JSONObject.java: The JSONObject
can parse text from a String
or a JSONTokener
to produce a map-like object. The object provides methods for manipulating its
contents, and for producing a JSON compliant object serialization.
JSONArray.java: The JSONArray
can parse text from a String or a JSONTokener
to produce a vector-like object. The object provides methods for manipulating
its contents, and for producing a JSON compliant array serialization.
JSONTokener.java: The JSONTokener
breaks a text into a sequence of individual
tokens. It can be constructed from a String
, Reader
, or InputStream
. It also can
parse text from a String
, Number
, Boolean
or null
like "hello"
, 42
, true
to produce a simple json object.
JSONException.java: The JSONException
is the standard exception type thrown
by this package.
JSONPointer.java: Implementation of JSON Pointer (RFC 6901). Supports JSON Pointers both in the form of string representation and URI fragment representation.
JSONPropertyIgnore.java: Annotation class that can be used on Java Bean getter methods.
When used on a bean method that would normally be serialized into a JSONObject
, it
overrides the getter-to-key-name logic and forces the property to be excluded from the
resulting JSONObject
JSONPropertyName.java: Annotation class that can be used on Java Bean getter methods.
When used on a bean method that would normally be serialized into a JSONObject
, it
overrides the getter-to-key-name logic and uses the value of the annotation. The Bean
processor will look through the class hierarchy. This means you can use the annotation on
a base class or interface and the value of the annotation will be used even if the getter
is overridden in a child class.
JSONString.java: The JSONString
interface requires a toJSONString
allowing an object to provide its own serialization.
JSONStringer.java: The JSONStringer
provides a convenient facility for
building JSON strings.
JSONWriter.java: The JSONWriter
provides a convenient facility for building
JSON text through a writer.
CDL.java: CDL
provides support for converting between JSON and comma
delimited lists.
Cookie.java: Cookie
provides support for converting between JSON and cookies.
CookieList.java: CookieList
provides support for converting between JSON and
cookie lists.
provides support for converting between JSON and HTTP headers.
HTTPTokener.java: HTTPTokener
extends JSONTokener
for parsing HTTP headers.
XML.java: XML
provides support for converting between JSON and XML.
provides support for converting between JSONML and XML.
XMLTokener.java: XMLTokener
extends JSONTokener
for parsing XML text.