From 78335a1326a2ea229a586e0f3d3590c63dcb849a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitry Lymarenko <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 15:31:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/14] CC-25250 Added Service Points IG

 _data/sidebars/scos_dev_sidebar.yml           |   4 +
 .../     | 337 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../     |   8 +
 3 files changed, 349 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 _includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
 create mode 100644 docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/

diff --git a/_data/sidebars/scos_dev_sidebar.yml b/_data/sidebars/scos_dev_sidebar.yml
index 82c6d665761..1c60a922c64 100644
--- a/_data/sidebars/scos_dev_sidebar.yml
+++ b/_data/sidebars/scos_dev_sidebar.yml
@@ -2385,6 +2385,10 @@ entries:
       url: /docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/install-the-push-notification-feature.html
       - "202304.0"
+    - title: Service Points
+      url: /docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/install-the-service-points-feature.html
+      include_versions:
+        - "202304.0"
     - title: Queue Data Import
       url: /docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/queue-data-import-feature-integration.html
diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02872078050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+This document describes how to integrate the Service Points feature into a Spryker project.
+## Install feature core
+Follow the steps below to install the Service Points feature.
+To start feature integration, integrate the required features:
+### Prerequisites
+To start feature integration, overview and install the necessary features:
+| NAME         | VERSION          | INTEGRATION GUIDE                                                                                                                    |
+| Spryker Core | {{page.version}} | [Spryker Core feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/spryker-core-feature-integration.html) |  |
+### 1) Install the required modules using Composer
+composer require spryker-feature/service-points: "{{page.version}}" --update-with-dependencies
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
+| MODULE                  | EXPECTED DIRECTORY                        |
+| ServicePoint            | vendor/spryker/service-point              |
+| ServicePointDataImport  | vendor/spryker/service-point-data-import  |
+| ServicePointsBackendApi | vendor/spryker/service-points-backend-api |
+{% endinfo_block %}
+## 2) Set up database schema and transfer objects
+Apply database changes and generate transfer changes:
+console transfer:generate
+console propel:install
+console transfer:entity:generate
+console frontend:zed:build
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
+| DATABASE ENTITY         | TYPE  | EVENT   |
+| spy_service_point       | table | created |
+| spy_service_point_store | table | created |
+{% endinfo_block %}
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
+| CLASS NAMESPACE                                             | EXTENDS                                                                        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint           |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery |
+{% endinfo_block %}
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
+| TRANSFER                       | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                         |
+| ServicePoint                   | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                   |
+| ServicePointCollection         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection         |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest  |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse |
+| ServicePointCriteria           | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria           |
+| ServicePointConditions         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions         |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes     | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes     |
+| StoreRelation                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                  |
+| Store                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                              |
+| Error                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                              |
+| Sort                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                               |
+| Pagination                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                         |
+| ErrorCollection                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                    |
+| DataImporterConfiguration      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration          |
+| DataImporterReport             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                 |
+{% endinfo_block %}
+### 3) Set up configuration
+1. To make the `service-points` resource protected, adjust the protected paths configuration:
+namespace Pyz\Shared\GlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnector;
+use Spryker\Shared\GlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnector\GlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnectorConfig as SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnectorConfig;
+class GlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnectorConfig extends SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnectorConfig
+    /**
+     * @return array<string, mixed>
+     */
+    public function getProtectedPaths(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            // ...
+            '/\/service-points(?:\/[^\/]+)?\/?$/' => [
+                'isRegularExpression' => true,
+            ],
+        ];
+    }
+### 4) Import service points
+1. Prepare your data according to your requirements using our demo data:
+sp1,Spryker Main Store,1
+sp2,Spryker Berlin Store,1
+| COLUMN    | REQUIRED? | DATA TYPE | DATA EXAMPLE       | DATA EXPLANATION                        |
+| key       | mandatory | string    | sp1                | Unique key of the service point.        |
+| name      | mandatory | string    | Spryker Main Store | Name of the service point.              |
+| is_active | mandatory | bool      | 0                  | Defines if the service point is active. |
+| COLUMN            | REQUIRED? | DATA TYPE | DATA EXAMPLE | DATA EXPLANATION                        |
+| service_point_key | mandatory | string    | sp1          | Unique key of the service point.        |
+| store_name        | mandatory | string    | DE           | Name of the store to make relation for. |
+2. Enable data imports at your configuration file, e.g.:
+    - data_entity: service-point
+      source: data/import/common/common/service_point.csv
+    - data_entity: service-point-store
+      source: data/import/common/{{store}}/service_point_store.csv
+3. Register the following data import plugins:
+| PLUGIN                            | SPECIFICATION                                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
+| ServicePointDataImportPlugin      | Imports service points data into the database.                | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin | Imports service point store relations data into the database. | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport;
+use Spryker\Zed\DataImport\DataImportDependencyProvider as SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointDataImportPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointDataImportPlugin;
+class DataImportDependencyProvider extends SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Dependency\Plugin\DataImportPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getDataImporterPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointDataImportPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+4. Enable the behaviors by registering the console commands:
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Console;
+use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container;
+use Spryker\Zed\Console\ConsoleDependencyProvider as SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Communication\Console\DataImportConsole;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\ServicePointDataImportConfig;
+class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
+     *
+     * @return array<\Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command>
+     */
+    protected function getConsoleCommands(Container $container): array
+    {
+        $commands = [
+            // ...
+            new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT),
+            new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_STORE),
+        ];
+        return $commands;
+    }
+5. Import data:
+console data:import service-point
+console data:import service-point-store
+{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
+Make sure that entities were imported to `spy_service_point` and `spy_service_point_store` database tables respectively.
+{% endinfo_block %}
+### 5) Add translations
+1. Append glossary according to your configuration:
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_exists,A service point with the same key already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_exists,Es existiert bereits eine Servicestelle mit dem gleichen Schlüssel.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_is_not_unique,A service point with the same key already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_is_not_unique,Es existiert bereits eine Servicestelle mit dem gleichen Schlüssel in einer Abfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_wrong_length,A service point key must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_key_wrong_length,Ein Servicestellen-Schlüssel muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_name_wrong_length,A service point name must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_name_wrong_length,Ein Servicestellen-Name muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.store_does_not_exist,Store with name '%name%' does not exist.,en_US
+service_point.validation.store_does_not_exist,Store mit dem Namen '%name%' existiert nicht.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_entity_not_found,Service point entity was not found.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_entity_not_found,Servicestelle wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.wrong_request_body,Wrong request body.,en_US
+service_point.validation.wrong_request_body,Falscher Anforderungstext.,de_DE
+2. Import data:
+console data:import glossary
+### 6) Set up behavior
+4. To enable the Backend API, register the plugin:
+| PLUGIN                             | SPECIFICATION                            | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                                            |
+| ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin | Registers the `service-points` resource. |               | \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector |
+namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication;
+use Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider as SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider;
+use \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector\ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin;
+class GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getResourcePlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+1. Make sure that you can send the following requests:
+    * `POST`
+         ```json
+            {
+                "data": {
+                    "type": "service-points",
+                    "attributes": {
+                        "name": "Some Service Point",
+                        "key": "ssp",
+                        "isActive": "true",
+                        "stores": ["DE", "AT"]
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+         ```
+    * `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}`
+       ```json
+          {
+              "data": {
+                  "type": "service-points",
+                  "attributes": {
+                      "name": "Another Name"
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+       ```
+    * `GET`
+    * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}`
+{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd61b0f55a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+title: Install the Service Points feature
+description: Learn how to integrate the Service Points feature into your project
+last_updated: Apr 14, 2023
+template: feature-integration-guide-template
+{% include pbc/all/install-features/{{page.version}}/ %} <!-- To edit, see /_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ -->

From 6db5ae28f152744d801a7087428fc81f964a5854 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitry Lymarenko <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 17:16:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/14] CC-25250 Small fix

 .../202304.0/              | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index 02872078050..72f8334df44 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ console data:import glossary
 ### 6) Set up behavior
-4. To enable the Backend API, register the plugin:
+1. To enable the Backend API, register the plugin:
 | PLUGIN                             | SPECIFICATION                            | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                                            |

From 5d1a33779f85ce8e7a9e94f9f894d9cb89d8ea69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Artem <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 12:05:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/14] CC-26009 add IG for service point addresses

