-| [MerchantOms](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-oms) | Provides the order management system functionality for the merchant orders. |
-| [MerchantOmsDataImport](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-oms-data-import) | Data importer for the `MerchantOms`. | Backoffice UI interface for the Merchant Oms management. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrder](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order) | Provides functionality for managing merchant orders. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderDataExport](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order-data-export) | Provides possibility to export data related to the merchant orders. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderMerchantUserGui](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order-merchant-user-gui) | Back Office UI for managing merchant sales orders for the Marketplace operator. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderWidget](https://github.com/spryker-shop/merchant-sales-order-widget) | Provides Merchant Order information for Yves. |
-| [Oms](https://github.com/spryker/oms) | Order management system for implementing complex process flows using the state machines. |
-| [OmsProductOfferReservation](https://github.com/spryker/oms-product-offer-reservation) | Provides functionality for save/update/remove reservations for the product offers. |
-| [ProductOfferReservationGui](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-reservation-gui) | Back Office UI component for managing reservations for product offers. |
-| [ProductOfferSales](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-sales) | Connects product offer and sales entities. |
-| [Sales](https://github.com/spryker/sales) | Provides the order management core functionality. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderExtension](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order-extension) | Extension point for the `MerchantSalesOrder`. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderThresholdGui](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order-threshold-gui) | Provides Zed UI interface for Merchant Order threshold management. |
-| [SalesMerchantPortalGui](https://github.com/spryker/sales-merchant-portal-gui) | Provides UI for managing Merchant Sales in the Merchant Portal. |
-## Domain model
-The following diagram illustrates the domain model of the Marketplace Order Management feature:
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/041ca5e4-7738-47ac-a01b-4ed91a57662d.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Merchant orders in the Merchant Portal
-{% info_block warningBox “Warning” %}
-Do not build the Merchant functionality around Orders, but rather around Merchant Orders.
-Make sure that Merchants do not modify the order directly, but instead use [MerchantOms](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/merchant-oms.html) for this purpose.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-In the Merchant Portal, merchants can view and manage their `MerchantOrders`.
-The information in the Merchant Portal is limited and includes:
-- Customer information
-- Shipment address
-- Merchant order overview
-- Totals
-Merchant order uses its own totals based on order totals, restricted by the Merchant Order Item:
-- refundTotal
-- grandTotal
-- taxTotal
-- expenseTotal
-- subtotal
-- discountTotal
-- canceledTotal
-The *merchant order total* is the sum of the totals of items of an order relating to the merchant order.
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Marketplace Order Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieving Marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-marketplace-orders.html) | [File details: merchant_oms_process.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-oms-process.csv.html) | [MerchantOms](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/merchant-oms.html) |
-| [Marketplace Order Management + Order Threshold feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-order-threshold-feature-integration.html) | | [File details: merchant-order-status.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-order-status.csv.html) | [How-to: Creation a new MerchantOms flow](/docs/marketplace/dev/howtos/how-to-create-a-new-merchant-oms-flow.html) |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/merchant-oms.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/merchant-oms.md
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-title: Merchant Oms
-description: Merchant Oms provides a dedicated Oms flow for Merchant Orders and their Merchants.
-template: concept-topic-template
-Merchant Oms provides a dedicated Oms flow for Merchant Orders and their Merchants.
-Merchant Oms has no direct communication channel with the plain Oms.
-The synchronization of state between an Order and a Merchant Order usually takes place by listening to events and running commands on them.
-The following diagram illustrates how Oms and Merchant Oms can interact.
-Additionally, the feature allows different Oms flows to be assigned to different merchants.
-If you have some enterprise Merchants on your Marketplace and you want to enable different business models on your marketplace, this might be helpful.
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-feature-walkthrough.md
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-title: Marketplace Product feature walkthrough
-description: A Marketplace Product feature adds merchant information to the product that a merchant sells.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-The *Marketplace Product* feature provides a relation between Products and Merchants.
-`MerchantProductAbstract` is a database table used to store data with the Product and Merchant relations. The [Product features work as in the Spryker Commerce OS](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/product-feature-overview/product-feature-overview.html).
-However, on the Storefront, there are additional plugins and widgets to support the relation between Products and Merchants.
-Products are extended with the merchant's data and, when purchased, are assigned to the appropriate `MerchantOrder`.
-To learn more about managing products in the Merchant Portal, see [Marketplace Merchant Portal product management](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-portal-product-management-feature-walkthrough.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Product feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-feature-overview.html) feature overview for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Product* feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/15402fef-7a49-4ff6-bdc7-9e82f2f92011.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-| [MerchantProduct](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product) | Provides connection between the product and merchant entities. |
-| [MerchantProductDataImport](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-data-import) | Imports relations between the products and the merchants from the CSV file. |
-| [ProductMerchantPortalGui](https://github.com/spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui) | Provides components for merchant product management. |
-| [ProductMerchantPortalGuiExtension](https://github.com/spryker/product-merchant-portal-gui-extension) | Provides extension interfaces for the `ProductMerchantPortalGui` module. |
-| [MerchantProductStorage](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-storage) | Manages the storage for the merchant product abstract. |
-| [MerchantProductWidget](https://github.com/spryker-shop/merchant-product-widget) | Provides the merchant product abstract information. |
-| [Product](https://github.com/spryker/product) | Provides the base infrastructure and CRUD operations to handle the abstract and concrete products. |
-| [MerchantProductsRestApi](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-products-rest-api) | Provides REST API endpoints to manage the marketplace products. |
-| [CartsRestApiExtension](https://github.com/spryker/carts-rest-api-extension) | Provides plugin interfaces used by the `CartsRestApi` module. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Product domain model:
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/80809f75-1f94-4f19-9cfd-e39235026e89.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Marketplace Product feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieve abstract products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html) | [File details: merchant-product.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product.csv.html) |
-| [Glue API: Marketplace Product feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieve concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html) | [File details: product_price.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-product-price.csv.html) |
-| [Marketplace Product + Cart feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-cart-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieve abstract product lists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/content-items/retrieving-abstract-products-in-abstract-product-lists.html) | |
-| [Marketplace Product + Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html) | | |
-| [Marketplace Product + Inventory Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-inventory-management-feature-integration.html) | | |
-| [Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/merchant-portal-marketplace-product-feature-integration.html) | | |
-| [Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product + Tax feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/merchant-portal-marketplace-product-tax-feature-integration.html) | | |
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-title: Marketplace Product Offer feature walkthrough
-last_updated: Apr 23, 2021
-description: Product Offer is created when a merchant wants to sell products already available on the Marketplace.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-redirect_from: /docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202204.0/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/rendering-merchant-product-offers-on-the-storefront.html
-The *Marketplace Product Offer* entity is created when multiple merchants sell the same product on the Marketplace. The product offer is a variation of a concrete product with its own specific price (and volume price) and stock. It can be “owned” by any entity, however, in a B2C or B2B Marketplace, it is owned by a [merchant](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-walkthrough.html).
-The Marketplace product offer has its own validity dates and its own availability calculation based on its reservations.
-The product offer re-uses and extends concrete product features. All product-related data is stored and processed as concrete products.
-All offer-related data is stored in a separate entity and linked to a concrete product.
-The Marketplace Product Offer feature contains both merchant product offer and product offer concepts. Merchant product offer extends product offer by adding a pointer to a merchant.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Product Offer feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the Marketplace Product Offer feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/73bc50f6-4822-485c-bd0e-d19646a761f3.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table lists the main modules of the Marketplace Product Offer feature.
-| -------------------- | ---------- |
-| [MerchantProductOffer](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-offer) | Provides a collection of product offers by request. Extends `ProductOffer` with the merchant information. Used by `MerchantSwitcher` for enabling the merchant functionality. |
-| [ProductOffer](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer) | Provides the main create-read-update product offer functionality. |
-| [ProductOfferValidity](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-validity) | Defines validity period for an offer. |
-| [Shop.MerchantProductOfferWidget](https://github.com/spryker-shop/merchant-product-offer-widget) | Provides merchant product offer information for the `spryker-shop`. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the domain model of the Marketplace Product Offer feature:
-![Domain model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/681c5f0c-4a17-4255-9033-7777a6127ce0.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Related Developer documents
-|[Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html) | [File details: combined_merchant_product_offer.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-combined-merchant-product-offer.csv.html) |[Rendering merchant product offers on the Storefront](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/rendering-product-offers-on-the-storefront.html) | [Product offer in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-in-the-back-office.html) |
-|[Marketplace Product Offer + Cart feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-cart-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieving product offers for a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html) |[File details: merchant_product_offer.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-offer.csv.html) | | [Product offer storage](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-storage.html) |
-|[Marketplace Product Offer + Checkout feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-checkout-feature-integration.html) | | [File details: product_offer_stock.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-product-offer-stock.csv.html) | |[Product Offer store relation](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-store-relation.html) |
-|[Marketplace Merchant Portal Product Offer Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-portal-product-offer-management-feature-integration.html) | | [File details: product_offer_validity.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-product-offer-validity.csv.html) | |[Product Offer validity dates](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-validity-dates.html) |
-|[Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html) | | [File details: merchant_product_offer_store.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-offer-store.csv.html) | | |
-|[Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer + Wishlist integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-wishlist-feature-integration.html) | | | | |
-|[Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer + Cart integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-cart-feature-integration.html) | | | | |
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-title: Product Offer in the Back Office
-description: This document provides reference information about product offers in the Back Office.
-template: concept-topic-template
-To inject the [Marketplace Product Offer](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough.html) feature into the [Back office](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/spryker-core-back-office-feature-overview/spryker-core-back-office-feature-overview.html) the following modules are used:
-| -------------------- | ---------- |
-| [ProductOfferGui](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-gui) | Main module which provides CRUD functionality for product offers in the Back Office. You can extend the module by implementing interfaces from the ProductOfferGuiExtension module. |
-| [ProductOfferGuiExtension](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-gui-extension) | Provides interfaces for extending the ProductOfferGui module. |
-| [MerchantProductOfferGui](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-offer-gui) | Extends the ProductOfferGui module, adds merchant context for managing offers in the Back office. |
-| [ProductOfferValidityGui](https://github.com/spryker/product-offer-validity-gui) | Extends the ProductOfferGui module, adds the [validity](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-validity-dates.html) context for managing offers in the Back office. |
-## Module relations
-The following schema illustrates module relations in the Product Offer entity for the Back Office:
-![Module dependency graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/5db1ea40-576c-4663-b53d-e37469be0f81.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-storage.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/product-offer-storage.md
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-title: Product Offer storage
-description: This document provides reference information about Marketplace Product Offer storage.
-template: concept-topic-template
-Product Offer and data related to it is cached to enhance performance.
-{% info_block infoBox "" %}
-For details about how to use and configure Redis as a key-value storage, see [Using and configuring Redis as a key-value storage](/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/client/use-and-configure-redis-as-a-key-value-storage.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-The following modules are used for the Product Offer storage:
-| -------------------- | ---------- |
-| [MerchantProductOfferStorage](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-offer-storage) | Provides entity listeners and operates data caching according to the entity changes |
-| [MerchantProductOfferStorageExtension](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-offer-storage-extension) | Provides interfaces for extending the data caching. |
-{% info_block infoBox "" %}
-For details about how to use Client, use `Client` of the `MerchantProductOfferStorage` module for getting the cached data, see [Client](/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/client/client.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module relations
-The following schema illustrates module relations in the Product Offer storage entity:
-![Module dependency graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/088f0f24-b61d-40e0-a402-876fb48915b6.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
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-title: Product Offer store relation
-description: This document provides reference information about Marketplace Product Offer relation with stores in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: concept-topic-template
-Product offer has the many-to-many relation with stores. It means that the same offer can be available in multiple stores at the same time.
-The store data is cachable.
-## Module dependency graph
-The following schema illustrates module relations between the Product Offer and Store entities:
-![Module dependency graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/a3cc640e-19f7-4208-aa82-3319450449b1.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Store-Product Offer domain model:
-![Domain model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/1448089c-f0c4-4dcb-86e8-bf2f2421c51d.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
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-title: Product Offer validity dates
-description: This document provides reference information about Marketplace Product Offer validity dates in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: concept-topic-template
-Validity dates define the date range when a product offer is active. The Validity Dates entity manipulates the product offer activity field (`spy_product_offer.is_active`),
-activating and deactivating it based on the validity date range.
-To update the product offer activity by validity dates data, run:
-console product-offer:check-validity
-## Module relations
-The following schema illustrates module relations in the Product Offer Validity entity:
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/c49ca6db-3655-4d86-bdb1-ed05d2e1e721.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the ProductOffer-ProductOfferValidity domain model:
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/b20c2abe-77c4-4c33-b361-48034e64dc7b.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Validity data import
-You can import the product offer validity data from the[product_offer_validity.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{site.version}}/file-details-product-offer-validity.csv.html) file by running
-data:import product-offer-validity
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-title: Rendering merchant product offers on the Storefront
-last_updated: Nov 05, 2021
-description: Learn how to render the Merchant Product Offers on the Storefront.
-template: howto-guide-template
-This document explains how to render the merchant product offers on the Storefront.
-## Prerequisites
-The [MerchantProductOfferWidget](https://github.com/spryker-shop/merchant-product-offer-widget) module is responsible for rendering product offers on the Storefront. Make sure it is installed in your project before adding the product offers to the Storefront.
-## Rendering product offers on the product details page
-To render the MerchantProductOfferWidget on the product details page, add it to the `product-configurator.twig` molecule at the project and vendor levels.
-Project level path: `/src/Pyz/Yves/ProductDetailPage/Theme/default/components/molecules/product-configurator/product-configurator.twig`
-Vendor level path: `/vendor/spryker/spryker-shop/Bundles/ProductDetailPage/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ProductDetailPage/Theme/default/components/molecules/product-configurator/product-configurator.twig`
-{% raw %}
-Widget code: {% widget 'MerchantProductOfferWidget' args [data.product] only %}{% endwidget %}
-{% endraw %}
-## Rendering product offers on the cart page
-To render the MerchantProductOfferWidget module to the *Cart* page, add it to the `product-cart-item.twig` molecule at the vendor level:
-{% raw %}
-Widget code: {% widget 'ProductOfferSoldByMerchantWidget' args [data.product] only %}{% endwidget %}
-{% endraw %}
-## Rendering product offers on the checkout pages
-To render the MerchantProductOfferWidget module on the checkout pages, change the *summary-item* molecule at the summary (`/vendor/spryker/spryker-shop/Bundles/CheckoutPage/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CheckoutPage/Theme/default/views/summary/summary.twig`) and shipment (`/vendor/spryker/spryker-shop/Bundles/CheckoutPage/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CheckoutPage/Theme/default/views/shipment/shipment.twig`) steps to the *summery-note* molecule with the new data parameters:
-{% raw %}
-{% embed molecule('summary-node', 'CheckoutPage') with {
- data: {
- node: item,
- },
-{% endembed %}
-{% endraw %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Keep in mind that:
-- *summary-node* already includes a new summary-product-packaging-unit-node molecule.
-- *summary-product-packaging-unit-node* molecule already includes a widget with offers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-walkthrough.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-walkthrough.md
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-title: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature walkthrough
-description: The Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature lets Marketplace merchants set prices for product offers.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-With the *Marketplace Product Offer Prices* feature, the Marketplace merchants can define custom prices for [product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough.html).
-Merchants can define the prices for each product offer. If no price for the product offer is specified, a default price from the concrete product is used.
-Price types (for example,gross price, net price) are assigned to each price, and for each price type, there can be from *one* to *n* product prices. Price type entities are used to differentiate between use cases: for example, we have DEFAULT and ORIGINAL prices which are used for sale pricing. You can add your own price types and use them in your app.
-A new price type can be added by importing price data. The price type in the CSV file will be added or updated.
-To learn more details about prices import file, see: [File details: product_price.csv](/docs/scos/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/data-import-categories/catalog-setup/pricing/file-details-product-price.csv.html)
-Depending on the price mode selected by a customer in Storefront, the price can have gross or net value. You can run your shop in both modes as well as select net mode for business customers, for example.
-A price is also associated with a currency and a store.
-To support product offer prices, a *PriceProductOffer* database table has been added to connect *PriceProductStore* and *ProductOffer* tables. In order to store the information about product offer prices that will be synchronized to Storage, the *ProductConcreteProductOfferPriceStorage* database table has been added. On the Storefront, this data is used to display correct prices for product offers.
-In addition, product offers support volume prices. Merchants can now enter volume prices for product offers, and customers will see the corresponding price on their Storefront based on the quantity they have chosen. The volume prices for product offers work the same as the volume prices for products.
-To learn more about prices and volume prices, see: [Prices](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/prices-feature-overview.html), [Volume Prices](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html)
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Product offer price](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html#product-offer-price) overview for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Product Offer Prices* feature.
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/f128877d-eb61-4d87-b1af-5f166eb45c45.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-| PriceProductOffer | Provides product offer price-related functionality, price persistence, current price resolvers per currency/price mode. |
-| PriceProductOfferDataImport | Imports data for product offer prices. |
-| PriceProductOfferGui | Backoffice UI Interface for managing prices for product offers. |
-| PriceProductOfferStorage | Provides functionality to store data about product offer prices in the storage. |
-| PriceProductOfferVolume | Provides functionality to handle volume prices for product offers. |
-| PriceProductOfferVolumeGui | Backoffice UI Interface for managing volume prices for product offers. |
-| PriceProductOfferExtension | Provides plugin interfaces for extending `PriceProductOffer` module functionality. |
-| PriceProductOfferStorageExtension | Provides plugin interfaces used by Price Product Offer Storage bundle. |
-| PriceProductOfferVolumesRestApi | Provides plugin(s) to add product-offer-volume-prices to the product-offer-prices. |
-| ProductOfferPricesRestApi | Provides Rest API endpoints to manage product offer prices. |
-| ProductOfferPricesRestApiExtension | Provides plugin interfaces for extending the `ProductOfferPricesRestApi` module. |
-| Price | Handles product pricing and provides plugins for products to populate prices. |
-| PriceProduct | Provides product price-related functionality, price persistence, current price resolvers per currency/price mode. |
-| PriceProductStorage | Provides functionality to store data about product prices in the storage. |
-| PriceProductVolume | Provides functionality to handle volume prices for products. |
-| ProductOffer | Provides the core functionality for product offer features. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Product Offer Prices domain model:
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/0ad490bb-f21f-4e4a-b6eb-e0102a8c7b42.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html) | [Retrieving product offer prices](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.html) | [File details: price-product-offer.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-price-product-offer.csv.html) |
-|[Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html) | | |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-options-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-product-options-feature-walkthrough.md
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace Product Options feature walkthrough
-description: Marketplace Product Options lets merchants create their product option groups and values.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-The *Marketplace Product Options* feature lets merchants create their product option groups and values. Currently, you can [import product options](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-option-group.csv.html) where you specify the merchant reference.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Product Options feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-options-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Product Options* feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/d8882366-b2dd-4d6c-b401-01db47a00481.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-| --- | --- |
-| [MerchantProductOption](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-option) | Provides merchant product option main business logic and persistence. |
-| [MerchantProductOptionDataImport](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-option-data-import) | Provides data import functionality for merchant product options. |
-| [MerchantProductOptionStorage](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-option-storage) | Provides publish and sync functionality for merchant product options. |
-| [MerchantProductOptionGui](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-product-option-gui) | Provides backoffice UI for merchant product options management. |
-| [ProductOption](https://github.com/spryker/product-option) | Provides additional layer of optional items that can be sold with the actual product. |
-| [ProductOptionStorage](https://github.com/spryker/product-option-storage) | Provides publish and sync functionality for product options. |
-| [Shop.ProductOptionWidget](https://github.com/spryker-shop/product-option-widget) | Provides widgets for displaying product options. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Product Options domain model:
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/90a0e5bc-a0d9-4cb2-a215-c5d08a786115.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Marketplace Product Options feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-options-feature-integration.html) | [File details: merchant product option group](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-option-group.csv.html) |
-| [Merchant Portal - Marketplace Product Options Management integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/merchant-portal-marketplace-product-options-management-feature-integration.html) | |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-walkthrough.md
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature walkthrough
-description: This document provides technical details about the Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-With the *Marketplace Promotions and Discounts* feature, the discounts are applied to the merchant orders.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-options-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Promotions and Discounts* feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/75358e26-725d-4f7d-8686-c72be236b88e.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-| --- | --- |
-| [DiscountMerchantSalesOrder](https://github.com/spryker/discount-merchant-sales-order) | Provides a plugin for filtering out discounts in `MerchantOrderTransfer.order` that does not belong to the current merchant order. |
-| [DiscountMerchantSalesOrderGui](https://github.com/spryker/discount-merchant-sales-order) | Provides an endpoint `/discount-merchant-sales-order-gui/merchant-sales-order/list` to view the merchant order discounts list in the Back Office. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrderExtension](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order-extension) | Provides plugin interfaces for the `MerchantSalesOrder` module. |
-| [MerchantSalesOrder](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-sales-order) | Links merchant to sales orders. |
-## Related Developer documents
-| -------------- |
-| [Marketplace Promotions & Discounts feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-promotions-discounts-feature-integration.html) |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-return-management-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-return-management-feature-walkthrough.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-return-management-feature-walkthrough.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace Return Management feature walkthrough
-description: This document provides technical details about the Marketplace Return Management feature.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-With the *Marketplace Return Management* feature, marketplace merchants can manage their returns.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Return Management](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html) feature overview for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Return Management* feature.
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/e12bcdcb-8510-4ebf-80c3-0ee1c3054002.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-| MerchantSalesReturn | Provides functionality to link merchant to the sales returns. |
-| MerchantSalesReturnGui | Provides Backoffice UI for the merchant sales returns. |
-| MerchantSalesReturnMerchantUserGui | Provides Backoffice UI for managing merchant user sales returns. |
-| MerchantSalesReturnWidget | Provides merchant information for the sales returns on the Storefront. |
-| MerchantSalesReturnsRestApi | Provides REST API endpoints to manage merchant sales returns. |
-| SalesReturn | Handles order returns. |
-| SalesReturnExtension | Provides interfaces of plugins to extend `SalesReturn` module from other modules. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Return Management domain model:
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/9f01ed2f-2be0-4e59-afa3-e56fd8390b51.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Related Developer documents
-| -------------------- | -------------- |
-| [Marketplace Return Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-integration.html) | [Managing the returns](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-the-returns.html) |
-| [Glue API: Marketplace Return Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-return-management-feature-integration.html) | |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-shipment-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-shipment-feature-walkthrough.md
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace Shipment feature walkthrough
-last_updated: Nov 2, 2021
-description: The Marketplace Shipment feature provides the connection between Merchant and Shipment.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-The *Marketplace Shipment* feature provides the connection between Merchant and Shipment, and works together with [marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough.html) to split order items into several shipments based on the merchants from which they were bought.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Shipment feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Shipment* feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/448f4d60-ebdb-4380-bfc9-21b6c49ddf3f.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-| [MerchantShipment](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-shipment) | Provides connection between merchant and shipment. |
-| [MerchantShipmentGui](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-shipment-gui) | Module is responsible for providing the Back Office interface for merchant shipment functionality. |
-| [Merchant](https://github.com/spryker/merchant) | This module provides database structure and functionality to manage Merchants. |
-| [Shipment](https://github.com/spryker/shipment) | With shipment features, shipment carriers and shipment methods can be selected. In the Storefront, for example, the shipment method can be selected during checkout. Each shipment method is linked to a shipment carrier, and a shipment carrier can have zero to many shipment methods. |
-| [ShipmentGui](https://github.com/spryker/shipment-gui) | The Back Office interface for shipment functionality is provided by this module. |
-| [ShipmentGuiExtension](https://github.com/spryker/shipment-gui-extension) | The `ShipmentGuiExtension` module provides interfaces for plugins to extend the `ShipmentGui` module from other modules. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Marketplace Shipment domain model:
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/bc12cbec-87e4-4913-9885-e1986df6f464.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Marketplace Shipment feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-feature-integration.html) | |
-| [Marketplace Shipment + Cart feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-cart-feature-integration.html) | |
-| [Marketplace Shipment + Customer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-customer-feature-integration.html) | |
-| [Marketplace Shipment + Checkout feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-checkout-feature-integration.html) | |
-| | | | |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-wishlist-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-wishlist-feature-walkthrough.md
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace Wishlist feature walkthrough
-description: This document provides technical details about the Marketplace Wishlist feature.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-With the *Marketplace Wishlist* feature, the customers can track and save merchant offers and products they wish to purchase through the wishlist. The customers can create multiple wishlists and customize their names.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Marketplace Wishlist feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-wishlist-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Marketplace Wishlist* feature.
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/e7a2ef43-7eb8-435a-870b-d8012fe8bd07.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-| MerchantProductWishlist | Provides ability to work with merchant product in the wishlist. |
-| MerchantProductOfferWishlist | Provides ability to work with the product offers in the wishlist. |
-| MerchantProductOfferWishlistRestApi | Provides ability to manage product offers for wishlist Rest API. |
-| Wishlist | Provides infrastructure and functionality to handle multiple wishlists for customer account. |
-| WishlistExtension | Provides plugin interfaces for extending Wishlist module functionality. |
-## Domain model
-The following diagram illustrates the domain model of the *Marketplace Wishlist* feature:
-![Entity diagram](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/6d5e9f9f-f841-4877-bf65-7fdd38d6d49b.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=confluence)
-## Related Developer documents
-| ------------- | -------------- |
-| [Marketplace Wishlist feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-wishlist-feature-integration.html) | [Managing wishlists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html)
-| [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer + Wishlist feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-wishlist-feature-integration.html) | [Managing wishlist items](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.html) |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-category-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-category-feature-walkthrough.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-category-feature-walkthrough.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-title: Merchant Category feature walkthrough
-last_updated: Apr 23, 2021
-description: Merchant categories allows grouping merchants by categories.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-The *Merchant Category* feature allows splitting merchants into various categories in order to extend business logic of the project.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Merchant Category feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-category-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/19aac040-a607-4a20-8edf-a81473e293e9.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-| [Category](https://github.com/spryker/category) | Helps you build a product organisation structure. Categories are modelled in an hierarchical structure, a tree. |
-| [MerchantCategory](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-category) | Provides a connection between category and merchant entities. |
-| [MerchantCategoryDataImport](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-category-data-import) | Imports relations between categories and merchants from CSV file. |
-| [MerchantCategorySearch](https://github.com/spryker/merchant-category-search) | Provides plugins to extend `MerchantSearch` with categories. |
-## Domain model
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/2f9ddeb3-aefe-4511-b1d0-7936a7935c6a.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Merchant Category feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/merchant-category-feature-integration.html) |[File details: merchant_category.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-category.csv.html) |
-| [Glue API: Merchant Category integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/merchant-category-feature-integration.html) | |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-opening-hours-feature-walkthrough.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-opening-hours-feature-walkthrough.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b015630a9c..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/merchant-opening-hours-feature-walkthrough.md
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-title: Merchant Opening Hours feature walkthrough
-description: The Merchant Opening Hours lets you define opening hours for a merchant.
-template: feature-walkthrough-template
-By using the 'Merchant Opening Hours' feature, merchants can save their opening hours in the system and make them accessible to customers. A merchant may have a weekday schedule, which is an opening schedule for every day of the week, as well as date-based exceptions, such as during the holiday season when opening hours may be different.
-{% info_block warningBox "User documentation" %}
-To learn more about the feature and to find out how end users use it, see [Merchant Opening Hours feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-opening-hours-feature-overview.html) for business users.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Module dependency graph
-The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the *Merchant Opening Hours* feature.
-![Module Dependency Graph](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/0b05a957-57a4-4422-9595-5bbe63a6a18b.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-| MerchantOpeningHours | Provides merchants with the ability to schedule opening hours. |
-| MerchantOpeningHoursDataImport | Data importer for the `MerchantOpeningHours`. |
-| MerchantOpeningHoursStorage | Manages storage for merchant opening hours entities. |
-| WeekdaySchedule | Configures weekdays and dates based on your schedule. |
-| MerchantOpeningHoursWidget | Provides a widget to show merchant opening hours. |
-| MerchantOpeningHoursRestApi | Provides REST API endpoints to manage merchant opening hours. |
-| Merchant | Provides database structure and facade methods to save/update/remove merchants. |
-| MerchantStorage | Manages storage for merchant entities. |
-## Domain model
-The following schema illustrates the Merchant Opening Hours domain model:
-![Domain Model](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/ad57523c-52cd-4733-bfb5-9c43666ae54c.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-## Related Developer documents
-| [Merchant Opening Hours feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/merchant-opening-hours-feature-integration.html) |[Retrieve profile information for a merchant](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#retrieve-a-merchant) | [File details: merchant_open_hours_week_day_schedule.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-open-hours-week-day-schedule.csv.html) |
-| [Glue API: Merchant Opening Hours integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/merchant-opening-hours-feature-integration.html) |[Retrieve merchant opening hours](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchant-opening-hours.html) | [File details: merchant_open_hours_date_schedule.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-open-hours-date-schedule.csv.html) |
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-title: Execution flow
-last_updated: Nov 05, 2021
-description: Performing model actions and selecting and applying rules for a query share some similarities, but they have some differences as well. A user with insufficient permissions during query execution will be forced to run a query that results in an empty collection when the system executes the query.
-template: concept-topic-template
-## Query processing flow
-Performing model actions and selecting and applying rules for a query share some similarities, but they have some differences as well. A user with insufficient permissions during query execution will be forced to run a query that results in an empty collection when the system executes the query.
-![Query processing flow](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/9f520855-8387-4dda-a028-abe70e11611a.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-Persistence ACL will do the following when processing a query:
-- Identify the User Roles that have Rules for the Entity and Operation from the query.
-- Filter the Query performed, based on all the rules in the Role found.
-Whenever there are multiple rules with different scopes, only those that apply to the higher priority scopes are applied.
-The priority of scope is configurable. To modify it, you should override `\Spryker\Zed\AclEntity\AclEntityConfig::getScopePriority()`.
-The default priority:
-| global | 2 |
-| inherited | 1 |
-| segment | 0 |
-By default, rules with a global scope have the highest priority, and rules with a segment scope have the lowest priority.
-### Example of the select query
-You can check the logic of selecting rules based on the following query.
-use Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\Map\SpyMerchantTableMap;
-use Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\SpyMerchantQuery;
-$merchantQuery = SpyMerchantQuery::create()->orderBy(SpyMerchantTableMap::COL_UPDATED_AT);
-$merchantCollection = $merchantQuery->find();
-| id_acl_entity_rule | fk_acl_entity_segment | fk_acl_role | entity | permission_mask | scope |
-| 1 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Country\Persistence\SpyCountry` | 1 | 0 |
-| 2 | 12 | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\SpyMerchant` | 15 | 1 |
-| 3 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Sales\Persistence\SpySalesOrderItem` | 7 | 2 |
-| 4 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Customer\Persistence\SpyCustomer` | 1 | 0 |
-| 5 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\SpyMerchant` | 6 | 0 |
-| 6 | 138 | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\SpyMerchant` | 1 | 1 |
-All rules with ID `1`, `3`, `4` are filtered out since they do not belong to `Orm\Zed\Merchant\Persistence\SpyMerchant`. The rule with ID `5` is filtered out since it does not relate to query operation (query has read operation, but rule is configured for `create` and `update` actions). For the given query, only the rules with ids `2` and `6` will be considered. They both have `segment` scope.
-The Persistence ACL modifies the query so that only records that the user has access to are returned:
-Query before the Persistence ACL:
-SELECT * FROM `spy_merchant` order by `updated_at`;
-Query after the Persistence ACL:
-SELECT `spy_merchant`.*
-FROM `spy_merchant`
- INNER JOIN `spy_acl_entity_segment_merchant`
- ON (`spy_merchant`.`id_merchant` = `spy_acl_entity_segment_merchant`.`fk_merchant`
- AND `spy_acl_entity_segment_merchant`.`fk_acl_entity_segment` IN (12, 138))
-ORDER BY `spy_merchant`.`updated_at`;
-## Model action processing flow
-Model actions are generally handled the same way as queries, but there are certain differences:
-Exceptions are thrown if a user performs unauthorized actions on the Active Record model (create, update or delete).
-![Model action processing flow](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/c84bb011-1c7c-45e7-84b3-f98b2fee8e08.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-### Example of the create action
-You can check the logic of selecting rules based on the following query.
-use Orm\Zed\Product\Persistence\SpyProductAbstract;
-$productAbstractEntity = new SpyProductAbstract();
-| id_acl_entity_rule | fk_acl_entity_segment | fk_acl_role | entity | permission_mask | scope |
-| 1 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Country\Persistence\SpyCountry` | 1 | 0 |
-| 2 | 3 | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Product\Persistence\SpyProductAbstract` | 13 | 1 |
-| 3 | null | 15 | `Orm\Zed\Store\Persistence\SpyStore` | 1 | 0 |
-| 4 | null | 16 | `Orm\Zed\Product\Persistence\SpyProductAbstract` | 7 | 0 |
-The rules with ID `1` and `3` are filtered out since they do not belong to `Orm\Zed\Product\Persistence\SpyProductAbstract`. Because rule ID `2` does not grant permission to `create`, the rule with ID `4` will apply instead, and the creation will be allowed.
-If there were no rule with ID `4`, a `Spryker\Zed\AclEntity\Persistence\Exception\OperationNotAuthorizedException` would be thrown.
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/persistence-acl-feature-walkthrough/persistence-acl-feature-configuration.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/persistence-acl-feature-walkthrough/persistence-acl-feature-configuration.md
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-title: Persistence ACL feature configuration
-last_updated: Nov 05, 2021
-description: In this article, you will learn how to configure the Persistence ACL feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-This document describes how you can configure the [Persistence ACL feature](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/persistence-acl-feature-walkthrough/persistence-acl-feature-walkthrough.html).
-The Persistence ACL functionality is based on the Propel behavior. You can enable the feature in two different ways:
-- [Create a connection with one or more database tables](#connect-persistence-acl-feature-to-one-or-more-database-tables).
-- [Connect the feature to all database tables](#connect-persistence-acl-feature-to-all-database-tables).
-## Connect Persistence ACL feature to one or more database tables
-In the following code snippet, only SpyMerchant entity is configured to be handled by ACL.
-Response sample: retrieve all carts with their concrete products and the product labels assigned to the products in the carts
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "carts",
- "id": "0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Weekly office",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 538,
- "subtotal": 3369,
- "grandTotal": 3369,
- "priceToPay": 3369
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9?include=items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "421511"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts?include=items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "SALE %",
- "isExclusive": false,
- "position": 3,
- "frontEndReference": "sale"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-labels/5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "421511",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "421511",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": 4.3,
- "reviewCount": 4,
- "name": "Parker ballpoint pen URBAN Premium S0911450 M refill, blue",
- "description": "In transparent color tones with lightly curved body.* Line width: 0.5 mm * type designation of the refill: Slider 774 * refill exchangeable * printing mechanism * waterproof * design of the grip zone: round * tip material: stainless steel",
- "attributes": {
- "material": "metal",
- "wischfest": "No",
- "abwischbar": "No",
- "wasserfest": "No",
- "nachfuellbar": "No",
- "schreibfarbe": "blue",
- "brand": "Parker"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "material"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "",
- "metaKeywords": "Schreibgeräte,Schreibgeräte,Kugelschreiber,Kugelschreiber,Kulis,Kulis,Kulischreiber,Kulischreiber",
- "metaDescription": "",
- "attributeNames": {
- "material": "Material",
- "wischfest": "Smudge-resistant",
- "abwischbar": "Wipeable",
- "wasserfest": "Watertight",
- "nachfuellbar": "Refillable",
- "schreibfarbe": "Writing color",
- "brand": "Brand"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/421511"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-labels": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "421511",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "421511",
- "quantity": "1",
- "groupKey": "421511",
- "abstractSku": "M21759",
- "amount": null,
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 3369,
- "sumPrice": 3369,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 3369,
- "sumGrossPrice": 3369,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 538,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 538,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 3369,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 3369,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 3369,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 3369
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9/items/421511"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "421511"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a cart with information about the product labels assigned to the products in the cart
- "data": {
- "type": "carts",
- "id": "0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Weekly office",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 538,
- "subtotal": 3369,
- "grandTotal": 3369,
- "priceToPay": 3369
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9?include=items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "421511"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "SALE %",
- "isExclusive": false,
- "position": 3,
- "frontEndReference": "sale"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-labels/5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "421511",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "421511",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": 4.3,
- "reviewCount": 4,
- "name": "Parker ballpoint pen URBAN Premium S0911450 M refill, blue",
- "description": "In transparent color tones with lightly curved body.* Line width: 0.5 mm * type designation of the refill: Slider 774 * refill exchangeable * printing mechanism * waterproof * design of the grip zone: round * tip material: stainless steel",
- "attributes": {
- "material": "metal",
- "wischfest": "No",
- "abwischbar": "No",
- "wasserfest": "No",
- "nachfuellbar": "No",
- "schreibfarbe": "blue",
- "brand": "Parker"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "material"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "",
- "metaKeywords": "Schreibgeräte,Schreibgeräte,Kugelschreiber,Kugelschreiber,Kulis,Kulis,Kulischreiber,Kulischreiber",
- "metaDescription": "",
- "attributeNames": {
- "material": "Material",
- "wischfest": "Smudge-resistant",
- "abwischbar": "Wipeable",
- "wasserfest": "Watertight",
- "nachfuellbar": "Refillable",
- "schreibfarbe": "Writing color",
- "brand": "Brand"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/421511"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-labels": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "421511",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "421511",
- "quantity": "1",
- "groupKey": "421511",
- "abstractSku": "M21759",
- "amount": null,
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 3369,
- "sumPrice": 3369,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 3369,
- "sumGrossPrice": 3369,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 538,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 538,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 3369,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 3369,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 3369,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 3369
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/0c3ec260-694a-5cec-b78c-d37d32f92ee9/items/421511"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "421511"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: change item quantity
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "carts",
- "id": "52493031-cccf-5ad2-9cc7-93d0f738303d",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "\"All in\" Conf Bundle",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 718,
- "subtotal": 4500,
- "grandTotal": 4500
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/52493031-cccf-5ad2-9cc7-93d0f738303d"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/items?include=items,concrete-products,cart-permission-groups"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "cable-vga-1-2",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "cable-vga-1-2",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "VGA cable as long as you want",
- "description": "Screw-in VGA cable with 15-pin male input and output.Supports resolutions at 800x600 (SVGA), 1024x768 (XGA), 1600x1200 (UXGA), 1080p (Full HD), 1920x1200 (WUXGA), and up for high resolution LCD and LED monitors.
The VGA cord engineered with molded strain relief connectors for durability, grip treads for easy plugging and unplugging, and finger-tightened screws for a secure connection.
Gold-plated connectors; 100% bare copper conductors.
Links VGA-equipped computer to any display with 15-pin VGA port.",
- "attributes": {
- "packaging_unit": "As long as you want"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "packaging_unit"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "",
- "metaKeywords": "",
- "metaDescription": "",
- "attributeNames": {
- "packaging_unit": "Packaging unit"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/cable-vga-1-2"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "items",
- "id": "cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "cable-vga-1-2",
- "quantity": 3,
- "groupKey": "cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33",
- "abstractSku": "cable-vga-1",
- "amount": "4.5",
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 1500,
- "sumPrice": 4500,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 1500,
- "sumGrossPrice": 4500,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 239,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 718,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 4500,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 1500,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1500,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 4500
- },
- "salesUnit": {
- "id": 33,
- "amount": "4.5"
- },
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/carts/52493031-cccf-5ad2-9cc7-93d0f738303d/items/cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "cable-vga-1-2"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-For the attributes of the included resources, see [Retrieving concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html).
-## Remove items from a registered user's cart
-To remove an item from a registered user's cart, send the request:
-`DELETE` {% raw %}**/carts/*{{cart_uuid}}*/items/*{{item_group_key}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{cart_uuid}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a cart. [Create a cart](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/carts-of-registered-users/managing-carts-of-registered-users.html) or [retrieve a registered user's carts](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/carts-of-registered-users/managing-carts-of-registered-users.html#retrieve-a-registered-users-cart) to get it. |
-| {% raw %}***{{item_group_key}}***{% endraw %}| Group key of the item. Usually, it is equal to the item’s SKU. |
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-Request sample: Remove items from a registered user's cart
-`DELETE http://mysprykershop.com/carts/4741fc84-2b9b-59da-bb8d-f4afab5be054/items/177_25913296`
-### Response
-If the item is deleted successfully, the endpoint returns the `204 No Content` status code.
-## Possible errors
-| --- | --- |
-| 101 | Cart with given uuid not found. |
-| 102 | Failed to add an item to a cart. |
-| 103 | Item with the given group key not found in the cart. |
-| 104 | Cart uuid is missing. |
-| 105 | Cart could not be deleted. |
-| 106 | Cart item could not be deleted. |
-| 107 | Failed to create a cart. |
-| 109 | Anonymous customer unique id is empty. |
-| 110 | Customer already has a cart. |
-| 111 | Can’t switch price mode when there are items in the cart. |
-| 112 | Store data is invalid. |
-| 113 | Cart item could not be added. |
-| 114 | Cart item could not be updated. |
-| 115 | Unauthorized cart action. |
-| 116 | Currency is missing. |
-| 117 | Currency is incorrect. |
-| 118 | Price mode is missing. |
-| 119 | Price mode is incorrect. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.md
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-title: Retrieving concrete products
-description: Retrieve details about the items of the registered users' carts, and learn what else you can do with the resource in the Spryker Marketplace
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This endpoint allows retrieving general information about concrete products.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
-* [Glue API: Products feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-product-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Measurement Units feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-measurement-units-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Product Options feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-product-options-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Product Labels feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-product-labels-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Volume Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html
-## Retrieve a concrete product
-To retrieve general information about a concrete product, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/concrete-products/*{{concrete_product_sku}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{concrete_product_sku}}***{% endraw %} | SKU of a concrete product to get information for. |
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. |
-Response sample: add a marketplace product to a guest cart
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "54ac21a6-c08a-5d09-a2f0-9f9ef8f634cd",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 8446,
- "subtotal": 52900,
- "grandTotal": 52900,
- "priceToPay": 52900
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/guest-carts/54ac21a6-c08a-5d09-a2f0-9f9ef8f634cd"
- }
- }
-Response sample: add items to a guest cart with information on merchants included
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "abf9c01b-6695-58cf-8439-541f8f26a95c",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 822,
- "subtotal": 12572,
- "grandTotal": 12572,
- "priceToPay": 12572
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/abf9c01b-6695-58cf-8439-541f8f26a95c"
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "109_19416433",
- "quantity": "1",
- "groupKey": "109_19416433",
- "abstractSku": "109",
- "amount": null,
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 12572,
- "sumPrice": 12572,
- "taxRate": 7,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 12572,
- "sumGrossPrice": 12572,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 822,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 822,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 12572,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 12572,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 12572,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 12572
- },
- "configuredBundle": null,
- "configuredBundleItem": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/abf9c01b-6695-58cf-8439-541f8f26a95c/guest-cart-items/109_19416433"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-**General cart information**
-| ------------ | ---------- | -------------- |
-| priceMode | String | Price mode that was active when the cart was created.|
-| currency | String | Currency that was selected when the cart was created.|
-| store | String | Store for which the cart was created. |
-| name | String | Name of the shopping cart. |
-| isDefault | Boolean | Defines whether the cart is default or not. |
-**Totals information**
-| -------------- | ----------- | --------------------- |
-| expenseTotal | String | Total amount of expenses (including, for example, shipping costs). |
-| discountTotal| Integer | Total amount of discounts applied to the cart. |
-| taxTotal | String | Total amount of taxes to be paid. |
-| subTotal | Integer | Subtotal of the cart. |
-| grandTotal | Integer| Grand total of the cart. |
-**Discount information**
-| --------------- | ----------- | ------------------- |
-| displayName | String | Discount name. |
-| code | String | Discount code applied to the cart. |
-| amount | Integer | Discount amount applied to the cart.|
-**Cart item information**
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| guest-cart-items | sku | String | SKU of the product. |
-| guest-cart-items | quantity | Integer | Quantity of the given product in the cart. |
-| guest-cart-items | groupKey | String | Unique item identifier. The value is generated based on product parameters. |
-| guest-cart-items |abstractSku |String |SKU number of the abstract product to which the concrete belongs. |
-| guest-cart-items | amount | Integer | Amount of the products in the cart. |
-| guest-cart-items |productOfferReference | String | Unique identifier of the Product Offer. |
-| guest-cart-items | merchantReference | String | Unique identifier of the Merchant. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitPrice | Integer | Single item price without assuming is it net or gross. This value should be used everywhere a price is disabled. It allows switching the tax mode without side effects. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumPrice | Integer | Sum of all items prices calculated. |
-| guest-cart-items | taxRate | Integer | Current tax rate in per cent. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitNetPrice | Integer | Single item net price. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumNetPrice | Integer | Sum of all items' net price. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitGrossPrice | Integer | Single item gross price. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumGrossPrice | Integer | Sum of items gross price. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitTaxAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Total tax amount for a given item with additions. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumTaxAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Total tax amount for a given amount of items with additions. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumSubtotalAggregation | Integer | Sum of subtotals of the items. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitSubtotalAggregation | Integer | Subtotal for the given item. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitProductOptionPriceAggregation | Integer | Item total product option price. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumProductOptionPriceAggregation | Integer | Item total of product options for the given sum of items. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitDiscountAmountAggregation | Integer | Item total discount amount. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumDiscountAmountAggregation | Integer | Sum Item total discount amount. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Sum total discount amount with additions. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Item total discount amount with additions. |
-| guest-cart-items | unitPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Item total price to pay after discounts with additions. |
-| guest-cart-items | sumPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Sum of the prices to pay (after discounts). |
-| guest-cart-items | salesUnit | Object | List of attributes defining the sales unit to be used for item amount calculation. |
-| guest-cart-items | salesUnit.id | Integer | Numeric value that defines the sales units to calculate the item amount in. |
-| guest-cart-items | salesUnit.amount | Integer | Amount of product in the defined sales units. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions | array | List of attributes describing the product options that were added to the cart with the product. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions.optionGroupName | String | Name of the group to which the option belongs. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions.sku | String | SKU of the product option. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions.optionName | String | Product option name. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions.price | Integer | Product option price in cents. |
-| guest-cart-items | selectedProductOptions.currencyIsoCode | String | ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the product option price is specified. |
-| product-options | optionGroupName | String | Name of the group to which the option belongs. |
-| product-options | sku | String | SKU of the product option. |
-| product-options | optionName | String | Product option name. |
-| product-options | price | Integer | Product option price in cents. |
-| product-options | currencyIsoCode | String | ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the product option price is specified. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | displayName | String | Discount name displayed on the Storefront. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | amount | Integer | Amount of the provided discount. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | code | String | Discount code. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountType | String | Discount type. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | isExclusive | Boolean | Discount exclusivity. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | expirationDateTime | DateTimeUtc | Date and time on which the discount expires. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountPromotionAbstractSku | String | SKU of the products to which the discount applies. If the discount can be applied to any product, the value is `null`. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountPromotionQuantity | Integer | Specifies the amount of the product required to be able to apply the discount. If the minimum number is `0`, the value is `null`. |
-For the attributes of the included resources, see:
-* [Retrieve a guest cart](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart)
-* [Retrieve gift cards of guest users](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-gift-cards-of-guest-users.html)
-* [Retrieve concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html)
-* [Retrieve abstract products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html)
-* [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#merchants-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html#product-offers-response-attributes)
-## Change item quantity in a guest cart
-To change item quantity, send the request:
-`PATCH` {% raw %}**/guest-carts/*{{guest_cart_id}}*/guest-cart-items/*{{groupKey}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{guest_cart_id}}***{% endraw %}| Unique identifier of the guest cart. To get it, [retrieve a guest cart](/docs/pbc/all/cart-and-checkout/{{site.version}}/base-shop/manage-using-glue-api/manage-guest-carts/manage-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart). |
-| {% raw %}***{{groupKey}}***{% endraw %} | Group key of the item. Usually, it is equal to the item’s SKU. To get it, [retrieve the guest cart](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart) with the guest cart items included. |
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | 164b-5708-8530 | ✓ | Guest user's unique identifier. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value. |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | guest-cart-items, concrete-products, product-options, sales-units, product-measurement-units |
-{% info_block infoBox "Included resources" %}
-* To retrieve product options, include `guest-cart-items`, `concrete-products`, and `product-options`.
-* To retrieve product measurement units, include `sales-units` and `product-measurement units`
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Request sample: change item quantity in a guest cart
-`PATCH https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/2506b65c-164b-5708-8530-94ed7082e802/guest-cart-items/177_25913296`
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "209_12554247",
- "quantity": 10
- }
- }
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| sku | String | | SKU of the item to be updated. |
-| quantity | String | ✓ | Quantity of the item to be set. |
-For more request body examples, see [Add items to a guest cart](#add-items-to-a-guest-cart)
-### Response
-If the update is successful, the endpoint returns `RestCartsResponse` with the updated quantity. For examples, see [Add items to a guest cart](#add-items-to-a-guest-cart).
-## Remove an item from a guest cart
-To remove an item from a guest cart, send the request:
-`DELETE` {% raw %}**/guest-carts/*{{guest_cart_id}}*/guest-cart-items/*{{groupKey}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{guest_cart_id}}***{% endraw %}| Unique identifier of the guest cart. To get it, [retrieve a guest cart](/docs/pbc/all/cart-and-checkout/{{site.version}}/base-shop/manage-using-glue-api/manage-guest-carts/manage-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart). |
-| {% raw %}***{{groupKey}}***{% endraw %} | Group key of the item. Usually, it is equal to the item’s SKU. To get it, [retrieve the guest cart](/docs/pbc/all/cart-and-checkout/{{site.version}}/base-shop/manage-using-glue-api/manage-guest-carts/manage-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart) with the guest cart items included. |
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | 164b-5708-8530 | ✓ | Hyphenated alphanumeric value that is the user's unique identifier. It is passed in the X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id header when [creating a guest cart](/docs/pbc/all/cart-and-checkout/{{site.version}}/base-shop/manage-using-glue-api/manage-guest-carts/manage-guest-carts.html#create-a-guest-cart). |
-Request sample: remove an item from a guest cart
-`DELETE https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/2506b65c-164b-5708-8530-94ed7082e802/guest-cart-items/177_25913296`
-### Response
-If the item is deleted successfully, the endpoint returns the "204 No Content" status code.
-## Possible errors
-| --- | --- |
-| 101 | Cart with given uuid not found. |
-| 102 | Failed to add an item to cart. |
-| 103 | Item with the given group key not found in the cart. |
-| 104 | Cart uuid is missing. |
-| 105 | Cart could not be deleted. |
-| 106 | Cart item could not be deleted. |
-| 107 | Failed to create cart. |
-| 109 | Anonymous customer unique ID is empty. |
-| 110 | Customer already has a cart. |
-| 111 | Can’t switch price mode when there are items in the cart. |
-| 112 | Store data is invalid. |
-| 113 | Cart item could not be added. |
-| 114 | Cart item could not be updated. |
-| 115 | Unauthorized cart action. |
-| 116 | Currency is missing. |
-| 117 | Currency is incorrect. |
-| 118 | Price mode is missing. |
-| 119 | Price mode is incorrect. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a586be77ff7..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2113 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing guest carts
-description: Retrieve details about guest carts and learn what else you can do with the resource in the Spryker Marketplace
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This endpoint allows managing guest carts.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
-* [Glue API: Cart feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-cart-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Promotions & Discounts feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-promotions-and-discounts-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Product options feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-product-options-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Product Labels feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-product-labels-feature-integration.html)
-* [GLUE API: Marketplace Poruduct Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Volume Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-## Create a guest cart
-To create a guest cart as an unauthenticated user, [add items to a guest cart](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-guest-cart-items.html#add-items-to-a-guest-cart).
-## Retrieve a guest cart
-To retrieve a guest cart, send the request:
-`GET` **/guest-carts**
-{% info_block infoBox "Guest cart ID" %}
-Guest users have one guest cart by default. If you already have a guest cart, you can optionally specify its ID when adding items. To do that, use the following endpoint. The information in this section is valid for both of the endpoints.
-`GET` {% raw %}**/guest-carts/*{{guestCartId}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{guestCartId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of the guest cart. To get it, [retrieve a guest cart](#retrieve-a-guest-cart). |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-When retrieving the cart with `guestCartId`, the response includes a single object, and when retrieving the resource without specifying it, you get an array containing a single object.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | 164b-5708-8530 | ✓ | Guest user's unique identifier. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value.|
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | - guest-cart-items
- cart-rules
- promotional-items
- gift-cards
- vouchers
- product-options
- sales-units
- product-measurement-units
- product-labels
- product-offers
- product-offer-availabilities
- product-offer-prices
- merchants
-{% info_block infoBox "Included resources" %}
-* To retrieve product options, include `guest-cart-items`, `concrete-products`, and `product-options`.
