# Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln

Support for schedules provided by [awbkoeln.de](https://www.awbkoeln.de/).

## Configuration via configuration.yaml

    - name: awbkoeln_de
        street_code: STREET_CODE
        building_number: BUILDING_NUMBER

### Configuration Variables

*(string) (required)*

*(string) (required)*

## Example

    - name: awbkoeln_de
        street_code: 4272
        building_number: 10

## How to get the source arguments

### Script

There is a script with an interactive command line interface which generates the required source configuration:


First, install the Python module `inquirer`. Then run this script from a shell and answer the questions.

### Manually

It is also possible to retrieve the `street_code` manually. For this, you need to go to the following AWB-page and enter an address:


Afterwards you can hover over the PDF-download, labelled "Jahres-Abfuhrkalender XXXX als PDF", which should show you an URL similar to this one for the Kölner Dom:


The number after `p_strnr=`, in this example `745`, is then what you can add as `street_code` in your YAML.