 .../     | 216 ++++++++++++++----
 .../     |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index 72f8334df44..db0f11254fc 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ console frontend:zed:build
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
-| DATABASE ENTITY         | TYPE  | EVENT   |
-| spy_service_point       | table | created |
-| spy_service_point_store | table | created |
+| DATABASE ENTITY           | TYPE   | EVENT   |
+| spy_service_point         | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_store   | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_address | table  | created |
+| spy_region.uuid           | column | created |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -57,12 +59,14 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
-| CLASS NAMESPACE                                             | EXTENDS                                                                        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint           |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery      |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore      |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery |
+| CLASS NAMESPACE                                               | EXTENDS                                                                          |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress      |      
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery   |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -70,29 +74,42 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                       | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                         |
-| ServicePoint                   | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                   |
-| ServicePointCollection         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection         |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest  |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse |
-| ServicePointCriteria           | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria           |
-| ServicePointConditions         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions         |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes     | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes     |
-| StoreRelation                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                  |
-| Store                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                              |
-| Error                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                              |
-| Sort                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                               |
-| Pagination                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                         |
-| ErrorCollection                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                    |
-| DataImporterConfiguration      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration          |
-| DataImporterReport             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                 |
+| TRANSFER                              | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
+| ServicePoint                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                       |
+| ServicePointCollection                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection             |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest      |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse     |
+| ServicePointCriteria                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria               |
+| ServicePointConditions                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions             |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes         |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes |
+| StoreRelation                         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                      |
+| Store                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                  |
+| Error                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                  |
+| Sort                                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                   |
+| Pagination                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                             |
+| ErrorCollection                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                        |
+| DataImporterConfiguration             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration              |
+| DataImporterReport                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                     |
+| CountryCriteria                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                        |
+| CountryConditions                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                      |
+| Country                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                |
+| CountryCollection                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                      |
+| Region                                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                 |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection          |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria            |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions          |
+| ServicePointAddress                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                    |
+| GlueRelationship                      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                       |
 {% endinfo_block %}
 ### 3) Set up configuration
-1. To make the `service-points` resource protected, adjust the protected paths configuration:
+1. To make the `service-points` and `service-point-addresses` resources protected, adjust the protected paths configuration:
@@ -112,7 +129,7 @@ class GlueBackendApiApplicationAuthorizationConnectorConfig extends SprykerGlueB
         return [
             // ...
-            '/\/service-points(?:\/[^\/]+)?\/?$/' => [
+            '/\/service-points.*/' => [
                 'isRegularExpression' => true,
@@ -151,6 +168,25 @@ sp2,DE
 | service_point_key | mandatory | string    | sp1          | Unique key of the service point.        |
 | store_name        | mandatory | string    | DE           | Name of the store to make relation for. |
+| COLUMN            | REQUIRED? | DATA TYPE | DATA EXAMPLE              | DATA EXPLANATION                 |
+| service_point_key | mandatory | string    | sp1                       | Unique key of the service point. |
+| region_iso2_code  | optional  | string    | DE-BE                     | Region ISO2 code                 |
+| country_iso2_code | mandatory | string    | DE                        | Country ISO2 code                |
+| address1          | mandatory | string    | Caroline-Michaelis-Straße | First line of address            |
+| address2          | mandatory | string    | 8a                        | Second line of address           |
+| address3          | optional  | string    | 12/1                      | Third line of address            |
+| city              | mandatory | string    | Berlin                    | City                             |
+| zip_code          | mandatory | string    | 10115                     | Zip code                         |
 2. Enable data imports at your configuration file, e.g.:
@@ -160,14 +196,17 @@ sp2,DE
       source: data/import/common/common/service_point.csv
     - data_entity: service-point-store
       source: data/import/common/{{store}}/service_point_store.csv
+    - data_entity: service-point-address
+      source: data/import/common/common/service_point_address.csv
 3. Register the following data import plugins:
-| PLUGIN                            | SPECIFICATION                                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
-| ServicePointDataImportPlugin      | Imports service points data into the database.                | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
-| ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin | Imports service point store relations data into the database. | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| PLUGIN                              | SPECIFICATION                                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
+| ServicePointDataImportPlugin        | Imports service points data into the database.                | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin   | Imports service point store relations data into the database. | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| ServicePointAddressDataImportPlugin | Imports service point addresses into the database.            | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
@@ -178,7 +217,8 @@ namespace Pyz\Zed\DataImport;
 use Spryker\Zed\DataImport\DataImportDependencyProvider as SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointDataImportPlugin;
-use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointDataImportPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport\ServicePointAddressDataImportPlugin;
 class DataImportDependencyProvider extends SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider
@@ -190,6 +230,7 @@ class DataImportDependencyProvider extends SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider
         return [
             new ServicePointDataImportPlugin(),
             new ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointAddressDataImportPlugin(),
@@ -222,6 +263,7 @@ class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
             // ...
             new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT),
             new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_STORE),
+            new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_ADDRESS),
         return $commands;
@@ -234,11 +276,12 @@ class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
 console data:import service-point
 console data:import service-point-store
+console data:import service-point-address
 {% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Make sure that entities were imported to `spy_service_point` and `spy_service_point_store` database tables respectively.
+Make sure that entities were imported to `spy_service_point`, `spy_service_point_store` and `spy_service_point_address` database tables respectively.
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -261,6 +304,26 @@ service_point.validation.service_point_entity_not_found,Service point entity was
 service_point.validation.service_point_entity_not_found,Servicestelle wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
 service_point.validation.wrong_request_body,Wrong request body.,en_US
 service_point.validation.wrong_request_body,Falscher Anforderungstext.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.country_entity_not_found,Country with iso2 code '%iso2Code%' does not exist.,en_US
+service_point.validation.country_entity_not_found,Das Land mit dem iso2-Code '%iso2Code%' existiert nicht.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.region_entity_not_found,Region with uuid '%uuid%' does not exist for country with iso2 code '%countryIso2Code%'.,en_US
+service_point.validation.region_entity_not_found,Region mit uuid '%uuid%' existiert nicht für Land mit iso2-Code '%countryIso2Code%',de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address1_wrong_length,Service Point Address Input address1 must have a length of %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address1_wrong_length,Service Point Adresse Input address1 muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address2_wrong_length,Service Point Address Input address2 must have a length of %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address2_wrong_length,Service Point Adresse Input address2 muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address3_wrong_length,Service Point Address Input address3 must have a length of %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_address3_wrong_length,Service Point Adresse Input address3 muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_city_wrong_length,A service point address city must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_city_wrong_length,Eine Service Point Adresse Stadt muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_entity_not_found,Service point address entity was not found.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_entity_not_found,Die Entität Service Point Adresse wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_zip_code_wrong_length,A service point address zip code must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_zip_code_wrong_length,Die Postleitzahl einer Service Point Adresse muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_already_exists,A service point address for the service point already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_address_already_exists,Es existiert bereits eine Service Point Adresse für den Service Point.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_uuid_is_not_unique,A service point with the same uuid already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_uuid_is_not_unique,Ein Service Point mit der gleichen uuid existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
 2. Import data:
@@ -271,11 +334,12 @@ console data:import glossary
 ### 6) Set up behavior
-1. To enable the Backend API, register the plugin:
+1. To enable the Backend API, register the plugins:
-| PLUGIN                             | SPECIFICATION                            | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                                            |
-| ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin | Registers the `service-points` resource. |               | \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector |
+| PLUGIN                                     | SPECIFICATION                                     | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                                            |
+| ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin         | Registers the `service-points` resource.          |               | \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector |
+| ServicePointAddressesBackendResourcePlugin | Registers the `service-point-addresses` resource. |               | \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector |
@@ -286,6 +350,7 @@ namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication;
 use Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider as SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider;
 use \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector\ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin;
+use \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector\ServicePointAddressesBackendResourcePlugin;
 class GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider
@@ -296,12 +361,52 @@ class GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiA
         return [
             new ServicePointsBackendResourcePlugin(),
+            new ServicePointAddressesBackendResourcePlugin(),
+2. To enable the Backend API relationships, register the plugin:
+| PLUGIN                                                                 | SPECIFICATION                                                             | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                                            |
+| ServicePointAddressesByServicePointsBackendResourceRelationshipPlugin  | Adds `service-point-addresses` relationship to `service-points` resource. |               | \Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector |
+namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication;
+use Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnectorDependencyProvider as SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnectorDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\Plugin\GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnector\ServicePointAddressesByServicePointsBackendResourceRelationshipPlugin;
+use Spryker\Glue\ServicePointsBackendApi\ServicePointsBackendApiConfig;
+class GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnectorDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnectorDependencyProvider{
+    /**
+     * @param \Spryker\Glue\GlueJsonApiConventionExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceRelationshipCollectionInterface $resourceRelationshipCollection
+     *
+     * @return \Spryker\Glue\GlueJsonApiConventionExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceRelationshipCollectionInterface
+     */
+    protected function getResourceRelationshipPlugins(
+        ResourceRelationshipCollectionInterface $resourceRelationshipCollection,
+    ): ResourceRelationshipCollectionInterface {
+        ...
+        $resourceRelationshipCollection->addRelationship(
+            ServicePointsBackendApiConfig::RESOURCE_SERVICE_POINTS,
+            new ServicePointAddressesByServicePointsBackendResourceRelationshipPlugin(),
+        );
+        ...
+    }
 {% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
 1. Make sure that you can send the following requests:
@@ -333,5 +438,38 @@ class GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueBackendApiA
     * `GET`
     * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}`
+    * `POST{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
+         ```json
+            {
+                "data": {
+                    "type": "service-point-address",
+                    "attributes": {
+                        "address1": "address1",
+                        "address2": "address2",
+                        "address3": "address3",
+                        "city": "city",
+                        "zipCode": "10115",
+                        "countryIso2Code": "DE"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+         ```
+   * `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses/{{service-point-address-uuid}}`
+        ```json
+           {
+               "data": {
+                   "type": "service-point-address",
+                   "attributes": {
+                       "address1": "another address1",
+                       "address2": "another address2",
+                       "address3": "another address3",
+                       "city": "another city",
+                       "zipCode": "20115",
+                       "countryIso2Code": "AT"
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+        ```
+   * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
 {% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
index dd61b0f55a9..f157e4a3d34 100644
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
+++ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 title: Install the Service Points feature
 description: Learn how to integrate the Service Points feature into your project
-last_updated: Apr 14, 2023
+last_updated: May 02, 2023
 template: feature-integration-guide-template