-* To retrieve product measurement units, include `sales-units` and `product-measurement-units`.
-* To retrieve product labels assigned to the products in a cart, include `concrete-products` and `product-labels`.
-* To retrieve product offers, include `items` and `concrete-products`.
-* To retrieve product offer availabilities, include `items`, `concrete-products`, and `product-offer-availabilities`.
-* To retrieve product offer prices, include `items`, `concrete-products`, and `product-offer-prices`.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| --- | --- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts` | Retrieve a guest cart. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=guest-cart-items` | Retrieve information about a guest cart with its items included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=cart-rules` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about the cart rules. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=gift-cards,vouchers` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about the gift cards applied. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=guest-cart-items,concrete-products,product-options` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about its items, respective concrete products, and product options included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=sales-units,product-measurement-units` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about its items, sales units, and product measurement units. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=vouchers` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about vouchers. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=concrete-products,product-labels` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about concrete products and the product labels assigned. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=promotional-items,abstract-products,concrete-product`| Retrieve detailed information on the promotional items for the guest cart. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=items,concrete-products,product-offers` | Retrieve a guest cart with information about product offers included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=items,concrete-products,product-offers,product-offer-availabilities` | Retrieve a guest cart with product offer availabilities information included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts?include=items,concrete-products,product-offers,product-offer-prices` | Retrieve a guest cart with product offer prices information included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f0d01709-4dea-5ac3-8ceb-873875446ab0?include=guest-cart-items,merchants` | Retrieve a guest cart with items and information about merchants included. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 10689,
- "taxTotal": 15360,
- "subtotal": 106892,
- "grandTotal": 96203,
- "priceToPay": 93203
- },
- "discounts": [
- {
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "amount": 10689,
- "code": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-codes"
- }
-Response sample: retrieve information about a guest cart with its items included
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7",
- "attributes": {
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- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
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- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 10689,
- "taxTotal": 15360,
- "subtotal": 106892,
- "grandTotal": 96203,
- "priceToPay": 96203
- },
- "discounts": [
- {
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "amount": 10689,
- "code": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "guest-cart-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "023_21758366"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-codes?include=guest-cart-items"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
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- "attributes": {
- "sku": "023_21758366",
- "quantity": "4",
- "groupKey": "023_21758366",
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- "amount": null,
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": null,
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 26723,
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- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
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- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 15360,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 106892,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 26723,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2672,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 10689,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2672,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 10689,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 24051,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 96203
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7/guest-cart-items/023_21758366"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about the cart rules
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 10689,
- "taxTotal": 15360,
- "subtotal": 106892,
- "grandTotal": 96203,
- "priceToPay": 96203
- },
- "discounts": [
- {
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "amount": 10689,
- "code": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "cart-rules": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "cart-rules",
- "id": "1"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-codes?include=cart-rules"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "cart-rules",
- "id": "1",
- "attributes": {
- "amount": 10689,
- "code": null,
- "discountType": "cart_rule",
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "isExclusive": false,
- "expirationDateTime": "2020-12-31 00:00:00.000000",
- "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
- "discountPromotionQuantity": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-rules/1"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about the gift cards applied
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
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- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 10689,
- "taxTotal": 15360,
- "subtotal": 106892,
- "grandTotal": 96203,
- "priceToPay": 93203
- },
- "discounts": [
- {
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "amount": 10689,
- "code": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "gift-cards": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "gift-cards",
- "id": "GC-Z9FYJRK3-20"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-codes?include=gift-cards"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "gift-cards",
- "id": "GC-Z9FYJRK3-20",
- "attributes": {
- "code": "GC-Z9FYJRK3-20",
- "name": "Gift Card 30",
- "value": 3000,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "actualValue": 3000,
- "isActive": true
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f8782b6c-848d-595e-b3f7-57374f1ff6d7/cart-codes/GC-Z9FYJRK3-20"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about its items, respective concrete products, and product options included
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- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "7e42298e-9f15-5105-a192-96726a2b9da8",
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- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 13301,
- "taxTotal": 20711,
- "subtotal": 143012,
- "grandTotal": 129711,
- "priceToPay": 129711
- },
- "discounts": [
- {
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "amount": 13301,
- "code": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/guest-carts/7e42298e-9f15-5105-a192-96726a2b9da8"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "guest-cart-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "181_31995510-3-5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/guest-cart-items?include=guest-cart-items,concrete-products,product-options"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-options",
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- "attributes": {
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- "sku": "OP_1_year_waranty",
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- "price": 0,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510/product-options/OP_1_year_waranty"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_2_year_waranty",
- "attributes": {
- "optionGroupName": "Warranty",
- "sku": "OP_2_year_waranty",
- "optionName": "Two (2) year limited warranty",
- "price": 1000,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510/product-options/OP_2_year_waranty"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_3_year_waranty",
- "attributes": {
- "optionGroupName": "Warranty",
- "sku": "OP_3_year_waranty",
- "optionName": "Three (3) year limited warranty",
- "price": 2000,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510/product-options/OP_3_year_waranty"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_insurance",
- "attributes": {
- "optionGroupName": "Insurance",
- "sku": "OP_insurance",
- "optionName": "Two (2) year insurance coverage",
- "price": 10000,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510/product-options/OP_insurance"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_gift_wrapping",
- "attributes": {
- "optionGroupName": "Gift wrapping",
- "sku": "OP_gift_wrapping",
- "optionName": "Gift wrapping",
- "price": 500,
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510/product-options/OP_gift_wrapping"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "181_31995510",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "181_31995510",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "productAbstractSku": "181",
- "name": "Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 SM-T813",
- "description": "Enjoy greater flexibility ...than ever before with the Galaxy Tab S2. Remarkably slim and ultra-lightweight, use this device to take your e-books, photos, videos and work-related files with you wherever you need to go. The Galaxy Tab S2’s 4:3 ratio display is optimised for magazine reading and web use. Switch to Reading Mode to adjust screen brightness and change wallpaper—create an ideal eBook reading environment designed to reduce the strain on your eyes. Get greater security with convenient and accurate fingerprint functionality. Activate fingerprint lock by pressing the home button. Use fingerprint verification to restrict / allow access to your web browser, screen lock mode and your Samsung account.",
- "attributes": {
- "internal_memory": "3 GB",
- "processor_model": "APQ8076",
- "digital_zoom": "4 x",
- "storage_media": "flash",
- "brand": "Samsung",
- "color": "Pink"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "internal_memory",
- "storage_media",
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 SM-T813",
- "metaKeywords": "Samsung,Communication Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Enjoy greater flexibility ...than ever before with the Galaxy Tab S2. Remarkably slim and ultra-lightweight, use this device to take your e-books, photos,",
- "attributeNames": {
- "internal_memory": "Max internal memory",
- "processor_model": "Processor model",
- "digital_zoom": "Digital zoom",
- "storage_media": "Storage media",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/concrete-products/181_31995510"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-options": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_1_year_waranty"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_2_year_waranty"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_3_year_waranty"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_insurance"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-options",
- "id": "OP_gift_wrapping"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "181_31995510-3-5",
- "attributes": {
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- "abstractSku": "181",
- "amount": null,
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": null,
- "calculations": {
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- "sumPrice": 133012,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 33253,
- "sumGrossPrice": 133012,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 5177,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 20711,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 143012,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 35753,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 2500,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 10000,
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- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 13301,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 3325,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 13301,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 32428,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 129711
- },
- "configuredBundle": null,
- "configuredBundleItem": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": [
- {
- "optionGroupName": "Gift wrapping",
- "sku": "OP_gift_wrapping",
- "optionName": "Gift wrapping",
- "price": 2000
- },
- {
- "optionGroupName": "Warranty",
- "sku": "OP_3_year_waranty",
- "optionName": "Three (3) year limited warranty",
- "price": 8000
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com.com/guest-carts/7e42298e-9f15-5105-a192-96726a2b9da8/guest-cart-items/181_31995510-3-5"
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- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "181_31995510"
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- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about its items, sales units, and product measurement units
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "5cc8c1ad-a12a-5a93-9c6e-fd4bc546c81c",
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- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 718,
- "subtotal": 4500,
- "grandTotal": 4500,
- "priceToPay": 4500
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/5cc8c1ad-a12a-5a93-9c6e-fd4bc546c81c"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-cart-items?include=sales-units,product-measurement-units"
- },
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- "id": "METR",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "Meter",
- "defaultPrecision": 100
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-measurement-units/METR"
- }
- },
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- "attributes": {
- "conversion": 1,
- "precision": 100,
- "isDisplayed": true,
- "isDefault": true,
- "productMeasurementUnitCode": "METR"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/cable-vga-1-2/sales-units/33"
- },
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- "type": "product-measurement-units",
- "id": "METR"
- }
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- }
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- },
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- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33",
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- "sku": "cable-vga-1-2",
- "quantity": 3,
- "groupKey": "cable-vga-1-2_quantity_sales_unit_id_33_amount_1.5_sales_unit_id_33",
- "abstractSku": "cable-vga-1",
- "amount": "4.5",
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": null,
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 1500,
- "sumPrice": 4500,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 1500,
- "sumGrossPrice": 4500,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 239,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 718,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 4500,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 1500,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1500,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 4500
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- "links": {
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- },
- "relationships": {
- "sales-units": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "sales-units",
- "id": "33"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about vouchers
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "1ce91011-8d60-59ef-9fe0-4493ef3628b2",
- "attributes": {...},
- "links": {...},
- "relationships": {
- "vouchers": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "vouchers",
- "id": "mydiscount-yu8je"
- }
- ]
- },
- "cart-rules": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "cart-rules",
- "id": "1"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
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- "type": "vouchers",
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- "attributes": {
- "amount": 49898,
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- "isExclusive": false,
- "expirationDateTime": "2020-02-29 00:00:00.000000",
- "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
- "discountPromotionQuantity": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/vouchers/mydiscount-yu8je"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "cart-rules",
- "id": "1",
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- "amount": 19959,
- "code": null,
- "discountType": "cart_rule",
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- "isExclusive": false,
- "expirationDateTime": "2020-12-31 00:00:00.000000",
- "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
- "discountPromotionQuantity": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cart-rules/1"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with information about concrete products and the product labels assigned
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "4f3e67f7-f18c-55ad-8297-2e09b80cf3ff",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 6244,
- "subtotal": 39107,
- "grandTotal": 39107,
- "priceToPay": 39107
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/4f3e67f7-f18c-55ad-8297-2e09b80cf3ff"
- }
- }
- ],
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- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-cart-items?include=concrete-products,product-labels"
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- "position": 3,
- "frontEndReference": "highlight"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-labels/5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
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- "attributes": {
- "sku": "179_29658416",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
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- },
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "041_25904691_offer48",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "041_25904691",
- "quantity": 21,
- "groupKey": "041_25904691_offer48",
- "abstractSku": "041",
- "amount": null,
- "productOfferReference": "offer48",
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 10520,
- "sumPrice": 220920,
- "taxRate": 19,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 10520,
- "sumGrossPrice": 220920,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 1680,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 35273,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 220920,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 10520,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 10520,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 220920
- },
- "configuredBundle": null,
- "configuredBundleItem": null,
- "productConfigurationInstance": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/6851dc6a-ebed-52ed-b229-81a35fe94c49/guest-cart-items/041_25904691_offer48"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "041_25904691"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a guest cart with items and information about merchants included
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "f0d01709-4dea-5ac3-8ceb-873875446ab0",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "name": "Shopping cart",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 822,
- "subtotal": 12572,
- "grandTotal": 12572,
- "priceToPay": 12572
- },
- "discounts": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f0d01709-4dea-5ac3-8ceb-873875446ab0"
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "109_19416433",
- "quantity": "1",
- "groupKey": "109_19416433",
- "abstractSku": "109",
- "amount": null,
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "calculations": {
- "unitPrice": 12572,
- "sumPrice": 12572,
- "taxRate": 7,
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitGrossPrice": 12572,
- "sumGrossPrice": 12572,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 822,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 822,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 12572,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 12572,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 12572,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 12572
- },
- "configuredBundle": null,
- "configuredBundleItem": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "selectedProductOptions": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/guest-carts/f0d01709-4dea-5ac3-8ceb-873875446ab0/guest-cart-items/109_19416433"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-**General cart information**
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| priceMode | String | Price mode that was active when the cart was created. |
-| currency | String | Currency that was selected when the cart was created. |
-| store | String | Store for which the cart was created. |
-| name | String | Name of the shopping cart. |
-| isDefault | Boolean | Defines whether the cart is default or not. |
-**Totals information**
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| expenseTotal | String | Total amount of expenses (including, for example, shipping costs). |
-| discountTotal | Integer | Total amount of discounts applied to the cart. |
-| taxTotal | Integer | Total amount of taxes to be paid. |
-| subTotal | Integer | Subtotal of the cart. |
-| grandTotal | Integer | Grand total of the cart. |
-**Discount information**
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| displayName | String | Discount name. |
-| code | String | Discount code applied to the cart. |
-| amount | Integer | Discount amount applied to the cart. |
-**Included resource attributes**
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| product-options | optionGroupName | String | Name of the group to which the option belongs. |
-| product-options | sku | String | SKU of the product option. |
-| product-options | optionName | String | Product option name. |
-| product-options | price | Integer | Product option price in cents. |
-| product-options | currencyIsoCode | String | ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the product option price is specified. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | displayName | String | Discount name displayed on the Storefront. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | amount | Integer | Amount of the provided discount. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | code | String | Discount code. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountType | String | Discount type. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | isExclusive | Boolean | Discount exclusivity. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | expirationDateTime | DateTimeUtc | Date and time on which the discount expires. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountPromotionAbstractSku | String | SKU of the products to which the discount applies. If the discount can be applied to any product, the value is `null`. |
-| vouchers, cart-rules | discountPromotionQuantity | Integer | Specifies the amount of the product required to be able to apply the discount. If the minimum number is `0`, the value is `null`. |
-| promotional-items | id | String | Unique identifier of the promotional item. The ID can be used to apply the promotion to the given purchase. |
-| promotional-items | quantity | Integer | Specifies how many promotions can be applied to the given purchase. |
-| promotional-items | sku | String | SKU of the promoted abstract product. |
-| product-offers | merchantSku | String | SKU of the Merchant the product offer belongs to. |
-| product-offers| merchantReference | String | Merchant Reference assigned to every Merchant. |
-| product-offers | isDefault | Boolean | Defines whether the Product Offer is default or not. |
-For the attributes of other included resources, see:
-* [Manage guest cart items](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/guest-carts/managing-guest-cart-items.html)
-* [Retrieve measurement units](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-measurement-units.html)
-* [Retrieve concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html)
-* [Retrieve gift cards of guest users](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-gift-cards-of-guest-users.html)
-* [Retrieve a measurement units](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-measurement-units.html#measurement-units-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieve product labels](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/retrieving-product-labels.html)
-* [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#merchants-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html#product-offers-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieving product offer availability](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-availability.html#product-offer-availability-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.html#product-offer-prices-response-attributes)
-## Assign a guest cart to a registered customer
-Guest carts are anonymous as they are not related to any user. If a user registers or logs in, the guest cart is automatically assigned to their account.
-To assign a guest cart to a customer, that is, merge the carts, include the unique identifier associated with the customer in the *X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id* header of the authentication request if it is an existing customer, or request to create a customer account if it is a new one.
-Upon login, the behavior depends on whether your project is a single cart or [multiple cart](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/multiple-carts-feature-overview.html) environment:
-* In a **single cart** environment, the products in the guest cart are added to the customers' own cart.
-* In a **multiple cart** environment, the guest cart is converted to a regular user cart and added to the list of the customers' own carts.
-The workflow is displayed in the following diagram:
-![Assign cart](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Glue+API/Glue+API+Storefront+Guides/Managing+Carts/Managing+Guest+Carts/assigning-guest-cart-to-registered-user.png)
-Below, you can see an exemplary workflow for converting a guest cart into a regular cart:
-1. The customer adds items to a guest cart.
-Request sample:
-`POST https://glue.myspsrykershop.com/guest-cart-items`
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-cart-items",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "022_21994751",
- "quantity": 5
- }
- }
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | guest-user-001 | Guest user's unique identifier. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value.. |
-Response sample:
- "data": {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "9183f604-9b2c-53d9-acbf-cf59b9b2ff9f",
- "attributes": {...},
- "links": {...}
- },
- "included": [...]
-1. The customer logs in.
-Request sample: `POST https://glue.myspsrykershop.com/access-tokens`
- "data": {
- "type": "access-tokens",
- "attributes": {
- "username": "john.doe@example.com",
- "password": "qwerty"
- }
- }
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id | guest-user-001 | Guest user's unique identifier. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value. |
-Response sample:
- "data": {
- "type": "access-tokens",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "tokenType": "Bearer",
- "expiresIn": 28800,
- "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...",
- "refreshToken": "def50200ae2d0...",
- "idCompanyUser": "94d58692-c117-5466-8b9f-2ba32dd87c43"
- },
- "links": {...}
- }
-3. The customer requests a list of his own carts.
-Request sample:
-`GET https://glue.myspsrykershop.com/carts`
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authenticates the customer you want to change the password of. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-In the **multi-cart** environment, the guest cart has been converted to a regular cart. You can see it in the list of carts with the id `9183f604-9b2c-53d9-acbf-cf59b9b2ff9f`.
-Response sample:
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "1ce91011-8d60-59ef-9fe0-4493ef3628b2",
- "attributes": {...},
- "links": {...}
- },
- {
- "type": "carts",
- "id": "9183f604-9b2c-53d9-acbf-cf59b9b2ff9f",
- "attributes": {...},
- "links": {...}
- }
- ],
- "links": {...}
-In a **single cart** environment, items from the guest cart have been added to the user's own cart.
-**Response body**
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "guest-carts",
- "id": "1ce91011-8d60-59ef-9fe0-4493ef3628b2",
- "attributes": {
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "store": "DE",
- "isDefault": true,
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 0,
- "discountTotal": 13000,
- "taxTotal": 18681,
- "subtotal": 130000,
- "grandTotal": 117000
- },
- "discounts": [...]
- },
- "links": {...}
- },
-## Possible errors
-| Code | Reason |
-| --- | --- |
-| 101 | Cart with given uuid not found. |
-| 102 | Failed to add an item to cart. |
-| 103 | Item with the given group key not found in the cart. |
-| 104 | Cart uuid is missing. |
-| 105 | Cart could not be deleted. |
-| 106 | Cart item could not be deleted. |
-| 107 | Failed to create a cart. |
-| 109 | Anonymous customer unique ID is empty. |
-| 111 | Can’t switch price mode when there are items in the cart. |
-| 112 | Store data is invalid. |
-| 113 | Cart item could not be added. |
-| 114 | Cart item could not be updated. |
-| 115 | Unauthorized cart action. |
-| 116 | Currency is missing. |
-| 117 | Currency is incorrect. |
-| 118 | Price mode is missing. |
-| 119 | Price mode is incorrect. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/managing-the-returns.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/managing-the-returns.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4038407ea..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing the returns
-description: Manage the returns via Glue API in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-The Return Management API lets developers retrieve return information and create returns. The list of retrievable information includes:
-* Sales order items that a customer can return.
-* Returns per customer.
-* Predefined reasons stored in the database.
-In your development, the API can help you:
-* View order details, including returnable or non-returnable items.
-* Create returns for the returnable items.
-* View return details of a specific customer.
-Specify reasons for returning the sales order items.
-## Installation
-For details about the modules that provide the API functionality and how to install them, [see Glue API: Marketplace Return Management feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-return-management-feature-integration.html).
-## Create a return
-To create a return for a registered user, send the Request sample:
-`POST` **/returns/**
-### Request
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| offset | Offset of the order at which to begin the response. Works only together with `page[limit]`. To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of `page[limit]`. The default value is `0`. | From `0` to any. |
-| limit | Maximum number of entries to return. Works only together with `page[offset]`. The default value is `10`. | From `1` to any. |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | - return-items
- order-itemsorder-items
- merchants
-Request sample: create a return
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns`
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "attributes": {
- "store": "DE",
- "returnItems": [
- {
- "salesOrderItemUuid": "b39c7e1c-12ba-53d3-8d81-5c363d5307e9",
- "reason": "0"
- },
- {
- "salesOrderItemUuid": "b189d4f2-da12-59f3-8e05-dfb4d95b1781",
- "reason": "Custom reason"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
-Request sample: create a return with return items
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns?include=return-items`
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "attributes": {
- "store": "DE",
- "returnItems": [
- {
- "salesOrderItemUuid": "c319e465-5160-59f1-a5b8-85073d1472b7",
- "reason": "Damaged"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
-| store | String | ✓ | Store where the order was placed. |
-| returnItems | cell | ✓ | Set of return items. |
-| salesOrderItemUuid | String | ✓ | UUID of the sales order item included in the return. |
-| reason | String | | Reason to return the item. |
-### Response
-Response sample: create a return for a sales order items
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R10",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R10",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 13643
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.myspykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R10"
- }
- }
-Response sample: create a return for the merchant order item with information about return items
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R2",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R2",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 10580
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R2?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a",
- "reason": "Damaged",
- "orderItemUuid": "c319e465-5160-59f1-a5b8-85073d1472b7"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R2/return-items/717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a"
- }
- }
- ]
-| merchantReference | String | Unique identifier of the merchant. |
-| returnReference | String | Unique identifier of the return. You can get it when creating the return. |
-| store | String | Store for which the return was created. |
-| customerReference | String | Unique identifier of the customer. |
-| returnTotals | Object | List of totals to return. |
-| refundTotal | Integer | Total refund amount. |
-| remunerationTotal | Integer | Total remuneration. |
-| return-items | uuid | String | Unique identifier of the returned item. |
-| return-items | reason | String | Predefined reason why the return was created. |
-| return-items | orderItemUuid | String | Unique identifier of the order item. |
-For the attributes of the included resources, see [Retrieving marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-marketplace-orders.html).
-## Retrieve returns
-To retrieve returns, send the Request sample:
-`GET` **/returns**
-### Request
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| offset | Offset of the order at which to begin the response. Works only together with `page[limit]`. To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of `page[limit]`. The default value is `0`. | From `0` to any. |
-| limit | Maximum number of entries to return. Works only together with page[offset]. The default value is `10`. | From `1` to any. |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns` | Retrieve all returns. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns?include=return-items` | Retrieve all returns with the information about return items included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns?include=merchants` | Retrieve all returns with the respective merchants included. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve all returns
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R9",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R9",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 1879
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R9"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R8",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R8",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 9865
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R8"
- }
- },
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns"
- }
-Response sample: retrieve all returns with details on return items
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R4",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R4",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 24899
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R4?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R3",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R3",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 24899
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R3?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R2",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R2",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 10580
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R2?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R1",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000006",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R1",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 3331
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R1?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "56c8d9c7-7ea5-59ec-83ca-a633b4c0ee5c"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns?include=return-items"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
- "reason": "Wrong item",
- "orderItemUuid": "120b7a51-69e4-54b9-96a6-3b5eab0dfe7a"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R4/return-items/b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b",
- "reason": "Wrong item",
- "orderItemUuid": "42de8c95-69a7-56b1-b43e-ce876ca79458"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R3/return-items/3071bef7-f26f-5be4-b9e7-bef1d670a94b"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a",
- "reason": "Damaged",
- "orderItemUuid": "c319e465-5160-59f1-a5b8-85073d1472b7"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R2/return-items/717e94dd-7eb6-5a3f-837b-2ea745f6ae0a"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "56c8d9c7-7ea5-59ec-83ca-a633b4c0ee5c",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "56c8d9c7-7ea5-59ec-83ca-a633b4c0ee5c",
- "reason": "No longer needed",
- "orderItemUuid": "7be8d4ff-a41e-527f-adb5-077e6192062b"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R1/return-items/56c8d9c7-7ea5-59ec-83ca-a633b4c0ee5c"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve all returns with the respective merchants included
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R9",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R9",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 1879
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R9"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R8",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R8",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 9865
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R8"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/access-tokens?include=merchants"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- }
- ]
-| merchantReference | String | Unique identifier of the merchant. |
-| returnReference | String | Unique identifier of the return. |
-| store | String | Store for which the return was created. |
-| customerReference | String | Unique identifier of the customer who created the return. |
-| returnTotals | Object | List of totals of the return. |
-| refundTotal | Integer | Total refund amount. |
-| remunerationTotal | Integer | Total remuneration amount. |
-| return-items | uuid | String | Unique identifier of the returned item. |
-| return-items | reason | String | Reason which the customer selected for the return. |
-| return-items | orderItemUuid | String | Unique identifier of the order item. |
-For the attributes of the other other included resources, see the following:
-* [Retrieving marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-marketplace-orders.html)
-* [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html)
-## Retrieve a return
-To retrieve a return, send the Request sample:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/returns/{{returnID}}**{% endraw %}
-| {% raw %}***{{returnID}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a return to retrieve. To get it [create a return](#create-a-return) or [retrieve returns](#retrieve-returns)|
-## Request
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| offset | Offset of the order at which to begin the response. Works only together with `page[limit]`. To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of `page[limit]`. The default value is `0`. | From `0` to any. |
-| limit | Maximum number of entries to return. Works only together with page[offset]. The default value is `10`. | From `1` to any. |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R9` | Retrieve a return with the ID `DE--21-R9` for sales order items. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R6` | Retrieve a return with the ID `DE--21-R6` for sales order items. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R6?include=return-items` | Retrieve a return with the ID `DE--21-R6`, including the return items. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R6?include=merchants` | Retrieve a return with the ID `DE--21-R6` for merchant order items, including the respective merchants. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve a return for a sales order item
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R9",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R9",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 1879
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R9"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve a return for a merchant order item
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R6",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R6",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 7842,
- "remunerationTotal": 7842
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R6"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve a return with the return items included
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R4",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R4",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 24899
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R4?include=return-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "return-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "return-items",
- "id": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
- "attributes": {
- "uuid": "b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb",
- "reason": "Wrong item",
- "orderItemUuid": "120b7a51-69e4-54b9-96a6-3b5eab0dfe7a"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R4/return-items/b3c46290-2eaa-5b37-bba2-60171638fabb"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a return with the details about merchants
- "data": {
- "type": "returns",
- "id": "DE--21-R6",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "returnReference": "DE--21-R6",
- "store": "DE",
- "customerReference": "DE--21",
- "returnTotals": {
- "refundTotal": 7842,
- "remunerationTotal": 7842
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/returns/DE--21-R6?include=merchants"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- }
- ]
-For the attributes, see [Retrieving returns](#retrieve-returns).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-addresses.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-addresses.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 181cf154d1e..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-addresses.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving merchant addresses
-description: Retrieve merchant addresses via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This document describes how to retrieve merchant addresses.
-## Retrieve merchant addresses
-To retrieve merchant addresses, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/merchants/*{{merchantId}}*/merchant-addresses**{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{merchantId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a merchant to retrieve the addresses of. To get it, [retrieve all merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#retrieve-merchants). |
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-This endpoint returns only [active](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) merchants. You can activate merchants in the Back Office.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Request
-Request sample: retrieve merchant addresses
-`GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-addresses`
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve merchant addresses
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchant-addresses",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "addresses": [
- {
- "countryName": "CountryName",
- "address1": "address1",
- "address2": "address2",
- "address3": null,
- "city": "City",
- "zipCode": null,
- "email": null
- },
- {
- "countryName": "CountryName2",
- "address1": "address3",
- "address2": "address4",
- "address3": null,
- "city": "City2",
- "zipCode": null,
- "email": null
- },
- {
- "countryName": "Germany",
- "address1": "Caroline-Michaelis-Straße",
- "address2": "8",
- "address3": "",
- "city": "Berlin",
- "zipCode": "10115",
- "email": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-addresses"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-addresses"
- }
-| ------------- | -------- | --------------- |
-| addresses | Array | List of merchant addresses information. |
-| addresses.countryName | String | Country name. |
-| addresses.address1 | String | 1st line of the merchant address. |
-| addresses.address2 | String | 2nd line of the merchant address. |
-| addresses.address3 | String | 3rd line of the merchant address. |
-| addresses.city | String | City name. |
-| addresses.zipCode | String | ZIP code. |
-| addresses.email | String | Email address. |
-## Possible errors
-For statuses, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-opening-hours.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-opening-hours.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 676b7e0b297..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchant-opening-hours.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving merchant opening hours
-description: Retrieve merchant opening hours via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This document describes how to retrieve merchant opening hours.
-## Retrieve merchant opening hours
-To retrieve a merchant opening hours, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/merchants/*{{merchantId}}*/merchant-opening-hours**{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{merchantId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a merchant to retrieve the addresses of. To get it, [retrieve all merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#retrieve-merchants). |
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-This endpoint returns only [active](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) merchants. You can activate merchants in the Back Office.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Request
-Request sample: retrieve merchant opening hours
-`GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-opening-hours`
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve merchant opening hours
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchant-opening-hours",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "weekdaySchedule": [
- {
- "day": "MONDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "13:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "MONDAY",
- "timeFrom": "14:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "TUESDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "WEDNESDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "THURSDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "FRIDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "SATURDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "SUNDAY",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null
- }
- ],
- "dateSchedule": [
- {
- "date": "2020-01-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "New Year's Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-10",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Good Friday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-12",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Easter Sunday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-13",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Easter Monday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "May Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-21",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Ascension of Christ"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-31",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Whit Sunday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-06-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Whit Monday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-06-11",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Corpus Christi"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-11-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "All Saints' Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-12-25",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "1st Christmas day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-12-26",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "2nd Christmas day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2021-11-28",
- "timeFrom": "13:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "18:00:00.000000",
- "note": "Sunday Opening"
- },
- {
- "date": "2021-12-31",
- "timeFrom": "10:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "17:00:00.000000",
- "note": ""
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-opening-hours"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001/merchant-opening-hours"
- }
-| --------------- | --------------------- |
-| weekdaySchedule | Array of the schedule for weekdays.
-| weekdaySchedule.day | Name of the day. |
-| weekdaySchedule.timeFrom | Time when the merchant starts working on a usual day. |
-| weekdaySchedule.timeTo | Time when the merchant stops working on a usual day. |
-| dateSchedule | Array of the schedule for special working days, like holidays. |
-| dateSchedule.date | Date of the special opening hours. |
-| dateSchedule.timeFrom | Time when the merchant starts working during the special working hours. |
-| dateSchedule.timeTo | Time when the merchant stops working during the special working hours. |
-| dateSchedule.note | Description of the special opening hours. |
-## Possible errors
-For statuses, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchants.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchants.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 198da4a601e..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/merchants/retrieving-merchants.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving merchants
-description: Retrieve merchant information via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-Merchant is an individual or an organization selling products on the Marketplace. Every merchant has a profile page where the customer can check information like contact information, opening hours, and legal details.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Glue API - Marketplace Merchant feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-merchant-feature-integration.html).
-## Retrieve merchants
-To retrieve all merchants, send the request:
-`GET` **/merchants**
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-This endpoint returns only [active](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) merchants. To learn how you can activate a merchant in the Back Office, see [Activating and deactivating merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| category-keys[] | Filters merchants by category keys. | {% raw %}{{category key}}{% endraw %} |
-| --- | --- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants` | Retrieve all merchants. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants?category-keys[]=demoshop&category-keys[]=notebooks` | Retrieve merchants with the `demoshop` and `notebooks` category keys assigned. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve all merchants
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "demoshop",
- "name": "Demoshop"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "notebooks",
- "name": "Notebooks"
- },
- {
- "categoryKey": "tablets",
- "name": "Tablets"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Video King",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/video-king",
- "contactPersonRole": "Country Manager DE",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Martha",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Farmer",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+31 123 345 678",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "hi@video-king.nl",
- "publicPhone": "+31 123 345 777",
- "description": "Video King is a premium provider of video equipment. In business since 2010, we understand the needs of video professionals and enthusiasts and offer a wide variety of products with competitive prices. ",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "2-4 days",
- "latitude": "4.838470",
- "longitude": "51.558107",
- "faxNumber": "+31 123 345 733",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Video King
Gilzeweg 24
4854SG Bavel
Phone: +31 123 45 6789
Email: hi@video-king.nl
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Amsterdam
Register Number: 1234.4567
- "dataPrivacy": "Video King values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000002"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000005",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Budget Cameras",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/budget-cameras",
- "contactPersonRole": "Merchandise Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Jason",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Weidmann",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/budgetcameras-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@budgetcamerasonline.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567591",
- "description": "DSLR and mirrorless cameras are by far the most popular with filmmakers on a tight budget when you can't afford multiple specialist cameras.Budget Cameras is offering a great selection of digital cameras with the lowest prices.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/budgetcameras-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "2-4 days",
- "latitude": "10.004663",
- "longitude": "53.552463",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567500",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Budget Cameras
Spitalerstraße 3
20095 Hamburg
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@budgetcamerasonline.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HXX 134305
- "dataPrivacy": "Budget Cameras values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000005"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants"
- }
-Response sample: retrieve merchants by category keys
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "demoshop",
- "name": "Demoshop"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006?category-keys[0]=demoshop&category-keys[1]=notebooks"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "notebooks",
- "name": "Notebooks"
- },
- {
- "categoryKey": "tablets",
- "name": "Tablets"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001?category-keys[0]=demoshop&category-keys[1]=notebooks"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants?category-keys[0]=demoshop&category-keys[1]=notebooks"
- }
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| merchantName | String | Name of the merchant. |
-| merchantUrl | String | Merchant’s profile URL. |
-| contactPersonRole | String | Role of the contact person. |
-| contactPersonTitle | String | Salutation to use when addressing the contact person. |
-| contactPersonFirstName | String | Contact person’s first name. |
-| contactPersonLastName | String | Contact person’s last name. |
-| contactPersonPhone | String | Contact person’s phone number. |
-| logoUrl | String | Merchant’s logo URL. |
-| publicEmail | String | Merchant’s public email address. |
-| publicPhone | String | Merchant’s public phone number. |
-| description | String | Merchant’s description. |
-| bannerUrl | String | Merchant’s banner URL. |
-| deliveryTime | String | Average delivery time. |
-| latitude | String | Merchant’s latitude. |
-| longitude | String | Merchant’s longitude. |
-| faxNumber | String | Merchant’s fax number. |
-| legalInformation | Object | List of legal information. |
-| legalInformation.terms | String | Merchant’s terms and conditions. |
-| legalInformation. cancellationPolicy | String | Merchant’s cancellation policy.|
-| legalInformation.imprint | String | Merchant’s imprint information.|
-| legalInformation.dataPrivacy | String | Merchant’s data privacy conditions.|
-| categories | Array | List of categories where the merchant belongs. |
-| categories.categoryKey | String | Category key used for the merchant. |
-| categories.name | String | Name of the merchant category.
-## Retrieve a merchant
-To retrieve a merchant, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/merchants/*{{merchantId}}***{% endraw %}
-| --- | --- |
-| {% raw %}***{{merchantId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a merchant to retrieve. To get it, [retrieve all merchants](#retrieve-merchants). |
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-This endpoint returns only [active](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) merchants. To learn how you can activate a merchant in the Back Office, see [Activating and deactivating merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Request
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | `merchant-addresses`, `merchant-opening-hours` |
-| -------------------- | ---------------------- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006` | Retrieve a merchant with the `MER000006` ID. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006?include=merchant-addresses,merchant-opening-hours` | Retrieve the merchant with the `MER000006` ID, including merchant addresses and opening hours. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve the merchant
- "data": {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "demoshop",
- "name": "Demoshop"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve a merchant with merchant addresses and opening hours included
- "data": {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "categoryKey": "demoshop",
- "name": "Demoshop"
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006?include=merchant-addresses,merchant-opening-hours"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchant-opening-hours": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchant-opening-hours",
- "id": "MER000006"
- }
- ]
- },
- "merchant-addresses": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchant-addresses",
- "id": "MER000006"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchant-opening-hours",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "weekdaySchedule": [
- {
- "day": "MONDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "13:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "MONDAY",
- "timeFrom": "14:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "TUESDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "WEDNESDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "THURSDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "FRIDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "SATURDAY",
- "timeFrom": "07:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "20:00:00.000000"
- },
- {
- "day": "SUNDAY",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null
- }
- ],
- "dateSchedule": [
- {
- "date": "2020-01-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "New Year's Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-10",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Good Friday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-12",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Easter Sunday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-04-13",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Easter Monday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "May Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-21",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Ascension of Christ"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-05-31",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Whit Sunday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-06-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Whit Monday"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-06-11",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Corpus Christi"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-10-03",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "Day of German unity"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-11-01",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "All Saints' Day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-12-25",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "1st Christmas day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2020-12-26",
- "timeFrom": null,
- "timeTo": null,
- "note": "2nd Christmas day"
- },
- {
- "date": "2021-11-28",
- "timeFrom": "13:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "18:00:00.000000",
- "note": "Sunday Opening"
- },
- {
- "date": "2021-12-31",
- "timeFrom": "10:00:00.000000",
- "timeTo": "17:00:00.000000",
- "note": ""
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006/merchant-opening-hours"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchant-addresses",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "addresses": [
- {
- "countryName": null,
- "address1": null,
- "address2": null,
- "address3": null,
- "city": null,
- "zipCode": null
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006/merchant-addresses"
- }
- }
- ]
-For the merchant attributes, see [Retrieve merchants](#merchants-response-attributes).
-For the attributes of the included resources, see:
-* [Retrieving merchant addresses](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchant-addresses.html#merchant-addresses-response-attributes).
-* [Retrieving merchant opening hours](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchant-opening-hours.html#merchant-opening-hours-response-attributes).
-## Other management options
-Retrieve merchant information as a relationship when sending the following requests:
-* [Retrieve an abstract product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html#retrieve-an-abstract-product)
-* [Retrieve a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html#retrieve-a-concrete-product)
-* [Retrieve a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#retrieve-a-wishlist)
-* [Retrieve a product offer]
-* [Retrieve marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-marketplace-orders.html)
-Search by merchants in the product catalog. For details, see [Searching the product catalog](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/searching-the-product-catalog.html).
-Resolve a search engine friendly URL of a merchant page. For details, see [Resolving search engine friendly URLs](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/resolving-search-engine-friendly-urls.html).
-## Possible errors
-For statuses, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-availability.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-availability.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cbac8026f08..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-availability.md
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving product offer availabilities
-description: Retrieve Marketplace product offer availabilities via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This document describes how to retrieve product offer availabilities via Glue API.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
-* [GLUE API: Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Volume Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-## Retrieve availability of a product offer
-To retrieve a availability of a product offer, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/product-offers/*{{offerId}}*/product-offer-availabilities**{% endraw %}
-| ------------------ | ---------------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{offerId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a product offer to retrieve the availability of. To get it, [retrieve the offers of a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html). |
-### Request
-Request sample: retrieve availability of a product offer
-`GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer56/product-offer-availabilities`
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve availability of a product offer
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-availabilities",
- "id": "offer56",
- "attributes": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "0.0000000000"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer56/product-offer-availabilities"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer56/product-offer-availabilities"
- }
-| isNeverOutOfStock | Boolean | Shows if the product offer is never out of stock. |
-| availability | Boolean |Defines if the product offer is available. |
-| quantity | Integer |Stock of the product offer. |
-## Possible errors
-| - | - |
-| 3701 | Product offer was not found. |
-| 3702 | Product offer ID is not specified. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ce882450707..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving product offer prices
-description: Retrieve Marketplace product offer prices via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This document describes how to retrieve product offer prices via Glue API.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
-* [GLUE API: Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Volume Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-## Retrieve prices of a product offer
-To retrieve prices of a product offer, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/product-offers/*{{offerId}}*/product-offer-prices**{% endraw %}
-| ------------------ | ---------------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{offerId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a product offer to retrieve the availability of. To get it, [retrieve the offers of a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html). |
-### Request
-Request sample: retrieve prices of a product offer
-`GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer54/product-offer-prices`
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve prices of a product offer
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-prices",
- "id": "offer78",
- "attributes": {
- "price": 40522,
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "netAmount": null,
- "grossAmount": 40522,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- },
- "volumePrices": [
- {
- "grossAmount": 38400,
- "netAmount": 39100,
- "quantity": 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer54/product-offer-prices"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer54/product-offer-prices"
- }
-| price | Integer | Price to pay for the product offer in cents. |
-| prices | Array | Prices of this product offer. |
-| prices.priceTypeName | String | Price type. |
-| prices.netAmount | Integer | Net price in cents. |
-| prices.grossAmount | Integer | Gross price in cents. |
-| prices.currency.code | String | Currency code. |
-| prices.currency.name | String | Currency name. |
-| prices.currency.symbol | String | Currency symbol. |
-| prices.volumePrices | Object | An array of objects defining the [volume prices](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html) of the product offer. |
-| prices.volumePrices.grossAmount | Integer | Gross volume price in cents. |
-| prices.volumePrices.netAmount | Integer | Net volume price in cents. |
-| prices.volumePrices.quantity | Integer | Required quantity of items in offer for the volume price to apply. |
-## Other management options
-Retrieve product offer prices as a relationship by [retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html)
-## Possible errors
-| - | - |
-| 3701 | Product offer was not found. |
-| 3702 | Product offer ID is not specified. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1765ed52f86..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving product offers
-description: Retrieve Marketplace product offers via API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-Product offers let different merchants sell the same product on the Marketplace. Product offers are created per concrete products, and you can get the offer information via retrieving the product information.
-In your development, product offers API can help you to retrieve relevant extended information for product offers.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see:
-* [GLUE API: Marketplace Product Offer feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-* [Glue API: Marketplace Product Offer Volume Prices feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-integration.html)
-## Retrieve a product offer
-To retrieve the product offers, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/product-offers/*{{offerId}}***{% endraw %}
-| ------------------ | ---------------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{offerId}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of a product offer to retrieve the availability of. To get it, [retrieve the offers of a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html). |
-### Request
-| -------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | - product-offer-availabilities
- product-offer-prices
- merchants
-| ---------- | ----------- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer56`| Retrieve information about an offer with the `offer56` ID. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer78?product-offer-prices` | Retrieve information about the offer with `offer78` ID with the product offer prices. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer101?product-offer-availabilities` | Retrieve the product offer with the `offer101` ID with the product offer availability. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer101?merchants` | Retrieve the product offer with the `offer101` ID, including the merchant it belongs to. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve an offer
- "data": {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer56",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000005",
- "isDefault": false
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/product-offers/offer56"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve an offer with product offer prices included
- "data": {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer78",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000005",
- "isDefault": true
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer78"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-offer-prices": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-prices",
- "id": "offer78"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-prices",
- "id": "offer78",
- "attributes": {
- "price": 40522,
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "netAmount": null,
- "grossAmount": 40522,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- },
- "volumePrices": [
- {
- "grossAmount": 38400,
- "netAmount": 39100,
- "quantity": 3
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer78/product-offer-prices"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve an offer with product offer availabilities included
- "data": {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer101",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000006",
- "isDefault": false
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/product-offers/offer101?include=product-offer-prices,product-offer-availabilities"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-offer-availabilities": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-availabilities",
- "id": "offer101"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-availabilities",
- "id": "offer101",
- "attributes": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "0.0000000000"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/product-offers/offer101/product-offer-availabilities"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve an offer with merchant information included
- "data": {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer101",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000006",
- "isDefault": false
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/product-offers/offer101?include=product-offer-prices,product-offer-availabilities,merchants"
- },
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.comm/merchants/MER000006"
- }
- }
- ]
-| --------------- | -------- | -------------------- |
-| merchantSku | String | The merchant's unique identifier of the product offer. |
-| merchantReference | String | Unique identifier of the merchant. |
-| isDefault | Boolean | Defines if the product offer is [default](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html#product-offers-on-the-product-details-page) for the concrete product. |
-For the response attributes of the other included resources, see the following:
-* [Retrieve product offer prices](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-prices.html#product-offer-prices-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieve product offer availability](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offer-availability.html#product-offer-availability-response-attributes)
-* [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#merchants-response-attributes)
-## Other management options
-You can use the product offers resource as follows:
-- [Retrieve product offers of a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html)
-- Add product offers to a guest cart—[Creating a guest cart](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart).
-- Retrieve information for the product offers in a guest cart—[Retrieving a guest cart](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.html#retrieve-a-guest-cart).
-- Add product offers to a registered user's cart—[Adding items to a cart of a registered user](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/carts-of-registered-users/managing-items-in-carts-of-registered-users.html#add-an-item-to-a-registered-users-cart).
-- Retrieve information for the product offers in registered users' carts—[Retrieving all carts](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}//carts-of-registered-users/managing-carts-of-registered-users.html#retrieve-registered-users-carts).
-## Possible errors
-| - | - |
-| 3701 | Product offer was not found. |
-| 3702 | Product offer ID is not specified. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/resolving-search-engine-friendly-urls.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/resolving-search-engine-friendly-urls.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/resolving-search-engine-friendly-urls.md
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-title: Resolving search engine friendly URLs
-description: Learn how to resolve search engine friendly URLs via Glue API in the Spryker Marketplace
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This endpoint allows resolving Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs into a resource URL in Glue API.
-For SEO purposes, Spryker automatically generates SEF URLs for products and categories. The URLs are returned as a `url` attribute in responses related to abstract products and product categories. For examples of such responses, see:
-* [Retrieve an abstract product](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html)
-* [Retrieve a category tree](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-categories/retrieving-category-trees.html)
-* [Retrieve a category node](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-categories/retrieving-category-nodes.html)
-* [Retrieve a CMS page](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-cms-pages.html)
-* [Retrieve a merchant](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#retrieve-a-merchant)
-In your development, the endpoints can help you to:
-* Significantly boost the SEO presence of your product store.
-* Increase the search engine ranking of your online store.
-To facilitate their usage, Spryker Glue provides an endpoint that allows resolving an SEO-friendly URL, for example, `http://mysprykershop.com/en/canon-powershot-n-35`, into a URL of the relevant product resource in Glue API, for example, `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/abstract-products/035`. This capability is provided by the URLs API.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Glue API: Spryker Сore feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-spryker-core-feature-integration.html).
-## Resolve a SEF URL into a Glue API URL
-To resolve a SEF URL into a Glue API URL, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/url-resolver?url=*{{SEF URL}}***{% endraw %}
-| --------------- | ---------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{SEF URL}}***{% endraw %} | SEF URL you want to resolve. You can get it when:- [retrieving abstract products](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html)
- [retrieving category nodes](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-categories/retrieving-category-nodes.html)
- [retrieving CMS pages](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-cms-pages.html)
- [retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html)
-### Request
-| -------------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------------- |
-| Accept-Language | de | ✓ | Specifies the locale. |
-| Request sample | Usage |
-| --- | --- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/de/acer-aspire-s7-134` | Resolve the following URL of a product: `https://mysprykershop.com/de/acer-aspire-s7-134`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/computer` | Resolve the following URL of a category node: `https://mysprykershop.com/en/computer`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/de/ruecknahmegarantie` | Resolve the following URL of a CMS page `https://mysprykershop.com/de/ruecknahmegarantie`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/merchant/budget-cameras` | Resolve the following URL of a merchant page: `https://mysprykershop.com/en/merchant/budget-cameras`. |
-### Response
-Response sample: resolve a product URL
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "url-resolver",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "entityType": "abstract-products",
- "entityId": "134"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/de/acer-aspire-s7-134"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/de/acer-aspire-s7-134"
- }
-Response sample: resolve a URL of a category node
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "url-resolver",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "entityType": "category-nodes",
- "entityId": "5"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/computer"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/computer"
- }
-Response sample: resolve a URL of a CMS page
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "url-resolver",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "entityType": "cms-pages",
- "entityId": "8d378933-22f9-54c7-b45e-db68f2d5d9a3"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/return-policy"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/return-policy"
- }
-Response sample: resolve a merchant page URL
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "url-resolver",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "entityType": "merchants",
- "entityId": "MER000005"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/merchant/budget-cameras"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/url-resolver?url=/en/merchant/budget-cameras"
- }
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| entityType | String | Resource type, like `abstract-products` or `category-nodes`, `cms-pages` or `merchants`. |
-| entityId | String | Unique resource identifier. |
-Using the information from the response and the Glue server name, you can construct the Glue resource URLs. For example:
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/abstract-products/134`
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/category-nodes/5`
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/cms-pages/8d378933-22f9-54c7-b45e-db68f2d5d9a3`
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000005`
-## Possible errors
-| --- | --- |
-| 404 | The provided URL does not exist. |
-| 422 | The `url` parameter is missing. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-autocomplete-and-search-suggestions.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-autocomplete-and-search-suggestions.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-autocomplete-and-search-suggestions.md
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-title: Retrieving autocomplete and search suggestions
-description: This document provides information about which endpoints to use to get search and auto-completion suggestions for your products, categories, and CMS fields
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-In addition to [catalog search](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/searching-the-product-catalog.html), Glue API lets you retrieve autocomplete suggestions for products, categories, and CMS pages. The feature lets developers predict search strings and provide customers with available options.
-In your development, this resource can help you to enhance the customer experience by providing the relevant information for search, product filters, shopping cart, checkout, order history, wishlist, and many more.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Glue API: Catalog feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-catalog-feature-integration.html).
-## Retrieve a search suggestion
-To retrieve a search suggestion, send the request:
-`GET` **/catalog-search-suggestions**
-### Request
-| ---------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
-| q | Restricts the returned items to the values of the provided parameters. | - {% raw %}{{abstract_product_sku}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{concrete_product_sku}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{abstract_product_name}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{product_attribute}} (for example, brand, color)—to provide multiple product attributes, use '+'
- {% raw %}{{category_name}}{% endraw %}
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | abstract-products |
-| currency | Sets a currency. | {% raw %}{{currency}}{% endraw %} |
-| priceMode | Sets a price mode. | |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------ |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions` | Retrieve search suggestions. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=` | Retrieve suggestions for an empty search string. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058` | Retrieve search suggestions for the SKU `058`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058&include=abstract-products` | Retrieve search suggestions for the SKU `058`, including product details. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=Acer Liquid Jade` | Retrieve search suggestions for the `Acer Liquid Jade` name. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=Ac` | Retrieve search suggestions for the two letters: `Ac`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=acer+cb5-31` | Retrieve search suggestions for the 11 symbols: `acer+cb5-31`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058_24245592` | Retrieve search suggestions for the SKU `058_24245592`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=acer+red` | Retrieve search suggestions for the following attributes: brand `acer` and color `red`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=acer¤cy=CHF` | Set the *CHF* currency in search suggestions. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=Sony¤cy=EUR&priceMode=GROSS_MODE` | Retrieve search suggestions for the phrase `Sony` with the `EUR` currency and `GROSS_MODE` price mode. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=telecom-%26-navigation` | Retreive search suggestions for the phrase `telecom&navigation`. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=Smart` | Retrieve search suggestions for the word `Smart`, which is a part of a category name. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=video%20king` | Retrieve search suggestions for the `video king` phrase, which is a merchant name. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve suggestions for an empty search string
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "catalog-search-suggestions",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "completion": [],
- "categories": [],
- "cmsPages": [],
- "abstractProducts": [],
- "categoryCollection": [],
- "cmsPageCollection": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q="
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q="
- }
-Response sample: retrieve search suggestions for an abstract product
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "catalog-search-suggestions",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "completion": [
- "058_24245592",
- "058_26175504"
- ],
- "categories": [],
- "cmsPages": [],
- "abstractProducts": [
- {
- "price": 26432,
- "abstractName": "Acer Liquid Jade",
- "abstractSku": "058",
- "url": "/en/acer-liquid-jade-58",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/img_24245592_medium_1483521161_4318_9985.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/24245592-2688.jpg"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "categoryCollection": [],
- "cmsPageCollection": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058"
- }
-Response sample: retrieve suggestions for an abstract product with abstract product details included
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "catalog-search-suggestions",
- "id": null,
- "attributes": {
- "completion": [
- "058_24245592",
- "058_26175504"
- ],
- "categories": [],
- "cmsPages": [],
- "abstractProducts": [
- {
- "price": 26432,
- "abstractName": "Acer Liquid Jade",
- "abstractSku": "058",
- "url": "/en/acer-liquid-jade-58",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/img_24245592_medium_1483521161_4318_9985.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/24245592-2688.jpg"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "categoryCollection": [],
- "cmsPageCollection": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058&include=abstract-products"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "abstract-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "abstract-products",
- "id": "058"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=058&include=abstract-products"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "abstract-products",
- "id": "058",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "058",
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "Acer Liquid Jade",
- "description": "Edge Handle Assign a colour and place on People Edge to five of your favourite contacts. Reach out to them at any time by simply swiping inwards from the Edge Handle. When words aren’t enough, send a poke or an emoticon to your People Edge contacts. OnCircle lets you communicate in ways that really count. When it comes to your favourite tracks, sound quality matters. Enjoy rich, balanced audio with Bluetooth audio accessories that support UHQ Audio. Celebrations are always better when you are sharing. Livestream the fun straight from your Galaxy S6 edge+ using the camera’s Live Broadcast function. 4GB RAM and LTE Cat.9 support ensure uninterrupted streaming. No more shaky handheld videos. Video Digital Imaging Stabilisation meets Optical Image Stabilisation to ensure you get clear and steady footage every time.",
- "attributes": {
- "form_factor": "Bar",
- "sim_card_type": "NanoSIM",
- "display_type": "IPS",
- "internal_ram": "2048 MB",
- "brand": "Acer",
- "color": "White"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "form_factor",
- "color"
- ],
- "superAttributes": {
- "series": [
- "Jade Plus",
- "Jade Z"
- ]
- },
- "attributeMap": {
- "product_concrete_ids": [
- "058_24245592",
- "058_26175504"
- ],
- "super_attributes": {
- "series": [
- "Jade Plus",
- "Jade Z"
- ]
- },
- "attribute_variants": {
- "series:Jade Plus": {
- "id_product_concrete": "058_24245592"
- },
- "series:Jade Z": {
- "id_product_concrete": "058_26175504"
- }
- }
- },
- "metaTitle": "Acer Liquid Jade",
- "metaKeywords": "Acer,Communication Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Edge Handle Assign a colour and place on People Edge to five of your favourite contacts. Reach out to them at any time by simply swiping inwards from the E",
- "attributeNames": {
- "form_factor": "Form factor",
- "sim_card_type": "SIM card type",
- "display_type": "Display type",
- "internal_ram": "Internal RAM",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color",
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- "abstractName": "Sony NEX-VG20EH",
- "abstractSku": "202",
- "url": "/en/sony-nex-vg20eh-202",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/medium/5782479-Sony.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/5782479-Sony.jpg"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "price": 12572,
- "abstractName": "Toshiba CAMILEO P20",
- "abstractSku": "207",
- "url": "/en/toshiba-camileo-p20-207",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/low/15721464-9569.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/15721464-9569.jpg"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "price": 34668,
- "abstractName": "Toshiba CAMILEO P20",
- "abstractSku": "208",
- "url": "/en/toshiba-camileo-p20-208",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/low/14678762-7696.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/14678762-7696.jpg"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "price": 9865,
- "abstractName": "Canon LEGRIA HF R606",
- "abstractSku": "186",
- "url": "/en/canon-legria-hf-r606-186",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/medium/25904506-6830.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/25904506-6830.jpg"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "price": 11611,
- "abstractName": "Toshiba CAMILEO S30",
- "abstractSku": "205",
- "url": "/en/toshiba-camileo-s30-205",
- "images": [
- {
- "externalUrlSmall": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/img_6350138_medium_1481633011_6285_13738.jpg",
- "externalUrlLarge": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/6350138-1977.jpg"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "categoryCollection": [],
- "cmsPageCollection": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=video king"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q=video king"
- }
-| ---------------- | -------- | ---------- |
-| completion | Array | Autocomplete suggestions for the search query.
