- Fix directory error in
Update personal info of SQuID members
Use shinyMatrix package for matrixInput
Module “Random regressions”: plot true predicted values by individual
Module “Multidimentional phenotypic plasticity and random slopes”
Add module “Non-Gaussian traits”
Reset individual identifier to 1 for each replicate.
Add correlation between trait in residual and high-level grouping variance.
Change in
the export data.frame column names from Beta0, Beta1 and Beta12 to respectively B0, B1 and B12 in order to have a consistent nomenclature betweensquidApp()
. -
Add the high-level grouping id column to the
return data.frame
Change the name of module “Random slope” to “Random regression”.
Add Denis Reale as package author to DESCRIPTION file.
Fix display issue in R documentation (in function
, section Details).
- First release.