From 05da82e3be25f459e769f7b572fab761f95e594e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitriy Aseev <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 15:51:52 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 04/14] =?UTF-8?q?=D0=A1=D0=A1-26419:=20Adjusted=20Service?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 .../     | 420 ++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 382 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index db0f11254fc..ed2a0b6fdfb 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -28,11 +28,47 @@ Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
 | ServicePoint            | vendor/spryker/service-point              |
 | ServicePointDataImport  | vendor/spryker/service-point-data-import  |
 | ServicePointsBackendApi | vendor/spryker/service-points-backend-api |
+| ServicePointSearch      | vendor/spryker/service-point-search       |
 {% endinfo_block %}
 ## 2) Set up database schema and transfer objects
+Adjust the schema definition so entity changes will trigger events.
+| AFFECTED ENTITY               | TRIGGERED EVENTS                                                                                                              |
+| spy_service_point             | Entity.spy_service_point.create<br>Entity.spy_service_point.update<br>Entity.spy_service_point.delete                         |
+| spy_service_point_address     | Entity.spy_service_point_address.create<br>Entity.spy_service_point_address.update<br>Entity.spy_service_point_address.delete |
+| spy_service_point_store       | Entity.spy_service_point_store.create<br>Entity.spy_service_point_store.update<br>Entity.spy_service_point_store.delete       |
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<database xmlns:xsi="" name="zed" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" namespace="Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.ServicePoint.Persistence">
+   <table name="spy_service_point">
+      <behavior name="event">
+         <parameter name="spy_service_point_all" column="*"/>
+      </behavior>
+   </table>
+   <table name="spy_service_point_address">
+      <behavior name="event">
+         <parameter name="spy_service_point_address_all" column="*"/>
+      </behavior>
+   </table>
+   <table name="spy_service_point_store">
+      <behavior name="event">
+         <parameter name="spy_service_point_store_all" column="*"/>
+      </behavior>
+   </table>
 Apply database changes and generate transfer changes:
@@ -51,6 +87,7 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 | spy_service_point         | table  | created |
 | spy_service_point_store   | table  | created |
 | spy_service_point_address | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_search  | table  | created |
 | spy_region.uuid           | column | created |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -59,14 +96,16 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
-| CLASS NAMESPACE                                               | EXTENDS                                                                          |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint             |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress      |      
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery   |
+| CLASS NAMESPACE                                                    | EXTENDS                                                                               |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint                  | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint                  |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress           |      
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -74,36 +113,39 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                              | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
-| ServicePoint                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                       |
-| ServicePointCollection                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection             |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest      |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse     |
-| ServicePointCriteria                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria               |
-| ServicePointConditions                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions             |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes         |
-| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes |
-| StoreRelation                         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                      |
-| Store                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                  |
-| Error                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                  |
-| Sort                                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                   |
-| Pagination                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                             |
-| ErrorCollection                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                        |
-| DataImporterConfiguration             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration              |
-| DataImporterReport                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                     |
-| CountryCriteria                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                        |
-| CountryConditions                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                      |
-| Country                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                |
-| CountryCollection                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                      |
-| Region                                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                 |
-| ServicePointAddressCollection         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection          |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  |
-| ServicePointAddressCriteria           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria            |
-| ServicePointAddressConditions         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions          |
-| ServicePointAddress                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                    |
-| GlueRelationship                      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                       |
+| TRANSFER                               | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
+| ServicePoint                           | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                       |
+| ServicePointCollection                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection             |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest      |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse     |
+| ServicePointCriteria                   | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria               |
+| ServicePointConditions                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions             |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes             | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes         |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes     | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes |
+| StoreRelation                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                      |
+| Store                                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                  |
+| Error                                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                  |
+| Sort                                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                   |
+| Pagination                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                             |
+| ErrorCollection                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                        |
+| DataImporterConfiguration              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration              |
+| DataImporterReport                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                     |
+| CountryCriteria                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                        |
+| CountryConditions                      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                      |
+| Country                                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                |
+| CountryCollection                      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                      |
+| Region                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                 |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection          |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria            |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions          |
+| ServicePointAddress                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                    |
+| GlueRelationship                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                       |
+| ServicePointSearchCollection           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection           |
+| ServicePointSearch                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                     |
+| ServicePointSearchRequest              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest              |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -332,6 +374,308 @@ service_point.validation.service_point_uuid_is_not_unique,Ein Service Point mit
 console data:import glossary
+### 5) Configure export to Elasticsearch
+Adjust Elasicsearch config at SearchElasticsearchConfig:
+namespace Pyz\Shared\SearchElasticsearch;
+use Spryker\Shared\SearchElasticsearch\SearchElasticsearchConfig as SprykerSearchElasticsearchConfig;
+class SearchElasticsearchConfig extends SprykerSearchElasticsearchConfig
+    protected const SUPPORTED_SOURCE_IDENTIFIERS = [
+        'service_point',
+    ];
+To set up a new source for Service Points, execute the following command:
+console search:setup:source-map
+Adjust `RabbitMq` module configuration in `src/Pyz/Client/RabbitMq/RabbitMqConfig.php`:
+namespace Pyz\Client\RabbitMq;
+use Spryker\Client\RabbitMq\RabbitMqConfig as SprykerRabbitMqConfig;
+use Spryker\Shared\ServicePointSearch\ServicePointSearchConfig;
+class RabbitMqConfig extends SprykerRabbitMqConfig
+    /**
+     * @return array<mixed>
+     */
+    protected function getQueueConfiguration(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            ServicePointSearchConfig::QUEUE_NAME_SYNC_SEARCH_SERVICE_POINT,
+        ];
+    }
+Register new queue message processor:
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Queue;
+use Spryker\Shared\ServicePointSearch\ServicePointSearchConfig;
+use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container;
+use Spryker\Zed\Queue\QueueDependencyProvider as SprykerDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\Synchronization\Communication\Plugin\Queue\SynchronizationSearchQueueMessageProcessorPlugin;
+class QueueDependencyProvider extends SprykerDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
+     *
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\Queue\Dependency\Plugin\QueueMessageProcessorPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getProcessorMessagePlugins(Container $container): array
+    {
+        return [
+            ServicePointSearchConfig::QUEUE_NAME_SYNC_SEARCH_SERVICE_POINT => new SynchronizationSearchQueueMessageProcessorPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+Configure synchronization pool
+namespace Pyz\Zed\ServicePointSearch;
+use Pyz\Zed\Synchronization\SynchronizationConfig;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\ServicePointSearchConfig as SprykerServicePointSearchConfig;
+class ServicePointSearchConfig extends SprykerServicePointSearchConfig
+    /**
+     * @return string|null
+     */
+    public function getServicePointSearchSynchronizationPoolName(): ?string
+    {
+        return SynchronizationConfig::DEFAULT_SYNCHRONIZATION_POOL_NAME;
+    }
+#### Set up re-generate and re-sync features
+| PLUGIN                                              | SPECIFICATION                                                                                        | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
+| ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin | Allows synchronizing the service point search table content into Elasticsearch.                      | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization |
+| ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin                  | Allows to populate service point search table with data and trigger further export to Elasticsearch. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher       |
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Synchronization;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization\ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\Synchronization\SynchronizationDependencyProvider as SprykerSynchronizationDependencyProvider;
+class SynchronizationDependencyProvider extends SprykerSynchronizationDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\SynchronizationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\SynchronizationDataPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getSynchronizationDataPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
+use Spryker\Zed\Publisher\PublisherDependencyProvider as SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin;
+class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\PublisherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PublisherTriggerPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getPublisherTriggerPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+#### Register publisher plugins
+| PLUGIN                            | SPECIFICATION                                       | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                  |
+| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin  | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint |
+| ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin | Listens for events and unpublishes respective data. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint |
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
+use Spryker\Zed\Publisher\PublisherDependencyProvider as SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin;
+class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\PublisherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PublisherPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getPublisherPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+#### Register query expander and result formatter plugins
+| PLUGIN                                         | SPECIFICATION                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                              |
+| ServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugin        | Maps raw Elasticsearch results to a transfer. | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\ResultFormatter |
+| SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin    | Adds sorting to a search query.               | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin | Adds pagination to a search query.            | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin     | Adds filtering by locale to a search query.   | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+namespace Pyz\Client\ServicePointSearch;
+use Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query\PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin;
+use Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query\SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin;
+use Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query\StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin;
+use Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\ResultFormatter\ServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugin;
+use Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider as SprykerServicePointSearchDependencyProvider;
+class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return list<\Spryker\Client\SearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResultFormatterPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return list<\Spryker\Client\SearchExtension\Dependency\Plugin\QueryExpanderPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
+            new SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
+            new PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+1. Fill the `spy_service_point` table with some data and run `console publish:trigger-events -r service_point` command.
+   Make sure that the `spy_service_point_search` table is filled with respective data per store. Check Elasticsearch documents, make sure you are able to see data in the following format:
+   "store":"DE",
+   "type":"service_point",
+   "search-result-data":{
+      "idServicePoint":123,
+      "uuid":"40320bdf-c2af-4dd8-8d09-4550ece4287d",
+      "name":"Service Point Name #1",
+      "key":"service-point-name-1",
+      "address":{
+         "idServicePointAddress":44,
+         "uuid":"2f02b327-0165-46ea-88df-0190d9a1c242",
+         "address1":"Seeburger Str.",
+         "address2":"270",
+         "address3":"Block B",
+         "city":"Berlin",
+         "zipCode":"10115",
+         "country":{
+            "iso2Code":"DE",
+            "name":"Germany"
+         },
+         "region":{
+            "name":"Saxony"
+         }
+      }
+   },
+   "full-text-boosted":[
+      "Service Point Name #1"
+   ],
+   "full-text":[
+      "Service Point Name #1",
+      "Seeburger Str. 270 Block B",
+      "Berlin",
+      "10115",
+      "Germany",
+      "Saxony"
+   ],
+   "suggestion-terms":[
+      "Service Point Name #1"
+   ],
+   "completion-terms":[
+      "Service Point Name #1"
+   ],
+   "string-sort":{
+      "city":"Berlin"
+   }
+2. Change some record at the `spy_service_point_search` table and run `console sync:data service_point`. Make sure that your changes were synced to the respective Elasticsearch document.
+{% endinfo_block %}
 ### 6) Set up behavior
 1. To enable the Backend API, register the plugins:

From f9c476486eea3d7d63262de240c555435fb76db9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitriy Aseev <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2023 17:14:11 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 05/14] =?UTF-8?q?=D0=A1=D0=A1-26419:=20Added=20new=20publi?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 .../202304.0/ | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index ed2a0b6fdfb..bc49f456ab1 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -539,10 +539,12 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
 #### Register publisher plugins
-| PLUGIN                            | SPECIFICATION                                       | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                  |
-| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin  | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint |
-| ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin | Listens for events and unpublishes respective data. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint |
+| PLUGIN                                  | SPECIFICATION                                       | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                         |
+| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin        | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
+| ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin       | Listens for events and unpublishes respective data. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
+| ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress |
+| ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin   | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore   |
@@ -554,6 +556,8 @@ namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
 use Spryker\Zed\Publisher\PublisherDependencyProvider as SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress\ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore\ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin;
 class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
@@ -565,6 +569,8 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
         return [
             new ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin(),
             new ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin(),

From bf37c12b9a1ae1945e3fe1f84981503836b03f59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Knappe <>
Date: Tue, 9 May 2023 11:50:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/14] CC-25214: IG Service as a part of a Service Point

 .../     | 165 ++++++++++++++----
 .../     |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index db0f11254fc..b3bd9406b62 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 | DATABASE ENTITY           | TYPE   | EVENT   |
 | spy_service_point         | table  | created |
-| spy_service_point_store   | table  | created |
 | spy_service_point_address | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_service | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_store   | table  | created |
+| spy_service_type          | table  | created |
 | spy_region.uuid           | column | created |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -62,11 +64,16 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 | CLASS NAMESPACE                                               | EXTENDS                                                                          |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress      |      
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointService      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointService      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointServiceQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointServiceQuery |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore        |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery   |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceType              | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceType              |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceTypeQuery         | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceTypeQuery         |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -74,36 +81,48 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                              | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
-| ServicePoint                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                       |
-| ServicePointCollection                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection             |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest      |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse     |
-| ServicePointCriteria                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria               |
-| ServicePointConditions                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions             |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes         |
-| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes |
-| StoreRelation                         | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                      |
-| Store                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                  |
-| Error                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                  |
-| Sort                                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                   |
-| Pagination                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                             |
-| ErrorCollection                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                        |
-| DataImporterConfiguration             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration              |
-| DataImporterReport                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                     |
-| CountryCriteria                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                        |
-| CountryConditions                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                      |
-| Country                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                |
-| CountryCollection                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                      |
-| Region                                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                 |
-| ServicePointAddressCollection         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection          |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  |
-| ServicePointAddressCriteria           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria            |
-| ServicePointAddressConditions         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions          |
-| ServicePointAddress                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                    |
-| GlueRelationship                      | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                       |
+| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                    |
+| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                              |
+| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                    |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest             |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse            |
+| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                      |
+| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                    |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes        |
+| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                             |
+| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                         |
+| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                         |
+| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                          |
+| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                    |
+| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                               |
+| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                     |
+| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                            |
+| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                               |
+| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                             |
+| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                       |
+| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                             |
+| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                        |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                 |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                   |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                 |
+| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                           |
+| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                              |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         |
+| ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         |
+| ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           |
+| ServicePointServiceTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceTransfer                   |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 |
+| ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 |
+| ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   |
+| ServiceTypeTransfer                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeTransfer                           |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -187,6 +206,34 @@ sp2,,DE,Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße,1,,Berlin,10115
 | city              | mandatory | string    | Berlin                    | City                             |
 | zip_code          | mandatory | string    | 10115                     | Zip code                         |
+| name   | mandatory | string    | Pickup       | Unique key of the service type.   |
+| key    | mandatory | string    | pickup       | Unique name of the service type.  |
+| COLUMN            | REQUIRED? | DATA TYPE | DATA EXAMPLE      | DATA EXPLANATION                                |
+| key               | mandatory | string    | sps1              | Unique key of the service point service.        |
+| service_point_key | mandatory | string    | sp1               | Unique key of the service point.                |
+| service_type_key  | mandatory | string    | pickup            | Unique key of the service type.                 |
+| is_active         | mandatory | bool      | 0                 | Defines if the service point service is active. |
 2. Enable data imports at your configuration file, e.g.:
@@ -198,6 +245,10 @@ sp2,,DE,Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße,1,,Berlin,10115
       source: data/import/common/{{store}}/service_point_store.csv
     - data_entity: service-point-address
       source: data/import/common/common/service_point_address.csv
+    - data_entity: service-type
+      source: data/import/common/common/service_type.csv
+    - data_entity: service-point-service
+      source: data/import/common/common/service_point_service.csv
 3. Register the following data import plugins:
@@ -207,6 +258,8 @@ sp2,,DE,Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße,1,,Berlin,10115
 | ServicePointDataImportPlugin        | Imports service points data into the database.                | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
 | ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin   | Imports service point store relations data into the database. | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
 | ServicePointAddressDataImportPlugin | Imports service point addresses into the database.            | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| ServiceTypeDataImportPlugin         | Imports service types into the database.                      | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
+| ServicePointServiceDataImportPlugin | Imports service point services into the database.             | None          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport |
@@ -231,6 +284,8 @@ class DataImportDependencyProvider extends SprykerDataImportDependencyProvider
             new ServicePointDataImportPlugin(),
             new ServicePointStoreDataImportPlugin(),
             new ServicePointAddressDataImportPlugin(),
+            new ServiceTypeDataImportPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointServiceDataImportPlugin(),
@@ -264,6 +319,8 @@ class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
             new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT),
             new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_STORE),
             new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_ADDRESS),
+            new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_TYPE),
+            new DataImportConsole(DataImportConsole::DEFAULT_NAME . static::COMMAND_SEPARATOR . ServicePointDataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_SERVICE_POINT_SERVICE),
         return $commands;
@@ -275,13 +332,21 @@ class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
 console data:import service-point
-console data:import service-point-store
 console data:import service-point-address
+console data:import:service-point-service
+console data:import service-point-store
+console data:import:service-type
 {% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Make sure that entities were imported to `spy_service_point`, `spy_service_point_store` and `spy_service_point_address` database tables respectively.
+Make sure that entities were imported to the following database tables respectively:
+ - `spy_service_point`
+ - `spy_service_point_store`
+ - `spy_service_point_address`
+ - `spy_service_type`
+ - `spy_service_point_service`
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -324,6 +389,38 @@ service_point.validation.service_point_address_already_exists,A service point ad
 service_point.validation.service_point_address_already_exists,Es existiert bereits eine Service Point Adresse für den Service Point.,de_DE
 service_point.validation.service_point_uuid_is_not_unique,A service point with the same uuid already exists in request.,en_US