Each item in the array is a string. |
-| categories | Array | Categories that match the search query. The matching categories are now returned as the `categoryCollection` attribute. |
-| cmsPages | Array | CMS pages that match the search query. This attribute is deprecated and will be removed soon. The matching CMS pages are now returned as the `cmsPageCollection` attribute. |
-| abstractProducts | Array | Abstract products matching the search query. Each item in the array is an *Object* representing a product. |
-| abstractProducts.price | Integer | Product price. |
-| abstractProducts.abstractName | String | Product name. |
-| abstractProducts.abstractSku | String | Product SKU. |
-| abstractProducts.url | String | URL of the product's product details page. |
-| abstractProducts.images | Object | URLs of the product's images. |
-| abstractProducts.images.externalUrlSmall | String | URL of the product's preview image. |
-| abstractProducts.images.externalUrlLarge | String | URL of the product's large image. |
-| categoryCollection | Array | Categories that match the search query. Each item in the array is an *Object* representing a category. |
-| categoryCollection.name | String | Specifies the category name. |
-| categoryCollection.URL | String | Specifies the category URL. |
-| cmsPageCollection | Array | CMS pages that match the search query. Each item in the array is an *Object* representing a single page. |
-| cmsPageCollection.name | String | Specifies the page title. |
-| cmsPageCollection.url | String | Specifies the page URL. |
-{% info_block infoBox "SEO-friendly URLs" %}
-The `url` attribute of categories and abstract products exposes a SEO-friendly URL of the resource that represents the respective category or product. For information about how to resolve such a URL and retrieve the corresponding resource, see [Resolving search engine friendly URLs](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/resolving-search-engine-friendly-urls.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
-Although CMS pages also expose the `url` parameter, resolving of CMS page SEF URLs is not supported at the moment.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-marketplace-orders.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-marketplace-orders.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 233fc438f60..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/retrieving-marketplace-orders.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1535 +0,0 @@
-title: Retrieving Marketplace orders
-description: Retrieve information about Marketplace orders via Glue API.
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-Every registered customer can retrieve the list of orders for their account, as well as the detailed order information, including every step of the calculation and addresses used in the orders.
-In your development, this resource can help you to:
-- Make the order history available to customers.
-- Make order details available to enable reordering functionality.
-The **Marketplace Order Management API** lets you retrieve all orders made by a registered customer.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [**Glue API: Order Management feature integration**](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-order-management-feature-integration.html)
-## Retrieve all orders
-To retrieve a list of all orders made by a registered customer, send the request:
-`GET` **/orders**
-### Request
-| ------------- | ------------ | -------- | -------------------------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------- |
-| offset | The offset of the order at which to begin the response. Works only together with page[limit]. To work correctly, the value should be devisable by the value of page[limit]. The default value is 0. | From `0` to any. |
-| limit | The maximum number of entries to return. Works only together with page[offset]. The default value is 10. | From `1` to any. |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | merchants |
-| --------------------- | ------------------ |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders` | Retrieve all orders. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders?page[limit]=10` | Retrieve 10 orders. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders?page[offset]=10&page[limit]=10` | Retrieve 10 orders starting from the eleventh order. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders?page[offset]=20` | Retrieve all orders starting from the twenty first order. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders?include=merchants` | Retrieve all orders with the merchants included. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve all orders
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--5",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "closed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:26:37.868585",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 500,
- "discountTotal": 9701,
- "taxTotal": 10962,
- "subtotal": 92013,
- "grandTotal": 82812,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--4",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "shipped"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:25:57.909985",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 500,
- "discountTotal": 14841,
- "taxTotal": 0,
- "subtotal": 143412,
- "grandTotal": 129071,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--4"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--3",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "closed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:25:14.861031",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1500,
- "discountTotal": 9147,
- "taxTotal": 2893,
- "subtotal": 91474,
- "grandTotal": 83827,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--3"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--2",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000002",
- "MER000001"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "new"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:16:21.879286",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1590,
- "discountTotal": 3959,
- "taxTotal": 4957,
- "subtotal": 39586,
- "grandTotal": 37217,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--2"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--1",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000001",
- "MER000002",
- "MER000006",
- "MER000005"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "confirmed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:14:51.183582",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 4080,
- "discountTotal": 11884,
- "taxTotal": 12651,
- "subtotal": 113944,
- "grandTotal": 106140,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--1"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders"
- }
-Response sample: retrieve all orders with the merchants included
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--5",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "closed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:26:37.868585",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 500,
- "discountTotal": 9701,
- "taxTotal": 10962,
- "subtotal": 92013,
- "grandTotal": 82812,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--5?include=merchants"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--4",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "shipped"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:25:57.909985",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 500,
- "discountTotal": 14841,
- "taxTotal": 0,
- "subtotal": 143412,
- "grandTotal": 129071,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--4?include=merchants"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--3",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "closed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:25:14.861031",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1500,
- "discountTotal": 9147,
- "taxTotal": 2893,
- "subtotal": 91474,
- "grandTotal": 83827,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--3?include=merchants"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--2",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000002",
- "MER000001"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "new"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:16:21.879286",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1590,
- "discountTotal": 3959,
- "taxTotal": 4957,
- "subtotal": 39586,
- "grandTotal": 37217,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--2?include=merchants"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002"
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--1",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000001",
- "MER000002",
- "MER000006",
- "MER000005"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "confirmed"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:14:51.183582",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 4080,
- "discountTotal": 11884,
- "taxTotal": 12651,
- "subtotal": 113944,
- "grandTotal": 106140,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--1?include=merchants"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002"
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006"
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000005"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders?include=merchants"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Video King",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/video-king",
- "contactPersonRole": "Country Manager DE",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Martha",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Farmer",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+31 123 345 678",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "hi@video-king.nl",
- "publicPhone": "+31 123 345 777",
- "description": "Video King is a premium provider of video equipment. In business since 2010, we understand the needs of video professionals and enthusiasts and offer a wide variety of products with competitive prices. ",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "2-4 days",
- "latitude": "4.838470",
- "longitude": "51.558107",
- "faxNumber": "+31 123 345 733",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Video King
Gilzeweg 24
4854SG Bavel
Phone: +31 123 45 6789
Email: hi@video-king.nl
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Amsterdam
Register Number: 1234.4567
- "dataPrivacy": "Video King values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000002"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000006",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Sony Experts",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/sony-experts",
- "contactPersonRole": "Brand Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Michele",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Nemeth",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@sony-experts.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567691",
- "description": "Capture your moment with the best cameras from Sony. From pocket-size to professional-style, they all pack features to deliver the best quality pictures.Discover the range of Sony cameras, lenses and accessories, and capture your favorite moments with precision and style with the best cameras can offer.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/sonyexperts-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "11.547788",
- "longitude": "48.131058",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567600",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Sony Experts
Matthias-Pschorr-Straße 1
80336 München
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@sony-experts.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Munich
Register Number: HYY 134306
- "dataPrivacy": "Sony Experts values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000006"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000005",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Budget Cameras",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/budget-cameras",
- "contactPersonRole": "Merchandise Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Jason",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Weidmann",
- "contactPersonPhone": "030/123456789",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/budgetcameras-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "support@budgetcamerasonline.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567591",
- "description": "DSLR and mirrorless cameras are by far the most popular with filmmakers on a tight budget when you can't afford multiple specialist cameras.Budget Cameras is offering a great selection of digital cameras with the lowest prices.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/budgetcameras-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "2-4 days",
- "latitude": "10.004663",
- "longitude": "53.552463",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567500",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Budget Cameras
Spitalerstraße 3
20095 Hamburg
Phone: 030 1234567
Email: support@budgetcamerasonline.com
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HXX 134305
- "dataPrivacy": "Budget Cameras values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000005"
- }
- }
- ]
-#### General order information
-| -------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| merchantReferences | Array | Unique identifier of the [merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html) |
-| itemStates | Array | State of the item in the order. |
-| createdAt | String | Date and time when the order was created. |
-| currencyIsoCode | String | ISO 4217 code of the currency that was selected when placing the order. |
-| priceMode | String | Price mode that was active when placing the order. Possible values:- NET_MODE—prices before tax
- GROSS_MODE—prices after tax
-#### Totals calculation
-| ----------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| expenseTotal | Integer | Total amount of expenses (for example, shipping costs). |
-| discountTotal | Integer | Total amount of discounts applied. |
-| taxTotal | Integer | Total amount of taxes paid. |
-| subtotal | Integer | Subtotal of the order. |
-| grandTotal | Integer | Grand total of the order. |
-| canceledTotal | Integer | Total canceled amount. |
-| remunerationTotal | Integer | Total sum of remuneration. |
-For the attributes of the included resources, see [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html).
-## Retrieve an order
-To retrieve detailed information about an order, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/orders/*{{order_id}}***{% endraw %}
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------ |
-| {% raw %}***{{order_id}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of an order. [Retrieve all orders](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/retrieving-orders.html) to get it. |
-### Request
-| ------------- | ------------ | -------- | ---------------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| String parameter | Description | Possible values |
-| ---------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | order-shipments, concrete-products, abstract-products, merchants |
-| ----------------- | ------------------ |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--6` | Retrieve information about the `DE--6` order. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--6?include=order-shipments` | Retrieve information about the order with the ID `DE--6` with order shipments included. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--3?include=merchants` | Retrieve order `DE--3` with the merchants included.|
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve information about the order
- "data": {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--6",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [],
- "itemStates": [
- "payment pending"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2021-01-05 13:43:23.000000",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1180,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 12173,
- "subtotal": 75064,
- "grandTotal": 76244,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- },
- "billingAddress": {
- "salutation": "Mr",
- "firstName": "Spencor",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Hopkin",
- "address1": "Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße",
- "address2": "1",
- "address3": "new address",
- "company": "spryker",
- "city": "Berlin",
- "zipCode": "10115",
- "poBox": null,
- "phone": "+49 (30) 2084 98350",
- "cellPhone": null,
- "description": null,
- "comment": null,
- "email": null,
- "country": "Germany",
- "iso2Code": "DE"
- },
- "shippingAddress": null,
- "items": [
- {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "state": "payment pending",
- "name": "Samsung Galaxy S5 mini",
- "sku": "066_23294028",
- "sumPrice": 39353,
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitGrossPrice": 39353,
- "sumGrossPrice": 39353,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 39353,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 6283,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 6283,
- "refundableAmount": 39353,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 39353,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 39353,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 39353,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 39353,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "3db99597-99a0-58a9-a0ea-696e8da0026e",
- "isReturnable": false,
- "idShipment": 11,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundle": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "Blue"
- },
- "image": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/23294028_3275.jpg"
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- },
- {
- "merchantReference": null,
- "state": "payment pending",
- "name": "Sony Xperia Z3 Compact",
- "sku": "076_24394207",
- "sumPrice": 35711,
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitGrossPrice": 35711,
- "sumGrossPrice": 35711,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 35711,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 5702,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 5702,
- "refundableAmount": 35711,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 35711,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 35711,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 35711,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 35711,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "40274175-4398-5927-8980-48ead5053e69",
- "isReturnable": false,
- "idShipment": 12,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundle": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "White"
- },
- "image": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/medium/24394207-3552.jpg"
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [
- {
- "unitAmount": 786,
- "sumAmount": 786,
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "description": "Get a 10% discount on all orders above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. This discount is not exclusive and can be combined with other discounts.",
- "voucherCode": null,
- "quantity": 1
- }
- ],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- }
- ],
- "expenses": [
- {
- "name": "Express",
- "sumPrice": 590,
- "unitGrossPrice": 590,
- "sumGrossPrice": 590,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 94,
- "sumTaxAmount": 94,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "idShipment": 11,
- "idSalesExpense": 11
- },
- {
- "name": "Express",
- "sumPrice": 590,
- "unitGrossPrice": 590,
- "sumGrossPrice": 590,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 94,
- "sumTaxAmount": 94,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "idShipment": 12,
- "idSalesExpense": 12
- }
- ],
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 76244,
- "paymentProvider": "DummyPayment",
- "paymentMethod": "Invoice"
- }
- ],
- "shipments": [],
- "calculatedDiscounts": [],
- "bundleItems": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--6"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve information about the order with order shipments included
- "data": {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--6",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000005",
- "MER000002"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "sent to merchant",
- "delivered"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2021-06-18 13:44:23.895154",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 2500,
- "discountTotal": 0,
- "taxTotal": 6976,
- "subtotal": 41191,
- "grandTotal": 43691,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- },
- "billingAddress": {
- "salutation": "Ms",
- "firstName": "Sonia",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Wagner",
- "address1": "Kirncher Str.",
- "address2": "7",
- "address3": "",
- "company": "Spryker Systems GmbH",
- "city": "Berlin",
- "zipCode": "10247",
- "poBox": null,
- "phone": "4902890031",
- "cellPhone": null,
- "description": null,
- "comment": "",
- "email": null,
- "country": "Germany",
- "iso2Code": "DE"
- },
- "shippingAddress": {
- "salutation": "Ms",
- "firstName": "Sonia",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Wagner",
- "address1": "Kirncher Str.",
- "address2": "7",
- "address3": "",
- "company": "Spryker Systems GmbH",
- "city": "Berlin",
- "zipCode": "10247",
- "poBox": null,
- "phone": "4902890031",
- "cellPhone": null,
- "description": null,
- "comment": "",
- "email": null,
- "country": "Germany",
- "iso2Code": "DE"
- },
- "items": [
- {
- "merchantReference": "MER000005",
- "state": "sent to merchant",
- "name": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "sku": "018_21081477",
- "sumPrice": 31140,
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitGrossPrice": 31140,
- "sumGrossPrice": 31140,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 31140,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4972,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4972,
- "refundableAmount": 31140,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 31140,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 31140,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 31140,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 31140,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "349f3ce2-0396-5ed4-a2df-c9e053cb3350",
- "isReturnable": false,
- "idShipment": 11,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "productOfferReference": "offer66",
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- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "Pink"
- },
- "image": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/b2c/21081477-Sony.jpg"
- },
- "salesOrderItemConfiguration": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- },
- {
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "state": "delivered",
- "name": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "sku": "020_21081478",
- "sumPrice": 10051,
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitGrossPrice": 10051,
- "sumGrossPrice": 10051,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 10051,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 1605,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 1605,
- "refundableAmount": 10051,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 10051,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 10051,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 0,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 0,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 10051,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 10051,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "2b8ded00-2831-5557-83a2-3d29fc7c9ae8",
- "isReturnable": true,
- "idShipment": 12,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "productOfferReference": "offer27",
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundle": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "Black"
- },
- "image": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/b2c/21081478-Sony.jpg"
- },
- "salesOrderItemConfiguration": null,
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- }
- ],
- "expenses": [
- {
- "name": "Next-Day",
- "sumPrice": 1500,
- "unitGrossPrice": 1500,
- "sumGrossPrice": 1500,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 240,
- "sumTaxAmount": 240,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1500,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 1500,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "idShipment": 12,
- "idSalesExpense": 12
- },
- {
- "name": "Premium",
- "sumPrice": 1000,
- "unitGrossPrice": 1000,
- "sumGrossPrice": 1000,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 159,
- "sumTaxAmount": 159,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1000,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 1000,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "idShipment": 11,
- "idSalesExpense": 11
- }
- ],
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 43691,
- "paymentProvider": "DummyMarketplacePayment",
- "paymentMethod": "Marketplace Invoice"
- }
- ],
- "shipments": [],
- "calculatedDiscounts": [],
- "bundleItems": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--6"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve an with the merchants included
- "data": {
- "type": "orders",
- "id": "DE--2",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantReferences": [
- "MER000002",
- "MER000001"
- ],
- "itemStates": [
- "new"
- ],
- "createdAt": "2020-10-19 15:16:21.879286",
- "currencyIsoCode": "EUR",
- "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
- "totals": {
- "expenseTotal": 1590,
- "discountTotal": 3959,
- "taxTotal": 4957,
- "subtotal": 39586,
- "grandTotal": 37217,
- "canceledTotal": 0,
- "remunerationTotal": 0
- },
- "billingAddress": {
- "salutation": "Ms",
- "firstName": "Sonia",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Wagner",
- "address1": "Kirncher Str.",
- "address2": "7",
- "address3": "",
- "company": "Spryker Systems GmbH",
- "city": "Berlin",
- "zipCode": "10247",
- "poBox": null,
- "phone": "4902890031",
- "cellPhone": null,
- "description": null,
- "comment": "",
- "email": null,
- "country": "Germany",
- "iso2Code": "DE"
- },
- "shippingAddress": null,
- "items": [
- {
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "state": "new",
- "name": "Toshiba CAMILEO S30",
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- "quantity": 1,
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- "sumGrossPrice": 11611,
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- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 11611,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 684,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 684,
- "refundableAmount": 10450,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 11611,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 11611,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 1161,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 1161,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 1161,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 1161,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 10450,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 10450,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "7.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "d5e948d9-f470-5b9a-b1c7-c1321761312a",
- "isReturnable": false,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundle": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "Grey"
- },
- "image": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/img_6350138_medium_1481633011_6285_13738.jpg"
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [
- {
- "unitAmount": 1161,
- "sumAmount": 1161,
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "description": "Get a 10% discount on all orders above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. This discount is not exclusive and can be combined with other discounts.",
- "voucherCode": null,
- "quantity": 1
- }
- ],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- },
- {
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "state": "new",
- "name": "Samsung Galaxy Note 4",
- "sku": "061_24752508",
- "sumPrice": 27975,
- "quantity": 1,
- "unitGrossPrice": 27975,
- "sumGrossPrice": 27975,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "unitPrice": 27975,
- "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4020,
- "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4020,
- "refundableAmount": 25177,
- "canceledAmount": 0,
- "sumSubtotalAggregation": 27975,
- "unitSubtotalAggregation": 27975,
- "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
- "unitExpensePriceAggregation": 0,
- "sumExpensePriceAggregation": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2798,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2798,
- "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2798,
- "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2798,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 25177,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 25177,
- "taxRateAverageAggregation": "19.00",
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null,
- "orderReference": null,
- "uuid": "dedc66da-9af9-504f-bdfc-e45b23118786",
- "isReturnable": false,
- "bundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "relatedBundleItemIdentifier": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundle": null,
- "salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem": null,
- "metadata": {
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": "Black"
- },
- "image": "https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/medium/24752508-8866.jpg"
- },
- "salesUnit": null,
- "calculatedDiscounts": [
- {
- "unitAmount": 2798,
- "sumAmount": 2798,
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "description": "Get a 10% discount on all orders above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. This discount is not exclusive and can be combined with other discounts.",
- "voucherCode": null,
- "quantity": 1
- }
- ],
- "productOptions": [],
- "amount": null
- }
- ],
- "expenses": [
- {
- "name": "Express",
- "sumPrice": 590,
- "unitGrossPrice": 590,
- "sumGrossPrice": 590,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 94,
- "sumTaxAmount": 94,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 590,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null
- },
- {
- "name": "Air Sonic",
- "sumPrice": 1000,
- "unitGrossPrice": 1000,
- "sumGrossPrice": 1000,
- "taxRate": "19.00",
- "unitNetPrice": 0,
- "sumNetPrice": 0,
- "canceledAmount": null,
- "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": null,
- "unitTaxAmount": 159,
- "sumTaxAmount": 159,
- "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1000,
- "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 1000,
- "taxAmountAfterCancellation": null
- }
- ],
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 37217,
- "paymentProvider": "DummyMarketplacePayment",
- "paymentMethod": "Marketplace Invoice"
- }
- ],
- "shipments": [],
- "calculatedDiscounts": {
- "10% Discount for all orders above": {
- "unitAmount": null,
- "sumAmount": 3959,
- "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
- "description": "Get a 10% discount on all orders above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. This discount is not exclusive and can be combined with other discounts.",
- "voucherCode": null,
- "quantity": 2
- }
- },
- "bundleItems": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/orders/DE--2?include=merchants"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002"
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000002",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Video King",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/video-king",
- "contactPersonRole": "Country Manager DE",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Ms",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Martha",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Farmer",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+31 123 345 678",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "hi@video-king.nl",
- "publicPhone": "+31 123 345 777",
- "description": "Video King is a premium provider of video equipment. In business since 2010, we understand the needs of video professionals and enthusiasts and offer a wide variety of products with competitive prices. ",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/videoking-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "2-4 days",
- "latitude": "4.838470",
- "longitude": "51.558107",
- "faxNumber": "+31 123 345 733",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Video King
Gilzeweg 24
4854SG Bavel
Phone: +31 123 45 6789
Email: hi@video-king.nl
Represented by
Managing Director: Max Mustermann
Register Court: Amsterdam
Register Number: 1234.4567
- "dataPrivacy": "Video King values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000002"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "latitude": "13.384458",
- "longitude": "52.534105",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- }
- ]
-#### General order information
-| ------------------ | -------- | --------------------- |
-| merchantReferences | Array | Unique identifier of the [merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html) |
-| itemStates | Array | Statuses of the order’s items in the [state machine](/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/datapayload-conversion/state-machine/order-process-modelling-via-state-machines.html). |
-| createdAt | String | Date and time when the order was created. |
-| currencyIsoCode | String | ISO 4217 code of the currency that was selected when placing the order. |
-| priceMode | String | Price mode that was active when placing the order. Possible values:- **NET_MODE**—prices before tax.
- **GROSS_MODE**—prices after tax.
-#### Totals calculations
-| ----------------- | -------- | --------------- |
-| totals | Object | Totals calculations. |
-| totals.expenseTotal | Integer | Total amount of expenses (for example,shipping costs). |
-| totals.discountTotal | Integer | Total amount of discounts applied. |
-| totals.taxTotal | Integer | Total amount of taxes paid. |
-| totals.subtotal | Integer | Subtotal of the order. |
-| totals.grandTotal | Integer | Grand total of the order |
-| totals.canceledTotal | Integer | Total canceled amount. |
-| totals.remunerationTotal | Integer | Total sum of remuneration. |
-#### Billing and shipping addresses
-| ----------------- | -------- | --------------------------------- |
-| billingAddress | object | List of attributes describing the billing address of the order. |
-| billingAddress.salutation | String | Salutation to use when addressing the customer. |
-| billingAddress.firstName | String | Customer's first name. |
-| billingAddress.middleName | String | Customer's middle name. |
-| billingAddress.lastName | String | Customer's last name. |
-| billingAddress.address1 | String | 1st line of the customer's address. |
-| billingAddress.address2 | String | 2nd line of the customer's address. |
-| billingAddress.address3 | String | 3rd line of the customer's address. |
-| billingAddress.company | String | Specifies the customer's company. |
-| billingAddress.city | String | Specifies the city. |
-| billingAddress.zipCode | String | ZIP code. |
-| billingAddress.poBox | String | PO Box to use for communication. |
-| billingAddress.phone | String | Specifies the customer's phone number. |
-| billingAddress.cellPhone | String | Mobile phone number. |
-| billingAddress.description | String | Address description. |
-| billingAddress.comment | String | Address comment. |
-| billingAddress.email | String | Email address to use for communication. |
-| billingAddress.country | String | Specifies the country. |
-| billingAddress.iso2Code | String | ISO 2-Letter Country Code to use. |
-| shippingAddress | object | Shipment address of the order. This value is returned only if you submit an order without split delivery. To learn how to do that, see [Checking out purchases in version 202009.0](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/checking-out/checking-out-purchases.html).|
-#### Order item information
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| items | array | Items in the order. |
-| merchantReference | String | Merchant reference in the system. |
-| state | String | Defines the state of the item in the state machine. |
-| items.name | String | Product name. |
-| items.sku | String | Product SKU. |
-| items.sumPrice | Integer | Sum of all product prices. |
-| items.quantity | Integer | Product quantity ordered. |
-| items.unitGrossPrice | Integer | Single item gross price. |
-| items.sumGrossPrice | Integer | Sum of items gross price. |
-| items.taxRate | Integer | Current tax rate, in percent. |
-| items.unitNetPrice | Integer | Single item net price. |
-| items.sumNetPrice | Integer | Sum total of net prices for all items. |
-| items.unitPrice | Integer | Single item price without assuming if it is new or gross. {% info_block warningBox "Note" %}This price should be displayed everywhere when a product price is displayed. It allows switching tax mode without side effects.{% endinfo_block %} |
-| items.unitTaxAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Total tax amount for a given item, with additions. |
-| items.sumTaxAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Total tax amount for a given sum of items, with additions. |
-| items.refundableAmount | Integer | Available refundable amount for an item (order only). |
-| items.canceledAmount | Integer | Total canceled amount for this item (order only). |
-| items.sumSubtotalAggregation | Integer | Sum of subtotals of the items. |
-| items.unitSubtotalAggregation | Integer | Subtotal for the given item. |
-| items.unitProductOptionPriceAggregation | Integer | Item total product option price. |
-| items.sumProductOptionPriceAggregation | Integer | Item total of product options for the given sum of items. |
-| items.unitExpensePriceAggregation | Integer | Item expense total for a given item. |
-| items.sumExpensePriceAggregation | Integer | Total amount of expenses for the given items. |
-| items.unitDiscountAmountAggregation | Integer | Item total discount amount. |
-| items.sumDiscountAmountAggregation | Integer | Sum of Item total discount amounts. |
-| items.unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Sum of item total discount amount. |
-| items.sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation | Integer | Item total discount amount, with additions. |
-| items.unitPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Item total price to pay after discounts, with additions. |
-| items.sumPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Sum of all prices to pay (after discounts were applied). |
-| items.taxRateAverageAggregation | Integer | Item tax rate average, with additions. This value is used when recalculating the tax amount after cancellation. |
-| items.taxAmountAfterCancellation | Integer | Tax amount after cancellation, recalculated using tax average. |
-| items.uuid | String | Unique identifier of the item in the order. |
-| items.isReturnable | Boolean | Defines if the customer can return the item. |
-| items.idShipment | Integer | Unique identifier of the shipment to which the item belongs. To retrieve all the shipments of the order, include the `order-shipments` resource into the request.|
-| items.bundleItemIdentifier | Integer | Defines the relation between the bundle and its items. The items of the bundle have the same value in the `relatedBundleItemIdentifier` attribute. {% info_block warningBox "Note" %} Bundle products are not supported in the Marketplace environment.{% endinfo_block %} |
-| items.relatedBundleItemIdentifier | Integer | Defines the relation between the item and its bundle. The bundle to which this the item belongs has the same value in the bundleItemIdentifier attribute. |
-| items.salesOrderConfiguredBundle | Object | Contains information about the purchased configurable bundle.{% info_block warningBox "Note" %} Configured bundles are not supported for the Marketplace environment.{% endinfo_block %} |
-| items.idSalesOrderConfiguredBundle |Integer | Unique identifier of the purchased configured bundle.|
-| items.idSalesOrderConfiguredBundle.configurableBundleTemplateUuid|String |Unique identifier of the configurable bundle template in the system. |
-| items.idSalesOrderConfiguredBundle.name | String|Name of the configured bundle. |
-| items.idSalesOrderConfiguredBundle.quantity | Integer| Quantity of the ordered configurable bundles.|
-| items.salesOrderConfiguredBundleItem |Object |Contains information about the items of the configured bundle. |
-| items.salesOrderItemConfiguration | String | |
-| items.salesUnit | String| Sales unit to be used for the item amount calculation.|
-| items.amount | String| |
-| items.metadata | object | Metadata of the concrete product. |
-| items.metadata.superAttributes | String | [Attributes](/docs/pbc/all/product-information-management/{{page.version}}/base-shop/feature-overviews/product-feature-overview/product-attributes-overview.html) of the order item. |
-| items.metadata.image | String | Product image URL. |
-#### Calculated discounts for items
-| ------------- | -------- | ------------------------------- |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts | Array | List of attributes describing the discount calculated for this item. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.unitAmount | Integer | Discount value applied to this order item. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.sumAmount | Integer | Sum of the discount values applied to this order item. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.displayName | String | Name of the discount applied. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.description | String | Description of the discount. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.voucherCode | String | Voucher code redeemed. |
-| items.calculatedDiscounts.quantity | String | Number of discounts applied to the product. |
-#### Product options
-| ------------ | -------- | -------------------------- |
-| items.productOptions | Array | Lst of product options ordered with this item. |
-| items.productOptions.optionGroupName | String | Name of the group to which the product option belongs. |
-| items.productOptions.sku | String | SKU of the product option. |
-| items.productOptions.optionName | String | Name of the product option. |
-| items.productOptions.price | Integer | Price of the product option. |
-#### Calculated discounts
-| ------------- | -------- | --------------------------- |
-| calculatedDiscounts | Array | Discounts applied to this order item. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.unitAmount | Integer | Amount of the discount provided by the given item for each unit of the product, in cents. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.sumAmount | Integer | Total amount of the discount provided by the given item, in cents. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.displayName | String | Display name of the given discount. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.description | String | Description of the given discount. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.voucherCode | String | Voucher code applied, if any. |
-| calculatedDiscounts.quantity | String | Number of times the discount was applied. |
-#### Expenses
-| ------------------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
-| expenses | array | Additional expenses of the order. |
-| expenses.type | String | Expense type. |
-| expenses.name | String | Expense name. |
-| expenses.sumPrice | Integer | Sum of expenses calculated. |
-| expenses.unitGrossPrice | Integer | Single item's gross price. |
-| expenses.sumGrossPrice | Integer | Sum of items' gross price. |
-| expenses.taxRate | Integer | Current tax rate in percent. |
-| expenses.unitNetPrice | Integer | Single item net price. |
-| expenses.sumNetPrice | Integer | Sum of items' net price. |
-| expenses.canceledAmount | Integer | Total canceled amount for this item (order only). |
-| expenses.unitDiscountAmountAggregationexpenses. | Integer | Item total discount amount. |
-| expenses.sumDiscountAmountAggregation | Integer | Sum of items' total discount amount. |
-| expenses.unitTaxAmount | Integer | Tax amount for a single item, after discounts. |
-| expenses.sumTaxAmount | Integer | Tax amount for a sum of items (order only). |
-| expenses.unitPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Item total price to pay after discounts with additions. |
-| expenses.sumPriceToPayAggregation | Integer | Sum of items' total price to pay after discounts with additions. |
-| expenses.taxAmountAfterCancellation | Integer | Tax amount after cancellation, recalculated using tax average. |
-| expenses.idShipment | Integer | Unique identifier of the shipment to which this expense belongs. To retrieve all the shipments of the order, include the order-shipments resource in the request. |
-| expenses.idSalesExpense | Integer | Unique identifier of the expense. |
-#### Payments
-| payments | Array | A list of payments used in this order. |
-| amount | Integer | Amount paid via the corresponding payment provider in cents. |
-| paymentProvider | String | Name of the payment provider. |
-| paymentMethod | String | Name of the payment method. |
-#### Shipments
-| ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------ |
-| shipments | object | Information about the shipments used in this order. This value is returned only if you submit an order without split delivery. To learn how to do that, see [Checking out purchases in version 202009.0](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/202009.0/checking-out/checking-out-purchases.html). To see all the attributes that are returned when retrieving orders without split delivery, see [Retrieving orders in version 202009.0](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/202009.0/retrieving-orders.html). To retrieve shipment details, include the order-shipments resource in the request. |
-| ---------------- | --------------------- | ------ |
-| order-shipments | itemUuids | String |
-| order-shipments | methodName | String |
-| order-shipments | carrierName | String |
-| order-shipments | requestedDeliveryDate | Date |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress | Object |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.salutation | String |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.firstName | String |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.middleName | String | Customer's middle name. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.lastName | String | Customer's last name. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.address1 | String | The 1st line of the customer's address. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.address2 | String | The 2nd line of the customer's address. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.address3 | String | The 3rd line of the customer's address. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.company | String | Specifies the customer's company. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.city | String | Specifies the city. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.zipCode | String | ZIP code. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.poBox | String | PO Box to use for communication. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.phone | String | Specifies the customer's phone number. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.cellPhone | String | Mobile phone number. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.description | String | Address description. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.comment | String | Address comment. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.email | String | Email address to use for communication. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.country | String | Specifies the country. |
-| order-shipments | shippingAddress.iso2Code | String | ISO 2-Letter Country Code to use. |
-For the attributes of other included resources, see [Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/searching-the-product-catalog.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/searching-the-product-catalog.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbd0de2375..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7283 +0,0 @@
-title: Search the product catalog
-description: Search the product catalog via Glue API
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-The implementation of the search API offers you the same search experience as in the Spryker Demo Shops. The search engine used is Elasticsearch, and search results go beyond the simple listing of products in the results section. The list of search results is paginated according to your configuration, and spelling suggestions are offered when needed. In addition, sorting and facets are supported to narrow down the search results.
-In your development, this endpoint can help you to:
-* Implement catalog search functionality, including the category tree, facets, and pagination.
-* Retrieve a list of products to be displayed anywhere you want.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Glue API: Catalog feature integration](/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-api/glue-api-catalog-feature-integration.html#install-feature-api).
-## Search by products
-To search by products, send the request:
-`GET` /**catalog-search**
-### Request
-| ------------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | abstract-products |
-| q | Restricts the set of the returned items to the provided parameter value. | - {% raw %}{{null}}{% endraw %} (empty)
- {% raw %}{{abstract_product_sku}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{abstract_product_name}}
- {% raw %}{{concrete_product_sku}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{product_attribute}}{% endraw %} (brand, color)—to provide multiple product attributes, use `+`
-| price[min] | Specifies minimum prices of the products | {% raw %}{{minimum_price}}{% endraw %} |
-| price[max] | Specifies maximum prices of the products | {% raw %}{{maximum_price}}{% endraw %} |
-| brand | Specifies the product brand | {% raw %}{{brand_name}}{% endraw %} |
-| label | Specifies the product label | {% raw %}{{label}}{% endraw %} |
-| weight | Specifies the product weight | {% raw %}{{weight}}{% endraw %} |
-| color | Specifies the product color | {% raw %}{{color}}{% endraw %} |
-| storage_capacity[] | Specifies the storage capacity of a product |{% raw %}{{storage_capacity}}{% endraw %} |
-| rating[min] | Specifies the minimum rating of a product | {% raw %}{{rating}}{% endraw %} |
-| category | Specifies the category to search the products in | {% raw %}{{category_node_id}}{% endraw %}For the category node IDs, retrieve the category tree. |
-| currency | Sets a currency | {% raw %}{{currency}}{% endraw %} |
-| sort | Sorts the search results | For the list of possible values, run the [catalog search request and find the list under sortParamNames in the response. For the default Spryker Demo Shop sorting parameters, see [Sorting parameters](#sorting). |
-| page | Sets the number of the search results page from which the results are retrieved | {% raw %}{{page_number}}{% endraw %} |
-| ipp | Sets the number of products per page | {% raw %}{{number_of_products}}{% endraw %} |
-| merchant_name | Filters the results by a merchant name. | {% raw %}{{merchnat_name}}{% endraw %} |
-| --------------- | -------------- |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=` | Search for all available products. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=058` | Search for an abstract product by SKU *058*. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=058&include=abstract-products` | Search for an abstract product by SKU *058* with the included product details. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Acer Liquid Jade` | Search for an abstract product by *Acer Liquid Jade* name. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=058_261755504` | Search for a concrete product by SKU *058_261755504*. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=sony+red` | Search for products by multiple attributes (brand *Sony* and *red* color). |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=sony&price%5Bmin%5D=99.99&price%5Bmax%5D=150` | Search for products within a minimum (*99.99*) and maximum (*150*) price range. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=sony` | Search for products of the *Sony* brand. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?label[]=NEW&label[]=SALE %` | Search for products with the *NEW* and *SALE* labels. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?weight[]=45 g` | Search for products by the *45 g* weight. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?color[]=Blue` | Search for products by the *Blue* color. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?storage_capacity[]=32 GB` | Search for products by the *32 GB* storage capacity. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?rating[min]=4` | Search for products by the rating *4*. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?category=6` | Search for products by the category node ID *6*. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?currency=CHF` | Define the *CHF* currency for the search result products. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&sort=name_asc` | Set sorting order ascending. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&sort=name_desc` | Set sorting order descending. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&sort=rating` | Sort the found products by rating. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&sort=price_asc` | Sort the found products by price ascending. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&page=3` | Set a page to retrieve the search results from. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=Sony&ipp=24` | Set a number of products per page. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?merchant_name=Spryker` | Filter the results by the *Spryker* merchant name. |
-| `GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q=001&include=abstract-products,concrete-products,product-offers/` | Search for a product by SKU `001` including its concrete products and product offers.
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- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer8"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer49",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000005",
- "isDefault": false
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer49"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "001_25904006",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "001_25904006",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "productAbstractSku": "001",
- "name": "Canon IXUS 160",
- "description": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results while framing using Live View Control and enjoy sharing them with friends using the 6.8 cm (2.7”) LCD screen. Combine with a Canon Connect Station and you can easily share your photos and movies with the world on social media sites and online albums like irista, plus enjoy watching them with family and friends on an HD TV. Effortlessly enjoy great shots of friends thanks to Face Detection technology. It detects multiple faces in a single frame making sure they remain in focus and with optimum brightness. Face Detection also ensures natural skin tones even in unusual lighting conditions.",
- "attributes": {
- "megapixel": "20 MP",
- "flash_range_tele": "4.2-4.9 ft",
- "memory_slots": "1",
- "usb_version": "2",
- "brand": "Canon",
- "color": "Red"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 160",
- "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results whi",
- "attributeNames": {
- "megapixel": "Megapixel",
- "flash_range_tele": "Flash range (tele)",
- "memory_slots": "Memory slots",
- "usb_version": "USB version",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- },
- "productConfigurationInstance": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/001_25904006"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-offers": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer8"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer49"
- }
- ]
- },
- "abstract-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "abstract-products",
- "id": "001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "abstract-products",
- "id": "001",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "001",
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "Canon IXUS 160",
- "description": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results while framing using Live View Control and enjoy sharing them with friends using the 6.8 cm (2.7”) LCD screen. Combine with a Canon Connect Station and you can easily share your photos and movies with the world on social media sites and online albums like irista, plus enjoy watching them with family and friends on an HD TV. Effortlessly enjoy great shots of friends thanks to Face Detection technology. It detects multiple faces in a single frame making sure they remain in focus and with optimum brightness. Face Detection also ensures natural skin tones even in unusual lighting conditions.",
- "attributes": {
- "megapixel": "20 MP",
- "flash_range_tele": "4.2-4.9 ft",
- "memory_slots": "1",
- "usb_version": "2",
- "brand": "Canon",
- "color": "Red"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "superAttributes": {
- "color": [
- "Red"
- ]
- },
- "attributeMap": {
- "product_concrete_ids": [
- "001_25904006"
- ],
- "super_attributes": {
- "color": [
- "Red"
- ]
- },
- "attribute_variants": [],
- "attribute_variant_map": {
- "1": []
- }
- },
- "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 160",
- "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Add a personal touch Make shots your own with quick and easy control over picture settings such as brightness and colour intensity. Preview the results whi",
- "attributeNames": {
- "megapixel": "Megapixel",
- "flash_range_tele": "Flash range (tele)",
- "memory_slots": "Memory slots",
- "usb_version": "USB version",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- },
- "url": "/en/canon-ixus-160-1"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/abstract-products/001"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "001_25904006"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-**Sorting parameters**
-| --------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| sortParamNames | Array | Sorting parameters. The default Spryker Demo Shop parameters:- `rating`—sorting by product rating.
- `name_asc`—sorting by name, ascending.
- `name_desc`—sorting by name, descending.
- `price_asc`—sorting by price, ascending.
- `price_desc`—sorting by price, descending.
-| sortParamLocalizedNames | Object | Localized names of the sorting parameters. |
-| currentSortParam | String | The currently applied sorting parameter. |
-| currentSortOrder | String | The current sorting order. |
-| --------- | -------- | ---------- |
-| pagination.pagination | Object | Attributes that define the pagination. |
-| pagination.numFound | Integer | Number of the search results found. |
-| pagination.currentPage | Integer | The current search results page. |
-| pagination.maxPage | Integer | Total number of the search results pages. |
-| pagination.currentItemsPerPage | Integer | Current number of the search results per page. |
-| pagination.parameterName | String | Parameter name for setting the page number. |
-| pagination.itemsPerPageParameterName | String | Parameter name for setting number of items per page. |
-| pagination.defaultItemsPerPage | Integer | Default number of items per one search results page. |
-| pagination.validItemsPerPageOptions | Array | Options for numbers per search results page. |
-**Abstract products**
-| ---------- | -------- | --------------- |
-| abstractProducts | Array | Abstract products in the search results. |
-| abstractProducts.abstractSku | String | Unique identifier of the abstract product. |
-| abstractProducts.price | Integer | Price to pay for that product in cents. |
-| abstractProducts.abstractName | String | Abstract product name. |
-| abstractProducts.images | Array | Product images of the abstract product. |
-| abstractProducts.prices | Integer | Attributes describing the abstract product's price. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.priceTypeName | String | Price type. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.currency | String | Attributes describing the currency of the abstract product's price. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.currency.code | String | Currency code. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.currency.name | String | Currency name. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.currency.symbol | String | Currency symbol. |
-| abstractProducts.prices.grossAmount | Integer | Gross price in cents. |
-| abstractProducts.images | Array | Images of the abstract product. |
-| abstractProducts.images.externalUrlLarge | URL of the large image. |
-| abstractProducts.images.externalUrlSmall | URL of the small image. |
-**Value facets**
-| ------------- | -------- | ------------------ |
-| valueFacets | Array | Objects describing the value facets. |
-| valueFacets.name | String | Name of the value facet. |
-| valueFacets.localizedName | String | Localized name of the value facet. |
-| valueFacets.values | Array | Values of the facet for the found items. |
-| valueFacets.activeValue | Integer| Value of the facet specified in the current search request. |
-| valueFacets.config | Object | Parameters describing the value facet's configuration. |
-| valueFacets.config.parameterName | String | Parameter name. |
-| valueFacets.config.isMultiValued | Boolean | Defines if several values of the facet can be specified. |
-**Range facets**
-| ---------- | -------- | ------------------ |
-| rangeFacets | Array | Objects describing the range facets. |
-| rangeFacets.name | String | Name of the range facet. |
-| rangeFacets.localizedName | String | Localized name of the range facet. |
-| rangeFacets.min | Integer | Minimum value of the range for the found items. |
-| rangeFacets.max | Integer | Maximum value of the range for the found items. |
-| rangeFacets.activeMin | Integer | Minimum value of the range specified in the current search request. |
-| rangeFacets.activeMax | Integer | Maximum value of the range specified in the current search request. |
-| rangeFacets.config | Object | Parameters describing the range facet's configuration. |
-| rangeFacets.config.parameterName | String | Parameter name. |
-| rangeFacets.config.isMultiValued | Boolean | Defines if several values of the facet can be specified. |
-**Category tree filter**
-| ------------- | -------- | --------------- |
-| categoryTreeFilter | Array | Category tree filters. |
-| nodeId | Integer | Unique identifier of the category. |
-| name | String | Category name. |
-| docCount | Integer | Number of the found items in the category. |
-| children | Array | Child categories of the category. The child categories have the same parameters. |
-For details of the included resources, see:
-- [Retrieving abstract products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/abstract-products/retrieving-abstract-products.html)
-- [Retrieving concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html)
-- [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html)
-## Possible errors
-| -------- | ------------ |
-| 501 | Invalid currency. |
-| 502 | Invalid price mode. |
-| 503 | Invalid type (non-integer) of one of the request parameters:- rating
- rating.min
- rating.max
- page.limit
- page.offset
- category
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.md b/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.md
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--- a/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.md
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-title: Managing wishlist items
-description: Retrieve details about wishlist items and learn what else you can do with the resource in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-This endpoint lets you add and remove items from wishlists.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Marketplace Wishlist feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-wishlist-feature-integration.html).
-## Add an item to a wishlist
-To add an item to a wishlist, send the request:
-`POST` {% raw %}**/wishlists/*{{wishlist_id}}*/wishlist-items**{% endraw %}
-| --------------- | ---------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{wishlist_id}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of the wishlist to add the items to. [Create a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#create-a-wishlist) or [retrieve all wishlists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html) to get it. |
-### Request
-Request sample: add an item to a wishlist
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/09264b7f-1894-58ed-81f4-d52d683e910a/wishlist-items`
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "064_18404924"
- }
- }
- }
-Request sample: add a product offer to a wishlist
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094/wishlist-items`
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "092_24495842",
- "productOfferReference": "offer5"
- }
- }
-Request sample: add a marketplace product to a wishlist
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094/wishlist-items`
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "109_19416433"
- }
- }
-| ------------ | ----- | ---| ---------------- |
-| sku | String | ✓ | SKU of a concrete product or a merchant concrete product to add.|
-| productOfferReference | String | | Unique identifier of the product offer. You can get it by [retrieving the offers available for the concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html).|
-### Response
-Response sample: add an item to a wishlist
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "064_18404924",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "064_18404924"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/c917e65b-e8c3-5c8b-bec6-892529c64b30/wishlist-items/064_18404924"
- }
- }
- }
-Response sample: add a product offer to a wishlist
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "092_24495842_offer5",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": "offer5",
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "092_24495842_offer5",
- "sku": "092_24495842",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "10.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "ORIGINAL",
- "grossAmount": 17459,
- "netAmount": 15713,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 7459,
- "netAmount": 5713,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 10000,
- "netAmount": 8070,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094/wishlist-items/092_24495842_offer5"
- }
- }
-Response sample: add a marketplace product to a wishlist
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "sku": "109_19416433",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": false,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "10.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4/wishlist-items/109_19416433"
- }
- }
-| ----------- | ------ | --------------- |
-| productOfferReference | String | Unique identifier of the product offer.|
-| merchantReference | String | Unique identifier of the merchant. |
-| id | String | Unique identifier of the product offer in the wishlist. It's based on the `sku` and `productOfferReference`. |
-| sku | String | SKU of the concrete product in the wishlist. |
-| availability | Object | Contains information about the product's availability. |
-| availability.isNeverOutOfStock | Boolean | Defines if the product is never out of stock. |
-| availability.availability | Boolean | Defines if the product is available. |
-| availability.quantity | Integer | Aggregated stock of the item in all [warehouses](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/inventory-management-feature-overview.html#warehouse-management). |
-| prices | Array | Contains information about prices. |
-| prices.priceTypeName | String | Price type. |
-| prices.grossAmount | Integer | Gross price in cents. |
-| prices.netAmount | Integer | Net price in cents. |
-| prices.currency | Object | Currency information of the price |
-| prices.currency.code | String | Currency code. |
-| prices.currency.name | String | Currency name. |
-| prices.currency.symbol | String | Currency symbol. |
-## Delete a wishlist item
-To delete wishlist item, send the request:
-`DELETE` {% raw %}**/wishlists/*{{wishlist_id}}*/wishlist-items/*{{item_sku}}***{% endraw %}
-| -------------- | -------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{wishlist_id}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of the wishlist to delete an item from. [Create a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#create-a-wishlist) or [retrieve all wishlists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html) to get it. |
-| {% raw %}***{{item_sku}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of the product to delete. |
-### Request
-Request sample:
-`DELETE https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/09264b7f-1894-58ed-81f4-d52d683e910a/wishlist-items/064_18404924`
-### Response
-If the item is removed successfully, the endpoint returns the `204 No Content` status code.
-## Possible errors
-| ------ | --------------- |
-| 201 | Cannot find the wishlist. |
-| 206 | Cannot add an item to the wishlist. |
-| 207 | Cannot remove the item. |
-| 208 | An item with the provided SKU does not exist in the wishlist. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
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@@ -1,2311 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing wishlists
-description: Retrieve details about wishlists and learn what else you can do with the resource in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: glue-api-storefront-guide-template
-The Marketplace Wishlists API allows creating list and deleting [wishlists](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/wishlist-feature-overview.html) in the Marketplace, as well as managing the items in them.
