Yes, it's possible to install MAVProxy on Android, totally unsupported, no guarantees, good luck, but here goes.
see for more.
tip: do NOT install from play store, its a really old version.
Once installed, in the termux console run these commands:
pkg upgrade
[ answer 'y' to all questions.]
pkg install python
[3.10.x at time of testing]
pkg install libxml2*
[ for -dev pkg ]
pkg install libxslt*
[ for -dev pkg ]
pkg install python-*
[ for python-dev , be sure to include the '-' here.]
pip install --upgrade pip
pip is needed for the next few packages
pip install wheel
pip install pymavlink
wheel isn't installed automatically in some cases, so we install it manually first
MATHLIB="m" pip3 install numpy
numpy doesnt install without this extra prefix on android , so we do it first as well.
pip install mavproxy
finally we install mavproxy!
pkg install mlocate
optionally other things that might be helpful
where is it? --master=udp:
a few different ways to run it! eg: if u have udp mavlink data being forward to your phone over wifi, then should be your PHONE's ip address, and it will receive the data.
known issues:
- --console and all the GUI parts of mavproxy don't work, as the 'WX' package isn't available for android.
- no idea if using a usb/serial connecton works, but UDP-over-wifi definitely does!
- totally unsupported, may break at any time and stop working. please do a pull-request to edit this file if you find these instructions no longer work.