 service_point.validation.service_point_uuid_is_not_unique,Ein Service Point mit der gleichen uuid existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_exists,A service type with the same key already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_exists,Ein Service-Typ mit demselben Schlüssel existiert bereits.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_wrong_length,A service type key must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_wrong_length,Ein Service-Typ-Schlüssel muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_is_not_unique,A service type with the same key already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_is_not_unique,Ein Service-Typ mit demselben Schlüssel existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_exists,A service type with the same name already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_exists,Ein Service-Typ mit demselben Namen existiert bereits.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_wrong_length,A service type name must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_wrong_length,Ein Service-Typ-Name muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_is_not_unique,A service type with the same name already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_name_is_not_unique,Ein Service-Typ mit demselben Namen existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_entity_not_found,The service type entity was not found.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_entity_not_found,Die Service-Typ-Entität wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_poinst_service_key_exists,A service point service with the same key already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_poinst_service_key_exists,Ein Servicepunkt-Service mit demselben Schlüssel existiert bereits.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_wrong_length,A service point service key must have length from %min% to %max% characters.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_wrong_length,Ein Servicepunkt-Service-Schlüssel muss eine Länge von %min% bis %max% Zeichen haben.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_is_not_unique,A service point service with the same key already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_is_not_unique,Ein Servicepunkt-Service mit demselben Schlüssel existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_type_relation_already_exists,A service point service with defined relation of service point and service type already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_type_relation_already_exists,Ein Servicepunkt-Service mit einer definierten Beziehung von Servicepunkt und Service-Typ existiert bereits.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_type_relation_is_not_unique,A service point service with defined relation of service pint and service type already exists in request.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_type_relation_is_not_unique,Ein Servicepunkt-Service mit definierter Beziehung von Servicepunkt und Service-Typ existiert bereits in der Anfrage.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_entity_not_found,The service point service entity was not found.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_entity_not_found,Die Servicepunkt-Service-Entität wurde nicht gefunden.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_immutability,The service point service key is immutable.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_immutability,Der Servicepunkt-Service-Schlüssel ist unveränderlich.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_immutability,The service type key is immutable.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_type_key_immutability,Der Service-Typ-Schlüssel ist unveränderlich.,de_DE
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_exists,A service point service with the same key already exists.,en_US
+service_point.validation.service_point_service_key_exists,Ein Servicepunkt-Service mit demselben Schlüssel existiert bereits.,de_DE
 2. Import data:
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
index f157e4a3d34..45536080b38 100644
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
+++ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 title: Install the Service Points feature
 description: Learn how to integrate the Service Points feature into your project
-last_updated: May 02, 2023
+last_updated: May 09, 2023
 template: feature-integration-guide-template

From fdc0e2e93dee52a76e86604c8b8d457c416b763c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadym Sachenko <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 09:46:09 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 07/14] service points feature review

 .../     | 163 +++++++++---------
 .../     |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index bc49f456ab1..f0dcf2e0074 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
 This document describes how to integrate the Service Points feature into a Spryker project.
 ## Install feature core
@@ -7,7 +10,7 @@ To start feature integration, integrate the required features:
 ### Prerequisites
-To start feature integration, overview and install the necessary features:
+To start feature integration, integrate the required features:
 | NAME         | VERSION          | INTEGRATION GUIDE                                                                                                                    |
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
 ## 2) Set up database schema and transfer objects
-Adjust the schema definition so entity changes will trigger events.
+1. Adjust the schema definition so entity changes trigger events.
 | AFFECTED ENTITY               | TRIGGERED EVENTS                                                                                                              |
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ Adjust the schema definition so entity changes will trigger events.
-Apply database changes and generate transfer changes:
+2. Apply database changes and generate transfer changes:
 console transfer:generate
@@ -90,10 +93,6 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 | spy_service_point_search  | table  | created |
 | spy_region.uuid           | column | created |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
 Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
 | CLASS NAMESPACE                                                    | EXTENDS                                                                               |
@@ -107,10 +106,6 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch      |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
 | TRANSFER                               | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
@@ -151,7 +146,7 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
 ### 3) Set up configuration
-1. To make the `service-points` and `service-point-addresses` resources protected, adjust the protected paths configuration:
+To make the `service-points` and `service-point-addresses` resources protected, adjust the protected paths configuration:
@@ -229,7 +224,7 @@ sp2,,DE,Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße,1,,Berlin,10115
 | city              | mandatory | string    | Berlin                    | City                             |
 | zip_code          | mandatory | string    | 10115                     | Zip code                         |
-2. Enable data imports at your configuration file, e.g.:
+2. Enable data imports at your configuration file—for example:
@@ -376,7 +371,7 @@ console data:import glossary
 ### 5) Configure export to Elasticsearch
-Adjust Elasicsearch config at SearchElasticsearchConfig:
+1. In `SearchElasticsearchConfig`, adjust Elasicsearch config:
@@ -395,14 +390,14 @@ class SearchElasticsearchConfig extends SprykerSearchElasticsearchConfig
-To set up a new source for Service Points, execute the following command:
+2. Set up a new source for Service Points:
 console search:setup:source-map
-Adjust `RabbitMq` module configuration in `src/Pyz/Client/RabbitMq/RabbitMqConfig.php`:
+3. In `src/Pyz/Client/RabbitMq/RabbitMqConfig.php`, adjust the `RabbitMq` module's configuration:
@@ -428,7 +423,7 @@ class RabbitMqConfig extends SprykerRabbitMqConfig
-Register new queue message processor:
+4. Register the new queue message processor:
@@ -458,7 +453,7 @@ class QueueDependencyProvider extends SprykerDependencyProvider
-Configure synchronization pool
+5. Configure the synchronization pool:
@@ -482,12 +477,12 @@ class ServicePointSearchConfig extends SprykerServicePointSearchConfig
-#### Set up re-generate and re-sync features
+#### Set up regenerate and resync features
 | PLUGIN                                              | SPECIFICATION                                                                                        | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
 | ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin | Allows synchronizing the service point search table content into Elasticsearch.                      | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization |
-| ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin                  | Allows to populate service point search table with data and trigger further export to Elasticsearch. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher       |
+| ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin                  | Allows populating service point search table with data and triggering further export to Elasticsearch. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher       |
@@ -626,8 +621,9 @@ class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDepe
 {% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-1. Fill the `spy_service_point` table with some data and run `console publish:trigger-events -r service_point` command.
-   Make sure that the `spy_service_point_search` table is filled with respective data per store. Check Elasticsearch documents, make sure you are able to see data in the following format:
+1. Fill the `spy_service_point` table with some data and run `console publish:trigger-events -r service_point`.
+2. Make sure that the `spy_service_point_search` table is filled with respective data per store. 
+3. Check Elasticearch documents and make sure data is structured in the following format:
@@ -678,7 +674,8 @@ class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDepe
-2. Change some record at the `spy_service_point_search` table and run `console sync:data service_point`. Make sure that your changes were synced to the respective Elasticsearch document.
+4. In the `spy_service_point_search` table, change some records and run `console sync:data service_point`. 
+5. Make sure that your changes have been synced to the respective Elasticsearch document.
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -759,67 +756,71 @@ class GlueBackendApiApplicationGlueJsonApiConventionConnectorDependencyProvider
 {% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-1. Make sure that you can send the following requests:
-    * `POST`
-         ```json
-            {
-                "data": {
-                    "type": "service-points",
-                    "attributes": {
-                        "name": "Some Service Point",
-                        "key": "ssp",
-                        "isActive": "true",
-                        "stores": ["DE", "AT"]
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-         ```
-    * `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}`
-       ```json
-          {
-              "data": {
-                  "type": "service-points",
-                  "attributes": {
-                      "name": "Another Name"
-                  }
+Make sure that you can send the following requests:
+* `POST`
+   ```json
+      {
+          "data": {
+              "type": "service-points",
+              "attributes": {
+                  "name": "Some Service Point",
+                  "key": "ssp",
+                  "isActive": "true",
+                  "stores": ["DE", "AT"]
-       ```
-    * `GET`
-    * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}`
-    * `POST{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
-         ```json
-            {
-                "data": {
-                    "type": "service-point-address",
-                    "attributes": {
-                        "address1": "address1",
-                        "address2": "address2",
-                        "address3": "address3",
-                        "city": "city",
-                        "zipCode": "10115",
-                        "countryIso2Code": "DE"
-                    }
+      }
+   ```
+* `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}`
+    ```json
+        {
+            "data": {
+                "type": "service-points",
+                "attributes": {
+                    "name": "Another Name"
-         ```
-   * `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses/{{service-point-address-uuid}}`
-        ```json
-           {
-               "data": {
-                   "type": "service-point-address",
-                   "attributes": {
-                       "address1": "another address1",
-                       "address2": "another address2",
-                       "address3": "another address3",
-                       "city": "another city",
-                       "zipCode": "20115",
-                       "countryIso2Code": "AT"
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-        ```
-   * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
+        }
+    ```
+* `GET`
+* `GET{{service-point-uuid}}`
+* `POST{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
+   ```json
+      {
+          "data": {
+              "type": "service-point-address",
+              "attributes": {
+                  "address1": "address1",
+                  "address2": "address2",
+                  "address3": "address3",
+                  "city": "city",
+                  "zipCode": "10115",
+                  "countryIso2Code": "DE"
+              }
+          }
+      }
+   ```
+* `PATCH{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses/{{service-point-address-uuid}}`
+  ```json
+     {
+         "data": {
+             "type": "service-point-address",
+             "attributes": {
+                 "address1": "another address1",
+                 "address2": "another address2",
+                 "address3": "another address3",
+                 "city": "another city",
+                 "zipCode": "20115",
+                 "countryIso2Code": "AT"
+             }
+         }
+     }
+  ```
+* `GET{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
 {% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
index f157e4a3d34..5305e7876ac 100644
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
+++ b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/202304.0/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 title: Install the Service Points feature
 description: Learn how to integrate the Service Points feature into your project
-last_updated: May 02, 2023
+last_updated: May 10, 2023
 template: feature-integration-guide-template