-## Installation
-For detailed information about the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see [Marketplace Wishlist feature integration](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace-wishlist-feature-integration.html)
-## Create a wishlist
-To create a wishlist, send the request:
-`POST` **/wishlists**
-### Request
-| ---------- | -------- | -------- | -------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-Request sample: create a wishlist
-`POST https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists`
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My_favourite_wishlist"
- }
- }
-| ------- | ----- | ------- | -------------- |
-| name | string | ✓ | Name of the wishlist to create.|
-### Response
-Response sample: create a wishlist
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My_favourite_wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 0,
- "createdAt": "2021-07-13 14:50:08.755124",
- "updatedAt": "2021-07-13 14:50:08.755124"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094"
- }
- }
-| ------------ | ------ | --------------- |
-| name | String | Name of the wishlist. |
-| numberOfItems | Integer | Number of items in the wishlist. |
-| createdAt | String | Creation date of the wishlist. |
-| updatedAt | String | Date when the wishlist was updated. |
-## Retrieve wishlists
-To retrieve all wishlists of a customer, send the request:
-`GET` **/wishlists**
-### Request
-| -------------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | - wishlist-items
- concrete-products
- product-labels
-| ------------ | ------------ |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists | Retrieve all the wishlists of a customer. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items | Retrieve all the wishlists of a customer with wishlist items. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products | Retrieve all the wishlists of a customer with wishlist items and respective concrete products. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-labels | Retrieve all the wishlists of a customer with wishlist items, respective concrete products, and their product labels. |
-| ------------ | ----------- | -------- | --------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-### Response
-Response sample: no wishlists found
- "data": [],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve all the wishlists
- {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "1623f465-e4f6-5e45-8dc5-987b923f8af4",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My Wishlist Name",
- "numberOfItems": 0,
- "createdAt": "2018-12-16 17:24:12.601033",
- "updatedAt": "2018-12-16 17:24:12.601033"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/1623f465-e4f6-5e45-8dc5-987b923f8af4"
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve all the wishlists with wishlist items
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "149_28346778"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "149_28346778",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "149_28346778"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/149_28346778"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve all the wishlists with wishlist items and respective concrete products
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "149_28346778"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "149_28346778",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "149_28346778",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "HP 200 250 G4",
- "description": "Durable mobile design Rest assured that the HP 250 can keep up with assignments on the run. The durable chassis protects the notebook so it looks as professional as you do. Get connected with the value-priced HP 250 Notebook PC. Complete business tasks with Intel technology, essential multimedia tools and Windows 8.1 loaded on the HP 250. The durable chassis helps protect the notebook from the rigors of the day. HP, a world leader in PCs and touch technology helps equip you with a fully functional notebook ready to connect to all your peripherals and designed to fit the needs of business. HP, a world leader in PCs and touch technology helps equip you with a fully functional notebook ready to connect to all your peripherals and designed to fit the needs of business.",
- "attributes": {
- "form_factor": "clamshell",
- "processor_cores": "2",
- "thermal_design_power": "15 W",
- "brand": "HP",
- "color": "Black",
- "processor_frequency": "1.6 GHz"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "form_factor",
- "color",
- "processor_frequency"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "HP 200 250 G4",
- "metaKeywords": "HP,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Durable mobile design Rest assured that the HP 250 can keep up with assignments on the run. The durable chassis protects the notebook so it looks as profes",
- "attributeNames": {
- "form_factor": "Form factor",
- "processor_cores": "Processor cores",
- "thermal_design_power": "Thermal Design Power (TDP)",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color",
- "processor_frequency": "Processor frequency"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/149_28346778"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "149_28346778",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "149_28346778"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/149_28346778"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "149_28346778"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve all the wishlists with wishlist items, respective concrete products, and their product labels
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-16 15:02:21.121613"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "SALE %",
- "isExclusive": false,
- "position": 3,
- "frontEndReference": "highlight"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-labels/5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "description": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing it, and slip in your pocket. Shooting great photos and videos is easy with the W800. Buttons are positioned for ease of use, while a dedicated movie button makes shooting movies simple. The vivid 2.7-type Clear Photo LCD display screen lets you view your stills and play back movies with minimal effort. Whip out the W800 to capture crisp, smooth footage in an instant. At the press of a button, you can record blur-free 720 HD images with digital sound. Breathe new life into a picture by using built-in Picture Effect technology. There’s a range of modes to choose from – you don’t even have to download image-editing software.",
- "attributes": {
- "hdmi": "no",
- "sensor_type": "CCD",
- "display": "TFT",
- "usb_version": "2",
- "brand": "Sony",
- "color": "Black"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "metaKeywords": "Sony,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing i",
- "attributeNames": {
- "hdmi": "HDMI",
- "sensor_type": "Sensor type",
- "display": "Display",
- "usb_version": "USB version",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/020_21081478"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-labels": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/020_21081478"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-| --------- | ------ | ----------------- |
-| name | String | Name of the wishlist. |
-| numberOfItems | Integer | Number of items in the wishlist. |
-| createdAt | String | Creation date of the wishlist.|
-| updatedAt | String | Date when the wishlist was updated.|
-For attributes of the included resources, see:
-- [Add an item to a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.html#add-an-item-to-a-wishlist)
-- [Retrieve a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html#retrieve-a-concrete-product)
-- [Retrieve a product label](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/retrieving-product-labels.html)
-## Retrieve a wishlist
-To retrieve a specific wishlist, send the request:
-`GET` {% raw %}**/wishlists/*{{wishlist_id}}***{% endraw %}
-| ---------------- | ------------------------- |
-| {% raw %}***{{wishlist_id}}***{% endraw %} | Unique identifier of the wishlist to retrieve the items of. [Create a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#create-a-wishlist) or [retrieve all wishlists](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#retrieve-wishlists) to get it. |
-### Request
-| ------------ | ----------- | ------- | -------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-| ---------- | -------------------- | --------------------- |
-| include | Adds resource relationships to the request. | - wishlist-items
- concrete-products
- product-labels
- concrete-product-availabilities
- concrete-product-prices
- merchants
-| ------------- | ------------ |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1 | Retrieve a wishlist with the `246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1` identifier. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items | Retrieve the wishlist with the `246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1` identifier. Include wishlist items in the response. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products | Retrieve the wishlist with the `246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1` identifier. Include wishlist items and respective concrete products in the response. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-labels | Retrieve the wishlist with the `246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1` identifier. Include wishlist items, respective concrete products and their product labels in the response. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,concrete-product-availabilities | Retrieve the wishlist with the `bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4`identifier. Include wishlist items, concrete products and concrete product availabilities in the response. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,concrete-product-prices | Retrieve the wishlist with the `bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4`identifier. Include wishlist items, concrete products, and their prices. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d/wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-offers | Retrieve the wishlist with the `13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d`identifier. Include wishlist items, concrete products and product offers for these products. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-offers,product-offer-availabilities | Retrieve the wishlist with the `13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d`identifier. Include wishlist items and product offer availabilities. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-offers,product-offer-prices | Retrieve the wishlist with the `13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d`identifier. Include wishlist items and product offer prices. |
-| GET https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094?include=wishlist-items,merchants | Retrieve the wishlist with the `57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094`identifier. Include wishlist items and merchant information. |
-### Response
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1"
- }
- }
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items included
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/020_21081478"
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items and respective concrete products included
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "description": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing it, and slip in your pocket. Shooting great photos and videos is easy with the W800. Buttons are positioned for ease of use, while a dedicated movie button makes shooting movies simple. The vivid 2.7-type Clear Photo LCD display screen lets you view your stills and play back movies with minimal effort. Whip out the W800 to capture crisp, smooth footage in an instant. At the press of a button, you can record blur-free 720 HD images with digital sound. Breathe new life into a picture by using built-in Picture Effect technology. There’s a range of modes to choose from – you don’t even have to download image-editing software.",
- "attributes": {
- "hdmi": "no",
- "sensor_type": "CCD",
- "display": "TFT",
- "usb_version": "2",
- "brand": "Sony",
- "color": "Black"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "metaKeywords": "Sony,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing i",
- "attributeNames": {
- "hdmi": "HDMI",
- "sensor_type": "Sensor type",
- "display": "Display",
- "usb_version": "USB version",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/020_21081478"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/020_21081478"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items, respective concrete products, and product labels included
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421",
- "updatedAt": "2021-02-24 13:52:34.582421"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-labels"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "SALE %",
- "isExclusive": false,
- "position": 3,
- "frontEndReference": "highlight"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-labels/5"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "name": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "description": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing it, and slip in your pocket. Shooting great photos and videos is easy with the W800. Buttons are positioned for ease of use, while a dedicated movie button makes shooting movies simple. The vivid 2.7-type Clear Photo LCD display screen lets you view your stills and play back movies with minimal effort. Whip out the W800 to capture crisp, smooth footage in an instant. At the press of a button, you can record blur-free 720 HD images with digital sound. Breathe new life into a picture by using built-in Picture Effect technology. There’s a range of modes to choose from – you don’t even have to download image-editing software.",
- "attributes": {
- "hdmi": "no",
- "sensor_type": "CCD",
- "display": "TFT",
- "usb_version": "2",
- "brand": "Sony",
- "color": "Black"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830",
- "metaKeywords": "Sony,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Styled for your pocket Precision photography meets the portability of a smartphone. The W800 is small enough to take great photos, look good while doing i",
- "attributeNames": {
- "hdmi": "HDMI",
- "sensor_type": "Sensor type",
- "display": "Display",
- "usb_version": "USB version",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- }
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/020_21081478"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-labels": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-labels",
- "id": "5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "020_21081478",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "020_21081478"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/246591f8-4f30-55ce-8b17-8482859b4ac1/wishlist-items/020_21081478"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "020_21081478"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items, concrete products and their availabilities
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My_wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-07-13 14:49:39.635172",
- "updatedAt": "2021-07-13 14:49:39.635172"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/bb7dbe75-d892-582f-b438-d7f6cbfd3fc4"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "109_19416433"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-product-availabilities",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": false,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "10.0000000000"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/109_19416433/concrete-product-availabilities"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "109_19416433",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "productAbstractSku": "109",
- "name": "Sony SW2 SmartWatch",
- "description": "Anywhere. Any weather SmartWatch 2 is the wireless accessory that has something for everybody. If you are a busy communicator, you will appreciate being on top of everything. If you like to get out running, you can use SmartWatch as your phone remote. If it rains, you can keep on going. SmartWatch 2 can take the rain. If it is bright and sunny, SmartWatch 2 has an impressive sunlight-readable display. Take it anywhere. When you are using a wireless Bluetooth® headset for music, you can use SmartWatch 2 as a phone remote to make or receive calls. When a call comes in, you can see who’s calling in your SmartWatch display, press once to answer and enjoy hands-free calling at its easiest. You can also browse recent calls in your call log and use SmartWatch to initiate a call.",
- "attributes": {
- "display_type": "LCD",
- "shape": "square",
- "bluetooth_version": "3",
- "battery_life": "168 h",
- "brand": "Sony",
- "color": "Blue"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Sony SW2 SmartWatch",
- "metaKeywords": "Sony,Smart Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Anywhere. Any weather SmartWatch 2 is the wireless accessory that has something for everybody. If you are a busy communicator, you will appreciate being on",
- "attributeNames": {
- "display_type": "Display type",
- "shape": "Shape",
- "bluetooth_version": "Blootooth version",
- "battery_life": "Battery life",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- },
- "productConfigurationInstance": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/109_19416433"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-product-availabilities": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-product-availabilities",
- "id": "109_19416433"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "109_19416433",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "109_19416433",
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- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/111_12295890"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "111_12295890",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "111_12295890",
- "sku": "111_12295890",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "20.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 19568,
- "netAmount": 17611,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 22503,
- "netAmount": 20253,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 19568,
- "netAmount": 17611,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 22503,
- "netAmount": 20253,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d/wishlist-items/111_12295890"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "111_12295890"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items, concrete products, product offers, and product offer prices
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My wish list",
- "numberOfItems": 3,
- "createdAt": "2021-07-15 08:55:22.109760",
- "updatedAt": "2021-07-15 08:55:22.109760"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d?include=wishlist-items,concrete-products,product-offers,product-offer-prices"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer59"
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer18"
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "111_12295890"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "product-offer-prices",
- "id": "offer59",
- "attributes": {
- "price": 32940,
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "netAmount": null,
- "grossAmount": 32940,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- },
- "volumePrices": []
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer59/product-offer-prices"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer59",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000005",
- "isDefault": true
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer59"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offer-prices",
- "id": "offer18",
- "attributes": {
- "price": 34770,
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "netAmount": null,
- "grossAmount": 34770,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- },
- "volumePrices": []
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer18/product-offer-prices"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer18",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantSku": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000002",
- "isDefault": false
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/product-offers/offer18"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "011_30775359",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "011_30775359",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "productAbstractSku": "011",
- "name": "Canon IXUS 180",
- "description": "Effortless creativity Just point and shoot to capture fantastic photos or movies with one touch of the Auto Button, which allows Smart Auto to take control and choose the perfect camera settings for you. Play with your creativity in stills or movies using a range of Creative Filters such as Fish Eye, Miniature and Toy Camera. Enjoy exceptional quality, detailed images ideal for creating stunning poster sized prints thanks to 20.0 Megapixels and DIGIC 4+ processing. An intelligent optical Image Stabilizer ensures sharp stills and steady movies in any situation, while the 6.8 cm (2.7”) LCD screen allows easy viewing and sharing.",
- "attributes": {
- "megapixel": "20 MP",
- "sensor_type": "CCD",
- "display": "LCD",
- "digital_zoom": "4 x",
- "brand": "Canon",
- "color": "Blue"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Canon IXUS 180",
- "metaKeywords": "Canon,Entertainment Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Effortless creativity Just point and shoot to capture fantastic photos or movies with one touch of the Auto Button, which allows Smart Auto to take control",
- "attributeNames": {
- "megapixel": "Megapixel",
- "sensor_type": "Sensor type",
- "display": "Display",
- "digital_zoom": "Digital zoom",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- },
- "productConfigurationInstance": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/011_30775359"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "product-offers": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer59"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer18"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer59"
- },
- {
- "type": "product-offers",
- "id": "offer18"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer59",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": "offer59",
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer59",
- "sku": "011_30775359",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "0.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 37881,
- "netAmount": 34093,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 32940,
- "netAmount": 29646,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d/wishlist-items/011_30775359_offer59"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "011_30775359"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer18",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": "offer18",
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "011_30775359_offer18",
- "sku": "011_30775359",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": false,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "10.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 39986,
- "netAmount": 35987,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 34770,
- "netAmount": 31293,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d/wishlist-items/011_30775359_offer18"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "011_30775359"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "111_12295890",
- "attributes": {
- "sku": "111_12295890",
- "isDiscontinued": false,
- "discontinuedNote": null,
- "averageRating": null,
- "reviewCount": 0,
- "productAbstractSku": "111",
- "name": "Sony SmartWatch",
- "description": "Your world at your fingertips SmartWatch features an easy-to-use, ultra-responsive touch display. Finding your way around SmartWatch is super simple. Your world’s just a tap, swipe or press away. Want to do more with your SmartWatch? Download compatible applications on Google Play™. And customise your SmartWatch to make it exclusively yours. Customise your SmartWatch with a 20mm wristband. Or wear its stylish wristband. You can even use it as a clip. This ultra-thin Android™ remote was designed to impress. An elegant Android watch that’ll keep you discreetly updated and your hands free.",
- "attributes": {
- "shape": "square",
- "bluetooth_version": "3",
- "battery_life": "72 h",
- "display_type": "LCD",
- "brand": "Sony",
- "color": "Silver"
- },
- "superAttributesDefinition": [
- "color"
- ],
- "metaTitle": "Sony SmartWatch",
- "metaKeywords": "Sony,Smart Electronics",
- "metaDescription": "Your world at your fingertips SmartWatch features an easy-to-use, ultra-responsive touch display. Finding your way around SmartWatch is super simple. Your ",
- "attributeNames": {
- "shape": "Shape",
- "bluetooth_version": "Blootooth version",
- "battery_life": "Battery life",
- "display_type": "Display type",
- "brand": "Brand",
- "color": "Color"
- },
- "productConfigurationInstance": null
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/concrete-products/111_12295890"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "111_12295890",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": null,
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "111_12295890",
- "sku": "111_12295890",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "20.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 19568,
- "netAmount": 17611,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 22503,
- "netAmount": 20253,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 19568,
- "netAmount": 17611,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 22503,
- "netAmount": 20253,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/13c813a3-8916-5444-9f1b-e4d8c56a085d/wishlist-items/111_12295890"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "concrete-products": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "concrete-products",
- "id": "111_12295890"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-Response sample: retrieve a wishlist with wishlist items and merchant information included
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "My_favourite_wishlist",
- "numberOfItems": 1,
- "createdAt": "2021-07-13 14:50:08.755124",
- "updatedAt": "2021-07-13 14:50:08.755124"
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "wishlist-items": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "092_24495842_offer5"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "included": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001",
- "attributes": {
- "merchantName": "Spryker",
- "merchantUrl": "/en/merchant/spryker",
- "contactPersonRole": "E-Commerce Manager",
- "contactPersonTitle": "Mr",
- "contactPersonFirstName": "Harald",
- "contactPersonLastName": "Schmidt",
- "contactPersonPhone": "+49 30 208498350",
- "logoUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-logo.png",
- "publicEmail": "info@spryker.com",
- "publicPhone": "+49 30 234567891",
- "description": "Spryker is the main merchant at the Demo Marketplace.",
- "bannerUrl": "https://d2s0ynfc62ej12.cloudfront.net/merchant/spryker-banner.png",
- "deliveryTime": "1-3 days",
- "faxNumber": "+49 30 234567800",
- "legalInformation": {
- "terms": "General Terms
(1) This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their 'Personally identifiable information' (PII) is being used online. PII, as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
(2) We do not collect information from visitors of our site or other details to help you with your experience.
Using your Information
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:
To personalize user's experience and to let us deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
Protecting visitor information
Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
- "cancellationPolicy": "You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the last good. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.",
- "imprint": "Spryker Systems GmbH
Julie-Wolfthorn-Straße 1
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 2084983 50
Email: info@spryker.com
Represented by
Managing Directors: Alexander Graf, Boris Lokschin
Register Court: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 134310
- "dataPrivacy": "Spryker Systems GmbH values the privacy of your personal data."
- },
- "categories": []
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/merchants/MER000001"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "wishlist-items",
- "id": "092_24495842_offer5",
- "attributes": {
- "productOfferReference": "offer5",
- "merchantReference": "MER000001",
- "id": "092_24495842_offer5",
- "sku": "092_24495842",
- "availability": {
- "isNeverOutOfStock": true,
- "availability": true,
- "quantity": "10.0000000000"
- },
- "prices": [
- {
- "priceTypeName": "ORIGINAL",
- "grossAmount": 17459,
- "netAmount": 15713,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 7459,
- "netAmount": 5713,
- "currency": {
- "code": "EUR",
- "name": "Euro",
- "symbol": "€"
- }
- },
- {
- "priceTypeName": "DEFAULT",
- "grossAmount": 10000,
- "netAmount": 8070,
- "currency": {
- "code": "CHF",
- "name": "Swiss Franc",
- "symbol": "CHF"
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- "links": {
- "self": "https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/57c96d55-8a37-5998-927f-7bb663b69094/wishlist-items/092_24495842_offer5"
- },
- "relationships": {
- "merchants": {
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "merchants",
- "id": "MER000001"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- ]
-| ---------- | ----- | --------------- |
-| name | String | Wishlist name. |
-| numberOfItems | Integer | Number of items in the wishlist. |
-| createdAt | String | Creation date of the wishlist. |
-| updatedAt | String | Date when the wishlist was updated. |
-For the attributes of the included resources, see
-[Adding items to wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlist-items.html#add-an-item-to-a-wishlist)
-[Retrieving concrete products](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-products.html#concrete-products-response-attributes)
-[Retrieving concrete product availabilities](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-product-availability.html)
-[Retrieving concrete product prices](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-products/concrete-products/retrieving-concrete-product-prices.html)
-[Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html)
-[Retrieving merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/merchants/retrieving-merchants.html#merchants-response-attributes)
-## Edit a wishlist
-To edit a wishlist, send the request:
-`PATCH` **/wishlists**
-### Request
-| ------ | ------ | ------ | -------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-Request sample: edit a wishlist
-`PATCH https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists`
-The following sample changes the name of a wishlist.
- "data": {
- "type": "wishlists",
- "id": "09264b7f-1894-58ed-81f4-d52d683e910a",
- "attributes": {
- "name": "birthday party"
- }
- }
- }
-| ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------------------- |
-| id | string | ✓ | Unique identifier of the wishlist to update the name of. [Create a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#create-a-wishlist) or [retrieve all wishlists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html) to get it. |
-| name | string | ✓ | New name of the wishlist. |
-### Response
-| --------- | ---- | --------------- |
-| name | String | Name of the wishlist. |
-| numberOfItems | Integer | Number of items in the wishlist. |
-| createdAt | String | Creation date of the wishlist. |
-| updatedAt | String | Date when the wishlist was updated. |
-## Delete a wishlist
-To delete a wishlist, send the request:
-`DELETE` **/wishlists/*{{wishlist_id}}***
-| --------- | ------------------- |
-| ***{{wishlist_id}}*** | Unique identifier of the wishlist to delete. [Create a wishlist](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html#create-a-wishlist) or [retrieve all wishlists](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/wishlists/managing-wishlists.html) to get it. |
-### Request
-| ---------- | -------- | ----- | ----------------- |
-| Authorization | string | ✓ | Alphanumeric string that authorizes the customer to send requests to protected resources. Get it by [authenticating as a customer](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-customers/authenticating-as-a-customer.html). |
-Request sample:
-`DELETE https://glue.mysprykershop.com/wishlists/09264b7f-1894-58ed-81f4-d52d683e910a`
-### Response
-If the wishlist is deleted successfully, the endpoint returns the `204 No Content` status code.
-## Possible errors
-| --- | ------------------------- |
-| 201 | Cannot find the wishlist. |
-| 202 | A wishlist with the same name already exists. |
-| 203 | Cannot create a wishlist. |
-| 204 | Cannot update the wishlist. |
-| 205 | Cannot remove the wishlist. |
-To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see [Reference information: GlueApplication errors](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/reference-information-glueapplication-errors.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/availability/availability-reference-information.md b/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/availability/availability-reference-information.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6f869c980..00000000000
--- a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/availability/availability-reference-information.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-title: "Availability: reference information"
-last_updated: Feb 02, 2021
-description: This document contains reference information for working with the Availability section in Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document includes the information you need to know when working with the **Availability** section in Back Office.
-## Overview page
-On the **Overview of Products Availability** page, you see the following:
-* The SKUs and names of the abstract products and SKU values are a hyperlink to this product’s **Edit** page.
-* The number of products in current stock and the number of reserved products (meaning ordered ones).
-* The identifier for the bundled product and those that are *never out of stock* (Yes/No values).
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-For multi-store projects, you can filter the products according to the store the product is available.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-For the [Marketplace](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-concept.html) project, you can also filter the products according to the merchant the product belongs to.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## View product availability page
-On the **View Product Availability** page, you see two sections:
-* Abstract product availability
-* Variant availability
-The **Abstract Product availability** section is not modifiable. It only provides basic information. As the abstract product itself does not have any stock, the **Current Stock** value reflects the summarized value of all its variants.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The **Abstract Product** contains a drop-down list where you can select the store for which you need to view the availability of the product.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-For the [Marketplace](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-concept.html) project, a merchant name is available for a specific product. The availability of a certain merchant warehouse is provided.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Unlike the abstract product availability, the variant availability provides you with an option to edit stock. You invoke the edit stock flow from the **Actions** column. It also has the identifier of the product bundle.
-Both sections contain the following info:
-* The SKU and name of the abstract product/product variant.
-* The availability value, the number of products in the current stock, and the number of the reserved products (meaning the ordered ones).
-* The identifier for the *never out of stock* (Yes/No values).
-## Edit stock page
-The following table describes the attributes you see and enter on the **Edit Stock** page:
-| Stock Type | Name of the corresponding warehouse. The field is auto-populated and is not editable. |
-| Quantity | Number of products available in the stock for a specific store and warehouse. |
-| Never out of stock | Checkbox to set the product to be always available in a specific store and warehouse. Meaning even if the quantity is set to 0, the product will still be available. This option is usually used for digital items, like gift cards, for example. |
-| Available in stores | This value is auto-populated according to your store setup and is not modifiable in UI. It just identifies for which store you define the product availability value. |
-## Availability calculation: example
-A good example of availability calculation is a product bundle.
-Let's say you have two products: a smartphone and three glass screen protectors for it. They are presented in the store as separate items but also included in a bundle.
-This means that a customer can either buy those separately from their product details pages or buy a "smartphone+3 glass screen protectors" bundle.
-Each product has its own stock and availability value if bought separately.
-But in the case of a bundle, the availability is calculated based on each item’s availability taking into account their *quantity in the bundle*.
-Even if each item is available on its own, but the availability does not meet the minimum quantity for a bundle (for example, there are only two glass screen protectors, but the bundle goes with three), then the whole bundle is *unavailable*.
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-title: Creating product options
-last_updated: Apr 21, 2021
-description: Use this procedure to create Marketplace Product Optionsgroups and values in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to create Marketplace product options.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with product options, go to **Catalog > Product Options**.
-There should be an existing tax set to apply it to the [product option group](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-options-feature-overview.html). For detailed instructions about creating tax sets, see [Managing tax sets](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/tax-sets/managing-tax-sets.html).
-Each section in this article contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a product option
-To create a product option, follow these steps:
-1. On the **Product option list** page, select **Create product option** in the top right corner.
- This opens the with **General Information** and **Products** tabs.
-2. On the **Create new Product Options** page, enter a **Group name translation key**.
-3. Select a **Tax set**.
-4. In the **Option Values** section, enter an **Option name translation key**.
-5. Enter a **SKU** or proceed with the auto-generated one.
-6. In the **Prices** section, enter **Gross price** and **Net price** for all the desired stores and currencies.
-7. Optional: To add one more product options value, select **Add option**, and repeat step 5.
-8. In the **Translation** section, enter **Group name** and **Option name** for all the locales.
-9. To save the changes, select **Save**.
- This refreshes the page with the success message displayed.
-10. [Assign products to the product option](#assigning-products-to-a-product-option).
-**Tips and tricks**
-* To remove an option value, next to the **Option name translation key** and **SKU** fields, click **Remove**.
-* To copy a **Group name** or **Option name** from one locale to another, select the **Copy** icon next to the desired value.
-### Reference information: Creating a product option
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select while creating a product option.
-| --- | --- |
-| Group name translation key | Glossary key for the product option group. The format is `product.option.group.name.{your key}`. For example, `product.option.group.name.warranty`. |
-| Tax Set | Conditions under which the product option group is to be taxed. To learn how to create tax sets, see [Managing tax sets](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/tax-sets/managing-tax-sets.html). |
-| Option name translation key | Glossary key for the product option value. The format is `product.option.{your key}`. For example, `product.option.warranty1`. |
-| SKU | Unique identifier for the product option value. This value is autogenerated based on the **Option name translation key**, and you can adjust it per your requirements.|
-| Gross price and Net price | Price values of the product option value for gross and net modes. Prices are integer values and, in the database, they are stored in their normalized form. For example, `4EUR` is stored as `400`. If you do not define a price for a product option value, it is considered *inactive* for that specific currency and price mode. If a price is `0`, it is considered *free of charge*.|
-| Group name | Option group name that's displayed on the Storefront. |
-| Option name | Option name that's displayed on the Storefront. |
-## Assigning products to a product option
-To assign products to a product option, follow these steps:
-1. On the **Edit product option** page, switch to the **Products** tab.
-2. Select the desired products.
-3. Select **Save**.
- This refreshes the page with the success message displayed.
-{% info_block infoBox "Activating product options" %}
-To display the product option on the Storefront, in the top right corner of the page, activate it by selecting **Activate** .
-{% endinfo_block %}
-**Tips and tricks**
-* To select all the products on the page, select **Deselect all on the page**. This is usually useful when you filter the products using the search field.
-* After selecting products, you can view the products to be assigned on the **Products to be assigned** subtab. To unselect a product from being assigned, select **Remove** next to the desired product.
-## Product option examples on the Storefront
-On the following example, the Warranty and Insurance are the product option groups:
-![Product option example](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/User+Guides/Back+Office+User+Guides/Products/Products/Product+Options/Product+Options%3A+Reference+Information/product-option-example.png)
-And the values available in the drop-down lists are the product options:
-![Select an option](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/User+Guides/Back+Office+User+Guides/Products/Products/Product+Options/Product+Options%3A+Reference+Information/select-option-drop-down.png)
-## Next steps
-[Managing product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/product-options/managing-product-options.md b/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/product-options/managing-product-options.md
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-title: Managing product options
-last_updated: Apr 21, 2021
-description: Use this document to manage product options in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage product options.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with product options, go to **Catalog > Product Options**.
-Each section in this article contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Filtering product options by merchants
-You can view product options of all merchants or individual ones.
-To filter the product options by merchants, in the **Merchants** dropdown, select a merchant. The **Product options list** table will display only the product options of the selected merchant.
-## Viewing a product option
-To view a product option, select **View** next to the desired product option.
-## Editing general settings of a product option
-To edit general settings of a product option, follow these steps:
-1. Select **Edit** next to the product option you want to edit the general settings of.
-2. Update the desired settings.
-3. Select **Save**.
- This refreshes the page with the success message displayed.
-### Reference information: Editing general settings of a product option
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select while editing product options.
-| --- | --- |
-| Group name translation key | Glossary key of the product option group. You can enter this value only when [creating product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html). |
-| Tax Set | Conditions under which the product option group is taxed. To learn how to create tax sets, see [Managing tax sets](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/tax-sets/managing-tax-sets.html). |
-| Option name translation key | Glossary key for the product option value. You can enter this value only when [creating product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html). |
-| SKU | Unique identifier of the product option value. You can enter this value only when [creating product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html). |
-| Gross price and Net price | Price values of the product option value for gross and net modes. Prices are integer values and, in the database, they are stored in their normalized form. For example, `4EUR` is stored as `400`. If you do not define a price for a product option value, it is considered *inactive* for that specific currency and price mode. If a price is `0`, it is considered *free of charge*.|
-| Group name | Option group name that's displayed on the Storefront. |
-| Option name | Option name that's displayed on the Storefront. |
-## Assigning products to a product option
-To assign products to a product option, follow these steps:
-1. Select **Edit** next to the product option you want to assign product to.
-2. On the **Edit product option** page, switch to **Products** tab.
-3. Select the desired products.
-4. Select **Save**
- This refreshes the page with the success message displayed.
-**Tips and tricks**
-* To select all the products on the page, select **Deselect all on the page**. This is usually useful when you filter the products using the search field.
-* After selecting products, you can view the products to be assigned in the **Products to be assigned** subtab. To unselect a product from being assigned, select **Remove** next to the desired product.
-## Deassigning products from a product option
-To deassign products from a product option, follow these steps:
-1. Select **Edit** next to the product option you want to deassign product from.
-2. On the **Edit product option** page, switch to **Products > Assigned products** subtab.
-3. Clear the desired products.
-4. Select **Save**.
- This refreshes the page with the success message displayed.
-**Tips and tricks**
-* To clear all the products on the page, select **Deselect all on the page**. This is usually useful when you filter the products using the search field.
-* After clearing the products, you can view the products to be deassigned on the **Products to be deassigned** subtab. To unselect a product from being deassigned, select **Remove** next to the desired product.
-## Activating and deactivating a product option
-To activate a product option, select **Activate** next to the desired product option.
-To deactivate a product option, select **Dectivate** next to the desired product option.
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-title: "Abstract product: reference information"
-last_updated: Apr 19, 2021
-description: This document contains reference information for creating and editing concrete and abstract products.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-## Create/edit abstract product
-The following tables describe the attributes that you use when creating and editing concrete and abstract products.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The set of tabs for the **Create** and **Edit** pages, as well as for abstract and concrete products, is different. Hence, the additional columns with identifiers are added for your convenience.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### General tab
-| Store relation | Defines the store for which the product can be available. You can select multiple values. | Yes | Yes |
-| SKU Prefix | Number that you assign to the product will help track unique information related to that product. | Yes | Display Only |
-| Name | Name of your product that is displayed in the online store for your customers. | Yes | Yes |
-| Description | Description of the product that your customer sees in the online store. | Yes | Yes |
-| New from New to | Defines the period of time for which a dynamic label New will be assigned to the product. Either no dates can be selected, or both. | Yes | Yes |
-### Price & Stock tab
-| Merchant Price Dimension | **B2B Only**
Allows selecting a merchant relation and setting up a specific price for a specific merchant. If the Default value is selected, the prices will be the same for everyone. The values available for selection derive from [Marketplace > Merchant Relations](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchant-relations/edit-merchant-relations.html). Only one value can be selected. | Yes | Yes |
-| Gross price Net price | Price value for gross and net mode. The price you populate is inherited by all product variants you add during the abstract product creation. | Yes | Yes |
-| Default Original | Default prices are prices your customers will pay, whereas original prices are the "previous price" in case you want to display promotions. If you specify only a default price, it will be displayed just like a normal product price. However, if both prices are specified, the original one will appear crossed out in the shop. | Yes | Yes |
-| Add Product Volume Price
Edit Product Volume Price | Once selected, the *Add volume price* (*Edit volume price*) page opens. This option lets you define specific prices for a specific quantity of products that a customer selects. It works only in the case of Default prices. The **Add Product Volume Price** button appears only when the gross and/or net prices for a store are set up beforehand and saved. *Edit Product Volume Price* appears only if the volume price has already been set up for a currency. | No | Yes |
-| Tax Set | Conditions under which a product is going to be taxed. The values available for selection derive from [Taxes > Tax Sets]/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/tax-sets/managing-tax-sets.html). Only one value can be selected. | Yes | Yes |
-### Variants tab
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-No values are available for selection when you create a product bundle. When you create a bundle, one product variant will be added by default.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-* *While creating* an abstract product, you see a list of super attributes that derive from [Catalog > Attributes](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/attributes/managing-product-attributes.html). You can select as many super attributes as you need and define from one to many values for them (those values will define the difference between the product variants). Please keep in mind that moving forward, you will be able to create product variants only based on the selected super attributes. To add more product variants in the future, add at least one super attribute and define at least one value for it.
-* *While editing the abstract product/product bundle*, you see a table that displays the product variants that exist for this abstract product. From this page, you can view, edit, and manage attributes [for the product variant](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/attributes/managing-product-attributes.html).
-### SEO tab
-| Title | Meta title for your product. | Yes | Yes |
-| Keywords | Meta keywords for your product. | Yes | Yes |
-| Description | Meta description for your product. | Yes | Yes |
-### Image tab
-| Image Set Name | Name of your image set. | Yes | Yes |
-| Small | Link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs. | Yes | Yes |
-| Large | Link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page. | Yes | Yes |
-| Sort Order | If you add several images to an active image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown in the frontend and backend using the *Sort Order* fields. The order of the images is defined by order of entered numbers where the image set with the sort order "0" is the first to be shown. | Yes | Yes |
-## Scheduled Prices tab
-On this tab, there is a table with the scheduled prices imported via a CSV file. The following information is available:
-* Currency, store, net, and gross price values.
-* *Start from* (included) and *Finish at* (included) values that identify a period of time when a specific price is going to be set for a product automatically.
-## View Abstract Product page
-On this page, you can view all the information entered while creating or editing an abstract product.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-For the [Marketplace](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-concept.html) projects, you can check what merchant owns the product on this page.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Creating abstract products
-last_updated: Jul 27, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to create abstract products in Marketplace.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with products:
-1. To create product variants of abstract products, [create at least one super attribute](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/attributes/creating-product-attributes.html).
-2. Go to **Catalog > Products**.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-{% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
-You can add super attributes to product variants only when creating an abstract product.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block errorBox "Create at least one product variant" %}
-To be able to add product variants after creating an abstract product, add at least one product variant while creating the abstract product.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Defining general settings
-To create an abstract product:
-1. In the top right corner, click **+Create Product**.
-The **Create a Product** page opens.
-2. On the **General** tab, define general settings:
- 1. Select one or more **Store relations**.
- 2. In **SKU Prefix**, enter an SKU prefix.
- 3. In **Name** and **Description**, enter a name and description for all the locales.
- 4. Optional: Select **New from** and **New to** dates.
- 5. Click **Next >** and follow [Defining prices](#defining-prices).
- This opens the **Prices & Tax** tab.
-### Reference information: Defining general settings
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when defining general settings.
-| --- | --- |
-| Store relation | Defines the [stores](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-set-up-multiple-stores.html) the product will be available in.
You can select multiple values. |
-| SKU Prefix | Unique product identifier that will be used to track unique information related to the product. |
-| Name | Name that will be displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| Description | Description that will be displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| New from
New to | Defines the period of time for which:
- A [dynamic product label](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/product-labels-feature-overview.html) *New* will be assigned to the product.
- The product will be assigned to the *New* [category](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/category-management-feature-overview.html)
You can either select no dates or both. |
-## Defining prices
-On the **Prices & Tax** tab, define prices:
- 1. B2B Shop: Optional: To define prices for a merchant, select a **Merchant Price Dimension**.
- 2. Enter **DEFAULT** prices for all the desired locales and currencies.
- 3. Optional: To display promotions, enter **ORIGINAL** prices for the desired locales and currencies.
- 4. Select a **Tax Set**.
- 5. Select **Next >** and follow [Defining product variants](#defining-product-variants).
- This opens the **Variants** tab.
-### Reference information: Defining prices
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when defining prices.
-| --- | --- |
-|Merchant Price Dimension| B2B only
Defines the [merchant](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-custom-prices-feature-overview.html) the prices will apply to.
If you select **Default prices**, the prices will apply to all customers.
To [manage merchant relations](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchant-relations/edit-merchant-relations.html) go to **Marketplace > Merchant Relations**. |
-| Gross price
Net price | Gross and net value of the product. A gross prices is a price after tax. A net price is a price before tax.
If a product variant of the abstract product does not have a price, it [inherits](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-feature-overview.html) the price you enter here. |
Original | Default price is the price a customer pays for the product. An original price is a price displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. The original price is optional and is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-| Tax Set | Conditions under which the product will be taxed.
To [manage tax sets](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/tax-sets/managing-tax-sets.html), go to **Taxes** > **Tax Sets**.|
-## Defining product variants
-On the **Variants** tab, define product variants:
- 1. Select one or more super attributes that define your product variants.
- 2. In the field next to the super attribute you've selected, select one or more product attribute values.
- 3. Repeat the previous step until you select at least one value for each selected super attribute.
- 4. Select **Save** and follow [Defining meta information](#defining-meta-information).
- The page refreshes with the created product variants displayed in the table.
- ![Defining product variants](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/User+Guides/Back+Office+user+guide/Catalog/Products/Abstract+products/Creating+abstract+products/defining-product-variants.gif)
-### Reference information: Defining product variants
-On the **Variants** tab, you can see all the existing [super attributes](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/product-feature-overview/product-attributes-overview.html#super-attributes). You can [create](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/attributes/creating-product-attributes.html) or [manage](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/attributes/managing-product-attributes.html) super attributes in **Catalog > Attributes**.
-You can select as many super attributes as you need and define one or more values for them. For each product attribute value you select, a product variant will be created. After creating the abstract product, you will be able to create new product variants based on the super attributes you select when creating the abstract product.
-## Defining meta information
-Optional: Add meta information:
-1. Switch to the **SEO** tab.
-2. Enter the following for the desired locales:
- * **Title**
- * **Keywords**
- * **Description**
-2. Select **Save** and follow [Adding images](#adding-images).
-### Reference information: Defining meta information
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when defining meta information.
-| --- | --- |
-|Title| Meta title that will be used for the abstract product.|
-|Keywords| Meta keywords that will be used for the abstract product. |
-|Description| Meta description that will be used for the abstract product.|
-## Adding images
-Optional: Add images for the product:
-1. Click on the **Image** tab.
-2. Select a locale you want to add images for.
-3. Select **Add image set**.
-4. Enter an **Image Set Name**.
-5. Repeat steps *2* and *3* until you add the desired number of image sets.
-6. In the desired image set, enter the following:
- * **Small Image URL**
- * **Large Image URL**
- * **Sort order**
-7. Optional: Select **Add image** and repeat the previous step until you add all the desired images for this locale.
-8. Repeat steps *1* to *6* until you add images for all the desired locales.
-9. Select **Save**.
-The page refreshes with the success message displayed.
-### Reference information: Adding images
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when adding images.
-| --- | --- |
-| *Default* locale | Images from this locale will be displayed for the product in the locales images are not added for. |
-| Image Set Name | Name of image set.|
-| Small | Link to the image that will be displayed for the product in product catalogs.|
-|Large| Link to the image that will be displayed for the product on the *Product details* page. |
-|Sort Order| Arrenges the images displayed for the product in an ascending order. The smalles number is `0`. |
-**Tips and tricks**
To delete an image set with all its pictures, select **Delete image set**.
-## Next steps
-[Edit abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.md b/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.md
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-title: Editing abstract products
-last_updated: Jul 27, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to edit abstract products in Marketplace.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to edit abstract products.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with abstract products, go to **Catalog > Products**.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Editing general settings of an abstract product
-To edit general settings of an abstract product:
-1. Next to the product you want to edit, select **Edit**.
- This takes you to the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page.
-2. On the **General** tab, update **Store relations**.
-3. Update **Name** and **Description** for the desired locales.
-4. Update **New from** and **New to** dates.
-5. Select **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing general settings of an abstract product
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing general settings of an abstract product.
-| --- | --- |
-| Store relation | Defines the [stores](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-set-up-multiple-stores.html) the product is available in.
You can select multiple values. |
-| SKU Prefix | Unique product identifier that helps to track unique information related to the product. |
-| Name | Name that's displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| Description | Description that's displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| New from
New to | Defines the period of time for which:
- A [dynamic product label](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/product-labels-feature-overview.html) *New* is assigned to the product.
- The product is assigned to the *New* [category](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/category-management-feature-overview.html).
You can either select no dates or both. |
-## Editing prices of an abstract product
-To edit prices of an abstract product:
-1. Next to the product you want to edit, select **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page, click on the **Prices & Tax** tab.
-3. B2B Shop: Select a **Merchant Price Dimension**.
-4. Enter **DEFAULT** prices for the desired available locales and currencies.
-5. Optional: Enter **ORIGINAL** prices for the desired available locales and currencies.
-6. Select the **Tax Set**.
-7. Select **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing prices of an abstract product
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing prices of an abstract product.
-| --- | --- |
-|Merchant Price Dimension| B2B only
Defines the [merchant](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-custom-prices-feature-overview.html) the prices apply to.
If **Default prices** is selected, the prices apply to all customers.
To [manage merchant relations](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchant-relations/edit-merchant-relations.html) go to **Marketplace > Merchant Relations**. |
-| Gross price
Net price | Gross and net value of the product. A gross prices is a price after tax. A net price is a price before tax.
If a product variant of the abstract product does not have a price, it [inherits](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-feature-overview.html) the price you enter here. |
Original| A default price is the price a customer pays for the product. An original price is a price displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. The original price is optional and is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-|Add Product Volume Price
Edit Product Volume Price| This option lets you define the prices that are based on the quantity of products that a customer selects. Works only with the default prices.
Add Product Volume Price appears only when the price for a currency was set up and saved.
Edit Product Volume Price appears only what the volume price was already set up for a currency.||✓|
-|Tax Set|The conditions under which a product is going to be taxed.
The values available for selection derive from **Taxes > Tax Sets**
Only one value can be selected.|
-## Editing volume prices of an abstract product
-To edit volume prices of an abstract product:
-1. Next to the product you want to edit add volume prices of, select **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page, switch to the **Price & Tax** tab.
-3. Next to the store you want to edit volume prices for, select **> Edit Product Volume Price**.
-4. On the **Add volume prices** page, enter a **Qunatity**.
-5. Enter a **Gross price**.
-6. Optional: Enter a **Net price**.
-7. Optional: To add more volume prices than the number of the rows displayed on the page, select **Save and add more rows**.
-8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you edit all the desired volume prices.
-9. Select **Save and exit**. This opens the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page with the success message displayed.
-## Editing product variants of an abstract product
-To edit a product variant, see [Editing product variants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.html#editing-product-variants-of-an-abstract-product).
-To create a product variant, see [Creating product variants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/concrete-products/creating-product-variants.html).
-## Editing meta information of an abstract product
-To edit meta information:
-1. Next to the product you want to edit, select **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page, switch to the **SEO** tab.
-3. Update the following for the desired locales:
- * **Title**
- * **Keywords**
- * **Description**
-4. Select **Save**. The page refreshes with the success message displayed.
-### Reference information: Editing meta information of an abstract product
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing meta information of an abstract product.
-| --- | --- |
-|Title|Meta title for your product.|
-|Keywords|Meta keywords for your product.|
-|Description|Meta description for your product.|
-## Editing product images of an abstract product
-To edit product images:
-1. Next to the product you want to edit, select **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Product Abstract [SKU]** page, switch to the **Image** tab.
-3. Select a locale you want to update images for.
-4. Update images:
- * To add a new image set, select **Add image set**
- * To add a new image, select **Add image**.
- * To update an image, update the following:
- * **Small Image URL**
- * **Large Image URL**
- * **Sort order**
- * To delete large and small images, select **Delete image**.
- * To delete an image set with its images, select **Delete image set**.
-5. Repeat step *4* until you update images for all the desired locales.
-6. Select **Save**. The page refreshes with the success message displayed.
-### Reference information: Editing product images of an abstract product
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing product images of an abstract product.
-| --- | --- |
-|Image Set Name |Name of your image set.|
-|Small |Link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs.|
-|Large |Link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page.|
-|Sort Order |If you add several images to an active image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown in the frontend and backend using **Sort Order** fields. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with sort order "0" is the first to be shown.|
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-title: Creating product variants
-last_updated: Jul 27, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to create product variants in Marketplace.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to add a product variant for an abstract product.
-## Prerequisites
-To create a product variant, navigate to **Catalog > Products** section.
-Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a product variant
-To create a product variant:
-1. Next to the abstract product you want to create a variant for, select **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Abstract** page, select **Add Variant**.
-3. On the **General** tab, do the following:
- 1. Define a **SKU**:
- * Enter a **SKU**.
- * Select **Autogenerate SKU**.
- 2. Under **Super attributes**, define one or more super attributes:
- * Select a value.
- * Select **Use custom value** and, in the field the appears below, enter the value.
- 3. Add product name and description and select **Searchable** if you want your product to be searchable by its name in the online store.
- 4. Optional: Enter **Valid From** and **Valid To** dates to specify when the product should go online in the web-shop.
- 5. Go to the **Price & Stock** tab.
-4. On the **Price & Tax** tab, set prices and taxes for products:
- 1. To take the prices over from the abstract product, select **Use prices from abstract product**.
- {% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
- The merchant relation prices are inherited by Product Variants as well.
- {% endinfo_block %}
- 2. Otherwise, enter Original and eventually Default prices for the product for Gross and Net price modes.
- 3. **B2B only:** In **Merchant Price Dimension**, select the merchant relationship to define a special price per merchant relation.
- 4. Select **Quantity** for the product and then select **Never out of stock** if you want the product to never go out of stock.
-5. Optional: Click **Next** to go to **Image** to add images for the product and define the image order.
-6. Optional: Click **Next** of select the **Assign bundled products** tab to create a bundles product. For more information, see [Creating and managing product bundles](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/manage-abstract-products/creating-abstract-products-and-product-bundles.html).
-7. Click **Save**.
-The page is refreshed and you can see two additional tabs: *Discontinue* and* Product Alternatives*. See [Discontinuing products](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/manage-concrete-products/discontinuing-products.html) and [Adding product alternatives](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/manage-concrete-products/adding-product-alternatives.html) to know more.
-{% info_block errorBox "Important" %}
-To make sure your product will be shown and searchable in your online store, we highly recommend you to go through the checklist in [HowTo - Make a Product Searchable and Shown on the Storefront](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/feature-howtos/howto-make-a-product-searchable-and-shown-on-the-storefront.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Reference information: Creating a product variant
-This section describes the attributes you enter and select when creating a product variant.
-#### General tab
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|Store relation | Defines the store for which the product can be available.
You can select multiple values. | **No**|**No**|
-| SKU Prefix | A number that you assign to the product will help to track unique information related to that product. | **Yes**|**Display Only**|
-| Autogenerate SKU | Allows the system to autogenerate the SKU once you click **Save**. | **Yes**|**No**|
-| Super Attributes | This section is only available if you have added more than one super attribute and defined more than one value for it.
For example, if you selected the **color** to be a super attribute and defined **green**, **white**, and **black**, you will see "**color**" in this section and a drop-down with the colors you defined.
Only one value can be selected. |**Yes**|**No**|
-| Name | The name of your product that will be displayed in the online store for your customers. | | **Yes**|**Yes** |
-| Description | The description of the product that your customer sees in the online store. | **Yes** |**Yes** |
-| Searchable | A checkbox that defines if the concrete product can be searched via the Search function in the online store. If not selected, no values will be displayed when searching for this product. | **Yes** | **Yes**|
-| Valid from
Valid to | Defines the period of time when the product is in active state. The **Valid from** date triggers the activation, while the **Valid to** date triggers the deactivation. Either no dates can be selected, or both. |**Yes** |**Yes** |
-#### Price & Stock tab
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|Use prices from abstract product|Once the checkbox is selected, the prices from the abstract product are taken over.|**Yes**|**No**|
-|Merchant Price Dimension|**B2B Only**
The drop-down list that lets you select a merchant relation and set up a specific price for a specific merchant.
If the Default value is selected, the prices will be the same for everyone.
The values available for selection derive from **Merchants > Merchant Relations**.
Only one value can be selected.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-| Gross price
Net price | The price value for gross and net mode.
For concrete products, the prices are inherited from their abstract product and can be updated while editing the concrete product.|**Yes** |**Yes** |
Original|Default prices are the prices your customers will pay, whereas original prices are the "previous prices" in case you want to display promotions. If you specify only a default price, it will be displayed just like a normal product price. However, if both prices are specified, the original one will appear crossed out in the shop.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|Add Product Volume Price
Edit Product Volume Price|Once selected, the Add volume price (Edit volume price) page opens. This option lets you define specific prices for a specific quantity of products that a customer selects. Works only in case of Default prices.
**Add Product Volume Price** appears only when the price for a currency was set up and saved.
**Edit Product Volume Price** appears only what the volume price was already set up for a currency.|**No**|**Yes**|
-|(Stock) Type|Display-only field that displays warehouses according to your store|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|(Stock) Quantity|The number of items available in the warehouse.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|(Stock) Never out of stock|The checkbox that once selected will make the product always available to be purchased.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-#### Image tab
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|Image Set Name|The name of your image set.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|Small|The link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|Large|The link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-|Sort Order|If you add several images to an active image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown in the frontend and backend using Sort Order fields. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with sort order "0" is the first to be shown.|**Yes**|**Yes**|
-#### Discontinue tab
-Available on the Edit page only.
-Once you select to discontinue the product, you can add a note about that on this tab.
-#### Product Alternatives tab
-The only field available is **Add Product Alternative by Name or SKU**. Here it is enough to enter three characters of a product name or SKU to see the autosuggested product list. From one to many values can be selected. If there is no need to set up an alternative product, you can skip this tab.
-**What's next?**
-Once you have set things up, you will most likely need to know what managing actions you can do with your products. See articles in the [Managing products](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/managing-products/managing-products.html) section.
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-title: Managing products
-last_updated: Jul 28, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to manage abstract and concrete products in Marketplace.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage abstract and concrete products.
-To start managing products, go to **Catalog > **Products**.
-## Activating a product
-The abstract product is inactive until at least one product variant is activated. You should understand that there is no option to activate
-To activate a product:
-1. Navigate to the product variant of the product that you want to activate: **Edit abstract product > Variant > Edit product variant**.
-2. Click **Activate** on the top of the **Edit Concrete Product** page.
-Starting now, the product is visible to the customers of your online store.
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-Each variant needs to be activated to be visible to your customers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-**Tips and tricks**
If you want to hide the product variant from your customers at some point of time, you just deactivate it using the same procedure described above. This deactivates only the product variant. The abstract product is active until at least one its variant is active.
-## Viewing a product
-To review the product details without actually editing them, do the following:
-1. In the **Actions** column of the abstract product you want to view, click **View**.
-2. On the **View Product** page, you can navigate to the view product variant, initiate the editing flow for it, or manage its attributes.
-**Tips and tricks**
If you notice something you would like to change for your product, in the top right corner of the page, click **Edit**.
-### Filtering product options by merchants
-You can view product options of all merchants or individual ones.
-To filter the product options by merchants, in the **Merchants** dropdown, select a merchant. The **Product options list** table will display only the product options of the selected merchant.
-## Managing product attributes
-When you see the **Manage Attributes** option, keep in mind that you manage the attributes like brand but not the super attributes. Such attributes like brand do not define the product variants differentiation, meaning they are not used while defining the concrete products of an abstract product. They rather go to the details section on the product details page in your online store. You can manage attributes for both abstract and concrete products.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The attributes that you add are taken from the **Products > Attributes** section of the Back Office. So the attribute you want to define should exist in that section.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To manage the product attributes:
-1. Select the **Manage Attributes** option for the concrete or abstract product in the **Actions** column or from the top right corner of the **Edit** page.
-2. On the **Manage Attributes for Product** page, start typing the first three letters of the attribute key.
-3. Select the suggested value and click **Add**.
-4. In the **Attributes** section, define the **Default** value for your attributes and specify the value for the **locales**.
-Repeat the procedure if needed.
-5. Once done, click **Save**.
-Check the **References** section to see the examples of how the attributes look like.
-**What's next?**
Review the other articles in the **Products** section to know more about product management. Also, review the **References** section to learn more about the attributes you see, select, and enter on the product pages.
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-title: "Products: reference information"
-last_updated: Feb 02, 2021
-description: This document describes the attributes that you see and enter on different product's pages.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes the attributes that you see and enter on different product pages.
-## Products page
-On the **Products** page, you see the following:
-* Product ID (autogenerated), name, and SKU.
-* The tax set applied to this product.
-* The number of variants this product has.
-* The status of the product (active/inactive).
-* Product type (product, gift card, product bundle).
-* Stores where the product is available (in case you have multiple stores in your project).
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-For the [Marketplace](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-concept.html) project, you can also filter the products belonging to a certain Merchant:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Upon entering the page, all merchants are enabled by default.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-A set of the following examples will help you understand what your online store customers will see once you set up volume prices, product alternatives, original and default prices, and discontinue a product. You will also find an example of a product bundle.
