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Authorization of Functionality

vanboom edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

The authorizations described in the help cover authorization of controller actions and model instances. But what if you want to have a mixed authorization system that includes authorization of features that are part of your views?

For example: You want to allow your blog users to see a list of other blog users, and your blog admins to be able to impersonate (i.e. post a blog for) other users.

Let’s create a role titled “impersonate_user”. The User::role_symbols function should include “impersonate_user” in the roles for users we want to allow impersonation.

Then in your view simply wrap a block of code in the view with has_role?( :impersonate_user )

You do not have to modify anything in authorization_rules.rb, unless you also want that role to include access to other controllers, actions, or instances.

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