From ed4c54c51c3cc7207f99fefa6ddb2be68a9f830a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadym Sachenko <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 10:01:26 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 08/14] Update Rakefile

 Rakefile | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 467fd8e81ac..d0484191a51 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ commonOptions = {
-    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/
+    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/,
+    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/
   :file_ignore => [],

From d5fad53fca844d5dfc10a89a86e5a99692ed073a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadym Sachenko <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 10:18:08 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 09/14] Update Rakefile

 Rakefile | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index d0484191a51..2b882542453 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ commonOptions = {
-    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/
+    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/,
+    /\/[\.\w\-\/\?]+/
   :file_ignore => [],

From 37e2368315e3b5377d22228da2a26ffe8c8dab9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Knappe <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 10:31:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/14] CC-25214: IG Service as a part of a Service Point

 .../     | 102 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index 2a6d45ef2d4..8de31bfc63a 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -94,21 +94,21 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
-| CLASS NAMESPACE                                                    | EXTENDS                                                                          |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint                  | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint             |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress      |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointService           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointService      |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointServiceQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointServiceQuery |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore        |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery   |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceType                   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceType              |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceTypeQuery              | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceTypeQuery         |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch      |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery |
+| CLASS NAMESPACE                                                    | EXTENDS                                                                                |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint                  | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint                   |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress            |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery       |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery              |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointService           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointService            |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointServiceQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointServiceQuery       |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery       |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore              |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery         |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceType                   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceType                    |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceTypeQuery              | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceTypeQuery               |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch       |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery  |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -116,39 +116,39 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                             |
-| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                       |
-| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection             |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest      |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse     |
-| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria               |
-| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions             |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes         |
-| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes |
-| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                      |
-| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                  |
-| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                  |
-| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                   |
-| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                             |
-| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                        |
-| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration              |
-| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                     |
-| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                        |
-| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                      |
-| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                |
-| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                      |
-| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                 |
-| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection          |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest   |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse  |
-| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria            |
-| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions          |
-| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                    |
-| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                       |
-| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection           |
-| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                     |
-| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest              |
+| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                    |
+| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                              |
+| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                    |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest             |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse            |
+| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                      |
+| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                    |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes        |
+| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                             |
+| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                         |
+| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                         |
+| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                          |
+| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                    |
+| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                               |
+| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                     |
+| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                            |
+| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                               |
+| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                             |
+| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                       |
+| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                             |
+| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                        |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                 |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                   |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                 |
+| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                           |
+| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                              |
+| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection                  |
+| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                            |
+| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest                     |
 | ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  |
 | ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer |
 | ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         |
@@ -577,9 +577,9 @@ class ServicePointSearchConfig extends SprykerServicePointSearchConfig
 #### Set up regenerate and resync features
-| PLUGIN                                              | SPECIFICATION                                                                                        | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
-| ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin | Allows synchronizing the service point search table content into Elasticsearch.                      | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization |
+| PLUGIN                                              | SPECIFICATION                                                                                          | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                           |
+| ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin | Allows synchronizing the service point search table content into Elasticsearch.                        | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization |
 | ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin                  | Allows populating service point search table with data and triggering further export to Elasticsearch. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher       |

From 86e505dd7b4b39a2567025d57761f137b2fa2344 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Knappe <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 10:32:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] CC-25214: IG Service as a part of a Service Point

 .../     | 90 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index 8de31bfc63a..bca390af92d 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -116,51 +116,51 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                    |
-| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                              |
-| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                    |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest             |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse            |
-| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                      |
-| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                    |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                |
-| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes        |
-| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                             |
-| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                         |
-| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                         |
-| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                          |
-| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                    |
-| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                               |
-| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                     |
-| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                            |
-| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                               |
-| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                             |
-| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                       |
-| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                             |
-| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                        |
-| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                 |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         |
-| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                   |
-| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                 |
-| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                           |
-| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                              |
-| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection                  |
-| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                            |
-| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest                     |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         |
-| ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         |
-| ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           |
-| ServicePointServiceTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceTransfer                   |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 |
-| ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 |
-| ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   |
-| ServiceTypeTransfer                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeTransfer                           |
+| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                     |
+| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                               |
+| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                     |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest              |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse             |
+| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                       |
+| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                     |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                 |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes         |
+| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                              |
+| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                          |
+| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                          |
+| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                           |
+| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                     |
+| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                                |
+| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                      |
+| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                             |
+| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                                |
+| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                              |
+| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                        |
+| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                              |
+| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                         |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                  |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest           |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse          |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                    |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                  |
+| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                            |
+| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                               |
+| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection                   |
+| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                             |
+| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest                      |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer   |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer  |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer          |
+| ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer          |
+| ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer            |
+| ServicePointServiceTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceTransfer                    |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer           |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer          |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                  |
+| ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                  |
+| ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                    |
+| ServiceTypeTransfer                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeTransfer                            |
 {% endinfo_block %}

From 7db35aebb5810ff5b72e76b9a22b4dd51e658360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Havrylko <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 11:47:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/14] Install the Service Points feature (#1834)