-## Volume prices
-Let's say you have a product that you want to sell at a special price if a user wants to buy a specific number of the same product. For example, a Smartphone with a flash memory equals 16GB costs 25 Euros per item, but you have defined that if a user buys three items, the cost will be 23 Euros instead of 25.
-## Discontinued products and their alternatives
-Let's say the Smartphone with a flash memory equals 16GB is no longer popular, and it is more efficient for you to discontinue it. But you need to propose some replacements for it to make sure that the user journey is successful. You discontinue this product variant and set up other products to be displayed as alternatives.
-## Product bundles
-Let's say you want to simplify the user journey and allow buying a bundle of products that are commonly used together (for example, pens, notebooks, copy paper, and other stationery). You create a bundle for that purpose.
-## Default and original prices
-If you want to display the price difference to show what the price was before and how it changed, you add both, Default and Original prices. The default prices are displayed in the online store as a current price, while the original one is displayed strikethrough.
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-title: Managing merchant users
-last_updated: Apr 23, 2021
-description: This guide explains how Marketplace administrator can manage merchant users in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-A merchant user is a user that performs tasks on behalf of the merchant in the Merchant Portal. Marketplace administrator can manage merchant users in the Back Office.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing merchant users:
-1. Navigate to the **Marketplace > Merchants**.
-2. Next to the merchant you want to create a merchant user for, click **Edit** in the **Actions** column. You are taken to the **Edit Merchant: [Merchant ID]** page.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a merchant user
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-To create a merchant user, create a merchant first.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To create a merchant user, do the following:
-1. On the **Edit Merchant [Merchant ID]** page, go to the **Users** tab.
-2. Click **+Add New User**.
-3. Fill in the required information.
-4. Click **Create**.
-By default, each merchant user obtains the role of Merchant Portal Administrator. To change it, [edit the Back Office](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/users/managing-users/editing-users.html) user record.
-### Reference information: Creating a merchant user
-This section contains the attributes description you see when creating a merchant user.
-#### Users tab
-On the **Users** tab, you see a table with all the merchant users available for the merchant. The following information is included in the table:
-* Merchant user ID
-* Email
-* First Name
-* Last Name
-* Merchant user status
-* Actions
-#### Create Merchant user page
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when creating merchant users.
-| Email | Text field where you specify the email address of the merchant user. The email with the reset password instructions will be sent to this email address. | ✓ |
-| First name | Text field where you specify the first name of the merchant user. | ✓ |
-| Last name | Text field where you specify the last name of the merchant user. | ✓ |
-## Editing the merchant user
-To edit a merchant user, do the following:
-1. On the **Edit Merchant** page, on the **Users** tab, click **Edit** for a merchant user you want to edit.
-On the **Edit Merchant user** page, edit the merchant user details.
-### Reference information: Editing a merchant user
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing merchant users.
-| Email | Text field where you specify the email address of the merchant user. The email with the reset password instructions will be sent to this email address. | ✓ |
-| First name | Text field where you specify the first name of the merchant user. | ✓ |
-| Last name | Text field where you specify the last name of the merchant user. | ✓ |
-| Status | Drop-down menu where you can update the status of the merchant user. Can be: Active, Blocked, Deleted. | ✓ |
-## Activating and deactivating the merchant users
-Once the merchant user is created, they need to be activated in order to be able to access the Merchant Portal.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Make sure that the merchant is approved in the Back Office to be able to proceed with the merchant user activation. You will not be able to activate the merchant user if the merchant is denied.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To activate the merchant user, click **Activate** in the **Actions** column of the **Merchant Users** page.
-Once the merchant user is activated, they receive the email message with the reset password instructions to the email address specified at the step of [merchant user creation](#creating-a-merchant-user).
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-To deactivate the merchant user, click **Deactivate** in the **Actions** column of the **Merchant Users** page.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The merchant user gets automatically deactivated when the merchant gets denied.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Once the merchant user is created and activated, they can log in to the Merchant Portal.
-## Deleting merchant users
-If you do not need a merchant user anymore, you can delete it.
-To delete the merchant user, click **Delete** on the **Edit Merchant** page, on the **Users** tab.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-In the current implementation, the **Delete** button only restricts the merchant user’s access to the Merchant Portal. However, you can change the behavior in your project.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Managing merchants
-last_updated: Apr 23, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to create and manage merchant records on the Merchants page.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-On the **Merchants** page, you can manage the merchants' records and facilitate the merchant registration and approval process, as well as apply any changes to the existing merchants' records. This document describes the procedures of creating and managing merchant records.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing merchants, navigate **Marketplace > Merchants**.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating merchants
-To create a merchant, do the following:
-1. On the **Merchants** page, in the top right corner, click **+Add Merchant**.
-2. Fill in the required information.
-3. Click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Creating merchants
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when creating merchants.
-#### General tab
-This tab contains the main merchant information.
-| Name | Text field where you specify the name of the merchant that you create. | ✓ |
-| Registration number | Text field where you specify the number assigned to the company at the point of registration. | |
-| Merchant Reference | Text field where you specify a unique identifier between the administrator's ERP and Spryker. | ✓ |
-| Email | Field where you specify the email address associated with the merchant.
{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}The email address is unique, meaning one value cannot be used for several merchants. If the merchant with the same email already exists, the following message is displayed for the *Email* field when trying to save the record:
"Email is already used."{% endinfo_block %}
However, the email can be the same as the email of a Marketplace administrator that operates in the administration interface (Back Office).
{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}This email will be used by a merchant to log in to the Merchant Portal{% endinfo_block %}. | ✓ |
-| Is Active | Checkbox that gets the merchant profile page on the Storefront online once checked. | |
-| Store Relation | List of stores where the merchant is present. | |
-| Merchant URL | Text field where, during editing, you can update the URL that is used to access the merchant profile. The profile URL is specified per locale. | ✓ |
-| Warehouses | Name of the Warehouse assigned to the merchant. For more details about the warehouses, see [Merchant Warehouse](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-inventory-management-feature-overview.html#marketplace-warehouse-management). | |
-#### Contact Person Details tab
-This tab contains information about the contact person. The contact person information is going to be used to create a **Merchant Admin User** who will be able to log in to **Merchant Portal**.
-| Title | Formal salutation for your contact person (for example, Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr). There is no default value selected. | |
-| Role | Text field where you can define the role the contact person performs. | |
-| Phone | Text field where you can enter the phone number of the contact person. | |
-| First Name | Text field where you can specify the first name of the contact person. | ✓ |
-| Last Name | Text field where you can specify the last name of the contact person. | ✓ |
-#### Merchant Profile tab
-This tab includes the public information about the merchant that is displayed in the Storefront).
-| Public Email | Text field where you specify the business/public email address for the merchant. | |
-| Public Phone | Text field where you specify the merchant's public phone number. | |
-| Fax Number | Text field where you specify the merchant's fax number. | |
-| Logo URL | Text field where you can specify the logo URL for the merchant profile. | |
-| Description | Text field where you can add a description for the merchant for a locale. | |
-| Average Delivery Time | Text field where you specify the average time during which the order will be shipped for a locale. | |
-| Banner URL | Text field where you can add a link to the merchant's banner for a locale. | |
-| Country | Drop-down list where you specify the country of the merchant's business address. There is no value selected by default. | |
-| Street | Text field where you specify the street of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Number | Text field where you can specify the number included in the merchant's business address. | |
-| Zip Code | Text field where you specify the ZIP code of the merchant's business address. | |
-| City | Text field where you specify the city of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Addition to Address | Text field where you can specify any additional information included in the merchant's business address. | |
-| Longitude | Text field that will be used to identify the merchant location. | |
-| Latitude | Text field that will be used to identify the merchant location. | |
-#### Legal Information tab
-This tab contains legal information that is displayed on the **Merchant Profile** page in the Storefront.
-| Cancellation Policy | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the cancellation policy for the merchant for a locale. | |
-| Data Privacy | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the data privacy statement for a locale. | |
-| Imprint | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify imprint information for a locale. | |
-| Terms and Conditions | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the terms and conditions for the merchant for a locale. | |
-#### Users tab
-This tab contains information about creating and editing [merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) for the merchant.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-To restrict access to the Merchant Portal, on the **Merchants** page, in **Actions**, you can create merchant users only after the merchant is created. During the merchant creation process, this tab exists, but all the actions are disabled."
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Editing merchants
-To edit a merchant, do the following:
-1. On the **Merchants** page, in the **Actions** column, for a merchant you want to edit, click **Edit**.
-2. On the **Edit Merchant** page, edit the merchant details.
-3. To save the changes, click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing merchants
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when editing merchants.
-#### Overview of Merchants page
-On the **Overview of Merchants** page, you see a table with all the merchants. The following information is included in the table:
-* Merchant ID
-* Merchant Name
-* Approval status. For more details about the statuses a merchant profile may have, check the [merchant statuses](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) section.
-* Status (active/inactive). For more details about the statuses a merchant profile may have, check the [merchant statuses](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) section.
-* Stores
-* Actions
-By default, the table is sorted by the merchant Id value.
-You can sort the table by other values (Name and Status) using the respective sort icon in the needed column.
-#### General tab
-This tab contains the main merchant information.
-| Name | Text field where you specify the name of the merchant that you edit. | ✓ |
-| Registration number | Text field where you specify the number assigned to the company at the point of registration. | |
-| Merchant Reference | Text field where you specify a unique identifier between the administrator's ERP and Spryker. | ✓ |
-| Email | Field where you specify the email address associated with the merchant.
{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}The email address is unique, meaning one value cannot be used for several merchants. If the merchant with the same email already exists, the following message is displayed for the *Email* field when trying to save the record:
"Email is already used."{% endinfo_block %}
However, the email can be the same as the email of a Marketplace administrator that operates in the administration interface (Back Office).
{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}This email will be used by a merchant to log in to the Merchant Portal"{% endinfo_block %}. | ✓ |
-| Is Active | Checkbox that gets the merchant profile page on the Storefront online once checked. | |
-| Store Relation | List of stores where the merchant is present. | |
-| Merchant URL | Text field where, during editing, you can update the URL that is used to access the merchant profile. The profile URL is specified per locale. | ✓ |
-| Warehouses | Name of the Warehouse assigned to the merchant. For more details about the warehouses, see [Merchant Warehouse](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-inventory-management-feature-overview.html#marketplace-warehouse-management). | |
-#### Contact Person Details tab
-This tab contains information about the contact person. The contact person information is going to be used to create a **Merchant Admin User** who will be able to log in to Merchant Portal.
-| Title | Formal salutation for your contact person (for example, Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr). There is no default value selected. | |
-| Role | Text field where you can define the role the contact person performs. | |
-| Phone | Text field where you can enter or change the phone number of the contact person. | |
-| First Name | Text field where you can specify the first name of the contact person. | ✓ |
-| Last Name | Text field where you can specify the last name of the contact person. | ✓ |
-#### Merchant Profile tab
-This tab includes the public information about the merchant that is displayed in the Storefront).
-| Public Email | Text field where you specify the business/public email address for the merchant. | |
-| Public Phone | Text field where you specify the merchant's public phone number. | |
-| Fax Number | Text field where you specify the merchant's fax number. | |
-| Logo URL | Text field where you can specify the logo URL for the merchant profile. | |
-| Description | Text field where you can add a description for the merchant for a locale. | |
-| Average Delivery Time | Text field where you specify the average time during which the order is shipped for a locale. | |
-| Banner URL | Text field where you can add a link to the merchant's banner for a locale. | |
-| Country | Drop-down list where you specify the country of the merchant's business address. There is no value selected by default. | |
-| Street | Text field where you specify the street of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Number | Text field where you can specify the number included in the merchant's business address. | |
-| Zip Code | Text field where you specify the ZIP code of the merchant's business address. | |
-| City | Text field where you specify the city of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Addition to Address | Text field where you can specify any additional information included in the merchant's business address. | |
-| Longitude | Text field that is used to identify the merchant location. | |
-| Latitude | Text field that is used to identify the merchant location. | |
-#### Legal Information tab
-This tab contains legal information that is displayed on the **Merchant Profile** page in the Storefront.
-| Cancellation Policy | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the cancellation policy for the merchant for a locale. | |
-| Data Privacy | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the data privacy statement for a locale. | |
-| Imprint | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify imprint information for a locale. | |
-| Terms and Conditions | Standard WYSIWYG editor with text formatting options where you specify the terms and conditions for the merchant for a locale. | |
-#### Users tab
-This tab contains information about creating and editing [merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) for the merchant.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-To restrict access to the Merchant Portal, on the **Merchants** page, in **Actions**, you can create merchant users only after the merchant is created. During the merchant creation process, this tab exists, but all the actions are disabled.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Approving and denying merchants
-Merchant approval is the process when a Marketplace administrator changes the status of the merchant record according to the flow described in the [Merchant statuses](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses) section. After the initial merchant registration, the status is always set to **Waiting for Approval** and is subject to change by a Marketplace administrator after their review. To approve the merchant, click **Approve Access** in the **Actions** column of the **Merchants** page.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-To restrict access to the Merchant Portal, on the **Merchants** page, in the **Actions** column, click **Deny Access**.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Activating and deactivating merchants
-Activating or deactivating the merchant indicates whether the merchant profile page, product offers, and marketplace products are available in the Storefront or not. To activate the merchant, click **Activate** in the *Actions* column of the *Merchants* page.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-You can deactivate the merchant by clicking Deactivate on the **Merchants** page in the **Actions** column.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-You can not delete merchants, you can only deactivate them.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-**What's next?**
-Once you have the merchant record available in the system, you can proceed with creating a merchant user to log in to the Merchant Portal.
-To know how to create those, see the [Managing merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.md b/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-title: Managing merchant product offers
-last_updated: Apr 19, 2021
-description: This document describes how to view and manage merchant product offers in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to view and manage [merchant product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html) in the Back Office.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with offers, go to **Marketplace > Offers**.
-These instructions assume that there is an existing offer created by the Merchant in the Merchant Portal.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Approving or denying offers
-Only approved and active offers are available for purchase on the Storefront.
-To approve an offer, on the **Offers** page, in the **Actions** column, click **Approve** next to the offer you want to approve.
-You can deny the offer by clicking **Deny** on the **Offers** page in the **Actions** column.
-**Tips and tricks**
-You can sort by offers belonging to a certain Merchant:
-### Reference information: Approving or denying offers
-On the **Offers** page, there is a table with all the offers available in the Marketplace. The table includes:
-* Offer ID
-* Reference
-* Merchant
-* SKU
-* Name
-* Status
-* Visibility
-* Stores
-* Actions
-By default, the table is sorted by the **Offer ID** value.
-You can sort the table by other values (*Name* and *Status*) using the sorting icon in the needed column.
-## Viewing an offer
-To view an offer, on the **Offers** page, in the **Actions** column, next to the offer you want to view, click **View**.
-### Reference information: Viewing an offers
-The following table describes the attributes on the **View Offer: _[Offer Reference]_** page:
-| Offer | Reference | Unique identifier of the merchant product offer in the system. |
-| | Status | Current status of the offer. Can be: - waiting for approval
- approved
- denied
For details about the statuses flow, see [Product offer status](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html#product-offer-status). |
-| | Visibility | Visibility state of the offer. Can be For details about the visibility flow, see [Product offer status](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html#product-offer-status). |
-| | Stores | Stores for which the offer is assigned. |
-| Product | SKU | SKU of the product. |
-| | Type | Type of the item. |
-| | Name | Name of the product for every locale. |
-| | Description | Description of the product for every locale. |
-| Merchant | Merchant | Name of the merchant who owns the product. |
-| | Merchant SKU | Product SKU of this offer in the Merchant system. |
-| Price | | Table with the default and volume prices defined for the product offer in NET and GROSS mode. |
-| Stock | | Stock for product offers in every store. |
-## Related articles
-[Merchant Product Offer feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.md b/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/202108.0/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing marketplace orders
-last_updated: Jul 15, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace orders in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage marketplace orders.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing marketplace orders, navigate to **Marketplace > Orders**.
-The instructions assume that there is an existing order with the *New* status.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Viewing marketplace orders
-To view a marketplace order, in the **List of orders** table, next to the order you want to check, click **View**.
-You are taken to the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page.
-Every marketplace order contains information about the merchant orders it is split into.
-### Reference information: Viewing marketplace orders
-This section holds reference information related to viewing marketplace orders.
-#### Orders page
-The last created order goes on top of the table by default. However, you can sort the table by the order number, order reference, date of creation, customer emails, or the number of items ordered.
-On the **Orders** page, you see the following:
-* Order number, reference, and the creation date.
-* Customer name and email.
-* Order state, the grand total of the order, and the number of items ordered.
-* Actions that you can do on this page.
-By default, the last created order goes on top of the table. However, you can sort and search **List of orders**.
-All columns with headers having arrows in **List of orders** are sortable.
-**Actions column**
All the order management options that you can invoke from the **Actions** column in List of orders are described in the following table.
-| View | Takes you to the **View Order: _[Return ID]_** page. Here, you can find all the information about the chosen order. |
-| Claim | Takes you to the **Create reclamation** page, where you can [create a reclamation](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html#claiming-marketplace-orders) for the order. |
-**View Order: _[Order ID]_**
The following table describes the attributes on the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page when you view an order.
-| Order Overview | | Section with the general information about the order. |
-| | Order reference | Reference number of the order. |
-| | Order date | Date when the order was placed. |
-| | Unique Product Quantity | Number of unique products in the order. |
-| | Totals | Contains information about the order totals. |
-| | Subtotal | Subtotal of the order. |
-| | Grand Total | Grand total of the order. |
-| | Total taxes | Total tax amount. |
-| | Refund total | Available refundable amount for the order. |
-| | Trigger all matching states inside this order | Action button for changing the available states for all the items in the order. For details, see [Changing marketplace order states](#changing-marketplace-order-states). |
-| Custom Order Reference | | Custom number that can be added to the order. |
-| Customer | | Section with the information about the customer who has submitted the order. |
-| | Reference | Unique reference of the customer in the system. The reference is clickable and leads to the *[View Customer](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/customer/customers/view-customers.html)* page. |
-| | Name | Name of the customer. |
-| | Email | Customer’s email address. |
-| | Previous orders count | Number of orders the customer has submitted. |
-| | Billing address | Address that is used for billing purposes. |
-| Merchant orders | | Section with details about every merchant order with its products and Shipment information. |
-| | Fulfilled by Merchant | Contains the name of the Merchant this order belongs to. |
-| | Order Reference | Merchant order reference. |
-| | Delivery Address | Address used for delivery. |
-| | Delivery Method | Delivery method chosen for the shipment. |
-| | Shipping Method | Method used to ship the order. |
-| | Shipping Costs | Price for shipping service. |
-| | Request delivery date | Requested delivery date. |
-| | Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment | Action button for changing the available states for all the items in the shipment. For details, see [Changing marketplace order states](#changing-marketplace-order-states). |
-| Cart Notes | | Section where the cart notes added by the customer are displayed (if there are any). |
-| Returns | | Section with information related to returns (if there are any). |
-| Comments to Order | | Section with comments added to the order by the customer when submitting it. |
-| Bundle Items Cart Notes | | Section with the notes for the bundled items. |
-| Payments | | Section with the information about payment performed y the customer (payment provider, payment method, and the amount paid). |
-| Gift cards | | Section with the information about the gift cards. |
-| Discounts & Vouchers | | Section with the information about discounts and vouchers applied to the order. |
-| Refunds | | Section with information about refunds issued. |
-| Order Source | | Source of the order. |
-| Comments | | Section for the Back Office users to add comments to the order. These comments are not visible to the customer. |
-## Changing marketplace order states
-To change the state of several items in the order:
-1. In the **List of orders** table, in the **Actions** column, click **View** next to the order you want to change the state of.
-You are taken to the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page.
-2. In the **Trigger all matching states inside this order** section, click **the next available state**. For details about the available states, see [Marketplace and Merchant state machines feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change. The order will obtain the updated state. In the **Trigger all matching states inside this order** section, you can see the **Cancel** button.
-3. Repeat step 2 until you get the desired order state.
-To change the state of the order items in a shipment:
-1. In **List of orders**, click **View** next to the order possessing the items you want to change the state of.
-You are taken to the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page.
-2. Scroll down to the desired shipment.
-3. Select the checkbox next to the products you want to change the state of.
-4. In the **Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment** section, click **the next available state**. For details about the available states, see [Marketplace and Merchant state machines feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change. In the **Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment** section of the modified shipment, you can see the updated state.
-5. Repeat step 4 until you get the desired shipment state.
-To change the state of an item in the merchant order:
-1. In **List of orders**, click **View** next to the order possessing the items you want to change the state of.
-You are taken to the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page.
-2. Scroll down to the desired item.
-3. In the **Trigger event** column next to the desired product, click **the next available state**. For details about the available states, see [Marketplace and Merchant state machines feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change. In the **Trigger event** column next to the product, you can see the **Cancel** button.
-### Reference information: Changing marketplace order states
-You can set different states for your order by clicking the action buttons. The following describes the triggers you can call:
-| Pay | Click this button once you receive the payment for the order from your customer. |
-| Cancel | Click this button to cancel the order on the customer’s behalf. |
-| Close | Click this button when your customer has successfully received the ordered items and is satisfied with their quality. |
-| Refund | Click this button in case of a refund. |
-| Return | Click this button if the customer returns you either all or several items from the order. |
-Marketplace order states flow:
-* **New**—the initial order state.
-* **Canceled**—the state of the order after it is canceled by the customer on the Storefront or by a Back Office user.
-* **Sent to Merchant**—the state of the order when the payment is made and the marketplace order was successfully split into the merchant orders. The corresponding merchant got notified about the new order.
-* When you select **Pay**, the order state becomes *Paid*. After a while, the status of the order changes to *Sent to Merchant*.
-* When you select **Cancel**, the order state becomes *Canceled*.
-* When you select **Close**, the order state becomes *Closed*.
-* If the customer returns the ordered items: when you select **Return**, the state becomes *Waiting for return*. The merchant needs to execute the return in the Merchant Portal.
-* Once the return is executed for the merchant order in the Merchant Portal, the state becomes *Refunded*.
-**Tips & tricks**
To change the state of all the items inside a shipment at once, in the **Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment** section of the corresponding shipment, click **the next available state**.
-For reference information about the **Orders** and **View Order: _[Order ID]_** pages, on this page, see:
-* [Orders page](#orders-page)
-* [View Order: [Order ID](#view-order-order-id)
-## Creating a marketplace return
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-To be able to create a return, your marketplace state machine should have the return subprocess set up.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-If an order item is **[returnable](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html)**, you can create a return for it.
-To create a return:
-1. On the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page, click **Return** in the top right corner. This opens the **Create Return** page.
-2. On the **Create Return** page, select the items you want to return and optionally the return reason for the items. The following return reasons are provided out of the box:
- * Damaged
- * Wrong item
- * No longer needed
- * Custom reason
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The products from one merchant can be returned at a time.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-3. Click **Create return**. This creates the return and takes you to the **Overview of Return _[Return reference]_** page, where you can change the return states. For details about the return states you can trigger, see Marketplace return item states.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-You can create returns for the items that are in Shipped or Delivered states only.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Reference information: Creating a marketplace return
-| General information | | |
-| | Order reference | Reference of the order the return will be created for. Takes you to the View Order: [Order ID] page, where you can view and manage the order. |
-| Select Items to Return | | |
-| | Fulfilled by merchant | Name of the merchant the item belongs to. Takes to the *Edit Merchant: [Merchant ID]* page, where you can view and edit information about this merchant. |
-| | Merchant Order Reference | Reference of the merchant order in the system. |
-| | Product | List of all items included in the return. |
-| | Quantity | Product quantity. |
-| | Price | Product price. |
-| | Total | Total amount paid for the item. |
-| | Return policy | Return policy an item is controlled by. |
-| | State | Return state for the item. |
-Once a return has been created, it acquires the *Waiting for return* state. You can trigger the following states for the returns on the **Overview of Returns [Return ID]** page.
- For more details, see [Marketplace and merchant state machines feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-| execute-return | Select this state if you accept the return. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Returned*. |
-| refund | Select this state if you have refunded the returned items. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Refunded*. |
-| cancel-return | You can trigger this state after the *Waiting for return* state. Select this state if either customer changed their mind and doesn’t want to make the return anymore, or you cancel the return due to the return policy, or for other reasons. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Canceled*. |
-| ship-return | You can trigger this state after the *Cancel* return state. Select this state if you shipped the canceled return back to the customer. The return status is changed to *Shipped to customer*. |
-| delivery-return | You can trigger this state after the *Shipped to customer*. Select this state if the return has been delivered to the customer. The return status is changed to *Delivered*. |
-| close | You can trigger this state after the *Delivered* state. Select this state to close the return. The return status is changed to *Closed*. |
-## Viewing the returns for marketplace orders
-If returns have been created for a marketplace order, they are displayed on the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page, in the **Returns** section.
-To view details about a return, navigate to the **Returns** page, and in the **Actions** column of the **List of Returns** table, click **View**.
-This takes you to the **Overview of Return: [Return ID]** page.
-For information about how you can manage the returns on this page, see Managing marketplace returns.
-### Reference information: Viewing the returns for marketplace orders
-The following tables describe the attributes on the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page when you view a return.
-#### Returned items section
-The returned items section displays information about the returned items.
-| Product | List of all items included in the return. |
-| Quantity | Product quantity. |
-| Price | Product price. |
-| Total | Total amount paid for the item. |
-| State | Return state for the item. |
-| Trigger event | List of the events to trigger for the return. |
-| Trigger all matching states | States that you can trigger for all items in the return at once. |
-#### Total section
-The **Total** section displays the total amount of items to be returned.
-| Order Reference | Reference number of the order. |
-| Return Reference | Reference number of the return. |
-| Return Date | Date when the return was created. |
-| Returned Items | Number of items to be returned. |
-| State | State of the return. |
-#### Marketplace section
-| Merchant Order References | Merchant order reference number. |
-| Merchant | Name of the merchant that sold the item. |
-#### Customer section
-| Customer reference | Reference of the customer. |
-| Name | Customer name. |
-| Email | Customer’s email address. |
-## Editing a Custom Order Reference for a marketplace order
-To edit a custom order reference:
-1. In the **List of orders** table, next to the order you want to update the custom order reference of, click **View**.
-2. In the **Custom Order Reference** section of the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page, click **Edit Reference**.
-3. Update the custom order reference.
-4. Click **Save**.
-**Tips and tricks**
To remove the custom order reference, clear the Custom Order Reference field and click **Save**.
-## Claiming marketplace orders
-To claim a marketplace order:
-1. On the **Overview of Orders** page, click **Claim** next to the order you want to create a reclamation for.
-2. On the **Create reclamation** page, select one or more products you want to create the reclamation for.
-3. Click **Create Reclamation**.
The page refreshes to show the success message about reclamation creation.
-**Tips and tricks**
Claiming an order does not change the state of the order or the items inside the order. When a reclamation is created, a sales team member processes the order manually.
-### Reference information: Create reclamation page
-| Product | Contains information about the product: the product image, name, SKU, color. Clicking the product name takes you to the **View Product Abstract: _[Product ID]_** page. |
-| Unit Price (GROSS_MODE) | Item price without taxes. |
-| Item total | Total amount paid for the item. |
-| State | Current state of the item. Clicking the state shows the state machine diagram. |
-## Commenting on marketplace orders
-To comment on the marketplace order:
-1. Click **View** next to the order you want to comment on.
-2. On the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page, scroll down to the **Comments** section.
-3. Enter the comment in the **Message** field.
-4. Click **Send Message**.
-The page refreshes to show the success message about comment creation. Your message is displayed in the **Comments** section.
-**Tips and tricks**
-* To send an email to a customer, on the **Overview of Orders** page, click the hyperlinked customer email in the Email column.
-* To view customer details:
- * On the **Overview of Orders** page, click the hyperlinked customer name in the **Customer Full Name** column.
- * On the **View Order** page, scroll down to the **Customer** section and click the hyperlinked **Reference**.
-## Editing a billing address in the marketplace order
-To edit a billing address:
-1. Next to the order you want to edit the billing address of, click **View**.
-2. On the **View Order** page, scroll down to the **Customer** section.
-3. Under the **Billing address**, click **Edit**. The **Edit Address for Order** page opens.
-4. Make the updates and click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing a billing address in the marketplace order
-| Salutation First Name Middle name Last Name | Customer's salutation. If the other person is the point of contact for this new address, you need to populate the fields with the respective data. If the customer is the same, populate the fields with the same values. |
-| Email Country Address line 1 Address line 2 | Fields where you enter the email and address information of the customer. |
-| Company City Zip Code Po box | Customer's company, city, zip code, and post office box number. |
-| Phone Cell phone | Customer's phone numbers. |
-| Description | Description of the order. |
-| Comment | Any specific comment regarding the customer or customer address (for example, "*This address is going to be used only if the order costs less than 900 euros.*"). |
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-title: Managing main merchant orders
-last_updated: Jul 22, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to manage main merchant orders in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-*My Orders* is a dedicated page for managing the orders that customers completed from the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html) (Marketplace owner) within the Marketplace.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing merchant orders for the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html), navigate to **Sales > My orders**.
-The instructions assume that there is an existing order with the *New* status.
-Each section in this article contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Viewing main merchant orders
-To view the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html) orders, in the **List of Orders** table, click **View** next to the order you want to check.
-This takes you to the **Merchant Order Overview** page.
-### Reference information: Viewing main merchant orders
-This section holds reference information related to viewing the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html) orders.
-#### Overview of Orders page
-By default, the last created order goes on top of the table. However, you can sort the table by the order number, order reference, created date, customer emails, or the number of items ordered.
-On the **Overview of Orders** page, you see the following:
-- Merchant order reference
-- Marketplace order reference, where the merchant order belongs
-- Creation date
-- Customer name and email
-- Order state, the grand total of the order, and the number of items ordered
-- Actions that you can do on this page
-By default, the last created order goes on top of the table. However, you can sort and search the **List of Orders** table.
-All columns with headers having arrows in **List of Orders** are sortable.
-##### Actions column
-All the order management options that you can invoke from the **Actions** column in **List of Orders** are described in the following table.
-| --------- | --------------- |
-| View | Takes you to the *Merchant Order Overview* page. Here, you can find all the information about the chosen order. |
-#### Merchant Order Overview page
-The following table describes the attributes on the **View Order _[Order ID]_** page when you *view* an order.
- Order Overview |
- |
- Section with the general information about the order. |
- Merchant Order reference |
- Reference number of the merchant order. |
- Marketplace Order Reference |
- Reference number of the marketplace order where the merchant order belongs. |
- Order date |
- Date when the merchant order was placed. |
- Totals |
- Contains information about the order totals. |
- Subtotal |
- Subtotal of the order. |
- Shipment price |
- Total price for the shipment. |
- Cancelled amount |
- Canceled total. |
- Grand Total |
- Grand total of the order. |
- Total taxes |
- Total tax amount. |
- Trigger all matching states inside this order |
- Action button for changing the available states for all the items in the order. See Changing marketplace order states for details. |
- Customer |
- |
- Section with the information about the customer who has submitted the order. |
- Reference |
- Unique customer reference in the system. The reference is clickable and leads to the View Customer page. |
- Name |
- Customer’s name. |
- Email |
- Customer’s email address. |
- Previous orders count |
- Number of merchant orders the customer has created for this merchant. |
- Billing address |
- Customer’s address used for billing purposes. |
- Merchant order items |
- |
- Section with details about every merchant order item with its products and shipment information. |
- |
- Shipment 1 of 1 |
- Number of shipments in the order. |
- |
- Delivery Address |
- Address used for delivery. |
- |
- Delivery Method |
- Delivery method chosen for the shipment. |
- |
- Shipping Method |
- Method used to ship the order. |
- |
- Shipping Costs |
- Price for shipping service. |
- |
- Request delivery date |
- Requested delivery date. |
- |
- Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment |
- Action button for changing the available states for all the items in the shipment. See Changing main merchant order states for the details. |
- Cart Notes |
- |
- Section where the cart notes added by the customer are displayed (if any). |
- Discounts & Vouchers |
- |
- Section with the information about discounts and vouchers applied to the order. |
-## Changing main merchant order states
-To change the state of the order items in a shipment:
-1. In the **List of Orders** table, next to the order with items you want to change the state of, click **View**. This takes you to the **Merchant Order Overview** page.
-2. Scroll down to the desired shipment.
-3. Select the checkbox next to the products you want to change the state of.
-4. In the **Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment** section, click **the next available state**. For details about the available states, see [Reference information: Changing main merchant order states](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-main-merchant-orders.html#reference-information-changing-main-merchant-order-states).
- The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change. In the **Trigger all matching states of order inside this shipment** section of the modified shipment, you can see the updated state.
-5. Repeat step 4 until you get the desired shipment state.
-### Reference information: Changing main merchant order states
-You can set different states for your order by clicking the action buttons. The following table describes the triggers you can call:
-| ----------------------- | --------------------- |
-| Send to distribution | Choose this state once you receive the payment for the order from your customer. |
-| Cancel | Choose this state to cancel the order on the customer’s behalf. |
-| Confirm at center | Choose this state when the order is confirmed at the distribution center. |
-| Ship | Choose this state when the order is shipped to the customer. |
-| Deliver | Choose this state when the order reached the customer. |
-| Refund | Choose this state in case of a refund. |
-## Creating a shipment for the main merchant order
-You can create a new shipment for the merchant orders where there is more than one merchant order item.
-You can create a new shipment for one or several merchant order items. To create a new shipment:
-1. In the **List of Orders** table, next to the order you want to edit the shipment of, click **View**.
-2. In the **Merchant Order Items** section of the **Merchant Order Overview** page, click **Create Shipment**.
-3. Fill in all the required fields.
-4. Click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Creating a shipment for the main merchant order
-The following table describes the attributes you enter and select when creating or editing customer’s shipment details.
-| ----------------------- | ---------------- | ----------- |
-| Delivery Address | Dropdown menu where you can select the delivery address. By default, *New Address* is selected. | |
-| Salutation | Salutation to use when addressing the customer. | ✓ |
-| First Name | Customer's first name. | ✓ |
-| Middle name | Customer's middle name. | |
-| Last name | Customer's last name. | ✓ |
-| Email | Customer’s email address. | ✓ |
-| Country | Drop-down menu with the list of countries to select. | ✓ |
-| Address 1 | 1st line of the customer's address. | ✓ |
-| Address 2 | 2nd line of the customer's address. | ✓ |
-| Company | Customer’s company name. | |
-| City | Customer’s city. | ✓ |
-| ZIP code | ZIP code. | ✓ |
-| Phone | Customer’s phone number. | |
-| Cell Phone | Customer’s cell phone number. | |
-| Description | Description of the shipping address. | |
-| Comment | Comment to the shipping address. | |
-| Shipment method | Drop-down menu with the list of all the available shipment methods in the system. You can select only one. | ✓ |
-| Requested delivery date | Date by which the order should be delivered. | |
-| Order items inside this shipment | Check the order items you create or edit the shipment for. | ✓ |
-## Editing main merchant shipment
-You can edit the existing details for the shipment in the Back Office. To do that:
-1. In the **List of Orders** table, click **View** next to the order you want to edit the shipment of.
-2. In the **Merchant Order Items** section of the **Merchant Order Overview** page, click **Edit Shipment**. This takes you to the **Edit shipment for Order: _[Order ID]_** page.
-3. Update the main merchant shipment.
-4. Click **Save**.
-For reference information, on this page, see [Reference information: Creating a shipment for the main merchant order](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-main-merchant-orders.html#reference-information-creating-a-shipment-for-the-main-merchant-order).
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-title: Managing main merchant returns
-last_updated: Aug 09, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to manage main merchant returns in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-**My Returns** lets you manage the returns as follows:
-- Create a return for the customer.
-- Set the return states.
-- Print the return slip.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing the returns for the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html), navigate to **Sales > My Returns**.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Viewing returns for the main merchant
-To view details about a return, in the **Actions** column of the return, click **View**.
-This takes you to the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page, where you can view the return details, set the return statuses, and [print the return slip](#printing-a-main-merchant-return-slip).
-## Setting the main merchant return states
-To set and track the return statuses, you trigger the return states.
-To trigger the return states:
-1. On the **Returns** page, click **View** in the **Actions** column. This takes you to the **Return Overview _[Return reference]_**.
-2. In the **Trigger all matching state section** of the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page, click the necessary state. The return state changes, and the new states that you can trigger appear. For information about the return item states and the flow, see Main merchant return item states.
-The triggered return states are reflected in the Customer Account on the Storefront, informing customers about the statuses of their returns.
-**Tips and tricks**
-To trigger the return states for all the items in the return, click the states at the **Trigger all matching states** field. To trigger the return states for individual items of the return, trigger the states in the **Trigger event** column for the necessary items.
-### Reference information: Setting the main merchant return states
-This section holds reference information related to setting the marketplace return states.
-#### My Returns page
-On the **Returns** page, you see the following:
-- Return ID
-- Return reference
-- Marketplace order reference
-- Returned Products (number of the sales order items that were returned)
-- Return Date
-- State
-- Actions
-By default, the last created return goes on top of the table. However, you can sort and search the **List of Returns** table.
-All columns with headers having arrows in the **My Returns** table are sortable.
-##### Actions column
-All the return management options that you can invoke from the **Actions** column on the **My Returns** page are described in the following table.
-| --------- | ---------- |
-| View | Takes you to the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page. Here, you can find all the information about the chosen review. |
-| Print Slip | Takes you to the print version of the return slip. |
-#### Overview of Return: [Return Reference] page
-The following tables describe the attributes on the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page when you view a return.
-##### Returned items section
-The returned items section displays information about the returned items.
-| -------------------- | ----------- |
-| Product | List of all items included in the return. |
-| Quantity | Product quantity. |
-| Price | Product price. |
-| Total | Total amount paid for the item. |
-| State | Return state for the item. For more details, see [Main merchant return states](#main-merchant-return-item-states). |
-| Trigger event | List of the events to trigger for the return. |
-| Trigger all matching states | States that you can trigger for all items in the return at once. |
-##### Total section
-The Total section displays the total amount of items to be returned.
-##### General information section
-| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| Order Reference | Reference number of the main merchant order. |
-| Marketplace order reference | Reference number of the marketplace order. |
-| Return Reference | Reference number of the return. |
-| Return Date | Date when the return was created. |
-| Returned Items | Number of items to be returned. |
-| State | State of the return. |
-##### Customer section
-| --------------- | -------------------- |
-| Customer reference | Reference of the customer. |
-| Name | Customer name. |
-| Email | Customer’s email address. |
-##### Main merchant return item states
-You can trigger the following states for the returns on the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page:
-| ----------------- | ----------------------- |
-| waiting for return | Initial status of the return. |
-| Execute return | Select this state when you want to perform the return. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *returned*. |
-| Refund | Select this state when you want to refund the returned item. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *refunded*. |
-| Cancel return | Select this state when you want to cancel the submitted return. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *return canceled*. |
-| Send return back to customer | Select this state when you shipped the returned item back to the customer. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *shipped to customer*. |
-| Deliver return | Select this state when the return was delivered to customer. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *delivered*. |
-## Printing a main merchant return slip
-For all returns, irrespective of their statuses, you can print the automatically generated [return slip](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html#marketplace-return-slip).
-To print the return slip, take one of the following steps:
-- In the **Actions** column on the **My Returns** page, click **Print slip**.
-- On the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page, click **Print Return Slip**.
-Any of these steps take you to the page with the print version of the return slip.
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-title: Managing marketplace returns
-last_updated: Aug 09, 2021
-description: This guide explains how to manage marketplace returns in the Back Office.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-After a [marketplace return](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html) has been created by a Back Office user or by a [shop user](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html#marketplace-return-management-on-the-storefront), it appears on the **Sales > Returns** page. On this page, you can manage the returns as follows:
-- Set the return states.
-- Print the return slip.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing the marketplace returns, navigate to **Sales* > Returns**.
-Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Setting the marketplace return states
-You can close the marketplace returns fulfilled by the merchant in the Merchant Portal.
-To set and track the return statuses, you trigger the return states.
-To trigger the return states:
-1. On the **Returns** page, in the **Actions** column, click **View**. This takes you to the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_**.
-2. In the **Trigger all matching state section** of the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page, click the necessary state. The return state changes, and the new states that you can trigger appear. For information about the return item states and the flow, see [Marketplace return item states](#marketplace-return-item-states).
- {% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The triggered return states are reflected in the Customer Account on the Storefront, informing customers about the statuses of their returns.
- {% endinfo_block %}
-**Tips and tricks**
To trigger the return states for all the items in the return, click the states at the **Trigger all matching states** field. To trigger the return states for individual items of the return, trigger the states in the **Trigger event** column for the necessary items.
-### Reference information: Setting the marketplace return states
-This section holds reference information related to setting the marketplace return states.
-#### List of Returns page
-On the **Returns** page, you see the following:
-- Return ID
-- Return reference
-- Order reference
-- Returned Products (number of the sales order items that were returned)
-- Return Date
-- State
-- Actions
-By default, the last created return goes on top of the table. However, you can sort and search the list of returns.
-All columns with headers having arrows in the **List of Returns** table are sortable.
-##### Actions column
-All the return management options that you can invoke from the **Actions** column on the **List of Returns** page are described in the following table.
-| --------- | ------------ |
-| View | Takes you to the *Overview of Return: [Return reference]* page. Here, you can find all the information about the chosen review. |
-| Print Slip | Takes you to the print version of the return slip. |
-#### Overview of Return: [Return Reference] page
-The following table describes the attributes on the **Overview of Return: _[Return reference]_** page when you view a return.
-##### Returned items section
-The returned items section displays information about the returned items.
-| --------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| Product | List of all items included in the return. |
-| Quantity | Product quantity. |
-| Price | Product price. |
-| Total | Total amount paid for the item. |
-| State | Return state for the item. |
-| Trigger event | List of the events to trigger for the return. |
-| Trigger all matching states | States that you can trigger for all items in the return at once. |
-##### Marketplace return item states
-You can trigger the following states for the returns on the **Overview of Returns [Return ID]** page:
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
-| close | Select this state when you want to close the completed return. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Closed*. |
-| Deliver return back to customer | Select this state when you shipped the returned item back to the customer. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Delivered*. |
-| Refund | Select this state if you have refunded the returned items. When triggering this state, the return status is changed to *Refunded***.** |
-##### Total section
-The **Total** section displays the total amount of items to be returned.
-##### General information section
-| --------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| Order Reference | Reference number of the order. |
-| Return Reference | Reference number of the return. |
-| Return Date | Date when the return was created. |
-| Returned Items | Number of items to be returned. |
-| State | State of the return. |
-##### Marketplace section
-| ---------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| Merchant Order References | Merchant order reference number. |
-| Merchant | Name of the merchant that sold the item. |
-##### Customer section
-| --------------- | ----------------------- |
-| Customer reference | Reference of the customer. |
-| Name | Customer name. |
-| Email | Customer’s email address. |
-## Printing a marketplace return slip
-For all returns, irrespective of their statuses, you can print the automatically generated [return slip](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-marketplace-returns.html#marketplace-return-item-states).
-To print the return slip:
-- In the **Actions** column on the **List of Returns** page, click **Print slip**.
-- On the **Return Overview _[Return reference]_** page, click **Print Return Slip**.
-This takes you to the page with the print version of the return slip.
-For reference information about **the List of Returns** and **Return Overview _[Return reference]_** pages, on this page, see [List of Returns](#list-of-returns-page) and [Overview [Return reference](#list-of-returns-page), respectively.
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-title: Features overview
-description: The feature guides provide details about features available in the Spryker Marketplace.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The Marketplace feature guides provide details about features available in the Spryker Marketplace. The feature guides highlight functional abilities, business values, and use-case examples of the features. This information might be useful for:
-- Business owners
-- Product owners
-- Anyone looking to learn more about the Spryker features or add new functionality to a Spryker-based project
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-cart-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-cart-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Cart feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Cart Notes feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
- - docs/marketplace/user/features/page.version/marketplace-cart-notes-feature-overview.html
-The *Marketplace Cart* feature lets you include a "Notes" field on the cart page. Buyers can add notes to a particular item or the whole cart, for example, some special instructions about preparing and delivering an order.
-Cart and item notes on the Storefront:
-![Marketplace Cart Notes on the Storefront](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Cart+Notes/mp-cart-notes-on-the-storefront.png)
-Item notes in the Merchant Portal:
-![Items notes in the Merchant Portal](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Cart+Notes/mp-item-notes-merchant-portal.png)
-The Marketplace administrator can see the special request in the [order details section of the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-main-merchant-orders.html#merchant-order-overview-page):
-![Cart Notes in Back Office](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Shopping+Cart/Cart+Notes/cart-notes-admin.png)
-## Current constraints
-In a situation where the same product variants are added to the cart with different notes, the variants get merged with the same note.
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Cart feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-cart-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Marketplace Inventory Management feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Products feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The *Marketplace Inventory Management* feature enables maintaining stock and availability of merchant products and product offers that are sold in the Marketplace.
-In the context of inventory management, the *warehouse* is the physical place where your products are stored, and stock is the number of products available in the warehouse.
-## Marketplace warehouse management
-When a merchant is created, the corresponding warehouse is created for this merchant. The warehouse name is composed of the following parts: `merchant name` + `merchant reference` + `warehouse` + `index` (starting with 1, 2).
-{% info_block infoBox "Example" %}
-"Spryker MER000001 Warehouse 1" where `Spryker` is the merchant name, `MER000001` is a merchant reference, and the index is `1` as it is the first warehouse created.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-A warehouse can be assigned to a single store or shared between several stores. For details about how you can manage warehouses and stores in the Back Office, see [Managing warehouses](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/warehouses/managing-warehouses.html).
-## Marketplace stock management
-The stock for product offers is defined in the corresponding merchant warehouse. The stock does not reflect the actual availability of products, as not all the items available in stock are available for sale. For example, when there are pending orders with offers, these order items are *reserved*, so they are not available for ordering, even if they are physically on hand.
-Merchants can define product offer stock in the Merchant Portal. For details, see [Managing product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html).
-Also, you can do the following using the data import:
-* Manage stock of product offers for a merchant by importing the product offer and stock data separately: [File details: product_offer_stock.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-product-offer-stock.csv.html).
-* Define stock when importing the product offer data: [File details: combined_merchant_product_offer.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-combined-merchant-product-offer.csv.html).
-* Import merchant stock data: [File details: merchant_stock.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.html).
-* Import stock of merchant products: [File details: product_stock.csv](/docs/scos/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/data-import-categories/catalog-setup/stocks/file-details-product-stock.csv.html).
-## Marketplace availability management
-The difference between the current quantity of items in stock and the quantity of these items in the pending orders is called the *availability* of products.
-Product offer availability calculation differs from the calculation of concrete products availability:
-| --------------------- | ------------------------ |
-| Formula: Concrete product availability = Concrete product quantity - Concrete product reservations | Formula: Offer availability = Offer quantity - Offer reservations |
-Offer availability is considered on the Storefront:
-* On the product details page: While adding the offer to cart.
-* On the cart page: The product stays in the cart if the attached offer is not available anymore, and a hint is shown.
-* During the checkout: When clicking **Buy now**, the availability is rechecked.
-{% info_block infoBox "Example" %}
-Let's assume that a merchant has defined quantity 10 for product offer 1. A customer adds 8 items of the product offer 1 to cart and later updates the quantity to 12. In such a situation, the availability of the product offer 1 is checked, and the customer is notified to update the quantity of the product offer to the available number to proceed with the purchase.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Inventory Management feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-inventory-management-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Related Business User documents
-| --------------------------- | ----------------------- |
-| [Managing product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html) | |[Create warehouses](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/warehouses/create-warehouses.html) | [Edit warehouses](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/administration/warehouses/edit-warehouses.html) |
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-title: Main merchant concept
-description: This document contains concept information for the main merchant in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The Spryker Marketplace platform offers sales opportunities to everyone. To help support the [Enterprise Marketplace](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-concept.html) model, not only the 3rd party merchants but also the company owner of the Marketplace store can sell their products and offers online. We call this company the *main merchant*.
-Thus, the main merchant acts as a common [marketplace merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html) having all its characteristics.
-## Main merchant orders and returns
-Being both a [marketplace operator](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-personas.html) and a seller and already performing tasks in the Back Office, the main merchant manages their [merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) also in the Back Office. For details, see [Managing main merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html).
-## Main merchant state machine
-To manage merchant orders of the main merchant, the *main merchant state machine* exists. Out of the box, the main merchant state machine provides the following states:
-- Created
-- New
-- Canceled
-- Left the merchant location
-- Arrived at the distribution center
-- Shipped
-- Delivered
-- Closed
-The workflow of the main merchant state machine is schematically displayed in the following diagram:
-## Main merchant returns
-If the [Marketplace Return Management](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.html) feature is integrated into the project, the main merchant state machine obtains an additional return subprocess, and the flow looks like this:
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Merchant feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Merchants feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-A *merchant* is a seller of goods or services, either a business or a private person working in the Marketplace environment. Merchants manage their business in the *Merchant Portal*. The *Merchant Portal* lets merchants upload and manage merchant products and [offers](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html), define prices and stock, fulfill orders, and edit merchant profile information. Merchant can have employees who can access the Merchant Portal and perform actions on the merchant's behalf there. These employees are referred to as [*merchant users*](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html).
-Merchant is the core entity of the Spryker Marketplace and the second main entity after customers since the Marketplace connects the buying customers and the selling customers.
-Every merchant in the Spryker Marketplace has a unique identifier in the system called *Merchant SKU*.
-You can [create merchants in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#creating-merchants) or [import merchants](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant.csv.html).
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-After you create a merchant, you can not delete it completely. You can only [deactivate](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants) the merchant.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Merchant statuses
-The Marketplace administrator manages merchants and sets their statuses in the Back Office. Merchant statuses define the level of access of the specific merchant to:
-* The Merchant Portal:
- * *Waiting for approval*. Once the merchant record is created, this status is applied.
- * *Approved*. Once the record is approved, the merchant receives an email with the password information required to access the Merchant Portal. When the merchant is approved, merchant users can log in and create offers and products in the Merchant Portal.
- * *Denied*. A Marketplace administrator can deny access to the approved merchant. If denied, the merchant cannot log in to the Merchant Portal.
-* The merchant profile page, product offers and marketplace products on the Storefront:
- * *Active*. This status can be set only for the approved merchants. It indicates that the merchant's profile page is online, and the merchant can create offers and products. A merchant can also create offers and products and manage their sales activity.
- * *Inactive*. This status indicates that the merchant's profile page, products, and offers are offline. It is the default status for the created merchant. With this status, the merchant can not perform their selling online.
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Waiting For Approval | ✗ | N/A |
-| Approved | ✓ | N/A |
-| Denied | ✗ | N/A |
-| Active | N/A | ✓ |
-| Inactive | N/A | ✗ |
-For details about how to change the merchant statuses and activate or deactivate merchants in the Back Office, see [approving and denying merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#approving-and-denying-merchants) and [activating and deactivating merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants).
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Whenever a merchant is denied, all the users (/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) of this merchant get deactivated. Upon re-approval, the merchant users must be manually activated one by one.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Schematically, the merchant status change flow looks like this:
-![Merchant status flow](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-status-flow.png)
-## Merchant category
-You can group merchants by categories to make your working process more efficient and simplify merchants' search for customers. For details, see [Merchant Category](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-category-feature-overview.html).
-## Merchants on the Storefront
-### Merchant profile
-On the Storefront, customers can check the relevant merchant information on the **Merchant Profile** page.
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-The merchant profile page is available only if the merchant is [Active](#merchant-statuses).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-The information for a merchant profile can be defined:
-* By the Marketplace administrator in the Back Office when [creating merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#creating-merchants) or [editing merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#editing-merchants).
-* By importing the merchant profile data. For more information, see [File details: merchant_profile.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-profile.csv.html) and [File details: merchant_profile_address.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-profile-address.csv.html).
-* By the merchant in the Merchant Portal:
-![Merchant profile page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-profile-page.png)
-![Viewing merchant profile](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/view-merchant-profile.gif)
-### Merchant opening hours
-To make the selling activity efficient, merchants can provide their working schedule that will display to buyers on the Storefront. For details, see [Merchant Opening Hours feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/merchant-opening-hours-feature-overview.html).
-### Merchant links on the Storefront pages
-Marketplace Storefront lets buyers check what merchants are the owners of the offers and products the customers are buying. The respective merchant names with the link to the merchant profile page are available:
-* On the product detail page
-![Merchant link on the PDP](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-link-on-pdp.png)
-* On the cart page
-![Merchant link on the cart page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-link-on-the-cart-page.png)
-* On the summary checkout page
-![Merchant link on the summary checkout page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-link-on-summary-page.png)
-* On the order details page
-![Merchant link on the order details page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-link-on-order-details.png)
-### Searching and filtering by merchant name
-In the Spryker Marketplace, you can search for the products sold by a specific merchant by entering the merchant name in the search field. The search results contain the marketplace products and/or the abstract products the merchant product offers are related to. The search suggestions and the auto-completion functionality provide the marketplace products and offers by the merchant name.
