# stoermelder STRIP STRIP is a module for managing a strip of modules. A "strip" is a group of modules formed in a single row of Rack without any empty spaces between them, directly next to STRIP on the left or right side. STRIP provides functionality to disable, to randomize and to save or load strips of modules. Copy and paste is possible, too.  STRIP uses Rack v1's expander-mechanism to traverse the modules in a group. Changing the modules in a strip is simply moving them a bit in Rack and creating an empty space between the rest of the modules. ## MODE STRIP can be configured which modules will be considered as managed. By default STRIP handles all modules left and right of itself, but the _MODE_-button allows you to toggle to left-only or right-only. Which modules are affected is shown by the triangle-shaped LEDs on the panel. ## ON, OFF, RAND The sections _ON_, _OFF_ and _RAND_ provide CV control of options only available in the context menu of modules: _ON_ and _OFF_ triggers "Disable" with different modes, _RAND_ triggers "Randomize". **Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that both functions "Disable" and "Randomize" were not designed to be controlled by CV or modulated at audio rate. Please do not contact the developers of Rack or any modules if unexpected behavior occurs or high CPU usage is noticeable.**  The modes for the _ON_-section are: - **Default**: _ON_ enables the modules, _OFF_ disables the modules. - **Toggle**: _ON_ toggles enable/disable of the modules, _OFF_ disables the modules. - **High/Low**: _ON_ in high-state (button pressed or voltage >=1V) enables the modules, _ON_ in low-state (voltage <1V) disables the modules. Added in v1.1.0: The button labeled _INC/EXC_ allows you to include or exclude some parameters within the strip from randomization. To add a parameter to the inclusion/exclusion list first enable learn mode by pressing _INC/EXC_, the LED turns red. Next, touch the parameter which should only be randomized or not be randomized. Learn mode will be automatically disabled and you can repeat the learning procedure for another parameter. Green light on the LED signals that at least one parameter has been included/excluded. A long press on the button resets all included/excluded parameters and the LED turns off. You can switch between inclusion-mode and exclusion-mode on the context menu of the _INC/EXC_-button. Added in v1.7.0: The option _Randomize parameters only_ on the contextual menu applies randomization only to parameters without touching the module's internal state. Every module-developer defines which attributes of a module are randomized by using the "Randomize"-function. STRIP can apply randomization only to parameters (knobs, faders, switches...). ## Loading and saving, copying and pasting strips A useful feature of STRIP is its ability to save strips to files and load them afterwards. This allows you to build blocks of modules for some purpose (e.g. synth voices, fx sections, mixer consoles) and reuse them later in a different patch or quickly clone them within the same patch.  All settings of the modules, all cables (including color) between modules within the strip and all parameter mappings (only for supported modules, e.g. by VCV MIDI-MAP or stoermelder CV-MAP) are saved. Also, copy and paste is available, by option in the context menu or by using keyboard shortcuts Shift+C and Shift+V. <a name="load-and-replace"></a> Added in v1.8.0: The option _Load with replace_ removes all attached modules directly next to STRIP before the stored modules from the vcvss-file will be added. When using left-only or right-only mode only affected modules will be saved and loaded, even if a different mode was used for saving or copying. Existing modules will be moved right and left, respectively, to provide enough empty space for newly loaded or copied modules.  <a name="preset"></a> Added in v1.8.0: The _Preset_ context menu option lists all vcvss-files stored in the folder \<Rack-user-folder\>/Stoermelder-P1/presets/Strip. The \<Rack-user-folder\> can be opened with the top-most subemnu item or according to the [offical documentation](https://vcvrack.com/manual/FAQ#where-is-the-rack-user-folder). Subfolders are not supported at the moment.  The file-format "vcvss" for storing strips is very close to Rack's own format for storing patches or module presets. Compatibility in future versions should be no problem as long Rack will be able to load module preset files from older Rack versions. ## Tips - If you want to add some documentation for your strip just include a VCV Notes module and type in some text. ## Changelog - v1.0.4 - Initial release of STRIP - v1.0.5 - Added "cut" for cut & paste in the context menu - v1.1.0 - Added button INC/EXC for including or excluding specific module parameter from randomization - v1.2.0 - Changed LEDs to triangle shape - Load and save dialogs default to "patches" folder of the current user (#41) - v1.3.0 - Added utilization for Rack's undo-history on cutting strips and pasting/loading-strips (#11) - Added utilization for Rack's undo-history on enable/disable or randomize if triggered manually (#11) - v1.7.0 - Added option to randomize only parameters without the module's internal state (#135) - v1.8.0 - Added hotkeys Shift+L (load), Shift+S (save as), Shift+X (cut) - Added context menu option "Load with replace" (#186) - Fixed crash on loading vcvss-files with missing modules - Added context menu option for custom presets, listing all .vcvss-files in folder presets/Strip (#198) - v1.9.0 - Added context menu option "Load and replace" to preset-submenu (#215) - Added support for sub-folders in preset-submenu (#230) - v2.0.0 - Fixed crash on disabling a group of modules (#341) - Fixed high CPU usage in High/Low-mode for bypass - Remember last used folder for strips and selections on dialogs (#307) - "randomizeEnabled" of parameters is respected when randomizing (#349) - Fixed crash in rare cases (Surge-modules) (#366) - Fixed wrong hotkey modifier on Mac (Ctrl instead of Cmd) on Cmd+Shift+L # stoermelder STRIP-BAY STRIP-BAY is a companion module for STRIP: It is used to name some "patching-points" like a patch-bay in your strip and keep the cables to the rest of your patch intact while you load different strips. Multiple STRIP-BAY modules can be used in a STRIP and mapped by identical text labels. [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGKoQdN9K60) ## Changelog - v1.9.0 - Initial release of STRIP-BAY