Working from home
Front-End Web Developer | Freelancer | HTML/CSS,Javascript,Next JS,Typescript,TRPC | Problem Solving
π frontendmentor-projects
list of solution frontendmentor challenges
8 repositories
frontendmentor solution | Clipboard landing page with javascript, tailwindcss and GSAP
frontendmentor solution | intro-component-signup webpage with HTML/CSS/javascript + vite
frontendmentor solution | FAQ card webpage with HTML/CSS/javascript + vite
frontendmentor solution | fylo landing page webpage with HTML/CSS/javascript + vite
frontendmentor solution | four card design webpage with HTML/CSS/javascript + vite
frontendmentor solution | NFT card list with sveltekit + tailwindcss
frontendmentor solution | FAQ Accordion with tailwindcss + svelte powered by vite