-![Search by merchant name](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/search-by-merchant-name.gif)
-In the catalog and search results pages, there is the merchant multi-select filter. This filter lets shoppers see only the products with the product offers belonging to the selected merchant. For more details about filters available in the Spryker Commerce O, see [Standard Filters](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/search-feature-overview/standard-filters-overview.html) documentation.
-![Merchant search filter](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Merchants/Merchants+feature+overview/merchant-filter.gif)
-If the merchant is not active, their products and offers are not displayed in the search suggestions, search results, and the merchant filter.
-## Next steps
-Learn about [merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html)
-## Related Business User documents
-|[Merchant users overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) | [Editing merchant's profile details](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/profile/editing-merchants-profile-details.html) |[Managing merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html)|
-|[Main merchant concept](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html)| | [Managing merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html)|
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Merchant feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Merchant users overview
-description: This document contains concept information for The Merchant users feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The merchant concept presupposes having employees with access to the Merchant Portal that will perform various actions on behalf of the merchants. To enable that, the *merchant user* entity is introduced.
-From the technical point of view, Merchant Portal is a subset of modules in Zed functioning separately from the Back Office application. As in the Back Office, there are users performing different types of actions (they are further on called *Back Office users*); the Merchant Portal has merchant users that function similarly within a merchant account.
-{% info_block infoBox "Example" %}
-For example, there can be a person responsible only for creating and managing product offers; the other person takes care of shipping merchant orders to their buyers. It means that two merchant users need to be created for these purposes.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To add merchant users for a merchant, the merchant must be created first. When the merchant record exists, a Marketplace administrator can set up one or several merchant users to manage the merchant account.
-The merchant users concept follows certain rules:
-* Every merchant user has a unique email address in the system.
-* A merchant user belongs to one merchant, and the same merchant user can't be assigned to two or more merchants.
-## Merchant user statuses
-The following table explains all the statuses that may apply to a merchant user.
-| --- | --- |
-| Active | When the merchant user has the `Active` status, it means that the merchant is approved, the merchant user account is activated, the email with reset password instructions has been sent, and the merchant user has access to the Merchant Portal. |
-| Deactivated | Access to the Merchant Portal is revoked for a deactivated merchant user. A merchant user can be deactivated when:- A merchant or Marketplace administrator deactivates the merchant user.
- The merchant to whom the merchant user belongs has been [denied](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses).
-| Deleted | Access to the Merchant Portal is revoked for the deleted merchant user. In the current implementation, both statuses `Deactivated` and `Deleted` have the same functionality—they restrict access to the Merchant Portal. However, this can be changed and adapted on the project level. |
-## Merchant user access
-Both merchant and typical Back Office users have a common entry point, but the login URLs to the Back Office and Merchant Portal are different. The exemplary login link to the Merchant Portal is `https://os.de.marketplace.demo-spryker.com/security-merchant-portal-gui/login`.
-To log in to the Merchant Portal, both a merchant and merchant user need to be activated in the Back Office.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-If a merchant is [denied](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-statuses), all their merchant users get deactivated automatically. If the merchant is re-approved again, their merchant users need to be re-activated one by one manually.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Upon entering the Merchant Portal, a separate area with a different navigation menu is displayed to a merchant user.
-Merchant users have access only to the information related to their organization through the Merchant Portal application (profile, products, offers, orders); that is, merchant users have their own area and do not access the Back Office.
-## Merchant user workflow
-1. A Marketplace administrator creates a merchant and approves it.
-2. When the merchant is approved, corresponding merchant users can be created in **Back Office > Merchant > Users**.
-3. After the merchant user is created, they need to be [activated](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html#activating-and-deactivating-the-merchant-users) to log in to the Merchant Portal.
-4. The "Reset Password" email is sent to the activated merchant user.
-5. After the password is reset, the merchant user can log in to the Merchant Portal.
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-merchant-portal-product-offer-management-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-merchant-portal-product-offer-management-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Merchant Portal Product Offer Management feature overview
-description: This document describes product offer management in the Merchant Portal.
-template: concept-topic-template
-In a marketplace environment, merchants manage [product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-feature-overview.html) in the Merchant Portal.
-## Managing product offers
-Merchants create product offers based on the products that exist in the marketplace. When creating an offer, they can see full information about products, including the number of existing offers for each of them.
-One merchant can create multiple offers for the same product. When creating product offers, the number of product offers for a product includes their own existing product offers.
-Merchants define the following settings when creating product offers:
-| Status| Active or Inactive. |
-| Merchnat SKU | Unique identifier of the offer in the merchants' system. |
-| Stores| Spryker Marketplace is a multi-store environment, and merchants can define which stores to display their offers in. |
-|Stock | Offer's own stock that's not dependent on the respective product's stock. |
-|Prices | Product offers support all types of Spryker Commerce OS prices: [volume](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html), [default and original](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/prices-feature-overview.html). |
-| Validity dates | Defines the period when an offer is displayed on the Storefront. Even if the respective product is no longer available, the offer can still be displayed. |
-## Related Business User documents
-| [Managing product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html) |[Managing merchant product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.html)|
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Merchant Portal Product Offer Management feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-portal-product-offer-management-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Marketplace and merchant state machines interaction
-description: This document contains details about how the Marketplace and merchant state machines interact with each other in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-When viewed independently of each other, the Marketplace and Merchant State Machines workflows look like this:
-Marketplace State Machine workflow:
-![Marketplace state machine workflow](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/f0eb1f48-ae89-47ca-8f48-42e37c63f4ba.png)
-Merchant State Machine workflow:
-![Merchant state machine workflow](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/b938441d-1a4a-4fe3-903d-580965b1bfea.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-In this article, we'll look into the process of how Marketplace and merchant state machines interfere and check what statuses are displayed in the Back Office to a Marketplace administrator, in the Merchant Portal to a merchant, and on the Storefront to a buyer.
-## Order item’s status progress: New
-The process starts when a customer places an order. The Marketplace order obtains state *New*.
-![State: New](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/630bbd7b-66ee-475f-9d79-50a258b994b2.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------------------ | -------------- | ------------------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | New |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | N/A |
-| Customer | Storefront | Confirmed / Accepted |
-## Order item’s status progress: Paid
-Once the Marketplace administrator receives the payment, the state of the marketplace order item becomes *Paid*. The event could be triggered automatically when the payment was made in the marketplace system, or the payment confirmation is uploaded with data importers or manually in other circumstances.
-![Order item’s status progress: Paid](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/98582508-84a7-4fc5-ad6e-73ace5772daa.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------------------ | -------------- | ---------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Paid |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | N/A |
-| Customer | Storefront | In Progress |
-## Order item’s status progress: Canceled
-After the payment has been made, the customer can still cancel the order during the period outlined by the Marketplace policies. The Marketplace provides the customer with a button on the Storefront to carry out that action. When the customer cancels the order, the state of the marketplace order item becomes *Canceled*.
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-The Marketplace administrator can also cancel the order under exceptional circumstances.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-![Order item’s status progress: Canceled](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/d6ceb379-7990-4bf1-b2d4-a46a80230d58.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------------------ | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Canceled |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | N/A |
-| Customer | Storefront | Canceled |
-## Order item’s status progress: Refunded
-When the order is canceled after the payment has been made, the Marketplace administrator has to refund the payment for the canceled order to the customer in full or partially. Once the refund has been made, the state of the Marketplace order item becomes *Refunded*. After issuing the refund, the Marketplace policies set time to elapse before the state of the order is automatically transferred to *Closed*.
-![Order item’s status progress: Refunded](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/fafabe65-1339-48d7-88b3-b83bf54ccf09.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------------------ | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Refunded |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | N/A |
-| Customer | Storefront | Refunded |
-## Order item’s status progress: Sent to Merchant
-When the system has payment confirmation, it performs the operations to split the marketplace order into one or several merchant orders. The state of the marketplace order item becomes *Sent to Merchant*. The merchant orders are created, and each of the items that they contain shows a state according to each Merchant’s state machine. The first state is *New*.
-![Order item’s status progress: Sent to Merchant](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Order+Management/sent-to-merchant.png)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ----------------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Sent to Merchant |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | New |
-| Customer | Storefront | In Progress |
-## Order item’s status progress: Canceled by Merchant
-Merchant can cancel the order for various reasons. The state of the merchant order item, in this case, will change to *Canceled by Merchant*. The Marketplace administrator also sees the updated state in the Back Office.
-![Order item’s status progress: Canceled by Merchant](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/c141bb84-9abe-48c7-8ca4-5ea508435480.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ----------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Canceled |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | Canceled by Merchant|
-| Customer | Storefront | Canceled |
-## Order item’s status progress: Shipped by Merchant
-The merchant ships the item to the customer's address. To input this information on Merchant Portal, the merchant triggers the event manually (the **Shipped** action button) or by importing of the new state via a CSV file. The item’s state on the merchant state machine moves to *Shipped*. The Marketplace administrator also needs to make use of this info. They need to see that the item was also shipped in the Marketplace state machine.
-![Order Item’s Status Progress: Shipped by Merchant](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/6cea2d2f-1797-47ba-8a99-938aef05fc90.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Shipped by Merchant |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | Shipped |
-| Customer | Storefront | Shipped Expected by \ |
-## Order item’s status progress: Delivered
-After the shipment, the merchant tracks the delivery with the shipment carrier. When the item is delivered, the carrier notifies the merchant. The merchant triggers the *Deliver* event manually (**Delivered** action button) or automatically by uploading a CSV with the new state to the Merchant Portal. The Marketplace administrator also needs to be aware of this information. The state is also updated on the Marketplace state machine.
-![Order item’s status progress: Delivered](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/04b08764-f5c4-4de7-9725-b12557e2ea61.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| ------------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Delivered |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | Delivered |
-| Customer | Storefront | Delivered on \ |
-## Order item’s status progress: Closed
-Marketplace applies a series of policies that let customers return items during a given period of time. When that period expires, the marketplace order item gets the *Closed* state. The Merchant administrator must also be aware of that expiration, and the state closed is also used on the Merchant state machine for the item.
-![Order item’s status progress: Closed](https://confluence-connect.gliffy.net/embed/image/d4583bab-dda6-4ecc-bd92-94388f5e8710.png?utm_medium=live&utm_source=custom)
-The following table provides an overview of the statuses that are displayed at this step:
-| --------- | ------------- | --------------- |
-| Marketplace administrator | Back Office | Delivered |
-| Merchant | Merchant Portal | Delivered |
-| Customer | Storefront | Delivered on \ |
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-title: Marketplace and merchant state machines overview
-description: This document contains concept information about the Marketplace and merchant state machines in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The basic concept of state machines allows creating a patterned behavior and automation for complicated processes defined by the business, for example, order processes.
-With the help of the state machine, a business owner can coordinate the process of changing the statuses of orders and order items according to the business logic.
-To provide the algorithm of dealing with orders for Marketplace administrators and merchants simultaneously, there are multiple state machine templates. These templates help the Marketplace owners to make the order management process flexible and corresponding to the business logic. As the process of managing marketplace orders is different from that of managing the merchant orders, there are two separate state machine engine templates: *Marketplace state machine* and *Merchant state machine*.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-You can set up as many state machines as you need and let your Marketplace administrator decide which state machine to use for specific payment methods or countries and stores with different processes. You can also set up different merchant state machines to apply to different merchants according to their processes.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-![Marketplace and merchant state machines](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+order+management/Marketplace+and+merchant+state+machines+overview/Marketplace-Merchant+state+machine+schema.png)
-## Marketplace state machine
-The Marketplace can have one or several state machines assigned to the marketplace orders. Marketplace State Machine processes marketplace order items.
-Our exemplary Marketplace state machine provides the following states:
-* New
-* Paid
-* Canceled
-* Refunded
-* Sent to Merchant
-* Shipped by Merchant
-* Delivered
-* Closed
-To learn more about states, see [State Machine Fundamentals](/docs/scos/dev/best-practices/state-machine-cookbook/state-machine-cookbook-state-machine-fundamentals.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-You can set up the states according to your business requirements.
-The status of the Marketplace order is an aggregated state of the Marketplace order items.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Marketplace state machine flow
-![Merchant state machine](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+and+Merchant+State+Machines+feature+overview/marketplace-state-machine.png)
-### Marketplace state machine in the Back Office
-Marketplace administrators manage the orders in the Back Office. For details, see [Managing marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html). In the Back Office, the Marketplace administrators can change the state of the marketplace order by triggering the states. However, they can do that only if there are manually executable events related to the marketplace order items. Triggering the states executes the corresponding event and moves the marketplace order item to the next state. There can be multiple triggering buttons corresponding to several items in the marketplace order. When you click one of those buttons, only the items with such a manually executable event execute it. The rest stay in the same state and need their trigger to be performed to move to the next state.
-If there are no manually executable events applicable to any of the items, there is no button to click in the Back Office interface. In this case, the action is performed automatically.
-## Merchant state machine
-The Marketplace administrator can define one or several state machines for merchants:
-* One as the default, which applies automatically to merchant order items in every merchant order.
-* Another state machine for a specific merchant.
-Merchant state machine processes merchant order items and works in parallel with the Marketplace state machine.
-The status of the merchant order is aggregated from the merchant order item statuses. The merchant order status gets properly updated when the state of the items changes.
-Our exemplary merchant state machine provides the following states:
-1. New
-2. Canceled by merchant
-3. Shipped
-4. Delivered
-5. Closed
-Merchant state machine flow
-![Merchant state machine](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+and+Merchant+State+Machines+feature+overview/merchant-state-machine.png)
-## Next steps
-[Learn how the marketplace and merchant state machines interact with each other](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-interaction.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Order Management feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace order feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-When a customer places an order on the Marketplace, the *Marketplace order* is created in the system. Compared to a regular order in Spryker Commerce OS, the Marketplace order contains information about merchants and one or several [merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html). Thus, the Marketplace order represents a list of items a customer has bought from one or multiple merchants in a single order.
-![Marketplace order](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/marketplace-order.png)
-Each Marketplace order has a set of properties such as order number, order summary, payment information, date, state, shipping methods, and others.
-For example, let’s consider the case when a customer purchased four items from three different merchants in one order.
-From the customer perspective, the Marketplace order is a single order with products from one or multiple merchants:
-![Marketplace order structure](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+order+management/Marketplace+Order+Management+feature+overview/Marketplace+Order+schema.png)
-The items in the Marketplace order are grouped by merchant and split into different shipments automatically by default. However, you can change this behavior on the project level according to your business requirements. During the checkout, customers can check how many shipments to expect and select different delivery addresses or methods based on their items. To learn more about multiple shipments, see the [Split Delivery feature overview](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/order-management-feature-overview/split-delivery-overview.html).
-As the Marketplace order contains details about offers and products a customer has bought from multiple merchants, the Marketplace order list with the related information is only available to the Marketplace administrator in the Back Office. See [Managing marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html) for details about how Marketplace administrators can manage Marketplace orders in the Back Office. Each [merchant order](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) can be accessed and managed by the relevant merchant in the Merchant Portal.See [Managing merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html) for details about how merchants can manage their orders in the Merchant Portal.
-![Merchant order in the Merchant Portal](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/merchant-order-in-merchant-portal.png)
-## Marketplace and merchant order states machines
-You can coordinate the Marketplace and merchant orders processing by triggering the state machine events.
-For details about the Marketplace and merchant order state machines, see [Marketplace and merchant state machines](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}//marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-For details about how the two state machines interact, see [Marketplace and merchant state machine interactions](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-interaction.html).
-## Marketplace order calculation
-By default, calculations for the Marketplace order items are performed using the item price (product offer price or the price inherited from the concrete or abstract product), their totals, subtotal aggregation, and tax information.
-The Marketplace order contains all the [totals from the Merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) and is defined by the following formula:
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Marketplace Sales Order Total = ∑ Merchant Order Totals + ∑ Marketplace Sales Order Expense Totals.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-At the same time, each Marketplace Order Total includes the sum of the respective Merchant Order Totals, for example:
-* Marketplace Sales Order Subtotal = Merchant Order Subtotal 1 + Merchant Order Subtotal 2 + Merchant Order Subtotal n.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Discount Total = ∑ Discount Totals included in all Merchant Orders. Check [Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-overview.html) to learn how the discounts are calculated.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Tax Total= ∑ Merchant Order Tax Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Grand Total = ∑ Merchant Order Grand Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Refund Total = ∑ Merchant Order Refund Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Canceled Total = ∑ Merchant Order Canceled Totals.
-The sum of Merchant Order Expense Totals may not equal the Marketplace Sales Order Expense Total, as the Marketplace order itself may have additional expenses or fees that do not relate to Merchant orders.
-![Marketplace order calculation](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/marketplace-order-calculation.png)
-### Rounding
-Rounding rules for a regular SCOS sales order also apply to the Marketplace order. The rules imply:
-* The rounding is performed on the third decimal number.
-* If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: The number 325.78721 will be rounded to 325.79.
-* If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: The number 62.5347 will be rounded to 62.53.
-{% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
-In some cases, due to rounding, the amounts of Marketplace order totals can differ from the amounts of the Merchant order totals in a matter of a cent or less. You can modify the behavior by changing the rounding algorithms on the project level.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Next steps
-* [Learn about the merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html)
-* [Learn about the Marketplace and merchant state machines](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html)
-## Related Business User documents
-|[Merchant order overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) |[Managing merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html) | [Managing main merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-main-merchant-orders.html)|
-|[Marketplace and merchant state machines overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html) | | |
-|[Marketplace and merchant state machines interaction](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-interaction.html) | | |
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Order Management feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Order Management feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace order feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-When a customer places an order on the Marketplace, the *Marketplace order* is created in the system. The Marketplace order, in comparison to a regular order in Spryker Commerce OS, contains information about merchants and one or several [merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html). Thus, the Marketplace order represents a list of items a customer has bought from one or multiple merchants in a single order.
-![Marketplace order](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/marketplace-order.png)
-Each Marketplace order has a set of properties such as order number, order summary, payment information, date, state, shipping methods, and others.
-For example, let’s consider the case when a customer purchased 4 items from 3 different merchants in 1 order.
-From the customer perspective, the Marketplace order is a single order with products from one or multiple merchants:
-![Marketplace order structure](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+order+management/Marketplace+Order+Management+feature+overview/Marketplace+Order+schema.png)
-The items in the Marketplace order are grouped by merchant and split into different shipments automatically by default. However, you can change this behavior on the project level according to your business requirements. During the checkout, customers can check how many shipments to expect and select different delivery addresses or methods based on their items. To learn more about multiple shipments, the see [Split Delivery feature overview](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/order-management-feature-overview/split-delivery-overview.html).
-As the Marketplace order contains details about offers and products a customer has bought from multiple merchants, the Marketplace order list with the related information is only available to the Marketplace administrator in the Back Office. Each [merchant order](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) can be accessed and managed by the relevant merchant in the Merchant Portal.
-![Merchant order in the Merchant Portal](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/merchant-order-in-merchant-portal.png)
-## Marketplace and merchant order states machines
-You can coordinate the Marketplace and merchant orders processing by triggering the state machine events.
-For details about the Marketplace and merchant order state machines, see [Marketplace and merchant state machines](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}//marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html).
-For details about how the two state machines interact with each other, see [Marketplace and merchant state machine interactions](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-interaction.html).
-## Marketplace order calculation
-By default, calculations for the Marketplace order items are performed using the item price (product offer price or the price inherited from the concrete or abstract product), their totals, subtotal aggregation, and tax information.
-The Marketplace order contains all the [totals from the Merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) and is defined by the following formula:
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Marketplace Sales Order Total = ∑ Merchant Order Totals + ∑ Marketplace Sales Order Expense Totals
-{% endinfo_block %}
-At the same time, each Marketplace Order Total includes the sum of the respective Merchant Order Totals, for example:
-* Marketplace Sales Order Subtotal = Merchant Order Subtotal 1 + Merchant Order Subtotal 2 + Merchant Order Subtotal n.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Discount Total = ∑ Discount Totals included in all Merchant Orders. Check [Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-overview.html) to learn how the discounts are calculated.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Tax Total= ∑ Merchant Order Tax Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Grand Total = ∑ Merchant Order Grand Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Refund Total = ∑ Merchant Order Refund Totals.
-* Marketplace Sales Order Canceled Total = ∑ Merchant Order Canceled Totals.
-The sum of Merchant Order Expense Totals may not equal the Marketplace Sales Order Expense Total, as the Marketplace order itself may have additional expenses or fees that do not relate to Merchant orders.
-![Marketplace order calculation](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Marketplace+and+Merchant+orders/Marketplace+order+feature+overview/marketplace-order-calculation.png)
-### Rounding
-Rounding rules for a regular SCOS sales order also apply to the Marketplace order. The rules imply:
-* The rounding is performed on the third decimal number.
-* If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: The number 325.78721 will be rounded to 325.79.
-* If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: The number 62.5347 will be rounded to 62.53.
-{% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
-In some cases, due to rounding, the amounts of Marketplace order totals can differ from the amounts of the Merchant order totals in a matter of a cent or less. You can modify the behavior by changing the rounding algorithms on the project level.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Next steps
-* [Learn about the merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html)
-* [Learn about the Marketplace and merchant state machines](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html)
-## Related Business User documents
-|[Merchant order overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.html) |[Managing merchant orders](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html) | |
-|[Marketplace and merchant state machines overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html) | | |
-|[Marketplace and merchant state machines interaction](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-interaction.html) | | |
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Order Management feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-order-management-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/merchant-order-overview.md
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-title: Merchant order overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Merchant order feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-In the marketplace, when a buyer goes through checkout, the [Marketplace order](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview.html) is created. Such an order can contain offers and products from different merchants. The part of the order that belongs to a certain merchant is called *merchant order*. The merchant order created in the system after the Marketplace order has been placed. Thus, each merchant order contains at least one item from the Marketplace order.
-![Merchant order](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+order+management/Marketplace+Order+Management+feature+overview/Merchant+Order+overview/Merchant+Order+schema.png)
-## Merchant order calculation
-A merchant order consists of merchant order items, which are items (products) purchased by a customer. All the calculations for merchant order items are performed using the product offer, merchant products price, and *merchant order totals*. These are the [initial totals](/docs/scos/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/cart-feature-walkthrough/calculation-3-0.html) that are calculated according to the product offer purchased:
-| -------- | -------------- |
-| Canceled total | Amount to be returned in case the order was canceled. `Canceled total = Merchant Order grand total - Merchant Order expense total` |
-| Discount total | Total discount amount. |
-| Merchant Order grand total | Total amount the customer needs to pay after the discounts have been applied. |
-| Merchant Order expense total | Total expenses amount (for example, shipping). |
-| Merchant Order refund total | Total refundable amount. |
-| Merchant Order subtotal | Total amount before taxes and discounts. |
-| Merchant Order tax total | Total tax amount from the grand total. |
-| Marketplace Operator fees total | Total amount of fees paid to the Marketplace administrator. |
-The rounding logic for the calculations is the same as the one used for the Marketplace order. For details, see [Rounding in the Marketplace Order feature overview](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview.html#rounding).
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-product-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-product-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Product feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Products feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-In the Marketplace, products that a merchant owns are referred to as *marketplace products*. Besides creating offers for products of other merchants or the ones that the Marketplace administrator suggests, a merchant can also create their own unique products. These products possess the same characteristics the usual abstract and concrete products have, but in addition, every such product has merchant-related information such as merchant reference. Merchants can [create their products in the Merchant Portal](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.html) or [import the marketplace products data](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product.csv.html), or merchants manage stock and set prices for their products in the Merchant Portal. For details, see [Managing marketplace abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html).
-Merchants can let other merchants create offers for their unique products. This possibility is defined with the help of the `is_shared` parameter of the [marketplace product data importer](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product.csv.html).
-## Marketplace products on the Storefront
-The marketplace products are displayed on the Storefront when the following conditions are met:
-1. The product status is *Active*.
-2. The merchant who owns the product is [*Active*](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants).
-3. The product visibility state is *Online*.
-4. The product is defined for the current store.
-5. The product has stock or is always in stock.
-6. The current day is within the range of the product validity dates.
-### Marketplace product on the product details page
-Marketplace product appears on top of the **Sold by** list together with the product offers from other merchants. For a buyer, it doesn't matter whether they are buying a product offer or a marketplace product; however, in the system, different entities are defined.
-Product price on top of the product details page is taken from the marketplace product or the product offer. It depends on the option selected in the **Sold by** field.
-![marketplace product on PDP](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+product/merchant-product-on-pdp.png)
-The marketplace product is also displayed with the **Sold By** field defining the merchant on the following pages:
-- Cart page
-- Wishlist
-- Shipment page of the Checkout
-- Summary page of the Checkout
-- Order Details of the customer account
-![marketplace product on PDP](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+product/add-merchant-product-to-wl-and-from-wh-to-cart.gif)
-### Searching and filtering marketplace products
-When the merchant name is entered in the catalog search, not only the offers but also the products belonging to this merchant are displayed. By selecting a merchant name in the filter, products from this merchant are also displayed.
-![Search for marketplace products](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+product/search-for-products-by-name-and-sku.gif)
-## Marketplace products in the Back Office
-Before new marketplace products become visible on the Storefront, they must be [activated either by the merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html#activating-and-deactivating-a-concrete-product) in the Merchant Portal or [by the Marketplace administrator in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/managing-products/managing-products.html#activating-a-product).
-A Marketplace administrator can filter the products belonging to certain merchants in the Back Office.
-Also, Marketplace administrators can edit products, if needed, and create products when acting as the [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html).
-## Marketplace products in the Merchant Portal
-Merchants [create](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.html) and [manage their products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html) in the Merchant Portal. They can [define prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html), stock, and [attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html) for their products.
-## Related Business User documents
-| -------------------- | ----------------------- |
-| [Creating marketplace abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html) | |
-| [Creating marketplace concrete products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html) | [Editing abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.html) |
-| [Managing marketplace concrete products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html)| [Editing a product variant](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/products/abstract-products/editing-abstract-products.html) |
-| [Managing marketplace abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html) | |
-| [Managing marketplace abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html) | |
-| | |
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Products feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Marketplace Product Offer feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Product offers feature in the Spryker Commerce OS.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The *Product Offer* entity is created when multiple merchants need to sell the same product on the Marketplace.
-A product offer is created per concrete product and contains product-specific information, information about the merchant selling this product, and the offer price. Any concrete product can have one or many offers from different merchants. Therefore, a unique *product offer reference* is defined per each product offer and is used to identify the offer in the system. Offer reference is mandatory and can only be defined once.
-Merchants can [create product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html#creating-a-product-offer) in the Merchant Portal or [import the product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-offer.csv.html).
- Marketplace administrators can view and approve or deny merchants' product offers in the Back Office. For details, see [Managing merchant product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.html).
- Every merchant can have multiple offers for the same concrete product. However, a product offer is related to a single merchant and cannot be shared between other merchants:
-![Multiple product offers per product](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/product-offers-per-product.png)
-![Product offers on PDP](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/product-offers-on-pdp.png)
-{% info_block infoBox "Note" %}
-You can retrieve product offer details via Glue API. For details, see [Retrieving product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/product-offers/retrieving-product-offers.html) and [Retrieving product offers for a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/concrete-products/retrieving-product-offers-of-concrete-products.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Product offer structure
-To define the visibility of a product offer on the Storefront, the following details are attached to the product offer entity:
-| ------------------- | ----------------------------- |
-| Concrete product SKU | Defines the concrete product the offer is created for. |
-| Merchant SKU | Lets the merchant identify the product offer in the ERP system. |
-| Offer Reference | Unique ID that helps to identify the product offer in the Marketplace. Offer reference is mandatory. |
-| Store | Defines the store where the product offer is available. |
-| Price | Lets the merchant set their price for the offer. {% info_block infoBox "Info" %} You can also set [volume prices](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html) for a product offer. For now, you can only [import volume prices for product offers](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-price-product-offer.csv.html). {% endinfo_block %} |
-| Stock | Lets the merchant define stock for the product offer. The stock can be reserved and available. |
-| Status | Approval status: - Approval status (Waiting for approval, Approved, Denied).
- Visibility: Visibility (Active, Inactive).
-| Validity Dates | Specifies the period during which the product offer is visible on the Storefront. Concrete product validity dates have higher priority over the Offer validity dates. |
-## Product offer status
-Product offer status defines whether the offer is active and displayed on the Storefront. Based on this, the product offer may have offer approval status and visibility status.
-### Offer approval status
-* *Waiting for Approval*: Default status that is applied to the offer after it has been created.
-* *Approved*: The approved offer can be displayed on the Storefront. Only the Marketplace administrator can approve the offer. For details about how a Marketplace administrator can approve offers in the Back Office, see [Approving or denying offers](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.html#approving-or-denying-offers).
-* *Denied*: If the offer is denied, it cannot be displayed on the Storefront. Only the Marketplace administrator can deny the offer. For details about how a Marketplace administrator can deny offers in the Back Office, see [Approving or denying offers](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.html#approving-or-denying-offers).
-### Visibility
-* *Active*: When an offer is active, it is displayed on the Storefront. Either merchant or Marketplace administrator can make the offer active.
-* *Inactive*: When an offer is inactive, it is not displayed on the Storefront. Either merchant or Marketplace administrator can make the offer inactive.
-![Offer approval flow](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/offer-approval-flow.png)
-## Product offer price
-On the product detail page, a customer sees a list of product offers from one or several merchants. Each offer has its own price. This price is represented as the *product offer price* price dimension.
-The product offer prices support:
-* Mode (Net/Gross)
-* Volume
-* Store
-* Currency
-Product offer price follows the [concrete product price inheritance model](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/prices-feature-overview.html#price-inheritance). So if the Merchant doesn't set a price in the offer, it is taken from the concrete product. Otherwise, the product offer price has a higher priority and substitutes the concrete product price if it is indicated. If at least one price is defined for the offer (for example, original), it is valid for this offer even if the concrete product has a default price (sales price), but the offer does not. For details about price types, see [Price types](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/prices-feature-overview.html#price-inheritance).
-Merchants can define product offer prices in the Merchant Portal when they [create product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html#creating-a-product-offer) or [import product offer prices](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-price-product-offer.csv.html).
-## Product offer stores
-A merchant product offer is defined per store. Merchants set their own prices per store for the product offer.
-However, defining the right store for the product offer affects its visibility. When setting the stores for the product offer, merchants need to pay attention to the stores where their abstract products are available.
-The following table illustrates the logic according to which the product offer is displayed in the Storefront.
-| Characteristics | DE | AT | US |
-| ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
-| Store where the abstract product is added | ✓ | ✓ | x |
-| Store where the product offer is added | x | ✓ | ✓ |
-| Is product offer visible? | no | yes | no |
-Merchants can define product offer stores in the Merchant Portal when they create [product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html), or [import the product offer store](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-offer-store.csv.html).
-## Product offers on the Storefront
-Merchant product offer with all the related offer information is visible on the product detail page, and further on the shopping cart page and checkout pages when the following conditions are met:
-1. The merchant who owns the offer is [*Active*](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#activating-and-deactivating-merchants).
-2. The product offer status is:
- - Approved
- - Active
-3. The product offer is defined for the current store.
-4. The current store is defined for the provided offer.
-5. The current day is within the range of the product offer validity dates.
-The decision of whether the product offer can be purchased depends on the offer availability. But availability has no influence on offer visibility on the Storefront.
-### Product offers on the product details page
-All available product offers are listed in the *Sold by* area of the product details page. The offers are sorted by price from the lowest to the highest. An offer with the lowest price is selected by default if there are multiple offers for the product.
-![Product offers on product details page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/product-offers-on-pdp.gif)
-### Product offers in the shopping cart
-Offers from different merchants are added as separate cart items, each with its quantity. You can add a note to the offer on the cart page.
-A customer can review the merchant information by clicking the link in the *Sold By* hint.
-![Product offers in cart](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/add-offers-to-cart.gif)
-### Product offers during checkout
-During the checkout, offers from the same merchant are grouped for delivery so that the customer can always know how many shipments to expect and the merchants can smoothly fulfill the orders.
-![Product offers during checkout](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/product-offers-during-checkout.gif)
-### Product offers in the wishlist
-Customers can add product offers to a wishlist for future purchase. Merchant information is kept for the offer when it is added to a wishlist. Further, customers can add the offer from the wishlist to cart.
-![Product offers in wishlist](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Marketplace/Products+and+offers/Product+offer+feature+overview/add-product-offer-to-wl-and-from-wl-to-cart.gif)
-## Current constraints
-* B2B Merchant-specific prices do not work with product offer prices.
-* All cart-related B2B features (for example, Quick Order, RFQ, Approval Process) will be supported later.
-* Availability Notification is not supported.
-## Related Business User documents
-| [Managing product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/offers/managing-product-offers.html) |[Managing merchant product offers](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/offers/managing-merchant-product-offers.html)|
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Product Offer feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}//marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough/marketplace-product-offer-feature-walkthrough.html) and [Marketplace Product Offer Prices feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-offer-prices-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
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-title: Marketplace Product Options feature overview
-description: The Marketplace Product Options feature lets merchants and Marketplace administrators create product option groups.
-template: concept-topic-template
-With the *Marketplace Product Options* feature, merchants and Marketplace administrators can create *product options* for marketplace products.
-Product options are product additions that a customer can select on the product detail page before adding the product to the cart. For example, the product options can be gift wrappings for products, insurance, or warranty. Product options do not have stock but an SKU linked to product abstracts. Thus, you cannot purchase them without buying a corresponding product.
-Each product option is defined by the following:
-* Product option group name
-* Tax set assigned on the product option group
-* Option value
-* Translation
-A *product option group* holds all available options or *option values* that buyers select. For example, you can have the *Warranty* product option group and create *1-year warranty* and *2-year warranty* values for it.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Currently, you can create and manage general product options via the Back Office. However, you can only import merchant product options.
-* For details about how you can create product options in the Back Office, see [Creating a product option](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html).
-* For details about how you can manage the product options in the Back Office, see [Managing product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html).
-* For details about how you can import merchant product options, see [File details: merchant product option group](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-option-group.csv.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Marketplace product options approval statuses
-Product option groups created by merchants can have the following statuses:
-* *Waiting for approval*: The product option group was created by a merchant and waits for the Marketplace administrator's approval. This is the default status assigned to all Marketplace product options that do not have a different approval status set.
-* *Approved*: The product option group was approved by the Marketplace administrator. Merchants can use it for their products and offers, so if it is [active](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html#activating-a-product-option), the product option is displayed on the Storefront.
-* *Denied*: The Marketplace administrator rejected the product option, and merchants cannot use it for their products and offers. If they still use it, it will not be applied and will not be displayed on the Storefront.
-Currently, you can only import the Marketplace options approval statuses. For details, see [File details: merchant product option group](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-product-option-group.csv.html).
-## Marketplace product options in the Back Office
-In the Back Office, a Marketplace administrator can:
-* [create general product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html);
-* [manage general product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html);
-* [view product options for all or individual merchants](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/managing-product-options.html#filtering-product-options-by-merchants).
-## Marketplace product options on the Storefront
-On the product detail page, the product option group (1) is displayed as a drop-down list with its option values (2).
-![Product options on the Storefront](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+product+options/product-options-on-the-storefront.png)
-The merchant product option groups are displayed on the Storefront only when:
-* The product option group status is [active](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html#activating-a-product-option).
-* The product option group approval status is [approved](#marketplace-product-options-approval-statuses).
-After a merchant creates a product option group and assigns it to their products, the product option group is displayed for all the offers of the products, including offers of other merchants. For example, in the following image, the Video King merchant's offer is selected, but the Spryker merchant's product option group is still displayed:
-![Marketplace product options on the Storefront](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+product+options/merchant-prodcut-options-on-the-storefront.png)
-## Marketplace product options in the Merchant Portal
-In the Merchant Portal, the product options are displayed on the order details page as part of the order:
-## Current constraints
-Currently, the feature has the following functional constraints which are going to be resolved in the future:
-* Product option values of a product option group can be only from one merchant.
-* Product options of a merchant can be used with all offers from all merchants.
-* There is no Back Office UI for approving or denying merchant product options.
-* [Glue API](/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/glue-rest-api.html) does not support merchant product option groups and values.
-* Merchants can not create and manage product option groups and values in the Merchant Portal.
-## Related Business User documents
-| [Creating a product option](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html)
-| [Managing product options](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/catalog/product-options/creating-product-options.html)|
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Product Options feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-product-options-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-lust_udpated: Jul 17, 2023
- - title: Discount
- link: docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/page.version/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-walkthrough.html
-The *Marketplace Promotions and Discounts* feature ensures that discounts are applied to orders.
-There are two discount types:
-* Voucher
-* Cart rule
-A product catalog manager selects a discount type when [creating a discount](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
-In current implementation, it is impossible to create cart rules or vouchers based on any merchant parameters, such as merchant or product offer. However, it is still possible to create cart rules and vouchers for the marketplace products. See [Create discounts](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html) for more details.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Based on the business logic, discounts can be applied in the following ways:
-* The discount is applied to the whole Marketplace order. In such a scenario, the discount is distributed among all the merchant orders and calculated according to the total volume of each of the items.
-![Merchant discount 1](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Order+Management/mp-discount-1.png)
-* The discount is related to a single product item in the Marketplace order. In this case, the whole discount is assigned only to the merchant order that contains the discounted item.
-![Merchant discount 2](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Order+Management/mp-discount-2.png)
-## Voucher
-A *Voucher* is a discount that applies when a customer enters an active voucher code on the *Cart* page.
-![Cart voucher](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Promotions+and+Discounts+feature+overview/voucher-storefront.png)
-Once the customer clicks **Redeem code**, the page refreshes to show the discount name, discount value, and available actions: **Remove** and **Clear all**. The **Clear all** action disables all the applied discounts. The **Remove** action disables a single discount.
-![Cart voucher applied](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Promotions+and+Discounts+feature+overview/voucher-cart.png)
-Multiple voucher codes can be generated for a single voucher. The code has a **Max number of uses** value which defines how many times the code can be redeemed.
-You can enter codes manually or use the code generator in the Back Office.
-![Generate codes](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/generate_codes.png)
-To learn how a product catalog manager can create a voucher in the Back Office, see [Creating a voucher](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-## Cart Rule
-A *cart rule* is a discount that applies to cart once all the [decision rules](#decision-rule) linked to the cart rule are fulfilled.
-The cart rule is applied automatically. If the decision rules of a discount are fulfilled, the customer can see the discount upon entering the cart. Unlike with [vouchers](#voucher), the **Clear all** and **Remove** actions are not displayed.
-![Cart rule](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Promotions+and+Discounts+feature+overview/cart-rule-storefront.png)
-To learn how a product catalog manager can create a cart rule in the Back Office, see [Create discounts](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-### Decision rule
-A decision rule is a condition assigned to a discount that should be fulfilled for the discount to be applied.
-A discount can have one or more decision rules. Find an exemplary combination below:
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| total-quantity | equal | 3 |
-| day-of-week| equal | 5 |
-In this case, the discount is applied if the cart contains three items and the purchase is made on the fifth day of the week (Friday).
-Multiple decision rules form a query. A query is a request for information based on the defined parameters. In the Discount feature, a query requests information from a cart to check if it is eligible for the discount. By specifying decision rules, you define the parameters of the query.
-In the Back Office, a product catalog manager creates decision rules in a Query Builder. The decision rules created in the Query Builder are transformed into a single query.
-The decision rules from the previous example look as follows in the Query Builder:
-![Query builder](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/query-builder.png)
-A product catalog manager can enter the query manually as well.
-The same decision rules look as follows as a plain query:
-![Plain query](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/plain-query.png)
-You can switch between Query Builder and Plain query modes to see how the specified decision rules look in either of them.
-Decision rules are combined with *AND* and *OR* combination operators. With the AND operator, all the rules should be fulfilled for the discount to be applied. With the OR operator, at least one of them should be fulfilled for the discount to be applied.
-In the following example, for the discount to be applied, a cart should contain three items, and the purchase should be made on Wednesday.
-![AND operator](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/and-operator.png)
-In the following example, for the discount to be applied, a cart should contain three items, or the purchase should be made on Wednesday.
-![OR operator](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/or-operator.png)
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-When rules are combined by the OR operator, they do not exclude each other. If a cart fulfills both such rules, the discount is still applied.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-#### Decision rule group
-A rule group is a separate set of rules with its own combination operator.
-![Decision rule group](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+%26+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/decision-rule-group.png)
-With the rule groups, you can build multiple levels of rule hierarchy. When a cart is evaluated against the rules, it is evaluated on all the levels of the hierarchy. On each level, there can be both rules and rule groups.
-![Decision rule hierarchy](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+%26+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/decision-rule-hierarchy.png)
-When a cart is evaluated on a level that has a rule and a rule group, the rule group is treated as a single rule. The following diagram shows how a cart is evaluated against the rules on the previous screenshot.
-### Discount threshold
-A *threshold* is a minimum number of items in the cart that should fulfill all the specified decision rules for the discount to be applied.
-The default value is *1* . It means that a discount is applied if at least one item fulfills the discount's decision rules.
-In the following example, the discount is applied if there are four items with the Intel Core processor in the cart.
-## Discount application
-Discount application is a discount configuration option that defines the products to which a discount is applied.
-The Marketplace discounts are applied based on the query string.
-The *query string* is a discount application type that uses [decision rules](#decision-rule) to dynamically define what products a discount applies to.
-The discount in the following example applies to white products.
-![Query collection](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/collection-query.png)
-The product selection based on the query string is dynamic:
-* If at some point, the color attribute of a product changes from white to anything else, the product is no longer eligible to be discounted.
-* If at some point, a product receives the white color attribute, it becomes eligible for the discount.
-## Discount calculation
-Calculation defines the value to be deducted from a product's original price. There are two types of discount calculation:
-* Calculator percentage
-* Calculator fixed
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-With the calculator fixed type, the currency of the respective shop is used for calculation.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-See examples in the following table.
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| €50 | Calculator percentage | 10 | €5 | €45 |
-| €50 | Calculator fixed | 10 | €10 | €40 |
-A product catalog manager defines calculation when [creating a voucher](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html) or [Create discounts](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-![Discount calculation](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/discount_calculation.png)
-## Discount exclusiveness
-Discount exclusiveness defines if a discount value of a discount can be combined with the discount value of other discounts in a single order.
-A product catalog manager defines calculation when [creating a voucher](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html) or [Create discounts](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-![Exclusive discount](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/exclusivity.png)
-### Exclusive discount
-An exclusive discount is a discount that, when applied to a cart, discards all the other discounts applied to it. If a cart is eligible for multiple exclusive discounts, the highest-value discount is applied.
-In the following example, a cart with the order total amount of €100 contains the following discounts.
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| D1 | 15 | Calculator percentage | Exclusive | €15 |
-|D2|5| Calculator fixed | Exclusive | €5 |
-|D3|10| Calculator percentage | Non-exclusive | €10 |
-The discount exclusivity is resolved as follows:
-1. The discounts D1 and D2 are exclusive, so the non-exclusive discount D3 is discarded.
-2. The discount D1 provides more free value than the discount D2.
-3. As a result, the discount D1 is applied.
-### Non-exclusive discount
-A non-exclusive discount is a discount that can be combined with other non-exclusive discounts in a single order.
-In the following example, a cart with the order total amount of €30 contains the following discounts.
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| D1 | 15 | Calculator percentage | Non-exclusive | €15 |
-| D2 | 5 | Calculator fixed | Non-exclusive | €5 |
-| D3 | 10 |Calculator percentage | Non-exclusive | €10 |
-As all the discounts are non-exclusive, they are applied together.
-## Discount validity interval
-A *validity interval* is a time period during which a discount is active and can be applied.
-If a cart is eligible for a discount outside of its validity interval, the cart rule is not applied. If a customer enters a voucher code outside of its validity interval, they get a "Your voucher code is invalid." message.
-A product catalog manager defines calculation when [creating a discount](/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/merchandising/discount/create-discounts.html).
-![Validity interval](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Features/Promotions+&+Discounts/Discount/Discount+Feature+Overview/validity-interval.png)
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Promotions and Discounts feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-promotions-and-discounts-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-return-management-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Return Management feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Return Management feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-*Marketplace Return Management* feature lets you create and manage returns for a merchant order in a Spryker Marketplace Demo Shop.
-Once an order has been shipped, the registered buyer or a Back Office user can initiate a return of the whole marketplace order or its individual items. For information about what items can be returned, see [Returnable items and a return policy](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/return-management-feature-overview/return-management-feature-overview.html#returnable-items-and-a-return-policy). For information about how a Back Office user can create returns, see [Managing marketplace orders](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-You can also create and manage returns via Glue API. For details, see [Managing the returns](/docs/marketplace/dev/glue-api-guides/{{page.version}}/managing-the-returns.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Marketplace return items states
-The return items can have the following states in the Marketplace Order Management System (Marketplace OMS):
-* *Waiting for return*: a buyer created a return, but a merchant user has not confirmed it in the Merchant Portal yet.
-* *Returned*: the return has been received and confirmed by the merchant user.
-* *Refunded*: A merchant user has made a refund for the returned items.
-* *Return Canceled*: the return has been canceled by a merchant user because of the return policy or for any other reason.
-* *Shipped to customer*: the canceled return has been shipped back to the buyer.
-* *Delivered*: the buyer has received the shipped return.
-The relation of the sales order items statuses and the return states is as follows:
-## Marketplace return slip
-Buyers and Back Office users (Marketplace administrator and [main merchant](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/main-merchant-concept.html)) can have a paper version of the return by printing the automatically generated *return slip*. The return slip contains:
-* The return and marketplace sales order references.
-* Details about the returnable marketplace sales order items.
-* A barcode generated based on the return reference.
-## Marketplace Return Management on the Storefront
-The registered buyers can return entire orders or individual merchant order items as soon as they have been delivered to them. When returning, the buyers can select or enter a return reason.
-The guest users can not initiate returns of their orders, as the return management is done via the Customer Account on the Storefront. Returns of the guest orders can be initiated only via the Back Office by the Back Office user.
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-One return can include products only from one merchant.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Once a return request has been submitted, it acquires the *Waiting for return* state. The return states change as the merchant [processes the return](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html#creating-a-marketplace-return). For details about the return states, see [Return items states](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html#reference-information-creating-a-marketplace-return).
-All the returns created by the buyer or by the Back Office user for the buyer are listed on the *Returns* page in the *Customer Account*. From here, the buyer can view the return details and print the return slip.
-The following figure shows how to create a return, view its details, and print a slip:
-## Marketplace Return Management in the Back Office
-A Back Office user can create returns for the [returnable items](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/return-management-feature-overview/return-management-feature-overview.html#returnable-items-and-a-return-policy) from the order details page of the Back Office. For details, see [Back Office user guide: Managing orders](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/orders/managing-marketplace-orders.html). Also, a Back Office user can view returns, close fulfilled returns, print a return slip, and cancel returns.
-## Marketplace Return Management in the Merchant Portal
-Merchants process their returns in the Merchant Portal. For details about how to manage the merchant returns, see [Merchant Portal guide: Managing merchant orders ](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html).
-## Related Business User documents
-| --- | --- |
-| [Managing merchant returns](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/orders/managing-merchant-orders.html#managing-merchant-returns) | [Managing marketplace returns](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-marketplace-returns.html) |
-| | [Managing main merchant returns](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/sales/managing-main-merchant-returns.html) |
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Return Management feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-return-management-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-shipment-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-shipment-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Shipment feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Shipment feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-The *Marketplace Shipment* feature allows splitting the [marketplace order](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview.html) into different shipments based on merchants who will process them.
-A *shipment* is a set of two or more products combined by the same delivery address.
-With the Marketplace Shipment feature, every merchant can define delivery price and expected delivery time, tax sets, and availability of the delivery method per store. Thus, a [marketplace order](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-order-overview.html) has multiple delivery methods from different merchants.
-## Marketplace Shipment on the Storefront
-In the *Address* checkout step, buyers can define a common delivery address where all the shipments are to be delivered.
-Then, in the *Shipment* checkout step, buyers can see that the products are grouped by a merchant into different shipments by default. For each shipment, they can select a shipping method and a delivery date (optional).
-Alternatively, buyers can use the **Deliver to multiple addresses** drop-down option to assign a delivery address per cart item. By doing that, even items from the same merchant have separate shipments.
-## Marketplace Shipment in the Back Office
-In the Back Office, the shipments are displayed in the **Order Items** section on the **View Order: _[Order ID]_** page. A Marketplace administrator can view them.
-## Marketplace Shipment in the Merchant Portal
-On the **Order _[Order ID]_** drawer, every merchant can view only the shipment of their product offers and products.
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Shipment](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-shipment-feature-walkthrough.html) feature walkthrough for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-wishlist-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/marketplace-wishlist-feature-overview.md
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-title: Marketplace Wishlist feature overview
-description: This document contains concept information for the Marketplace Wishlist feature.
-template: concept-topic-template
-Wishlists are collections of products that a customer saves for further reference.
-The *Marketplace Wishlist* feature lets customers add product offers and merchant products to a wishlist in the Marketplace Storefront. This way, customers save time without having to browse favorite items all over the marketplace shop.
-![Adding products and offers to wishlist](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Wishlist/add-products-and-offers-to-wishlist.gif)
-Merchant information is displayed in the *Sold by* field so that a customer can always know which merchant is the owner of the product.
-Once the customer decides to buy a product, they can add it to cart directly from the wishlist.
-![Adding merchant product offer from wishlist to cart](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Features/Marketplace+Wishlist/add-merchant-product-offer-from-wishlist-to-cart.gif)
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Marketplace Wishlist feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/marketplace-wishlist-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/merchant-category-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/merchant-category-feature-overview.md
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-title: Merchant Category feature overview
-last_updated: Apr 23, 2021
-description: Merchant categories help you easily find relevant merchants.
-template: concept-topic-template
-As the Marketplace environment presupposes having a lot of sellers—merchants, classification and categorization of merchants arise at some point. For this purpose, the Merchant Category entity exists. By defining merchant categories for merchants, you add flexibility to the working process and let customers implement different business logic on your project.
-For shoppers, it's convenient to find the necessary and relevant merchants and their products according to certain merchant categories.
-To create merchant categories, you should import them. For details, see [File details: merchant_category.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-category.csv.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Merchant Category feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/merchant-category-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/merchant-opening-hours-feature-overview.md b/docs/marketplace/user/features/202108.0/merchant-opening-hours-feature-overview.md
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-title: Merchant Opening Hours feature overview
-last_updated: Jul 27, 2021
-description: The Merchant Opening Hours feature lets you define opening hours for a merchant.
-template: concept-topic-template
-To provide maximum selling activity, merchants can provide their working schedule, by defining the opening hours on weekdays, holidays and exceptional cases.
-A merchant has the following:
-* Default opening hours—defined per weekday and time including:
- * Lunch break time
- * Open/Closed state
-* Special opening hours are relevant for cases:
- * Merchant is opened on a usually closed day—for example, Sunday.
- * Merchant has different opening hours in comparison to a normal schedule—for example, December 31th has shorter opening hours.
-* Public holidays—special days when the Merchant is not available due to the public holidays
-To display merchant opening hours on the Storefront, you should import the open hours information. For information about how to do that, see [File details: merchant_open_hours_date_schedule.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-open-hours-date-schedule.csv.html) and [File details: merchant_open_hours_week_day_schedule.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{page.version}}/file-details-merchant-open-hours-week-day-schedule.csv.html).
-{% info_block warningBox "Developer guides" %}
-Are you a developer? See [Merchant Opening Hours feature walkthrough](/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/{{page.version}}/merchant-opening-hours-feature-walkthrough.html) for developers.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/dashboard/managing-merchants-performance-data.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/dashboard/managing-merchants-performance-data.md
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-title: Managing merchant's performance data
-last_updated: Nov 13, 2020
-description: This document describes what information you can check in Dashboard of the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes what information you can check in the dashboard of the Merchant Portal.
-*Dashboard* is a hub for merchants' important business and performance data. It lets merchants monitor their own store inside the Marketplace by having a snapshot view of the most crucial information.
-**Dashboard** is the first page a merchant sees after logging into the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with the dashboard, navigate to **Merchant Portal > Dashboard**.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Managing offers in Dashboard
-To manage the existing offers in the system, click **Manage Offer**. This takes you to the **Offers** page of the Merchant Portal.
-To create a new offer, click **Add Offer**. For more detailed instructions on how to create a new offer in the Merchant Portal, see creating a product offer
-### Reference information: Managing offers in Dashboard
-This section contains the attributes description you see when managing offers in **Dashboard**.