* CC-26675: adjusted service point ig with service point storage.
 .../     | 378 ++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 309 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index bca390af92d..f88b701bb19 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
 | ServicePointDataImport  | vendor/spryker/service-point-data-import  |
 | ServicePointsBackendApi | vendor/spryker/service-points-backend-api |
 | ServicePointSearch      | vendor/spryker/service-point-search       |
+| ServicePointStorage     | vendor/spryker/service-point-storage      |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -89,26 +90,29 @@ Make sure that the following changes have been applied in the database:
 | spy_service_point_service | table  | created |
 | spy_service_point_store   | table  | created |
 | spy_service_point_search  | table  | created |
+| spy_service_point_storage | table  | created |
 | spy_service_type          | table  | created |
 | spy_region.uuid           | column | created |
 Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking their existence. Also, make generated entity classes extending respective Spryker core classes.
-| CLASS NAMESPACE                                                    | EXTENDS                                                                                |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint                  | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint                   |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress            |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery       |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery              |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointService           | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointService            |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointServiceQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointServiceQuery       |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery       |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore              |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery         |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceType                   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceType                    |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceTypeQuery              | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceTypeQuery               |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch       |
-| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery  |
+| CLASS NAMESPACE                                                      | EXTENDS                                                                                 |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePoint                    | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePoint                    |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddress             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddress             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointQuery               | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointQuery               |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointService             | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointService             |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointServiceQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointServiceQuery        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointAddressQuery        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointAddressQuery        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStore               | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStore               |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServicePointStoreQuery          | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStoreQuery          |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceType                     | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceType                     |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\SpyServiceTypeQuery                | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePoint\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServiceTypeQuery                |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearch        | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearch        |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\SpyServicePointSearchQuery   | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointSearchQuery   |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\SpyServicePointStorage      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStorage      |
+| \Orm\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\SpyServicePointStorageQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStorageQuery |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -116,51 +120,60 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
-| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                     |
-| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                               |
-| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                     |
-| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest              |
-| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse             |
-| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                       |
-| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                     |
-| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                 |
-| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes         |
-| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                              |
-| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                          |
-| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                          |
-| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                           |
-| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                     |
-| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                                |
-| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                      |
-| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                             |
-| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                                |
-| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                              |
-| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                        |
-| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                              |
-| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                         |
-| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                  |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest           |
-| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse          |
-| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                    |
-| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                  |
-| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                            |
-| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                               |
-| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection                   |
-| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                             |
-| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest                      |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer   |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer  |
-| ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer          |
-| ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer          |
-| ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer            |
-| ServicePointServiceTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceTransfer                    |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer           |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer          |
-| ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                  |
-| ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                  |
-| ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                    |
-| ServiceTypeTransfer                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeTransfer                            |
+| TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                    |
+| ServicePoint                                  | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePoint                              |
+| ServicePointCollection                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollection                    |
+| ServicePointCollectionRequest                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionRequest             |
+| ServicePointCollectionResponse                | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCollectionResponse            |
+| ServicePointCriteria                          | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointCriteria                      |
+| ServicePointConditions                        | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointConditions                    |
+| ApiServicePointsAttributes                    | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointsAttributes                |
+| ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes            | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/ApiServicePointAddressesAttributes        |
+| StoreRelation                                 | class | created | src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/StoreRelation                             |
+| Store                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Store                                         |
+| Error                                         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Error                                         |
+| Sort                                          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Sort                                          |
+| Pagination                                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Pagination                                    |
+| ErrorCollection                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ErrorCollection                               |
+| DataImporterConfiguration                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterConfiguration                     |
+| DataImporterReport                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/DataImporterReport                            |
+| CountryCriteria                               | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCriteria                               |
+| CountryConditions                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryConditions                             |
+| Country                                       | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Country                                       |
+| CountryCollection                             | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryCollection                             |
+| Region                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Region                                        |
+| ServicePointAddressCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollection                 |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionRequest          |
+| ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCollectionResponse         |
+| ServicePointAddressCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressCriteria                   |
+| ServicePointAddressConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressConditions                 |
+| ServicePointAddress                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddress                           |
+| GlueRelationship                              | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/GlueRelationship                              |
+| ServicePointSearchCollection                  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchCollection                  |
+| ServicePointSearch                            | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearch                            |
+| ServicePointSearchRequest                     | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointSearchRequest                     |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionRequestTransfer  |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionResponseTransfer |
+| ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCollectionTransfer         |
+| ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceConditionsTransfer         |
+| ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceCriteriaTransfer           |
+| ServicePointServiceTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointServiceTransfer                   |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionRequestTransfer          |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionResponseTransfer         |
+| ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCollectionTransfer                 |
+| ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeConditionsTransfer                 |
+| ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeCriteriaTransfer                   |
+| ServiceTypeTransfer                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServiceTypeTransfer                           |
+| ServicePointStorage                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointStorage                           |
+| ServicePointAddressStorage                    | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointAddressStorage                    |
+| CountryStorage                                | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/CountryStorage                                |
+| RegionStorage                                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/RegionStorage                                 |
+| ServicePointStorageCollection                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointStorageCollection                 |
+| ServicePointStorageCriteria                   | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointStorageCriteria                   |
+| ServicePointStorageConditions                 | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/ServicePointStorageConditions                 |
+| SynchronizationData                           | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/SynchronizationData                           |
+| Filter                                        | class | created | Generated/Shared/Transfer/Filter                                        |
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -380,11 +393,11 @@ console data:import:service-type
 Make sure that entities were imported to the following database tables respectively:
- - `spy_service_point`
- - `spy_service_point_store`
- - `spy_service_point_address`
- - `spy_service_type`
- - `spy_service_point_service`
+- `spy_service_point`
+- `spy_service_point_store`
+- `spy_service_point_address`
+- `spy_service_type`
+- `spy_service_point_service`
 {% endinfo_block %}
@@ -720,7 +733,7 @@ class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDepe
 {% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
 1. Fill the `spy_service_point` table with some data and run `console publish:trigger-events -r service_point`.
-2. Make sure that the `spy_service_point_search` table is filled with respective data per store. 
+2. Make sure that the `spy_service_point_search` table is filled with respective data per store.
 3. Check Elasticearch documents and make sure data is structured in the following format:
@@ -772,12 +785,239 @@ class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDepe
-4. In the `spy_service_point_search` table, change some records and run `console sync:data service_point`. 
+4. In the `spy_service_point_search` table, change some records and run `console sync:data service_point`.
 5. Make sure that your changes have been synced to the respective Elasticsearch document.
 {% endinfo_block %}
-### 6) Set up behavior
+### 6) Configure export to Redis
+Configure tables to be published and synchronized to the Storage on create, edit, and delete changes.
+1. Adjust `RabbitMq` module configuration in `src/Pyz/Client/RabbitMq/RabbitMqConfig.php`:
+namespace Pyz\Client\RabbitMq;
+use Spryker\Client\RabbitMq\RabbitMqConfig as SprykerRabbitMqConfig;
+use Spryker\Shared\ServicePointStorage\ServicePointStorageConfig;
+class RabbitMqConfig extends SprykerRabbitMqConfig
+    /**
+     * @return array<mixed>
+     */
+    protected function getSynchronizationQueueConfiguration(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            ServicePointStorageConfig::QUEUE_NAME_SYNC_STORAGE_SERVICE_POINT,
+        ];
+    }
+2. Register new queue message processor:
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Queue;
+use Spryker\Shared\ServicePointStorage\ServicePointStorageConfig;
+use Spryker\Zed\Queue\QueueDependencyProvider as SprykerDependencyProvider;
+class QueueDependencyProvider extends SprykerDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
+     *
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\Queue\Dependency\Plugin\QueueMessageProcessorPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getProcessorMessagePlugins(Container $container): array
+    {
+        return [
+            ServicePointStorageConfig::QUEUE_NAME_SYNC_STORAGE_SERVICE_POINT => new SynchronizationStorageQueueMessageProcessorPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+3. Configure synchronization pool and event queue name
+namespace Pyz\Zed\ServicePointStorage;
+use Pyz\Zed\Synchronization\SynchronizationConfig;
+use Spryker\Shared\Publisher\PublisherConfig;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\ServicePointStorageConfig as SprykerServicePointStorageConfig;
+class ServicePointStorageConfig extends SprykerServicePointStorageConfig
+    /**
+     * @return string|null
+     */
+    public function getServicePointStorageSynchronizationPoolName(): ?string
+    {
+        return SynchronizationConfig::DEFAULT_SYNCHRONIZATION_POOL_NAME;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return string|null
+     */
+    public function getEventQueueName(): ?string
+    {
+        return PublisherConfig::PUBLISH_QUEUE;
+    }
+4. Set up publisher plugins:
+| PLUGIN                                  | SPECIFICATION                                                                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                          |
+| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin        | Publishes service point data by `SpyServicePoint` entity events.                              |               | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
+| ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin | Publishes service point data by `SpyServicePointAddress` entity events.                       |               | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress |
+| ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin   | Publishes service point data by service point store entity events.                            |               | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore   |
+| ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin      | Allows to populate service point storage table with data and trigger further export to Redis. |               | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher                     |
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
+use Spryker\Zed\Publisher\PublisherDependencyProvider as SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin as ServicePointStorageWritePublisherPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress\ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin as ServicePointStorageAddressWritePublisherPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointPublisherTriggerPlugin as ServicePointStoragePublisherTriggerPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore\ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin as ServicePointStorageStoreWritePublisherPlugin;
+class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array
+     */
+    protected function getPublisherPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return array_merge(
+            $this->getServicePointStoragePlugins(),
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\PublisherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PublisherTriggerPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getPublisherTriggerPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointStoragePublisherTriggerPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return list<\Spryker\Zed\PublisherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\PublisherPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getServicePointStoragePlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointStorageWritePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointStorageAddressWritePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServicePointStorageStoreWritePublisherPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+5. Set up synchronization plugins:
+| PLUGIN                                              | SPECIFICATION                                                            | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                            |
+| ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin | Allows synchronizing the service point storage table content into Redis. |               | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization |
+namespace Pyz\Zed\Synchronization;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Communication\Plugin\Synchronization\ServicePointSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin as ServicePointStorageSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin;
+use Spryker\Zed\Synchronization\SynchronizationDependencyProvider as SprykerSynchronizationDependencyProvider;
+class SynchronizationDependencyProvider extends SprykerSynchronizationDependencyProvider
+    /**
+     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\SynchronizationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\SynchronizationDataPluginInterface>
+     */
+    protected function getSynchronizationDataPlugins(): array
+    {
+        return [
+            new ServicePointStorageSynchronizationDataBulkRepositoryPlugin(),
+        ];
+    }
+{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
+Make sure that the `service-point` trigger plugin works correctly:
+1. Fill the `spy_service_point`, `spy_service_point_store`, `spy_servoce_point_address` tables with data.
+2. Run the `console publish:trigger-events -r service_point` command.
+3. Make sure that the `spy_service_point_storage` table has been filled with respective data.
+4. Make sure that, in your system, storage entries are displayed with `kv:service_point:{store}:{service_point_id}` mask.
+Make sure that `service-point` synchronization plugin works correctly:
+1. Fill the `spy_service_point_storage` table with some data.
+2. Run the `console sync:data -r service_point` command.
+3. Make sure that, in your system, storage entries are displayed with `kv:service_point:{store}:{service_point_id}` mask.
+Make sure that when a service point is created or edited through BAPI, it is exported to Redis accordingly.
+Make sure you are able to see data in Redis in the following format:
+   "id_service_point": 1,
+   "uuid": "262feb9d-33a7-5c55-9b04-45b1fd22067e",
+   "name": "Spryker Main Store",
+   "key": "sp1",
+   "is_active": true,
+   "address": {
+      "id_service_point_address": 1,
+      "uuid": "74768ee9-e7dd-5e3c-bafd-b654e7946c54",
+      "address1": "Caroline-Michaelis-Stra\u00dfe",
+      "address2": "8",
+      "address3": null,
+      "zip_code": "10115",
+      "city": "Berlin",
+      "country": {
+         "iso2_code": "DE",
+         "id_country": 60
+      },
+      "region": {
+         "uuid": "2f02b327-0165-46ea-88df-0190d9a1c242",
+         "id_region": 1,
+         "name": "Berlin"
+      }
+   },
+   "_timestamp": 1683216744.8334839
+{% endinfo_block %}
+### 7) Set up behavior
 1. To enable the Backend API, register the plugins:
@@ -921,4 +1161,4 @@ Make sure that you can send the following requests:
 * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
-{% endinfo_block %}
+{% endinfo_block %}
\ No newline at end of file

