, jsx as _jsx, jsxs as _jsxs} from "react/jsx-runtime";
-function MDXContent(props = {}) {
- const {wrapper: MDXLayout} = props.components || ({});
- return MDXLayout ? _jsx(MDXLayout, Object.assign({}, props, {
- children: _jsx(_createMdxContent, {})
- })) : _createMdxContent();
- function _createMdxContent() {
- const _components = Object.assign({
- h1: "h1",
- p: "p"
- }, props.components), {Meta, Story} = _components;
- if (!Meta) _missingMdxReference("Meta", true);
- if (!Story) _missingMdxReference("Story", true);
- return _jsxs(_Fragment, {
- children: [_jsx(_components.h1, {
- children: "hello"
- }), "\\n", _jsx(Meta, {
- title: "foobar"
- }), "\\n", _jsxs(_components.p, {
- children: ["world ", 2 + 1]
- }), "\\n", _jsx(Story, {
- name: "foo",
- children: "bar"
- })]
- });
- }
-function _missingMdxReference(id, component) {
- throw new Error("Expected " + (component ? "component" : "object") + " \`" + id + "\` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.");
-// =========
-export const foo = () => (
- "bar"
- );
-foo.storyName = 'foo';
-foo.parameters = { storySource: { source: '\\"bar\\"' } };
-const componentMeta = { title: 'foobar', includeStories: ["foo"], };
-const mdxStoryNameToKey = {"foo":"foo"};
-componentMeta.parameters = componentMeta.parameters || {};
-componentMeta.parameters.docs = {
- ...(componentMeta.parameters.docs || {}),
- page: () => ,
+ /*@jsxRuntime automatic @jsxImportSource react*/
+ import { assertIsFn, AddContext } from "@storybook/addon-docs";
+ import {Fragment as _Fragment, jsx as _jsx, jsxs as _jsxs} from "react/jsx-runtime";
+ function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ const {wrapper: MDXLayout} = props.components || ({});
+ return MDXLayout ? _jsx(MDXLayout, Object.assign({}, props, {
+ children: _jsx(_createMdxContent, {})
+ })) : _createMdxContent();
+ function _createMdxContent() {
+ const _components = Object.assign({
+ h1: "h1",
+ p: "p"
+ }, props.components), {Meta, Story} = _components;
+ if (!Meta) _missingMdxReference("Meta", true);
+ if (!Story) _missingMdxReference("Story", true);
+ return _jsxs(_Fragment, {
+ children: [_jsx(_components.h1, {
+ children: "hello"
+ }), "\\n", _jsx(Meta, {
+ title: "foobar"
+ }), "\\n", _jsxs(_components.p, {
+ children: ["world ", 2 + 1]
+ }), "\\n", _jsx(Story, {
+ name: "foo",
+ children: "bar"
+ })]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function _missingMdxReference(id, component) {
+ throw new Error("Expected " + (component ? "component" : "object") + " \`" + id + "\` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.");
+ }
+ // =========
+ export const foo = () => (
+ "bar"
+ );
+ foo.storyName = 'foo';
+ foo.parameters = { storySource: { source: '\\"bar\\"' } };
+ const componentMeta = { title: 'foobar', includeStories: ["foo"], };
+ const mdxStoryNameToKey = {"foo":"foo"};
+ componentMeta.parameters = componentMeta.parameters || {};
+ componentMeta.parameters.docs = {
+ ...(componentMeta.parameters.docs || {}),
+ page: () => ,
+ };
+ export default componentMeta;
+ `);
+ });
-export default componentMeta;
+ it('standalone jsx expressions', () => {
+ expect(
+ clean(dedent`
+ # Standalone JSX expressions
+ {3 + 3}
+ `)
+ ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ const componentMeta = { includeStories: [] };
+ const mdxStoryNameToKey = {};
+ `);
diff --git a/src/mdx2.ts b/src/mdx2.ts
index a3330a7..7c73279 100644
--- a/src/mdx2.ts
+++ b/src/mdx2.ts
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ function extractExports(root: t.File, options: CompilerOptions) {
- } else if (t.isJSXExpressionContainer(child) && t.isStringLiteral(child.expression)) {
- // Skip string literals
+ } else if (t.isJSXExpressionContainer(child)) {
+ // Skip string literals & other JSX expressions
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected JSX child: ${child.type}`);