-#### Offers widget
-The **Offers** widget provides the following information:
-`Offers 4`—the total number of offers in the Merchant Portal.
-#### Stock
-With Stock—the total number of offers with stock.
-Low on Stock—the total number of offers that have less than 5 in the stock.
-#### Validity
-Valid—the total number of valid offers, that is, offers that have no validity dates or **Valid From & Valid To** includes today's date.
-Expiring in 5 days—the total number of offers that will expire in the next 5 days.
-#### Visibility
-Online—the total number of online offers.
-Offline—the total number of offline offers.
-#### On Marketplace
-The total number of offers that are available on the Storefront, that is, all of the orders that meet the following criteria:
-* Have no validity dates or **Valid From & Valid To** includes today's date.
-* Are online.
-* Have stock.
-## Managing orders in Dashboard
-To manage orders, click **Manage Orders**. The **Orders** page of the Merchant Portal opens.
-### Reference information: Managing orders in Dashboard
-This section contains the attributes description you see when managing orders in **Dashboard**.
-#### Orders widget
-The **Orders** widget provides the following information:
-`Orders 2`—the total number of orders in the Merchant Portal.
-#### Per Store
-The total number of orders that are available for each store.
-#### New
-The total number of orders that were placed in the last 5 days.
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-title: Merchant Portal user guides
-template: concept-topic-template
-The Merchant Portal user guides describe how merchant users can accomplish their tasks in the Merchant Portal.
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-Only active merchant users of [approved](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#approving-and-denying-merchants) merchants have access to the Merchant Portal.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/logging-in-to-the-merchant-portal.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/logging-in-to-the-merchant-portal.md
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-title: Logging in to the Merchant Portal
-last_updated: Aug 31, 2022
-description: This document describes how to log in and log out of the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-To use the Merchant Portal, you have to log in. This document describes how you can do that.
-## Prerequisites
-To log in to the Merchant Portal, a [merchant user](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) needs to be [created](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html#creating-a-merchant-user) and [activated in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html#activating-and-deactivating-the-merchant-users) by the Marketplace administrator.
-Each section in this guide contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-{% info_block warningBox %}
-A [marketplace administrator](/docs/marketplace/user/intro-to-spryker-marketplace/marketplace-personas.html#marketplace-administrator) cannot log in to Merchant Portal.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Creating a password
-Once the merchant user is [activated](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchant-users.html#activating-and-deactivating-the-merchant-users), an email with the password reset link is sent. To reset the password:
-1. Click the link provided in the email. The **Reset Password** page opens.
- ![Reset password page](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Merchant+Portal+user+guides/Login+and+logout/set-password-for-merchant-portal.png)
-2. In the **Password** field, enter the new password.
-3. In **Repeat Password**, enter the new password again to confirm it.
-4. Click **Reset** to update the password.
-The password is reset and you can use it for login.
-## Logging in
-To log in to the Merchant Portal, on the login page, enter your email and password and click **Login**.
-![Merchant Portal login](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Merchant+Portal+user+guides/Login+and+logout/merchant-portal-login.png)
-### Reference information: Logging in to the Merchant Portal
-This section describes the attributes you enter when logging into the Merchant Portal.
-| --------- | --------------- |
-| Email | Email address associated with the merchant user. The Password Reset link is sent to this email. |
-| Password | Password for the merchant user account. |
-## Restoring the password
-If you forgot your Merchant Portal password:
-1. In the login form, click **Forgot password?**.
- The **Reset Password** page opens.
-2. Enter the email that was used for your Merchant Portal account registration and click **Send email**.
-You should receive an email with the link to restore your password.
-3. In the email, click the restore password link.
-The **Reset Password** page opens.
-4. In the **Password** and **Repeat password** fields, enter your new password.
-5. Click **Reset**.
-Your password is now updated. To log in, enter the new password in the login form.
-**What’s Next?**
-To have a quick overview of Merchant performance, see [Managing merchant's performance data](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/dashboard/managing-merchants-performance-data.html).
-To learn how to manage a Merchant Profile in the Merchant Portal, see [Editing merchant's profile details](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/profile/editing-merchants-profile-details.html) page.
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/my-account/managing-account-details-and-settings.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/my-account/managing-account-details-and-settings.md
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-title: Managing account details and settings
-description: This document describes what you can do in the My account area of the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage merchant user account details in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with the merchant user’s account, go to **Merchant Portal > My account**.
-To open the **My account** page, in the top right corner of the Merchant Portal, click the user icon and then click **My account**.
-Some sections contain reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Changing personal details
-To update the personal details, on the **My account** page, in the **Personal Details** section, update the necessary fields and click **Save**.
-## Changing the email address
-To update the merchant user email address, on the **My account** page, in the **Email** section, change the email address and click **Save**.
-## Changing the password for the Merchant Portal
-To update the password for the Merchant Portal:
-1. On the **My account** page, in the **Password** section, click **Change Password**. The **Change Password** drawer opens.
-2. In the **Current password** field, the current password.
-3. In the **New password** field, enter the new password.
-4. To confirm the change, in the **Repeat new password** field, enter the new password.
-5. Click **Save**.
-**Tips and tricks**
-Click on the show/hide password icon in the corresponding password field to double-check that you entered the right information.
-### Reference information: Changing the password for the Merchant Portal
-On the **Change password** drawer, you see the following attributes:
-| ---------------- | ---------------------- |
-| Current password | Field to enter the current password.|
-| New password | Field to enter the new password for the Merchant Portal user account. |
-| Repeat new password | Field to confirm the new password.|
-## Changing the interface language for the Merchant Portal
-To change the interface language of the Merchant Portal, on **My account** page, in the **Language** section, select the necessary language and click **Save**.
-## Reference information
-This section describes attributes you see when performing the following actions:
-* Accessing **My account** in the Merchant Portal.
-* Changing the personal details.
-* Changing the email address.
-* Changing the interface language for the Merchant Portal.
-### My account page
-The following table describes the attributes on the **My account** page:
-| ---------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------- |
-| Personal Details | First name | First name of the merchant user. |
-| Personal Details | Last name | Last name of the merchant user. |
-| Email | Email field | Email address of the merchant user. |
-| Password | Change password | Opens *Change password* drawer. |
-| Language | Language drop-down menu | Drop-down menu to select the interface language of the Merchant Portal. |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/offers/managing-product-offers.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/offers/managing-product-offers.md
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-title: Managing product offers
-description: This document describes the actions a Merchant can do in the Offers section in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes the actions a merchant can do in the **Offers** section of the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing product offers, navigate to the **Merchant Portal > Offers**.
-Review the reference information in this article before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a product offer
-To create a product offer, take the following steps:
-1. Click **Add Offer**.
-2. From the list of concrete products, select the product you want to create an offer for.
- The **Create Offer** drawer opens.
-3. Optional: To make the offer active after creating it, select **Offer is Active**.
-4. Optional: Enter a **Merchant SKU**.
-5. Select one or more **Stores**.
-6. Enter a **Quantity**.
-7. Optional: To always display the product offer as available on the Storefront, select **Always in Stock**.
-8. To add prices, in the **Price** section, do the following:
- 1. Select **Add**.
- 2. Select a **STORE**.
- 3. Select a **CURRENCY**.
- 4. Optional: Enter any of the prices:
- 5. Optional: Enter a **VOLUME QUANTITY**.
- 6. Repeat sub-steps 1-5 of step 5 until you add all the desired prices.
-9. Optional: Select **Validity Dates**.
-10. Scroll up and select **Create**.
-## Editing a product offer
-To edit an existing product offer:
-1. From the list of offers, select the offer you want to edit.
-2. In the drawer, change the desired fields
-3. Select **Save**.
-## Reference information: Creating and editing product offers
-This section describes attributes you see when creating and editing product offers.
-On all the pages described below, you can rearrange, hide, and show columns by clicking the settings cogwheel next to the tables.
-### Offers page
-On the **Offers** page you do the following:
-* Filter product offers using the filtering menu at the top of the page.
-* Sort product offers by clicking on the desired column name.
-* Using the search field in the top right corner, search product offers by the criteria: offer reference, merchant reference, and product SKU.
-### Create Offer page
-On the **Create Offer** page, you see the list of products you can create an offer for. On this page, you can do the following:
-* Filter products using the filtering menu at the top of the page.
-* Sort products by clicking on the desired column name.
-* Using the search field in the top right corner, search products by the criteria: product name and product SKU.
-### Create and edit offer drawers
-The following table describes the attributes on the **Create offer** and **Edit offer** drawers:
-| ------------- | ------------- |
-| Offer status | Defines if the offer is displayed on the Storefront. By default, the offer is online. |
-| Merchant SKU | Unique identifier of product offer in the merchant's ERP. |
-| Offer Reference | Unique identifier of the product offer in the Marketplace. |
-| Stores | Defines the stores where the product offer is available. |
-| Quantity | Defines the stock of the product offer. |
-| Price | Prices of the product offer per store, currency, and volume quantity. Volume quantity defines the minimum product offer quantity to be added to cart for the price to apply. |
-| Validity Dates | Defines the period during which the product offer is visible on the Storefront. |
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/orders/managing-merchant-orders.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/orders/managing-merchant-orders.md
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-title: Managing merchant orders
-description: This document describes the actions a merchant can do in the Orders section of the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes the actions a merchant can do in the Orders section of the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing merchant orders, navigate to **Merchant Portal > Orders**.
-You manage merchant orders by changing the states of the items inside the order. This way, you can see that item was delivered or returned.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Changing merchant order states
-To change the state of items in a merchant order:
-1. In the list of orders, click the order you want to change the state for or click **Details** next to it. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-2. In the upper right corner, click the corresponding trigger button to update the state. The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change.
-3. Repeat step 2 until you get the desired order state. The succession of the steps depends on the merchant state machine that is set up.
-**Tips & tricks**
Merchant order items can have multiple trigger buttons. When you click one of those buttons, only items with a manually executable event are updated. All other items remain in that state until their trigger has been performed. For more details, see [Marketplace state machine](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-order-management-feature-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview/marketplace-and-merchant-state-machines-overview.html#marketplace-state-machine)
-### Changing merchant order item states
-To change the state of a single item in a merchant order:
-1. In the list of orders, click the order line or click **Details** next to the order you want to change the status for. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-2. Switch to the **Items** tab.
-3. Next to the item you want to change the state for, click the corresponding state. The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change.
-**Tips and tricks**
To update the states of the merchant order items in bulk:
-1. In the list of orders, click the order you want to change the state for or click **Details** next to it. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-2. Navigate to the **Items** tab of the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-3. Select in checkboxes the products you want to update the state of, and click the available button state that appeared after the selection. You can also click a button state on the top right of the drawer to update the state of all the items that match this state.
-{% info_block warningBox "Note" %}
-Bulk updates can only be done for items that share the same state.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### Reference information: Changing merchant order states
-This section describes attributes you see when you change merchant order states.
-#### Orders table
-**Orders** is the table that appears when you open the Orders section in the navigation menu in the Merchant Portal.
-By default, the last created order goes on top of the table. However, you can sort the table by:
-* Marketplace order reference
-* Merchant order reference
-* Created date
-* Customer’s name
-* Customer’s email address
-* Merchant order grand total
-* No. of items
-* Store
-**Tips and tricks**
You can rearrange the order of the columns, hide and show the columns again by clicking the settings cogwheel next to the table.
-#### Order [Order ID] page
-The **Order *[Order ID]*** page is the page that opens in the drawer when you click one of the orders in the Orders table.
-The following table describes the sections on the ***[Order ID]*** page:
-| Details | Overview | Contains the merchant order date, number of products purchased, number of items in the merchant order, and the number of shipments. |
-| Details | Totals | Contains information about the merchant order totals. |
-| Details | Customer | Contains the customer’s name, email, and the number of orders the customer has made from this merchant. |
-| Items | Shipments | Contains information about shipments, such as the number of shipments, delivery address, shipment carrier and delivery method, and the requested date. |
-| Items | Order Items | Contains information about every item in the merchant order, including: - Item SKU
- Image
- Name
- Quantity
- Current state
- Merchant SKU (if exists)
- Offer reference
- Included product options (if exist)
- Comment
- States that can be triggered
-**Tips and tricks**
You can search the items in the merchant order and filter them according to their state by selecting the necessary state in the *State* drop-down menu.
-#### Merchant order states
-The merchant can set different states for the order depending on the state machine that is configured for this merchant. The following table describes the states a merchant can select:
-| new | Initial order state. |
-| Cancel | Select this state to cancel the order. When triggering this state, the item status becomes `canceled by merchant`. |
-| Ship | Select this state once the order is shipped. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `shipped`. |
-| Deliver | Select this state once the order is delivered to the shopper. When you select **deliver**, the state becomes `delivered`. |
-| Send to distribution | Select this state once the order is at the distribution center. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `left the merchant location`. |
-| Confirm at center | Select this state when the distribution center confirmed the order arrival. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `arrived at distribution center`. |
-| Execute return | Select this state when you want to execute the return. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `returned`. |
-| Refund | Select this state if a refund was issued to the customer for the order. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `refunded`. |
-| Cancel the return | Select this state when the return cannot be fulfilled. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `return canceled`. |
-| Send return back to customer | Select this state when you shipped the returned item back to the customer. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `shipped to customer`. |
-| Deliver return | Select this state when the returned item is delivered back to the customer. When you trigger this state, the item status becomes `delivered`. |
-| Closed | Order becomes `closed` when the Back Office user closes it in the Back Office. |
-## Managing merchant returns
-Once the return is created by the customer in the Storefront or by the Back Office user in the Back Office, the order obtains the `waiting for return` state.
-### Executing returns
-To execute a return:
-1. In the list of orders, click Details next to the order you want to return. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-2. In the upper right corner, click **Execute return**. The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change.
-### Canceling returns
-To cancel a return:
-1. In the list of orders, click **Details** next to the order you want to cancel the return for. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** page.
-2. In the upper right corner, click **Cancel return**. The page refreshes to show the message about the successful state change.
-## Canceling merchant orders
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-**Your content**
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To cancel an order:
-1. In the list of orders, click the order you want to cancel or click **Details** next to it. You are taken to the **Order *[Order ID]*** drawer.
-2. In the upper left corner, click **Cancel**.
- The page refreshes to show the updated merchant order state.
-**Tips and tricks**
You can filter the existing merchant orders by:
-* Creation date
-* Stores where the order belongs
-* Merchant order states
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.md
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-title: Creating marketplace abstract product
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to create marketplace abstract products in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to create marketplace abstract products.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a marketplace abstract product
-To create a new abstract product:
-1. On the **Products** page, click **Create Product**. The **Create Abstract Product** drawer opens.
-2. Enter an **SKU Prefix**.
-3. Enter a **Name** for the default locale. The rest of the locales are defined once the product is created.
-4. Depending on whether your abstract product requires adding variants or no, take one of the following steps:
- - If you are creating an abstract product that doesn't require variants, select **Abstract product has 1 concrete product**. The **Create an Abstract Product with 1 Concrete Product** drawer opens.
- 1. On the **Create an Abstract Product with 1 Concrete Product** drawer, enter a **Concrete Product SKU**.
- 2. Enter a **Concrete Product Name**.
- 3. To finish the product creation, click **Create**.
- ![img](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/User+Guides/merchant+portal+user+guides/Products/create-abstract-product-with-one-variant-mp.gif)
- {% info_block warningBox "Warning" %}
- You can not save an abstract product unless it is accompanied by at least one concrete product.
- {% endinfo_block %}
- - If the abstract product that you are creating requires variants, select **Abstract product has multiple concrete products**.
- 1. Select a super attribute that defines the variation of your concrete products.
- 2. In the field next to the super attribute you've selected, select one or more values for each super attribute. Upon adding the super attribute values, the preview of the concrete products is displayed.
- {% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
- Removing a super attribute or its value removes the related concrete products or concrete product values from the preview.
- {% endinfo_block %}
- 3. Optional: Add more super attributes by clicking the **Add** button. Repeat this step until you select at least one value for each selected super attribute.
- ![img](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/User+Guides/merchant+portal+user+guides/Products/create-abstract-product-with-multiple-variants-mp.gif)
- {% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
- You can remove a concrete product from the preview list by clicking the **Remove** icon.
- {% endinfo_block %}
-5. Сlick **Create**.
-6. Click **Next**.
-Only active marketplace products are displayed on the Marketplace Storefront. To activate your marketplace product, see [Managing marketplace concrete products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html#activating-and-deactivating-a-concrete-product).
-### Reference information: Create Abstract Product drawer
-The following table describes attributes you select and enter on the **Create Abstract Product** drawer.
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| SKU prefix | Unique abstract product identifier that is used to track unique information related to the product.|
-| Name | The name of the abstract product that is displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| Abstract product has 1 concrete product | Select this option when you want your abstract product to have a single concrete product. |
-| Abstract product has multiple concrete products | Select this option when you want your abstract product to have multiple concrete products. |
-### Reference information: Create an Abstract Product with 1 Concrete Product drawer
-The following table describes attributes you select and enter on the **Create an Abstract Product with 1 Concrete Product** drawer.
-| --------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| Concrete Product SKU | Unique product identifier that is used to track unique information related to the product. |
-| Autogenerate SKU | Select the attribute if you want the SKU to be generated automatically. By default, -1 is added to the abstract product SKU prefix. For example, `product-1` |
-| Concrete Product Name | The name of the concrete product that is displayed for the product on the Storefront. |
-| Same as Abstract Product | Select the attribute if you want the name of the abstract product to be used for the concrete product as well. |
-### Reference information: Create an Abstract Product with Multiple Concrete Products drawer
-This section describes attributes you select and enter on the **Create an Abstract Product with 1 Concrete Product** drawer.
-You can select as many super attributes as you need and define one or more values for them. When you select a product attribute value, a concrete product based on this value is displayed. In the **Concrete Products’ Preview** pane you can view the products to be created.
-By selecting **Autogenerate SKUs**, the SKU numbers for the variants are generated automatically, based on the SKU prefix of their abstract product.
-By selecting **Same Name as Abstract Product**, the name of the abstract product is used for the concrete products as well.
-## Next steps
-- [Manage abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.md
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-title: Managing marketplace abstract product attributes
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product attributes in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage attributes of the marketplace abstract products in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding marketplace abstract product attributes
-To add an attribute to a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product you want to create an attribute for, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product**, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, click **+Add**. The empty cells appear in the following table.
-4. From the drop-down menu **Attribute**, select a predefined value or enter your own when allowed by the Marketplace operator.
-5. Depending on the attribute selected in step 3, for the **Default** cell, select or enter the predefined value. Use the **Default** cell if no translations are needed.
-6. Add or select translations for the attribute values for the desired locales.
-**Tips and tricks**
Click **Cancel** if a new attribute should not be added to an abstract product.
-## Editing marketplace abstract product attributes
-To edit attributes for a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product you want to edit an attribute for, hover over the three dots, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, hover over the table and update the necessary cells.
-**Tips and tricks**
-You can rearrange the columns' order, hide and show the columns by clicking the settings cogwheel next to the table.
-## Deleting marketplace abstract product attributes
-To remove an attribute from an abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product you want to delete an attribute for, hover over the three dots, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, next to the attribute you want to delete, hover over the three dots and click **Delete**.
-## Reference information: Attributes pane
-The following table describes attributes you select and enter in the **Attributes** pane.
-| ---------------- | --------------------------- |
-| Attribute | Name of the attribute, for example, *color*. |
-| Default | Values of you attribute, for example, if the attribute is `color`, its values can be `red`, `green`, or `black`. This value is used for all locales without a specific value. |
-| Locale value (for example, DE_DE) | Translation of the attribute values for other locales. |
-## Next steps
-- [Edit abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
-- [Manage abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html)
-- [Manage abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.md
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-title: Managing marketplace abstract product image sets
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product image sets in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage image sets of the marketplace abstract products in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding images for marketplace abstract products
-To add an image set for a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, you want to create an image set for, hover over the three dots, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Click **+Add Image Set**. The empty cells appear.
-4. In **SET NAME**, enter the name of the set.
-5. In **IMAGE ORDERED**, enter the number which defines the order of the images to be displayed.
-6. In **SMALL IMAGE URL**, enter the image URL.
-7. In **LARGE IMAGE URL**, enter the image URL.
-8. Click **Save**.
-## Editing images for marketplace abstract products
-To edit an image of a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, which image you want to edit, hover over the three dots, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Select a default or specific locale you want to update images for.
-4. Update the following:
-5. Click **Save**.
-## Deleting images for marketplace abstract products
-To delete an image in an image set for a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, which image you want to delete, hover over the three dots, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Select a default or specific locale you want to delete the image for.
-4. Click the **Delete** icon.
-To delete an image set with its images for the abstract product, click **Delete Image Set**.
-## Reference information: Images pane
-| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| Set name | Name of your image set. |
-| Image ordered | If you add several images to an image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown on the Storefront and in the Back Office using *Image ordered* field. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with "0" is the first to be shown. |
-| Small image URL | Link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs. |
-| Large image URL | Link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page. |
-## Next steps
-- [Edit abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
-- [Manage abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html)
-- [Manage abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.md
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-title: Managing marketplace abstract product meta information
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product meta information in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product meta information in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to **Merchant Portall > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding abstract product meta information
-To add meta information for a product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, you want to add meta information for, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product**, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **SEO** pane.
-3. Fill the following fields for the desired locales:
- * Meta title
- * Meta keywords—separate keywords with comma.
- * Meta description
-4. Click **Save**.
-## Editing abstract product meta information
-To modify meta information for a product:
-1. Next to the abstract product you want to edit meta information for hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product**, or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **SEO** pane.
-3. Update the following fields for the desired locales:
- - Meta title
- - Meta keywords—separate keywords with comma.
- - Meta description
-4. Click **Save**.
-## Reference information: SEO pane
-| ---------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| Meta title | Meta title for your product. |
-| Meta keywords | Meta keywords for your product. |
-| Meta description | Meta description for your product. |
-## Next steps
-- [Edit abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
-- [Manage abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html)
-- [Manage abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.md
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-title: Managing marketplace abstract product prices
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product prices in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product prices in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding a marketplace abstract product price
-To add a new price for a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, where you want to add a price for, hover over the three dots, or just click the line, and then click **Manage Product**. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-3. In the **Price** pane, click **+Add**. The empty cells appear in the following table.
-4. From the drop-down menu **Store**, select the store for which the price is created.
-5. From the drop-down menu **Currency**, select the currency in which the price is defined.
-6. For the **NET DEFAULT** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-7. For the **GROSS DEFAULT** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-8. Optional: For the **NET ORIGINAL** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-9. Optional: For the **GROSS ORIGINAL** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-10. For the **QUANTITY** cell, enter the number of items. By default, the quantity is 1. For an example, see [Adding volume prices](#adding-volume-prices).
-**Tips and tricks**
Click **Cancel** to stop creating a new price.
-## Editing abstract product prices
-To edit prices of a marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, the price of which you want to edit, hover over the three dots, or just click the line, and then click **Manage Product**. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-3. Next to the price you want to edit, hover over the table and update the necessary cells.
-**Tips and tricks**
-You can sort the prices by stores and currencies. To do that, in the **Price** pane, in the **Stores** drop-down menu, select the stores for which the price is defined, and in the **Currencies** drop-down menu, select the currencies in which the price is defined.
-## Deleting abstract product prices
-To remove price of an abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, the price of which you want to delete, hover over the three dots, or just click the line, and then click **Manage Product**. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-3. Next to the price you want to remove, hover over the three dots in the table, and click **Delete**.
-## Reference information: Price pane
-| ------------- | --------------------- |
-| Store | [Store](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-set-up-multiple-stores.html) in which the price will be displayed. |
-| Currency | Currency in which the abstract product price is defined. |
-| Net default | Default item price before tax. |
-| Gross default | Item price after tax. |
-| Net original | Item price before tax displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. It is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-| Gross original | Item price after tax displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. It is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-| Quantity | Quantity of the product to which the prices from the *Gross price* and *Net price* fields apply. |
-### Adding volume prices
-Let's say you have a product that you want to sell with a special price if a user wants to buy a specific number of the same product. For example, a laptop costs €354.35, but you have defined that if a user buys three items, the cost will be €340 instead of €354.35. In this case, you can define a product quantity starting from which a special [volume price](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html) applies.
-![Volume prices - marketplace product](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Merchant+Portal+user+guides/Products/volume-prices-merchant-products.gif)
-## Next steps
-- [Edit abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
-- [Manage abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html)
-- [Manage abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html)
-- [Manage abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.md
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-title: Managing marketplace abstract products
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to modify marketplace abstract products in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract products in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to the **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Filtering and sorting marketplace abstract products
-The following drop-down menus can be used to filter the marketplace abstract products on the **Products** page:
-- Categories where the abstract product belongs.
-- Visibility (defines whether the product is online or offline).
-- Stores where the abstract product is available.
-The page refreshes and displays the available options as soon as the filter parameters are selected.
-To sort the existing abstract products, select one or more sorting parameters from the drop-down menu on the **Products** page. Choose among the following sort criteria:
-- SKU
-- Name
-- Number of variants
-- Visibility status
-By default, the table is sorted descendingly by SKU.
-## Editing abstract product details
-To edit the existing marketplace abstract product:
-1. Next to the abstract product, you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. This takes you to the **_[Product name]_**, **Abstract Product Details** tab.
-2. In the **Name & Description** pane, edit **Name** and **Description** for every locale.
-3. In the **Stores** pane, in the drop-down menu select the stores where the product is available.
-4. In the **Tax Set** pane, in the drop-down menu, select the necessary tax set.
-5. In the **Categories** pane, in the drop-down menu, select the categories where your product belongs.
-### Reference information: [Product name] drawer, Abstract Product Details tab
-The following table describes attributes you select and enter in the ***[Product name]*** drawer, on the **Abstract Details** tab
-| ----------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| Name | Name of your product displayed on the Storefront. It is set per locale. | ✓ |
-| Description | Description of the product displayed on the Storefront. It is set per locale. | |
-| Stores | Defines the [stores](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-set-up-multiple-stores.html) the product is available in.
You can select multiple values. | |
-| Price | In this pane, you can manage prices for your abstract product. For more details, see [Managing abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html). | |
-| Tax Set | The conditions under which a product is going to be taxed.
The values available for selection derive from **Taxes > Tax Sets**
Only one value can be selected. | ✓ |
-| Images | In this pane, you can manage image sets for your abstract product. For more details, see [Managing abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html). | |
-| Attributes | In this pane, you can manage attributes for your product. For more details, see [Managing abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html). | |
-| Categories | Defines the [categories](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/category-management-feature-overview.html) the product is displayed in. | |
-| SEO | In this pane, you can manage meta information for your product. For more details, see [Managing abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html). | |
-## Next steps
-- [Manage abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html)
-- [Manage abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html)
-- [Manage abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-title: Creating marketplace concrete products
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to create a marketplace concrete product in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to create marketplace concrete products.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace concrete products, go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Creating a marketplace concrete product
-You can create a marketplace concrete product in two ways:
-- While [creating an abstract marketplace product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.html).
-- By adding a concrete product to the existing abstract product.
-To add a concrete product to the existing abstract product:
- 1. Hover over the three dots next to the abstract product for which you will create a concrete product and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **[Product name]** drawer opens.
- 2. Navigate to the **Concrete Products** tab.
- 3. On the **Concrete Products** page, click **Add Concrete Products**. The **Create Concrete Products for [Abstract product name SKU]** drawer opens.
- 4. Based on the super attributes selected while [creating an abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.html), add or select values to the existing super attributes. Upon adding the super attribute values, the preview of the concrete products is displayed.
- {% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
- Removing a super attribute or its value removes the appropriate concrete products or concrete product values from the preview.
- {% endinfo_block %}
- 4. Click **Save**.
- {% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
- You can remove a concrete product from the preview list by clicking the **Remove** icon.
- {% endinfo_block %}
-Once the product is created, it needs to be [activated](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html#activating-and-deactivating-a-concrete-product). Only the active marketplace products are displayed on the Marketplace Storefront.
-### Reference information: Create Concrete Products for [Abstract product name SKU]
-This page contains a drop-down menu that displays super attribute values based on a super attribute selected while [creating a marketplace abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.html). When you select a product attribute value, a concrete product based on this value is displayed. In the **Concrete Products’ Preview** pane, you can view the products to be created.
-By selecting **Autogenerate SKUs**, the SKU numbers for the concrete products are generated automatically, based on the SKU prefix of their abstract product.
-By selecting **Same Name as Abstract Product**, the name of the abstract product is used for the concrete products as well.
-## Next steps
-[Manage concrete product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing marketplace concrete product attributes
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace concrete product attributes in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage attributes of the marketplace concrete products in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace concrete products, go to the **Merchant Portal > Products**. Hover over the three dots next to the abstract product for which you manage a concrete product and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **[Product name]** drawer opens. Navigate to the **Concrete Products** tab.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding marketplace concrete product attributes
-To add an attribute for a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, click **+Add**. The empty cells appear in the following table.
-4. From the drop-down menu **Attribute**, select a predefined value or enter your own when allowed by the Marketplace operator.
-5. Depending on the attribute selected in the step 3, for the **Default** cell, select or enter the predefined value. Use the **Default** cell if no translations are needed.
-6. Add/select translations for the attribute values for the desired locales.
-**Tips and tricks**
-Click **Cancel** if a new attribute should not be added to a concrete product.
-## Editing marketplace concrete product attributes
-To edit attributes for a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, hover over the table and update the necessary cells.
-**Tips and tricks**
-You can rearrange the columns' order, hide and show the columns by clicking the settings cogwheel next to the table.
-## Deleting marketplace concrete product attributes
-To remove an attribute from a concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Attributes** pane.
-3. In the **Attributes** pane, next to the attribute you want to delete, hover over the three dots and click **Delete**.
-### Reference information: Attributes pane
-| ------------------ | ------------------ |
-| Attribute | Name of the attribute, for example, `color`. |
-| Default | Values of you attribute, for example, if the attribute is `color`, its values can be `red`, `green`, or `black`. This value is used for all locales without a specific value. |
-| Locale value (for example, DE_DE) | Translation of the attribute values for other locales. |
-## Next steps
-- [Manage concrete product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
-- [Manage concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ff5884cb5f9..00000000000
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-title: Managing marketplace concrete product prices
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace concrete product prices in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage marketplace concrete product prices in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with the marketplace concrete products, take the following steps:
-1. Go to **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-2. Hover over the three dots next to the abstract product for which you manage a concrete product and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The ***[Product name]*** drawer opens.
-3. Navigate to the **Concrete Products** tab.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding a marketplace concrete product price
-To add a new price for a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-3. In the **Price** pane, click **+Add**. The empty cells appear in the following table.
-4. From the drop-down menu **Store**, select the store for which the price is created.
-5. From the drop-down menu **Currency**, select the currency in which the price is defined.
-6. For the **NET DEFAULT** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-7. For the **GROSS DEFAULT** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-8. Optional: For the **GROSS DEFAULT** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-9. Optional: For the **NET ORIGINAL** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-10. Optional: For the **GROSS ORIGINAL** cell, enter a price. Use `.` or `,` separators.
-11. For the **QUANTITY** cell, enter the number of items. By default, the quantity is 1. For an example, see [Adding volume prices](#adding-volume-prices).
-**Tips and tricks**
-To stop creating a new price, click **Cancel**.
-To keep the prices of the abstract product, select **Use Abstract Product price for all locales**.
-## Editing marketplace concrete product prices
-To edit prices of a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-2. Hover over the table and update the necessary cells.
-**Tips and tricks**
-You can sort the prices by stores and currencies. To do that, in the **Price** pane, in the **Stores** drop-down menu, select the stores for which the price is defined, and in the **Currencies** drop-down menu, select the currencies in which the price is defined.
-## Deleting marketplace concrete product prices
-To remove price of a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Price** pane.
-3. Next to the price you want to remove, hover over the three dots in the table, and click **Delete**.
-### Reference information: Price pane
-| ------------- | --------------------- |
-| Store | [Store](/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-set-up-multiple-stores.html) in which the price will be displayed. |
-| Currency | Currency in which the concrete product price is defined. |
-| Net default | Default item price before tax. |
-| Gross default | Item price after tax. |
-| Net original | Item price before tax displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. It is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-| Gross original |Item price after tax displayed as a strikethrough beside the default price on the Storefront. It is usually used to indicate a price change. |
-| Quantity | Number of items for which the price is defined. This field ID used to define the volume prices for the concrete product. |
-### Adding volume prices
-Let's say you have a product that you want to sell with a special price if a user wants to buy a specific number of the same product. For example, a laptop costs €354.35, but you have defined that if a user buys three items, the cost will be €340 instead of €354.35. In this case, you can define a product quantity starting from which a special [volume price](/docs/scos/user/features/{{page.version}}/prices-feature-overview/volume-prices-overview.html) applies.
-![Volume prices - marketplace product](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/Marketplace/user+guides/Merchant+Portal+user+guides/Products/volume-prices-merchant-products.gif)
-## Next steps
-- [Manage concrete product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
-- [Manage concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html)
-- [Manage concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html)
\ No newline at end of file
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-title: Managing marketplace concrete products
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to modify marketplace concrete products in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to edit a marketplace concrete product in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace concrete products, take the following steps:
-1. Go to the **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-2. Hover over the three dots next to the abstract product for which you manage a concrete product and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **[Product name]** drawer opens.
-3. Navigate to the **Concrete Products** tab.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Filtering and sorting concrete products
-The following drop-down menus can be used to filter the marketplace concrete products on the **Concrete Products** page:
-- Status of the concrete product
-- Validity dates
-To sort the existing concrete products, on the **Concrete Products** page, from the drop-down menu, select one or more sorting parameters. Choose among the following sort criteria:
-- SKU
-- Name
-- Status
-- Valid from
-- Valid to
-By default, the table is sorted descendingly by SKU.
-## Activating and deactivating a concrete product
-To activate a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to activate, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. In the **Status** pane, select **Concrete Product is online** to make the concrete product online.
-3. Click **Save**.
-To deactivate the product, clear **Concrete Product is online** to make the concrete product offline.
-## Editing marketplace concrete product details
-To edit an existing marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line. The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. In the **Stock** pane, populate the **Quantity** field.
-3. In the **Name** pane, edit **Name** for every locale.
-4. In the **Description** pane, edit **Description** for every locale.
-5. In the **Validity Dates & Time** pane, populate the **Valid from** and **Valid to** fields.
-6. In the **Searchability** pane, from the drop-down menu, select the locales where the product is searchable.
-7. Click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Concrete Product SKU, Name page
-| -------------- | ---------------- | ----------- | --------- |
-| Status | | Defines the status of the concrete product. | |
-| | Concrete Product is online | The selected checkbox makes the product active and available in store. | |
-| Stock | | Defines the stock of the concrete product. | |
-| | Reserved Stock | Number of items of this concrete product that are reserved according to *Orders*. | |
-| | Quantity | Number of items available in the warehouse. The default is 0. | ✓ |
-| | Always in Stock | The selected checkbox makes the product always available for purchase. | |
-| Name | | Name of your product displayed on the Storefront. | ✓ |
-| | Use Abstract Product name for all locales | Select the checkbox to take over the name of the abstract. | |
-| Description | | Product description. | |
-| | Use Abstract Product description for all locales | Select the checkbox to take over the description of the abstract.. | |
-| Validity Dates & Time | | Defines the period of time when the product is in active state. The **Valid from** date triggers the activation, while the **Valid to** date triggers the deactivation. Either no dates can be selected, or both. | |
-| Price | | In this pane, you can manage prices for your concrete product. For more details, see [Managing marketplace concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html). | |
-| Images | | In this pane, you can manage image sets for your concrete product. For more details, see [Managing concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html). | |
-| Attributes | | In this pane, you can manage attributes for your product. For more details, see [Managing concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html). | |
-| Searchability | | Defines the stores where the concrete product can be searched via the Search function in the online store. If not selected, no values will be displayed when searching for this product. | |
-## Next steps
-- [Manage concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html)
-- [Manage concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.md
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-title: Managing marketplace concrete product image sets
-last_updated: Aug 11, 2021
-description: This document describes how to manage marketplace concrete product image sets in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to manage image sets of the marketplace concrete products in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with marketplace concrete products, take the following steps:
-1. Go to the **Merchant Portal > Products**.
-2. Next to the abstract product for which you want to create a concrete product, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line.
- The ***[Product name]*** drawer opens.
-3. Navigate to the **Concrete Products** tab.
-This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Adding images for marketplace concrete products
-To add an image for a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line.
- The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Click **+Add Image Set***. The empty cells appear.
-4. In **SET NAME**, enter the name of the set.
-5. In **IMAGE ORDER**, enter the number which defines the order of the images displayed.
-6. In **SMALL IMAGE URL**, enter the URL.
-7. In **LARGE IMAGE URL**, enter the URL.
-8. Click **Save**.
-## Editing images for marketplace concrete products
-To edit an image of the marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line.
- The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Select a default or a specific locale you want to update images for.
-4. Update the following:
-5. Click **Save**.
-## Deleting images for marketplace concrete products
-To delete an image in the image set for a marketplace concrete product:
-1. On the **Concrete Products** page, next to the concrete product you want to edit, hover over the three dots and click **Manage Product** or just click the line.
- The **Concrete Product SKU, Name** page opens.
-2. Scroll down to the **Images** pane.
-3. Select a default or a specific locale you want to delete the image for.
-4. Click the **Delete** icon.
-To delete an image set with its images for the concrete product, click **Delete Image Set**.
-### Reference information: Images pane
-| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| Set name | Name of your image set. |
-| Image ordered | If you add several images to an image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown on the Storefront and in the Back Office using *Image ordered* field. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with `0` is the first to be shown. |
-| Small image URL | Link of the image that is going to be used in the product catalogs. |
-| Large image URL | Link to the image that is going to be used on the product details page. |
-## Next steps
-- [Manage a concrete product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
-- [Manage concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html)
-- [Manage concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/products.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/products/products.md
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-title: Products
-last_updated: Apr 4, 2023
-description: This section describes how to manage abstract and concrete products.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-In this section, you can learn how to manage abstract and concrete products.
-For specific instructions, see the following guides:
-* Abstract products guides:
- * [Creating marketplace abstract product](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/creating-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
- * [Managing marketplace abstract product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-attributes.html)
- * [Managing marketplace abstract product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-image-sets.html)
- * [Managing marketplace abstract product meta information](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-meta-information.html)
- * [Managing marketplace abstract product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product-prices.html)
- * [Managing marketplace abstract products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/abstract-products/managing-marketplace-abstract-product.html)
-* Concrete products guides:
- * [Creating marketplace concrete products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/creating-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
- * [Managing marketplace concrete product attributes](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-attributes.html)
- * [Managing marketplace concrete product prices](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product-prices.html)
- * [Managing marketplace concrete products](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-product.html)
- * [Managing marketplace concrete product image sets](/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/{{page.version}}/products/concrete-products/managing-marketplace-concrete-products-image-sets.html)
diff --git a/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/profile/editing-merchants-profile-details.md b/docs/marketplace/user/merchant-portal-user-guides/202108.0/profile/editing-merchants-profile-details.md
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-title: Editing merchant's profile details
-last_updated: Jul 24, 2020
-description: This document describes how to edit merchant's profile details in the Merchant Portal.
-template: back-office-user-guide-template
-This document describes how to edit merchant's profile details in the Merchant Portal.
-## Prerequisites
-To start managing a merchant profile, navigate to the **Merchant Portal > Profile**.
-This section lets [merchant users](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/merchant-users-overview.html) check and update the merchant profile information.
-Each section contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.
-## Editing merchant's business info
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The merchant's **Business Info** includes the details about contact person and general merchant company information.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To edit the merchant's business info, on the **Business Info** tab, edit the merchant details and click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing merchant's business info
-This section describes the attributes you enter and select when editing the merchant's business info on the **Business Info** tab. This tab includes business details that are not displayed in the Storefront. This information is needed for the initial merchant setup and further collaboration between the merchant and Marketplace administrator.
-#### Contact Person Details section
-The contact person is the only contact of the merchant with the Marketplace administrator.
-| Role | Role in the company/organization the contact person performs. | |
-| Title | Formal salutation for your contact person (for example, Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr). | |
-| First Name | First name of the contact person. The first name is taken from the [General tab of the Merchant Profile in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#general-tab) but can be edited in the Merchant Portal too. | ✓ |
-| Last Name | Last name of the contact person. The last name is taken from the [General tab of the Merchant Profile in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#general-tab) but can be edited in the Merchant Portal too. | ✓ |
-| Email | Email address of the contact person. This email is taken from the [General tab of the Merchant Profile in the Back Office](/docs/marketplace/user/back-office-user-guides/{{page.version}}/marketplace/merchants/managing-merchants.html#general-tab) but can be edited in the Merchant Portal too. | ✓ |
-| Phone Number | Phone number of the contact person. | |
-#### Company
-This section contains general information about the company the merchant has.
-| Company Name | Name of the merchant. It is also displayed as the merchant name in the Storefront. | ✓ |
-| Registration Number | Number assigned to the company at the point of registration. | |
-| Merchant Reference | Unique identifier of the merchant in the system. | |
-## Editing merchant's online profile
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-The **Online Profile** section lets you manage information displayed on the **Merchant Profile** page in the Storefront.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-To edit the merchant's online profile, in the **Online Profile** tab, edit the necessary details and click **Save**.
-### Reference information: Editing merchant's online profile
-This section describes attributes you see when editing the merchant's online profile on the **Online Profile** tab. This tab contains the information displayed on the [Merchant Profile page on the Storefront](/docs/marketplace/user/features/{{page.version}}/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview/marketplace-merchant-feature-overview.html#merchant-profile).
-#### Store Profile URL
-| Store Profile URL | Field where you can specify the URL of the Merchant Profile in the Marketplace Storefront for every locale. | ✓ |
-| About Your Store | Description of the merchant company/store. It’s provided for every locale. | |
-#### Visual assets
-| Logo URL | You can add a logo for your Merchant Profile. Provide a link to your logo here. | |
-| Banner URL | You can add a banner for your Merchant Profile. Provide a link to your banner for every locale. | |
-#### Contact Details & Address
-| Street | Street of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Number | Number of the building in the merchant's business address. | |
-| Zip Code | ZIP code of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Addition to Address | In this field, you can specify any additional information included in the merchant's business address. | |
-| City | City of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Country | Drop-down list where you specify the country of the merchant's business address. | |
-| Longitude | In this field, you can identify the exact location of the merchant. | |
-| Latitude | In this field, you can identify the exact location of the merchant. | |
-| Phone Number | Merchant's public phone number. | |
-| Fax Number | Merchant's tax number. | |
-| Email | Business/public email address for the merchant. | |
-#### Average Delivery Time
-| Average Delivery Time | Average time during which the order is shipped. It is defined per a locale. | |
-#### Legal Information
-| Terms & Conditions | In this field, you can specify the terms and conditions for the merchant. | |
-| Return Policy | In this field, you can specify the return policy for the merchant. | |
-| Imprint | In this field, you can specify imprint information. | |
-| Data Privacy | In this field, you can specify the data privacy statement. | |
-#### Shop Status
-| Your Store is online | By selecting this option, you can define whether the merchant store (with the profile, marketplace products and offers) should be displayed on the Marketplace Storefront. | |
-### What’s Next?
-Review the **My Offers** section to know more about product offers you can create.
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/delete-stores.md b/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/delete-stores.md
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ template: howto-guide-template
{% info_block warningBox %}
-Dynamic Multistore is part of an *Early Access Release*. This *Early Access* feature introduces the ability to handle the store entity in the Back Office. Business users can try creating stores without editing the `Stores.php` file and redeploying the system.
+Dynamic Multistore is currently running under an *Early Access Release*. Early Access Releases are subject to specific legal terms, they are unsupported and do not provide production-ready SLAs. They can also be deprecated without a General Availability Release. Nevertheless, we welcome feedback from early adopters on these cutting-edge, exploratory features.
{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/dynamic-multistore-feature-overview.md b/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/dynamic-multistore-feature-overview.md
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--- a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/dynamic-multistore-feature-overview.md
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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ template: concept-topic-template
{% info_block warningBox %}
-Dynamic Multistore is part of an *Early Access Release*. This *Early Access* feature introduces the ability to handle the store entity in the Back Office. Business users can try creating stores without editing the `Stores.php` file and redeploying the system.
+Dynamic Multistore is currently running under an *Early Access Release*. Early Access Releases are subject to specific legal terms, they are unsupported and do not provide production-ready SLAs. They can also be deprecated without a General Availability Release. Nevertheless, we welcome feedback from early adopters on these cutting-edge, exploratory features.
{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/install-and-upgrade/install-features/install-dynamic-multistore-availability-notification-feature.md b/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/base-shop/install-and-upgrade/install-features/install-dynamic-multistore-availability-notification-feature.md
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: Install Dynamic Multistore + Avalability Notification feature
-description: Learn how to integrate the Dynamic multiple stores & Avalability Notification feature into a Spryker project.
+title: Install Dynamic Multistore + Availability Notification feature
+description: Learn how to integrate the Dynamic multiple stores & Availability Notification feature into a Spryker project.
last_updated: Apr 25, 2023
template: feature-integration-guide-template
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/dynamic-multistore.md b/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/dynamic-multistore.md
index d8bb0e29705..2d4eef6d2ba 100644
--- a/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/dynamic-multistore.md
+++ b/docs/pbc/all/dynamic-multistore/202307.0/dynamic-multistore.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ template: concept-topic-template
{% info_block warningBox %}
-Dynamic Multistore is part of an *Early Access Release*. This *Early Access* feature introduces the ability to handle the store entity in the Back Office. Business users can try creating stores without editing the `Stores.php` file and redeploying the system.
+Dynamic Multistore is currently running under an *Early Access Release*. Early Access Releases are subject to specific legal terms, they are unsupported and do not provide production-ready SLAs. They can also be deprecated without a General Availability Release. Nevertheless, we welcome feedback from early adopters on these cutting-edge, exploratory features.
{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/offer-management/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-feature.md b/docs/pbc/all/offer-management/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-feature.md
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--- a/docs/pbc/all/offer-management/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-feature.md
+++ b/docs/pbc/all/offer-management/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-feature.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Install the Product Offer + Service Points feature
description: Learn how to integrate the Product Offer + Service Points feature into your project
-last_updated: July 04, 2023
+last_updated: Sep 04, 2023
template: feature-integration-guide-template
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/service-points/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-availability-feature.md b/docs/pbc/all/service-points/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-service-points-availability-feature.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+title: Install the Product Offer Service Points Availability feature
+description: Learn how to integrate the Product Offer Service Points Availability feature into your project
+last_updated: Sep 04, 2023
+template: feature-integration-guide-template
+{% include pbc/all/install-features/{{page.version}}/install-the-product-offer-service-points-availability-feature.md %}
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/service-points/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-shipments-availability-feature.md b/docs/pbc/all/service-points/202400.0/unified-commerce/install-and-upgrade/install-the-product-offer-shipments-availability-feature.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+title: Install the Product Offer Shipment Availability feature
+description: Learn how to integrate the Product Offer Shipment Availability feature into your project
+last_updated: Sep 04, 2023
+template: feature-integration-guide-template
+{% include pbc/all/install-features/{{page.version}}/install-the-product-offer-shipments-availability-feature.md %}
diff --git a/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md b/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md
index 1021807f31e..a2e8132f5e4 100644
--- a/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md
+++ b/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md
@@ -17,16 +17,13 @@ This document describes the `merchant_stock.csv` file to configure [merchant sto
## Import file dependencies
-<<<<<<<< HEAD:docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md
+- [merchant-stock.csv](/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/{{page.version}}/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.html)
- [merchant.csv](/docs/marketplace/dev/data-import/{{site.version}}/file-details-merchant.csv.html)
- [warehouse.csv](/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/{{page.version}}/base-shop/import-and-export-data/file-details-warehouse.csv.html)
- [merchant.csv](/docs/pbc/all/merchant-management/{{site.version}}/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant.csv.html)
- [warehouse.csv](/docs/pbc/all/warehouse-management-system/{{page.version}}/import-and-export-data/file-details-warehouse.csv.html)
->>>>>>>> master:docs/pbc/all/merchant-management/202307.0/marketplace/import-data/file-details-merchant-stock.csv.md
## Import file parameters
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/queue/queue.md b/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/queue/queue.md
index 128c9e3cc8f..49ec8e730a0 100644
--- a/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/queue/queue.md
+++ b/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/queue/queue.md
@@ -208,9 +208,3 @@ $jobs[] = [
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-For more information and examples of how to get started with the Queue module, see [Tutorial: Set Up a "Hello World" Queue](/docs/scos/dev/legacy-demoshop/201811.0/set-up-a-hello-world-queue-legacy-demoshop.html).
-{% endinfo_block %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/developers-corner/201811.0/developers-corner.md b/docs/scos/dev/developers-corner/201811.0/developers-corner.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9924f102537..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/developers-corner/201811.0/developers-corner.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: Developer's Corner
-last_updated: Sep 26, 2019
-template: howto-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/developers-corner
-originalArticleId: 34512d92-99bd-42cc-a12c-4bdf9c827311
- - /v1/docs/developers-corner
- - /v1/docs/en/developers-corner
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/agent-assist-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/agent-assist-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0ac1dcf91..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/agent-assist-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-title: Agent Assist feature integration
-description: This guide describes how to install the Agent Assist feature in your project.
-last_updated: Nov 25, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/agent-assist-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: ee66ce01-0196-4a85-b5d6-f71f34794f08
- - /v1/docs/agent-assist-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/agent-assist-feature-integration
-## Install Feature Core
-### Prerequisites
-Install the required features:
-| Name | Version |
-| --- | --- |
-| Spryker Core | 2018.11.0 |
-| Spryker Core Back Office | 2018.11.0 |
-| Customer Account Management | 2018.11.0 |
-### 1) Install the required modules using Composer
-Run the following command(s) to install the required modules:
-composer require spryker-feature/agent-assist:"^2018.11.0" --update-with-dependencies
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules were installed:Module | Expected Directory |
`Agent` | `vendor/spryker/agent` |
`AgentGui` | `vendor/spryker/agent-gui` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 2) Set up Database Schema
-Run the following commands to apply database changes and to generate entity and transfer changes.
-console transfer:generate
-console propel:install
-console transfer:generate
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Verify the following changes by checking your database:Database Entity | Type | Event |
`spy_user.is_agent` | column | created |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 3) Set up Behavior
-Enable the following behaviors by registering the plugins:
-| Plugin | Description | Prerequisites | Namespace |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `UserAgentFormExpanderPlugin` | Adds "is an agent" checkbox to the Zed User form. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
-| `UserAgentTableConfigExpanderPlugin` | Adds "is an agent" column to the Zed Users table. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
-| `UserAgentTableDataExpanderPlugin` | Fills "is an agent" column in the Zed Users table. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Make sure that the following plugins have been registered:Plugin | Description | Prerequisites | Namespace |
`UserAgentFormExpanderPlugin` | Adds "is an agent" checkbox to the Zed User form. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
`UserAgentTableConfigExpanderPlugin` | Adds "is an agent" column to the Zed Users table. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
`UserAgentTableDataExpanderPlugin` | Fills "is an agent" column in the Zed Users table. | None | `Spryker\Zed\AgentGui\Communication\Plugin` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Install feature frontend
-### Prerequisites
-Install the required features:
-| Name | Version |
-| --- | --- |
-| Spryker Core E-commerce | 2018.11.0 |
-### 1) Install the required modules using Composer
-Run the following command(s) to install the required modules:
-composer require spryker-feature/agent-assist:"^2018.11.0" --update-with-dependencies
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Verify that the following modules were installed:Module | Expected Directory |
`AgentPage` | `vendor/spryker-shop/agent-page` |
`AgentWidget` | `vendor/spryker-shop/agent-widget` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 2) Add Translations
-Append glossary according to your configuration:
- ```yaml
-agent.authentication.failed,Authentication failed,en_US
-agent.authentication.failed,Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen,de_DE
-agent.login.title,Access your account,en_US
-agent.login.title,Ich bin bereits Kunde,de_DE
-agent.control_bar.username,Agent: %username%,en_US
-agent.control_bar.username,Agent: %username%,de_DE
-agent.control_bar.customer_name,Customer: %username%,en_US
-agent.control_bar.customer_name,Kunde: %username%,de_DE
-agent.control_bar.logout_as_customer,End Customer Assistance,en_US
-agent.control_bar.logout_as_customer,Kunden-Assistenz beenden,de_DE
-agent.autocomplete.no_results,No results found,en_US
-agent.autocomplete.no_results,Keine Ergebnisse gefunden,de_DE
-Run the following command(s) to add the glossary keys:
-console data:import:glossary
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Make sure that in the database the configured data are added to the `spy_glossary` table.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 3) Enable Controllers
-#### Service Provider List
-Register service provider(s) to Yves application:
-| Provider | Namespace | Specification |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| `AgentPageSecurityServiceProvider` | `SprykerShop\Yves\AgentPage\Plugin\Provider` | Registers security firewalls, access rules, impersonate rules and login/logout handlers for Agent users. |
-application->register(new AgentPageSecurityServiceProvider()); # AgentFeature
- }
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Verify the following changes:
-Try to open the link: `http://mysprykershop.com/agent/secured`
-You should be redirected to `http://mysprykershop.com/agent/login`
-{% endinfo_block %}
-#### Controller Provider List
-Register controller provider(s) to Yves application:
-| Provider | Namespace | Enabled Controller | Controller Specification |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `AgentPageControllerProvider` | `SprykerShop\Yves\AgentPage\Plugin\Provider` | `AgentPage\AuthController` | Login/Logout actions for the Agent user. |
-| `AgentWidgetControllerProvider` | `SprykerShop\Yves\AgentWidget\Plugin\Provider` | `AgentWidget\CustomerAutocompleteController`| Customer autocomplete action for the Agent control bar. |
- ```php
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Verify the `AgentPageControllerProvider` opening the agent login page by the link: `http://mysprykershop.com/agent/login`
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Verify the `AgentWidgetControllerProvider` searching customers from Agent control bar after Agent login.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 4) Set up Widgets
-Register the following global widget(s):
-| Widget | Specification | Namespace |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| `AgentControlBarWidget` | Allows agents to select customers and impersonate. | `SprykerShop\Yves\AgentWidget\Widget` |
- src/Pyz/Yves/ShopApplication/ShopApplicationDependencyProvider.php
- ```php
-Run the following command to enable Javascript and CSS changes
-In case if you have custom layout template, please place the agent widget above the site header:
-{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} widget 'AgentControlBarWidget' only {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endwidget {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
-{% info_block warningBox “Verification” %}
-Make sure that the following widgets were registered:Module | Test |
`AgentControlBarWidget` | Login as an Agent. The control bar widget should appear above the site header. |
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/business-on-behalf-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/business-on-behalf-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 998d9f9d07f..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/business-on-behalf-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-title: Business on Behalf feature integration
-description: The guide walks you through the process of installing the Business on Behalf feature into the project.