From 722a96d61ded253f0765b9494ffaaeb697ca7e56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Havrylko <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 17:17:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/14] CC-28503: added service types search in service points
 feature intgration.

 .../     | 35 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index f88b701bb19..0a1599d8d90 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ Make sure that the following modules have been installed:
+   <table name="spy_service">
+      <behavior name="event">
+         <parameter name="spy_service_all" column="*"/>
+      </behavior>
+   </table>
@@ -645,12 +651,13 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
 #### Register publisher plugins
-| PLUGIN                                  | SPECIFICATION                                       | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                         |
-| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin        | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
-| ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin       | Listens for events and unpublishes respective data. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
-| ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress |
-| ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin   | Listens for events and publishes respective data.   | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore   |
+| PLUGIN                                  | SPECIFICATION                                             | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                                         |
+| ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin        | Listens for events and publishes respective data.         | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
+| ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin       | Listens for events and unpublishes respective data.       | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint        |
+| ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin | Listens for events and publishes respective data.         | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress |
+| ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin   | Listens for events and publishes respective data.         | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointStore   |
+| ServiceWritePublisherPlugin             | Listens for service events and publishes respective data. | None          | Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\Service             |
@@ -660,6 +667,7 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
 namespace Pyz\Zed\Publisher;
 use Spryker\Zed\Publisher\PublisherDependencyProvider as SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider;
+use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\Service\ServiceWritePublisherPlugin;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePoint\ServicePointWritePublisherPlugin;
 use Spryker\Zed\ServicePointSearch\Communication\Plugin\Publisher\ServicePointAddress\ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin;
@@ -677,6 +685,7 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
             new ServicePointDeletePublisherPlugin(),
             new ServicePointAddressWritePublisherPlugin(),
             new ServicePointStoreWritePublisherPlugin(),
+            new ServiceWritePublisherPlugin(),
@@ -684,12 +693,13 @@ class PublisherDependencyProvider extends SprykerPublisherDependencyProvider
 #### Register query expander and result formatter plugins
-| PLUGIN                                         | SPECIFICATION                                 | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                              |
-| ServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugin        | Maps raw Elasticsearch results to a transfer. | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\ResultFormatter |
-| SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin    | Adds sorting to a search query.               | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
-| PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin | Adds pagination to a search query.            | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
-| StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin     | Adds filtering by locale to a search query.   | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| PLUGIN                                            | SPECIFICATION                                      | PREREQUISITES | NAMESPACE                                                              |
+| ServicePointSearchResultFormatterPlugin           | Maps raw Elasticsearch results to a transfer.      | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\ResultFormatter |
+| SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin       | Adds sorting to a search query.                    | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin    | Adds pagination to a search query.                 | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin        | Adds filtering by locale to a search query.        | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
+| ServiceTypesServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin | Adds filtering by service types to a search query. | None          | Spryker\Client\ServicePointSearch\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query           |
@@ -725,6 +735,7 @@ class ServicePointSearchDependencyProvider extends SprykerServicePointSearchDepe
             new StoreServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
             new SortedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
             new PaginatedServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),
+            new ServiceTypesServicePointSearchQueryExpanderPlugin(),

From 3134d739caec58b2e00ba8e041d9d4b0381bbd98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadym Sachenko <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 18:02:34 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 14/14] Update

 .../202304.0/        | 8 +-------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
index 0a1599d8d90..18ffda9ac9a 100644
--- a/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
+++ b/_includes/pbc/all/install-features/202304.0/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ This document describes how to integrate the Service Points feature into a Spryk
 ## Install feature core
-Follow the steps below to install the Service Points feature.
 To start feature integration, integrate the required features:
 ### Prerequisites
@@ -120,10 +119,6 @@ Make sure that propel entities have been generated successfully by checking thei
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\SpyServicePointStorage      | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStorage      |
 | \Orm\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\SpyServicePointStorageQuery | \Spryker\Zed\ServicePointStorage\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyServicePointStorageQuery |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
 Make sure that the following changes have been applied in transfer objects:
 | TRANSFER                                      | TYPE  | EVENT   | PATH                                                                    |
@@ -263,7 +258,6 @@ sp2,,DE,Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße,1,,Berlin,10115
 | city              | mandatory | string    | Berlin                    | City                             |
 | zip_code          | mandatory | string    | 10115                     | Zip code                         |
@@ -1172,4 +1166,4 @@ Make sure that you can send the following requests:
 * `GET{{service-point-uuid}}/service-point-addresses`
-{% endinfo_block %}
\ No newline at end of file
+{% endinfo_block %}