-last_updated: Nov 26, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/business-on-behalf-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: 2288cede-f50a-43d6-ac91-7d58b0a96e21
- - /v1/docs/business-on-behalf-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/business-on-behalf-feature-integration
-## Install Feature Core
-### Prerequisites
-To start Business on Behalf feature integration, overview and install the necessary features:
-| Name | Version |
-| Spryker Core | 2018.11.0 |
-| Company Account | 2018.11.0 |
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules were installed:Module | Expected Directory |
`BusinessOnBehalf` | `vendor/spryker/business-on-behalf` |
`BusinessOnBehalfDataImport` | `vendor/spryker/business-on-behalf-data-import` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 1) Set up Database Schema and Transfer Objects
-Run the following commands to apply database changes and generate entity and transfer changes:
-console transfer:generate
-console propel:install
-console transfer:generate
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following changes have been applied by checking your database:Database Entity | Type | Event |
`spy_company_user.is_default` | column | created |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following changes in transfer objects have been applied:Transfer | Type | Event | Path |
`Customer.isOnBehalf` | property | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/CustomerTransfer` |
`CompanyUser.isDefault` | property | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/CompanyUserTransfer` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 2) Import Data
-#### Import Business On Behalf Company Users
-{% info_block infoBox "Info" %}
-Company user data import and business on behalf data import have currently very similar structure, however, both importers represent a different concept.
Include only business on behalf company users in the current data import step and do not mix data with company user data importer.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-Prepare your data according to your requirements using our demo data:
- ```yaml
- customer_reference,company_key,business_unit_key,default
-| Column | Is obligatory? | Data type | Data example | Data explanation |
-| `customer_reference` | mandatory | string | DE--6 | The company user will be connected to this customer. |
-| `company_key` | mandatory | string | BoB-Hotel-Mitte | The company user will be connected to this company. |
-| `business_unit_key` | mandatory | string | business-unit-mitte-1 | The company user will be connected to this business unit. |
-| `default` | mandatory | bool integer | 0 | Decides if this is the default company user of the customer. |
-Register the following plugins to enable data import:
-| Plugin | Specification | Prerequisites | Namespace |
-| `BusinessOnBehalfCompanyUserDataImportPlugin` | Imports business on behalf company users. |- Expects customers to be in database already
- Expects companies to be in the database already
- Expects business units to be in the database already
| `Spryker\Zed\BusinessOnBehalfDataImport\Communication\Plugin\DataImport` |
-Run the following console command to import data:
-console data:import company-user-on-behalf
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that in the database that the configured data are added to the `spy_company_user table`.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 3) Set up Behavior
-#### Set up Customer Transfer Expanders
-Enable the following behaviors by registering the plugins:
-| Plugin | Specification | Prerequisites | Namespace |
-| `DefaultCompanyUserCustomerTransferExpanderPlugin` | Sets default company user for a business on behalf customer if no company user was selected yet. | None | `Spryker\Zed\BusinessOnBehalf\Communication\Plugin\Customer` |
-| `IsOnBehalfCustomerTransferExpanderPlugin` | Sets `CustomerTransfer.IsOnBehalf` property so other features can determine if the selected company user is a business on behalf company user. | None | `Spryker\Zed\BusinessOnBehalf\Communication\Plugin\Customer` |
- ```php
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-To check that the step has been completed correctly:
Log in with a customer who has multiple company users and a default company user.
Check in the session if the default company user was assigned to the customer.
Check in the session if the IsOnBehalf property is set correctly for the customer.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Install feature frontend
-### Prerequisites
-To start Business on Behalf feature integration, overview and install the necessary features:
-| Name | Version |
-| Spryker Core E-commerce | 2018.11.0 |
-| Customer Account Management | 2018.11.0 |
-| Company Account | 2018.11.0 |
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules were installed:Module | Expected Directory |
`BusinessOnBehalfWidget` | `vendor/spryker-shop/business-on-behalf-widget` |
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 1) Add Translations
-Append glossary according to your configuration:
-business_on_behalf_widget.no_selected_company,No selected company,en_US
-business_on_behalf_widget.no_selected_company,Kein Unternehmen ausgewählt,de_DE
-business_on_behalf_widget.change_company_user,Change Company User,en_US
-business_on_behalf_widget.change_company_user,Firmenbenutzer Profil ändern,de_DE
-company_user.business_on_behalf.error.company_not_active,"You can not select this company user, company is not active.",en_US
-company_user.business_on_behalf.error.company_not_active,"Sie können diesen Firmennutzer nicht auswählen da die Firma inaktiv ist",de_DE
-company_user.business_on_behalf.error.company_user_invalid,"You can not select this company user, it is invalid.",en_US
-company_user.business_on_behalf.error.company_user_invalid,"Sie können diesen Firmennutzer nicht auswählen da er ungültig ist",de_DE
-Run the following console command to import the data:
-console data:import glossary
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that in the database the configured data are added to the `spy_glossary` table.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-### 2) Set up Widgets
-Enable the following global widget:
-|`BusinessOnBehalfStatusWidget`|Displays the selected company users and allows for business on behalf customers to change it through a link.|`SprykerShop\Yves\BusinessOnBehalfWidget|
-Run the following command to enable Javascript and CSS changes:
-console frontend:yves:build
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Log in with a business on behalf customer and see the selected company user status widget in the top menu.
-{% endinfo_block %}
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/cart-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/cart-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 29fe6d50fef..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/cart-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-title: Cart Integration
-description: The guide describes the process of integrating the Cart feature into your project.
-last_updated: Jul 31, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/cart-integration
-originalArticleId: 1c67a649-0def-4891-a592-283dce8e845f
- - /v1/docs/cart-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/cart-integration
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-This article describes how to add product variants and product images to an existing cart.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-## Prerequisites:
-Before starting make sure you are familiar with the concept of Spryker Super Attributes.
-## UI Changes:
-Cart now supports changing the items in the cart by modifying their attributes. If we have a wrong T-Shirt size in the cart we will be able to change it.
-Cart now also supports product images out of the box.
-![cart_product_images](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/cart-integration.md/cart_product_images.png){height="" width=""}
-If we have products with multiple super attributes we can now, narrowing-down in the cart.
-![product_super_attributes](https://spryker.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/cart-integration.md/product_super_attributes.png){height="" width=""}
-## Installation
-### Item images in cart
-To support images in a cart, install the optional module `ProductImageCartConnector` by running:
-composer require spryker/product-image-cart-connector
-This module will provide the `ProductImageCartPlugin` that you will have to register later in your shop `CartDependencyProvider` like in a snippet below:
- * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
- *
- * @return \Spryker\Zed\Cart\Dependency\ItemExpanderPluginInterface[]
- */
-protected function getExpanderPlugins(Container $container)
- return [
- // your existing plugins ...
- new ProductImageCartPlugin(),
- ];
-If your shop uses product bundles, register `ExpondBundleItemsWithImagesPlugin` in your shop's `CartDependencyProvider` as follows:
- * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
- *
- * @return \Spryker\Zed\Cart\Dependency\ItemExpanderPluginInterface[]
- */
-protected function getExpanderPlugins(Container $container)
- return [
- //your existing plugins
- new ExpandBundleItemsWithImagesPlugin(),
- ];
-{% info_block warningBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure the `ExpandBundleItemsWithImagesPlugin` is registered after the `ExpandBundleItemsPlugin` plugin.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-#### Cart variants
-Spryker provides the `CartVariant` module for this purpose.
-To install the `CartVariant` module, run:
-composer require spryker/cart-variant
-### AttributeMapCollector
-To support the mapping between attributes and availability, we need to collect additional data in our attribute map collector. You can do that by adding a single line with `SpyProductTableMap::COL_SKU` to the `getConreteProducts` function.
-The full function is as follows:
- * @param int $idProductAbstract
- *
- * @return \Orm\Zed\Product\Persistence\SpyProduct[]|\Propel\Runtime\Collection\ObjectCollection
- */
-protected function getConcreteProducts($idProductAbstract)
- return SpyProductQuery::create()
- ->select([
- SpyProductTableMap::COL_ID_PRODUCT,
- SpyProductTableMap::COL_ATTRIBUTES,
- SpyProductTableMap::COL_SKU,
- ])
- ->withColumn(SpyProductLocalizedAttributesTableMap::COL_ATTRIBUTES, 'localized_attributes')
- ->useSpyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery()
- ->filterByFkLocale($this->locale->getIdLocale())
- ->endUse()
- ->filterByFkProductAbstract($idProductAbstract)
- ->filterByIsActive(true)
- ->find()
- ->toArray(null, false, TableMap::TYPE_CAMELNAME);
-The `filterConcreteProductIds` function was changed to the following:
- * @param array $concreteProducts
- *
- * @return array
- */
-protected function filterConcreteProductIds(array $concreteProducts)
- $concreteProductIds = array_map(function ($product) {
- return $product[SpyProductTableMap::COL_ID_PRODUCT];
- }, $concreteProducts);
- foreach ($concreteProducts as $product) {
- $concreteProductIds[$product[SpyProductTableMap::COL_SKU]] = $product[SpyProductTableMap::COL_ID_PRODUCT];
- }
- asort($concreteProductIds);
- return $concreteProductIds;
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/category-filters-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/category-filters-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d6b1aac247c..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/category-filters-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-title: Category Filters feature integration
-description: The Category Filters Feature allows arranging items into categories and customizing filters. This guide describes how to integrate the feature into your project.
-last_updated: Nov 4, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/category-filter-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: 654091b2-d1ca-4d55-b9e4-f3405f714aae
- - /v1/docs/category-filter-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/category-filter-feature-integration
- - title: Managing Category Filters
- link: docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/page.version/merchandising/category-filters/assign-and-deassign-filters-from-categories.html
-## Prerequisites
-To prepare your project to work with Category Filters:
-1. Require the Category Filters modules in your composer by running:
-* `composer require spryker/product-category-filter`
-* `composer require spryker/product-category-filter-collector`
-* `composer require spryker/product-category-filter-gui`
-2. Install the new database tables by running `vendor/bin/console propel:diff`. Propel should generate a
-migration file with the changes.
-3. Run `vendor/bin/console propel:migrate` to apply the database changes.
-4. Generate ORM models by running `vendor/bin/console propel:model:build`.
-This command will generate some new classes in your project under the ` \Orm\Zed\ProductCategoryFilter\Persistence namespace`.
-It is important to make sure that they extend the base classes from the Spryker core, for example:
-* `\Orm\Zed\ProductCategoryFilter\Persistence\SpyProductCategoryFilter` extends `\Spryker\Zed\ProductCategoryFilter\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyProductCategoryFilter`
-* `\Orm\Zed\ProductReview\Persistence\SpyProductCategoryFilterQuery` extends `\Spryker\Zed\ProductCategoryFilter\Persistence\Propel\AbstractSpyProductCategoryFilterQuery`
-5. Run `vendor/bin/console transfer:generate` to generate the new transfer objects.
-6. Activate the product category filters collector by adding `ProductCategoryFilterCollectorPlugin` to the Storage Collector plugin stack.
- Example: collector plugin list extension
- new ProductCategoryFilterCollectorPlugin(),
- ];
- };
- // ...
- }
- }
-7. Make sure the new Zed user interface assets are built. Run `npm run zed` (or antelope build zed
- for older versions) for that.
-8. Update Zed’s navigation cache to show the new items for the Product Category Filter management user interface by running `vendor/bin/console application:build-navigation-cache`.
-You should now be able to use the Zed UI of Category Filters to re-order, remove or add search filters to specific categories, and the collectors should also be able to push those category settings to storage.
-Check out our [Demoshop implementation](https://github.com/spryker/demoshop) for frontend implementation example and the general idea.
-### Updating Filters For a Category
-To use the setup category filter, `CatalogController::indexAction` needs to call `ProductCategoryFilterClient::updateFacetsByCategory`.
-For example, it might look like this:
-query->get('q', '');
- $parameters = $request->query->all();
- $parameters[PageIndexMap::CATEGORY] = $categoryNode['node_id'];
- $searchResults = $this
- ->getClient()
- ->catalogSearch($searchString, $parameters);
- $currentLocale = $this
- ->getFactory()
- ->getLocaleClient()
- ->getCurrentLocale();
- $productCategoryFilterClient = $this->getFactory()->getProductCategoryFilterClient();
- $searchResults[FacetResultFormatterPlugin::NAME] = $productCategoryFilterClient
- ->updateFacetsByCategory(
- $searchResults[FacetResultFormatterPlugin::NAME],
- $productCategoryFilterClient->getProductCategoryFiltersForCategoryByLocale($parameters[PageIndexMap::CATEGORY], $currentLocale)
- ); //This line here is the one that updates the facets with the category filters.
- $pageTitle = ($categoryNode['meta_title']) ?: $categoryNode['name'];
- $metaAttributes = [
- 'idCategory' => $parameters['category'],
- 'category' => $categoryNode,
- 'page_title' => $pageTitle,
- 'page_description' => $categoryNode['meta_description'],
- 'page_keywords' => $categoryNode['meta_keywords'],
- 'searchString' => $searchString,
- ];
- $searchResults = array_merge($searchResults, $metaAttributes);
- return $this->envelopeResult($searchResults, $categoryNode['node_id']);
- }
-It is also necessary to add `ProductCategoryFilterClient` to `CatalogFactory`:
- }
-Add an additional dependency to `CatalogDependencyProvider` to look like this:
- return $container;
- }
- /**
- * @param \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container $container
- *
- * @return \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container
- */
- protected function addProductCategoryFilterClient(Container $container)
- {
- $container[static::CLIENT_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_FILTER] = function (Container $container) {
- return $container->getLocator()->productCategoryFilter()->client();
- };
- return $container;
- }
-[//]: # (by Ahmed Sabaa)
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/checkout-workflow-integration-guide.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/checkout-workflow-integration-guide.md
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-title: Checkout Workflow Integration Guide
-last_updated: Jul 31, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/checkout-workflow-integration
-originalArticleId: 85187314-1111-4935-b342-7fac18b78ad0
- - /v1/docs/checkout-workflow-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/checkout-workflow-integration
-For example let's create alternative checkout workflow which would only save order in database without any additional checks or calculations.
-To define an alternative checkout workflow, add a constant to `\Pyz\Shared\Checkout\CheckoutConstants`:
-const KEY_WORKFLOW_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKOUT = 'alternative-checkout';
-Modify the `getCheckoutWorkflows()` method in `\Pyz\Zed\Checkout\CheckoutDependencyProvider` to define plugins for new workflow:
-protected function getCheckoutWorkflows(Container $container)
- return [
- CheckoutConstants::KEY_WORKFLOW_MULTISTEP_CHECKOUT => (new CheckoutWorkflowPluginContainer(
- $this->getCheckoutPreConditions($container),
- $this->getCheckoutOrderSavers($container),
- $this->getCheckoutPostHooks($container),
- $this->getCheckoutPreSaveHooks($container)
- )),
- CheckoutConstants::KEY_WORKFLOW_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKOUT => (new CheckoutWorkflowPluginContainer(
- [],
- [
- new SalesOrderSaverPlugin(),
- ],
- [],
- []
- )),
- ];
-After this, pass workflow id as a second parameter in the `placeOrder()` call of `CheckoutFacade`.
-$this->getCheckoutFacade()->placeOrder($quoteTransfer, CheckoutConstants::KEY_WORKFLOW_ALTERNATIVE_CHECKOUT);
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/discount-promotion-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/discount-promotion-feature-integration.md
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-title: Discount Promotion feature integration
-description: This guides provides you with a set of steps needed to be performed in order to integrate the Discount Promotion feature into your project.
-last_updated: Jul 31, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/discount-promotion-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: 0e08a3b5-49f1-4372-936a-8fdd8d239010
- - /v1/docs/discount-promotion-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/discount-promotion-feature-integration
-To start using the Discount Promotion feature, you have to do some configuration in your Zed application.
-## Prerequisites
-1. First make sure you have the latest `DiscountPromotion` module.
-Usecthe `composer require spryker/discount-promotion` command to install it.
-2. You also need at least `"spryker/discount": "^4.5.0"` for the discount module.
-* Run `vendor/bin/console transfer:generate` to generate the latest transfer object.
-* Run `vendor/bin/console propel:diff` to generate migration file for the database. Inspect this new file and check if only `spy_discount_promotion` has been created there.
-* Run `vendor/bin/console propel:migrate` to migrate the latest generate migration file.
-* Run `vendor/bin/console propel:model:build` to generate new propel Entities and Query classes.
-## Enabling Discount Promotions
-To enable Discount promotions, you have to add a number of plugins to the `Discount` module so that `DiscountPromotion` can extend it.
-Below there is the example of the `DiscountDependencyProvider` class.
-3. Inject `ProductPromotionMapperPlugin` to Cart Module:
- }
-5. Add call to plugin in `CartController`.
- ->getProductPromotionMapperPlugin()
- ->mapPromotionItemsFromProductStorage(
- $quoteTransfer,
- $this->getRequest()
- );
- $this->viewResponse([
- //other data
- 'promotionStorageProducts' => $promotionStorageProducts,
- ]);
-Change twig templates to render promotion products. Since we've changed how quantity is rendered for promotion products, some cart templates in our demoshop were reorganized.
-Firstly, make sure a promotion item twig template is called in `Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/index.twig`. This usually should be placed after cart items as in the example below:
-{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} for cartItem in cartItems {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} if cartItem.bundleProduct is defined {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@cart/cart/parts/cart-item.twig' with {
- cartItem: cartItem.bundleProduct,
- bundleItems: cartItem.bundleItems
- } {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} else {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@cart/cart/parts/cart-item.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endif {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endfor {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} //existing code
-{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@DiscountPromotion/discount-promotion/item-list.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %} //new include
-`Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/parts/cart-item.twig` was also heavily modified to work with promotion products (please check our demoshop version), as the cart page can be different per project.
-The key points that were changed: the "Add to cart" button extracted to `Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/parts/cart-add-to-cart.twig`, item price information extracted to `Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/parts/cart-item-prices.twig`, cart product variants extracted to `Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/parts/cart-product-variants.twig`.
-Below there is the demoshop `Pyz/Yves/Cart/Theme/default/cart/parts/cart-item.twig` file for reference.
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@Cart/cart/parts/cart-images.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {# General data #}
- - {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} cartItem.name {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} 'cart.item.sku' | trans {% raw %}}}{% endraw %} {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} cartItem.sku {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} if bundleItems is defined {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {# Product Bundles #}
- - {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} 'cart.item.bundle.description' | trans {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} for bundleItem in bundleItems {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- - {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} bundleItem.quantity {% raw %}}}{% endraw %} x {% raw %}{{{% endraw %} bundleItem.name {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endfor {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} else {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@Cart/cart/parts/cart-product-variants.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} endif {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@Cart/cart/parts/cart-item-prices.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} include '@Cart/cart/parts/cart-add-to-cart.twig' {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
-Make sure `CartOperationHandler` sets ID of `idDiscountPromotion`.
-public function add($sku, $quantity, $optionValueUsageIds = [])
- {
- $itemTransfer = new ItemTransfer();
- $itemTransfer->setSku($sku);
- $itemTransfer->setQuantity($quantity);
- $itemTransfer->setIdDiscountPromotion($this->getIdDiscountPromotion()); //new setter
- $this->addProductOptions($optionValueUsageIds, $itemTransfer);
- $quoteTransfer = $this->cartClient->addItem($itemTransfer);
- $this->cartClient->storeQuote($quoteTransfer);
- }
-protected function getIdDiscountPromotion()
- return (int)$this->request->request->get('idDiscountPromotion');
-When using promotion discount with voucher code, you will get the error message that voucher is not correct. It’s because voucher code is a product offered as promotion and not yet added to cart.
-You have to modify `\Pyz\Yves\Discount\Handler\VoucherHandler::addFlashMessages` to handle discounts with promotions.
-Add the following condition:
-namespace Pyz\Yves\Discount\Handler;
-class VoucherHandler extends BaseHandler implements VoucherHandlerInterface
- /**
- * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer
- * @param string $voucherCode
- *
- * @return void
- */
- protected function addFlashMessages($quoteTransfer, $voucherCode)
- {
- //---new code
- if ($this->isVoucherFromPromotionDiscount($quoteTransfer, $voucherCode)) {
- return;
- }
- //-----
- if ($this->isVoucherCodeApplied($quoteTransfer, $voucherCode)) {
- $this->setFlashMessagesFromLastZedRequest($this->calculationClient);
- return;
- }
- $this->flashMessenger->addErrorMessage('cart.voucher.apply.failed');
- }
- /**
- * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer
- * @param string $voucherCode
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function isVoucherFromPromotionDiscount(QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer, $voucherCode)
- {
- foreach ($quoteTransfer->getUsedNotAppliedVoucherCodes() as $voucherCodeUsed) {
- if ($voucherCodeUsed === $voucherCode) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
-After this you should be able to use the new discounts with promotion.
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-gift-cards.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-gift-cards.md
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--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-gift-cards.md
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-title: Enabling Gift Cards
-description: The guide walks you through the process of installing the Gift Cards feature in the project.
-last_updated: Nov 21, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/enabling-gift-cards
-originalArticleId: cf250cbf-70f4-4c4f-923e-8fe3054ed817
- - /v1/docs/enabling-gift-cards
- - /v1/docs/en/enabling-gift-cards
-The Gift Cards feature is shipped with the following modules:
-* **GiftCard**: implements the basic functionality of the Gift Cards feature as well as the Replacement value-checking strategy.
-* **GiftCardBalance**: implements gift card Balance value-checking strategy.
-* **GiftCardMailConnector**: responsible for sending e-mails on gift cards usage (balance change) as well as gift cards codes delivery.
-* **Nopayment**: implements payment methods if the price to pay is fully covered by a gift card.
-To enable the gift cards in your project, do the following:
-1. Make sure you have the correct versions of the required modules. To automatically update to the latest non-BC breaking versions, run `composer update "spryker/*"`
-2. Require the modules in your `composer.json` by running:
-composer require spryker/gift-card:"^1.0.0" spryker/gift-card-balance:"^1.0.0"
-spryker/gift-card-mail-connector:"^1.0.0" spryker/nopayment:"^4.0.0"
-3. Enable necessary plugins. See the table below for information on available plugins, where to install them and value checking strategies they are used for.
-| Plugin | Description | Where to Install | Strategy |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `GiftCardCalculatorPlugin` | Splits applicable and non-applicable Gift Cards. Creates payment methods for applicable Gift Cards. |`CalculationDependencyProvider::getQuoteCalculatorPluginStack` | - |
-| `GiftCardCurrencyMatchDecisionRulePlugin` |Doesn’t allow using a Gift Card with a different currency rather than the one the customer has used while performing the payment. | `GiftCardDependencyProvider::getDecisionRulePlugins` | - |
-| `GiftCardIsActiveDecisionRulePlugin` | Doesn’t allow using inactive Gift Cards. |`GiftCardDependencyProvider::getDecisionRulePlugins` | - |
-| `GiftCardDiscountableItemFilterPlugin` |Restricts using a Gift Card for another Gift Cards in a cart. The plugin filters out Gift Cards from discountable items. |`DiscountDependencyProvider::getDiscountableItemFilterPlugins` | - |
-| `GiftCardIsUsedDecisionRulePlugin` | As a part of the replacement strategy, this plugin does not allow using a Gift Card twice. |`GiftCardDependencyProvider::getDecisionRulePlugins` | Replacement |
-| `GiftCardMetadataExpanderPlugin` | Populates Gift Card information when it is in the cart. | `CartDependencyProvider::getExpanderPlugins` | - |
-| `GiftCardOrderItemSaverPlugin` | Saves a Gift Card with populated data when an order is placed. | `CheckoutDependencyProvider::getCheckoutOrderSavers` | - |
-| `GiftCardOrderSaverPlugin` | Keeps Gift Card as an order payment method. | `PaymentDependencyProvider::extendPaymentPlugin` with a key `PaymentDependencyProvider::CHECKOUT_ORDER_SAVER_PLUGINS`| - |
-| `GiftCardPaymentMethodFilterPlugin` | Now, every payment method is compatible with a Gift Card in the cart. The plugin filters out all incompatible payment methods from available ones during checkout payment methods step. | `PaymentDependencyProvider::getPaymentMethodFilterPlugins` | - |
-| `GiftCardPreCheckPlugin` | Confirms that a Gift Card is not used at the moment and that payment method amount assigned to the Gift Card is no more than the Gift Card amount itself. | `PaymentDependencyProvider::extendPaymentPlugin` with a key `PaymentDependencyProvider::CHECKOUT_PRE_CHECK_PLUGINS` | - |
-| `GiftCardRecreateValueProviderPlugin` |For replacement: defines a Gift Card leftover. It’s simply a Gift Card amount for this strategy. | `GiftCardDependencyProvider::getValueProviderPlugin` | Replacement |
-| `CreateGiftCardCommandPlugin` | It is an order management system command to create a Gift Card based on a paid order item (a Gift Card item). | `OmsDependencyProvider::extendCommandPlugins` | - |
-| `ReplaceGiftCardsCommandPlugin` | For placement strategy: creates a new Gift Card based on leftover from the previous one. | `OmsDependencyProvider::extendCommandPlugins` | Replacement |
-| `IsGiftCardConditionPlugin` | This plugin is used to define an order management system state machine process routing. | `OmsDependencyProvider::extendConditionPlugins` | - |
-| `OnlyGiftCardShipmentMethodFilterPlugin` | Filters out shipment methods that are incompatible with Gift Cards. | `ShipmentDependencyProvider::getMethodFilterPlugins` | - |
-| `BalanceCheckerApplicabilityPlugin` | For balance strategy: checks positive balance on a Gift Card. | `GiftCardDependencyProvider::getDecisionRulePlugins` | Balance |
-| `BalanceTransactionLogPaymentSaverPlugin` | For balance strategy: persists a Gift Card during a payment processing. | `GiftCardDependencyProvider::getPaymentSaverPlugins` | Balance |
-| `GiftCardBalanceValueProviderPlugin` | For balance strategy: provides available Gift Card amount. Gift Card amount equals to logged transactions. | `GiftCardDependencyProvider::getValueProviderPlugin` | Balance |
-| `GiftCardDeliveryMailTypePlugin` | Sends an e-mail about a successfully issued Gift Card to a buyer. | `MailDependencyProvider::MAIL_TYPE_COLLECTION` | - |
-| `GiftCardUsageMailTypePlugin` | Sends an e-mail on Gift Card usage to its user. | `MailDependencyProvider::MAIL_TYPE_COLLECTION` | - |
-| `ShipGiftCardByEmailCommandPlugin` | An order management system command which triggers Gift Card electronic shipment. |`OmsDependencyProvider::extendCommandPlugins` | - |
-| `NopaymentHandlerPlugin` | A payment method placeholder that is used when an order is paid by only a Gift Card without a real payment method. | `CheckoutDependencyProvider::extendPaymentMethodHandler` | - |
-| `NopaymentPreCheckPlugin` | Doesn’t allow placing an order with a price to pay more than 0 with a NoPayment payment method. | `PaymentDependencyProvider::extendPaymentPlugins` with a key `PaymentDependencyProvider::CHECKOUT_ORDER_SAVER_PLUGINS` | - |
-| `PriceToPayPaymentMethodFilterPlugin` | Filters payment methods based on cart totals. | `PaymentDependencyProvider::getPaymentMethodFilterPlugins` | - |
-| `PaymentFormFilterPlugin` | Each payment method provides its subforms. The plugin filters them out based on an available payment method list. | `CheckoutDependencyProvider::getPaymentFormFilterPlugins` | - |
-| `PaymentCalculatorPlugin` | Distributes total prices to payment methods. Calculates price to pay to quote totals. | `CalculationDependencyProvider::getQuoteCalculatorPluginStack` | - |
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-the-content-widget.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-the-content-widget.md
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--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/enabling-the-content-widget.md
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-title: Enabling the Content Widget
-description: The guide walks you through the process of installing the Content Widget feature in the project.
-last_updated: Nov 4, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/enabling-cms-widget
-originalArticleId: 7a658c6c-f0b5-4b59-a44f-11b3d43eb1d6
- - /v1/docs/enabling-cms-widget
- - /v1/docs/en/enabling-cms-widget
-CMS content widgets is a CMS feature for adding dynamic content to CMS pages/blocks.
-For example, you can list a single product, product lists, product groups or product sets.
-## Integration
-First of all you need to install the `cms-content-widget` module with Composer (update composer.json with `"cms-content-widget": "^1.0.0"` or use Composer require).
-To enable the feature, configure it in your project.
-Integration of CMS widget consists of three main parts:
-1. Registering twig function in Yves.
-2. Providing configuration in module shared directory so that Yves and Zed can read it.
-3. (Optionally) Providing CMS content function parameter mapper plugins.
-### Step 1: Registering twig function in Yves.
-The CMS content widget is a twig function. Therefore, twig syntax rules apply and must be followed when including the inside content.
-For example, `{% raw %}{{{% endraw %} product(['012', '013', '321']) {% raw %}}}{% endraw %}` will include carousel component with three products.
-To register a new function, you need to create a plugin which implements the `\Spryker\Yves\CmsContentWidget\Dependency\CmsContentWidgetPluginInterface` interface and place it in Yves application. Plugins are registered in `\Pyz\Yves\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetependencyProvider::getCmsContentWidgetPlugins` which is an array stored as key => value pairs,
-where **key** is the function name you want to use in a template and **value** is a specific plugin instance. This plugin needs configuration which is explained in the next paragraph.
-To enable the feature for CMS blocks, you have to configure twig rendering plugin `\Spryker\Yves\CmsContentWidget\Plugin\CmsTwigContentRendererPlugin` and add it to `\Pyz\Yves\CmsBlock\CmsBlockDependencyProvider::getCmsBlockTwigContentRendererPlugin`. This will enable twig function rendering in CMS blocks.
-### Step 2: Providing CMS content widget configuration.
-Some information needs to be shared between Yves and Zed. Therefore, the configuration plugin must be placed in a shared namespace.
-**The new plugin must implement:** `\Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidget\Depedency\CmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviderInterface` which is used by Yves and Zed.
-When used in Yves, inject this plugin directly to your plugin and use configuration when building twig callable. When used in Zed, it should be added to the `\Pyz\Zed\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetConfig::getCmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviders` plugin array where key is the function name and value is the plugin instance. Providing it to Zed allows rendering usage information below the content editor.
-The configuration provider requires implementation of the following methods:
-* `getFunctionName` is the name of function when used in CMS content.
-* `getAvailableTemplates` is the list of supported templates, it's a key value pair where key is the template identifier which is passed to function and value is a path to twig template.
-* `getUsageInformation` is a plain text usage information, displayed when rendering help pane below the content editor.
-### Step 3: Function mapping plugins - optional.
-When defining functions, you may want to accept "natural identifiers", such as "sku" for products or "set_key" for product sets. It is preferable that the content manager provides the identifiers instead of relying on surrogate keys. The problem arises when you need to read data from the Yves data store as the Yves data store uses "surrogate key/primary keys". Therefore, to read data, convert/map those natural identifiers to surrogate keys.
-We provide mappers to help map the identifiers. Each mapper must implement: `\Spryker\Zed\CmsContentWidget\Dependency\Plugin\CmsContentWidgetParameterMapperPluginInterface` and be added to `\Pyz\Zed\Cms\CmsDependencyProvider::getCmsContentWidgetParameterMapperPlugins` where **key** is the function name and **value** is a specific mapper.
-The mapper receives unmapped values where your plugin is responsible for mapping and returning it as an array. Mapper plugins are invoked by CMS and block collectors. To export this data, you must register two plugins one for CMS pages and one for CMS blocks.
-For `CmsBlockCollector`, add plugin `\Spryker\Zed\CmsContentWidget\Communication\Plugin\CmsBlockCollector\CmsBlockCollectorParameterMapExpanderPlugin` to `\Pyz\Zed\CmsBlockCollector\CmsBlockCollectorDependencyProvider::getCollectorDataExpanderPlugins`.
-For `CmsCollector`, add plugin `\Spryker\Zed\CmsContentWidget\Communication\Plugin\CmsPageCollector\CmsPageCollectorParameterMapExpanderPlugin` to `\Pyz\Zed\CmsCollector\CmsCollectorDependencyProvider::getCollectorDataExpanderPlugins`.
-Make sure to update the `CmsBlockCollector` and `CmsCollector` modules as expander plugins were added during this feature release. It's exported to `\Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetConstants::CMS_CONTENT_WIDGET_PARAMETER_MAP`. You can access parameter mapping inside the ` $contex` variable when implementing the CMS content function plugin in Yves.
-The `$context` is a special twig function variable that uses twig to pass the data you normally send to the template. This variable has a `cmsContent` key. This key has data from the Yves store. This can be either a CMS page or block data.
-The parameter mapping can be read from:
-For example, you can use this method as a basis when implementing `\Spryker\Yves\CmsContentWidget\Dependency\CmsContentWidgetPluginInterface`.
-namespace Spryker\Yves\Module\Plugin;
-class CmsWidgetPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CmsContentWidgetPluginInterface
- /**
- * @return \Callable
- */
- public function getContentWidgetFunction()
- {
- return function (Twig_Environment $twig, array $context, $parameters, $templateIdentifier = null) {
- return $twig->render(
- $this->resolveTemplatePath($templateIdentifier),
- $this->getContent($context, $parameters)
- );
- };
- }
- /**
- * @param null|string $templateIdentifier
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function resolveTemplatePath($templateIdentifier = null)
- {
- return '@Module/partials/function_template.twig'
- }
- /**
- * @param array $context
- * @param array|string $parameters
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getContent(array $context, $parameters)
- {
- return []; //return data to be inserted into template
- }
- }
-## Provided Plugins
-We provide three CMS content widget plugins . All are currently implemented in the demoshop so you can take them from our repository and integrate in your project.
-Plugin configuration is described below.
-### Zed Plugins:
-namespace Pyz\Zed\CmsContentWidget;
-class CmsContentWidgetConfig extends SprykerCmsContentConfig
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * @return array|\Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviderInterface[]
- */
- public function getCmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviders()
- {
- return [
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- ];
- }
-### Zed CMS Configuration Providers:
-namespace Pyz\Zed\CmsContentWidget;
-class CmsContentWidgetConfig extends SprykerCmsContentConfig
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * @return array|\Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviderInterface[]
- */
- public function getCmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviders()
- {
- return [
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- ];
- }
-### Zed CMS Collector Parameter Mapper Plugins:
-namespace Pyz\Zed\CmsContentWidget;
-class CmsContentWidgetDependencyProvider extends SprykerCmsContentWidgetDependencyProvider
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
- *
- * @return array|\Spryker\Zed\CmsContentWidget\Dependency\Plugin\CmsContentWidgetParameterMapperPluginInterface[]
- */
- protected function getCmsContentWidgetParameterMapperPlugins(Container $container)
- {
- return [
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Zed\CmsProductConnector\Communication\Plugin\Cms\CmsProductSkuMapperPlugin(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Zed\CmsProductSetConnector\Communication\Plugin\Cms\CmsProductSetKeyMapperPlugin(),
- \Spryker\Shared\CmsProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new \Spryker\Zed\CmsProductConnector\Communication\Plugin\Cms\CmsProductSkuMapperPlugin(),
- ];
- }
-### Yves Plugin Dependencies
-namespace Pyz\Zed\CmsContentWidget;
-use Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider;
-use Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductGroupConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider;
-use Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidgetProductSetConnector\ContentWidgetConfigurationProvider\CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider;
-use Spryker\Zed\CmsContentWidget\CmsContentWidgetConfig as SprykerCmsContentConfig;
-class CmsContentWidgetConfig extends SprykerCmsContentConfig
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- *
- * @return array|\Spryker\Shared\CmsContentWidget\Dependency\CmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviderInterface[]
- */
- public function getCmsContentWidgetConfigurationProviders()
- {
- return [
- CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new CmsProductContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new CmsProductSetContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider::FUNCTION_NAME => new CmsProductGroupContentWidgetConfigurationProvider(),
- ];
- }
-### Version Check When Using the Widget for CMS Blocks
-If you use this widget for CMS Blocks, then check that you have proper versions of your modules as follows: `cms-block >= 1.2.0, cms-block-collector >= 1.1.0, cms-block-gui >= 1.1.0`.
-[//]: # (by Denis Turkov)
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/feature-integration-guides.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/feature-integration-guides.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/feature-integration-guides.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-title: About Integration
-last_updated: Oct 7, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/about-integration
-originalArticleId: 34f5eb39-407e-4880-b1a7-de0cff062cfe
- - /v1/docs/about-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/about-integration
-The integration guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to enable individual Spryker features for your project.
-Please keep in mind, that since Spryker Commerce OS is a highly modular system, you have total freedom in choosing what features to add to your project. When making a decision to install new features, we recommend not to bloat your project by installing everything, but opt for the features that are really justified in terms of your business needs.
-If you have spotted an issue with either of the guides, please feel free to [create an issue](https://github.com/spryker/spryker-docs/issues) or pull request by using the Edit on GitHub option.
-Not found an integration guide you are looking for? Let us know about it by [creating an issue on Github](https://github.com/spryker/spryker-docs/issues) or dropping an email to academy@spryker.com.
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/catalog-search-api-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/catalog-search-api-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c120581671..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/catalog-search-api-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-title: Glue API - Catalog Search feature integration
-description: This guide will navigate you through the process of installing and configuring the Search API feature in Spryker OS.
-last_updated: Oct 24, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/catalog-search-api-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: bc4f8fd7-4354-4f9f-8c7a-8029f52d6d43
- - /v1/docs/catalog-search-api-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/catalog-search-api-feature-integration
- - /docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/201811.0/(/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/catalog-search-api-feature-integration.html)
-## Install feature API
-### Prerequisites
-Install the required features:
-| Name |Version |
-| --- | --- |
-| Spryker Core |2018.12.0 |
-| Search | 2018.12.0 |
-## 1) Install the required modules
-Run the following command to install the required modules:
-`composer require spryker/catalog-search-rest-api:"^2.1.0" spryker/catalog-search-products-resource-relationship:"^1.1.0" --update-with-dependencies`
-{% info_block infoBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules are installed:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Module | Expected Directory |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CatalogSearchRestApi` | `vendor/spryker/catalog-search-rest-api` |
-| `CatalogSearchProductsResourceRelationship` | `vendor/spryker/catalog-search-products-resource-relationship` |
-## 2) Set up Transfer objects
-Run the following commands to generate transfer changes:
-`console transfer:generate`
-{% info_block infoBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following changes in transfer objects have occurred:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Transfer |Type | Event | Path |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `RestCatalogSearchAttributesTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchAttributesTransfer ` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchSortTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchSortTransfer ` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchPaginationTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchPaginationTransfer ` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchAbstractProductsTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchAbstractProductsTransfer` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchProductImageTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchProductImageTransfer` |
-| `RestRangeSearchResultTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestRangeSearchResultTransfer` |
-| `RestFacetSearchResultTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestFacetSearchResultTransfer` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchSuggestionsAttributesTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchSuggestionsAttributesTransfer` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchSuggestionAbstractProductsTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchSuggestionAbstractProductsTransfer` |
-| `RestCatalogSearchSuggestionProductImageTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCatalogSearchSuggestionProductImageTransfer` |
-| `RestPriceProductTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestPriceProductTransfer` |
-| `PriceModeConfigurationTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PriceModeConfigurationTransfer` |
-| `RestCurrencyTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCurrencyTransfer` |
-| `RestFacetConfigTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestFacetConfigTransfer ` |
-## 3) Set up behavior
-### Enable resources and relationships
-Activate the following plugins:
-| Plugin|Specification | Prerequisites | Namespace |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `CatalogSearchAbstractProductsResourceRelationshipPlugin` | Adds the abstract product resource relationship to search results. | None | `Spryker\Glue\CatalogSearchProductsResourceRelationship\Plugin` |
-| `CatalogSearchSuggestionsAbstractProductsResourceRelationshipPlugin` | Adds the abstract product resource relationship to search suggestions results. | None | `Spryker\Glue\CatalogSearchProductsResourceRelationship\Plugin` |
-| `CatalogSearchResourceRoutePlugin` | Registers the `search` resource. | None | `Spryker\Glue\CatalogSearchRestApi\Plugin\CatalogSearchResourceRoutePlugin` |
-| `CatalogSearchSuggestionsResourceRoutePlugin` | Registers the `search-suggestions` resource. | None | `Spryker\Glue\CatalogSearchRestApi\Plugin\CatalogSearchSuggestionsResourceRoutePlugin` |
- CatalogSearchRestApiConfig::RESOURCE_CATALOG_SEARCH,
- new CatalogSearchAbstractProductsResourceRelationshipPlugin()
- );
- $resourceRelationshipCollection->addRelationship(
- new CatalogSearchSuggestionsAbstractProductsResourceRelationshipPlugin()
- );
- return $resourceRelationshipCollection;
- }
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make sure the following endpoints are available:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q={% raw %}{{{% endraw %}q_term{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}`
-* `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q={% raw %}{{{% endraw %}q_term{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}`
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make a request to `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search?q={% raw %}{{{% endraw %}q_term{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}&include=abstract-products`. Make sure the response includes relationships to `abstract-products` resources.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make a request to `https://glue.mysprykershop.com/catalog-search-suggestions?q={% raw %}{{{% endraw %}q_term{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}&include=abstract-products`. Make sure the response includes relationships to `abstract-products` resources.
-{% endinfo_block %}
-_Last review date: Apr 10, 2019_
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/documentationgeneratorrestapi-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/documentationgeneratorrestapi-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f709c2ed771..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/documentationgeneratorrestapi-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-title: DocumentationGeneratorRestApi feature integration
-description: This guide will navigate you through the process of installing and configuring the DocumentationGeneratorRestApi feature in Spryker OS.
-last_updated: May 2, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/documentationreneratorrestapi-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: 5b5f840a-86b9-4dfc-93dc-694436784745
- - /v1/docs/documentationreneratorrestapi-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/documentationreneratorrestapi-feature-integration
-## Install feature API
-### Prerequisites
-Install the required features:
-|Name | Version |
-| --- | --- |
-| Spryker Core|2018.12.0 |
-| Glue Application| 2018.12.0|
-### 1) Install the required modules using Composer
-Run the following command to install the required modules:
-`composer require spryker/documentation-generator-rest-api:"^1.2.0" spryker/documentation-generator-rest-api-extension:"^1.0.0" --update-with-dependencies`
-{% info_block infoBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules are installed:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Module|Expected directory |
-| --- | --- |
-|`DocumentationGeneratorRestApi` | `vendor/spryker/documentation-generator-rest-api` |
-|`DocumentationGeneratorRestApiExtension` | `vendor/spryker/documentation-generator-rest-api-extension` |
-### 2) Set up Transfer objects
-Run the following command to generate transfer changes:
-`console transfer:generate`
-{% info_block infoBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following changes are present in transfer objects:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Transfer | Type | Event | Path |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `PathMethodDataTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathMethodDataTransfer` |
-| `PathParameterTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathParameterTransfer` |
-| `PathSchemaDataTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathSchemaDataTransfer` |
-| `SchemaDataTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SchemaDataTransfer` |
-| `SchemaPropertyTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SchemaPropertyTransfer` |
-| `SecuritySchemeTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SecuritySchemeTransfer` |
-| `PathMethodComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathMethodComponentTransfer` |
-| `PathParameterComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathParameterComponentTransfer` |
-| `PathRequestComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathRequestComponentTransfer` |
-| `PathRequestComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathRequestComponentTransfer` |
-| `PathResponseComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathResponseComponentTransfer` |
-| `SchemaComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SchemaComponentTransfer` |
-| `SchemaPropertyComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SchemaPropertyComponentTransfer` |
-| `SecuritySchemeComponentTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/SecuritySchemeComponentTransfer` |
-| `PathAnnotationsTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/PathAnnotationsTransfer` |
-| `AnnotationTransfer` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/AnnotationTransfer` |
-### 3) Set up behavior
-#### Configure REST attributes transfers
-Update all the needed `RestAttributes` transfer objects definitions on the project level to add `restRequestParameter` to the properties that should be included in the request object for the endpoint. For example:
-`restRequestParameter` can accept one of the three values:
-* required - property will be marked as required in the request body schema.
-* yes - property will be marked as optional in the request body schema.
-* no - property will be skipped in the request body schema.
-By default, every property is considered as not needed and will be skipped in the schema definition.
-Run the following command to generate the transfer changes:
-`console transfer:generate`
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make sure that the generated transfers have adefined property in metadata with the correct value, for example:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-self::PASSWORD => [
- 'type' => 'string',
- 'name_underscore' => 'password',
- 'is_collection' => false,
- 'is_transfer' => false,
- 'rest_request_parameter' => 'required',
- 'is_nullable' => false,
-self::TOKEN_TYPE => [
- 'type' => 'string',
- 'name_underscore' => 'token_type',
- 'is_collection' => false,
- 'is_transfer' => false,
- 'rest_request_parameter' => 'no',
- 'is_nullable' => false,
-#### Configure additional specification data for your actions
-You may need to add annotations to the endpoint's controller actions to generate more accurate documentation. Annotations are written in the JSON format. For example:
- * @Glue({
- * "getResource": {
- * "summary": [
- * "Summary example."
- * ],
- * "parameters": [
- * {
- * name: "Accept-Language",
- * in: "header",
- * },
- * {
- * name: "X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id",
- * in: "header",
- * required: true,
- * description: "Guest customer unique ID"
- * },
- * ],
- * "responses": {
- * "400": "Bad Response.",
- * "404": "Item not found.",
- * }
- * }
- * })
- * ...
- */
-public function getAction(RestRequestInterface $restRequest)
-The annotation object should consist of a top-level object with one property that represents the request method used. It can be one of these:
-* getCollection, getResource - for the GET requests
-* post, patch, delete - respectively for the POST, PATCH, DELETE requests
-Currently supported annotation properties:
-* summary - summary of an endpoint. If not specified, summary will be generated from the resource type.
-* parameters - parameters that can be passed with the request. (see https://swagger.io/specification/#parameterObject).
-* responses - all the possible response codes and their descriptions for a given endpoint.
-* responseClass - defines a custom transfer class that represents a response object (in cases when the request and response objects are different); FQCN needed.
-* isEmptyResponse - should be set to true when a method does not have a response body (no need to set it in the delete methods as they have an empty response body by default)
-#### Enable console command
-Activate the following plugin:
-| Plugin| Specification |Prerequisites |Namespace |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `GenerateRestApiDocumentationConsole` | Registers the rest-api:generate:documentation console command. | None | `Spryker\Zed\DocumentationGeneratorRestApi\Communication\Console` |
- Make sure that the following module is installed:
-| Module | Expected Directory |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AlternativeProductsRestApi` | `vendor/spryker/alternative-products-rest-api` |
-## 2) Set up Behavior
-Activate the following plugins:
-| Plugin | Specification | Prerequisites | Namespace |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `AbstractAlternativeProductsResourceRoutePlugin` | Registers the abstract alternative products resource. | None | `Spryker\Glue\AlternativeProductsRestApi\Plugin\GlueApplication` |
-| `ConcreteAlternativeProductsResourceRoutePlugin` | Registers the concrete alternative products resource. | None | `Spryker\Glue\AlternativeProductsRestApi\Plugin\GlueApplication` |
- src/Pyz/Glue/GlueApplication/GlueApplicationDependencyProvider.php
- namespace Pyz\Glue\GlueApplication;
-use Spryker\Glue\CategoriesRestApi\Plugin\CategoriesResourceRoutePlugin;
-use Spryker\Glue\CategoriesRestApi\Plugin\CategoryResourceRoutePlugin;
-use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\GlueApplicationDependencyProvider as SprykerGlueApplicationDependencyProvider;
-class GlueApplicationDependencyProvider extends SprykerGlueApplicationDependencyProvider
- /**
- * @return \Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ResourceRoutePluginInterface[]
- */
- protected function getResourceRoutePlugins(): array
- {
- return [
- new CategoriesResourceRoutePlugin(),
- new CategoryResourceRoutePlugin(),
- ];
- }
- ```
- Make sure the following endpoints are available:
-* `http://mysprykershop.com/category-trees`
-* `http://mysprykershop.com/category-nodes/{% raw %}{{{% endraw %}category_node_id{% raw %}}}{% endraw %}`
-_Last review date: Feb 26, 2019_
diff --git a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/glue-api-customer-account-management-feature-integration.md b/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/glue-api-customer-account-management-feature-integration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c05fda4a493..00000000000
--- a/docs/scos/dev/feature-integration-guides/201811.0/glue-api/glue-api-customer-account-management-feature-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-title: Glue API - Customer feature integration
-description: This guide will navigate through the process of installing and configuring of the Customer API feature used in Spryker OS.
-last_updated: Nov 4, 2019
-template: feature-integration-guide-template
-originalLink: https://documentation.spryker.com/v1/docs/customer-api-feature-integration
-originalArticleId: b12600d8-4921-49d4-8409-eb4cdc02ce5e
- - /v1/docs/customer-api-feature-integration
- - /v1/docs/en/customer-api-feature-integration
- - title: Managing Customers
- link: docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/page.version/managing-customers/managing-customers.html
-## Install feature API
-### Prerequisites
-Install the required features:
-| Name | Version |
-| --- | --- |
-| Spryker Core | 2018.12.0 |
-| Customer Account Management | 2018.12.0 |
-## 1) Install the required modules
-Run the following command to install the required modules:
-composer require spryker/customers-rest-api:"^1.6.2" --update-with-dependencies
-{% info_block infoBox "Verification" %}
-Make sure that the following modules are installed:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Module| Expected Directory |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CustomersRestApiExtensions` | `vendor/spryker/customers-rest-api-extension` |
-| `CustomersRestApi ` | `vendor/spryker/customers-rest-api` |
-## 2) Set up Database Schema and Transfer objects
-Run the following commands to apply database changes and also generate entity and transfer changes:
-console transfer:generate
-console propel:install
-console transfer:generate
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make sure that the following changes have occurred in the database:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Transfer | Type | Event |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-|`spy_customer_address.uuid` | column | created |
-| `spy_customer_address.spy_customer_address-unique-uuid` | index| created |
-{% info_block infoBox %}
-Make sure that the following changes have occurred in transfer objects:
-{% endinfo_block %}
-| Transfer | Type | Event | Path |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `Address.uuid` |column |created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/Address` |
-| `RestCustomersAttributes` |class | created |`src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCustomersAttributes` |
-|`RestCustomersResponseAttributes` |class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCustomersResponseAttributes` |
-| `RestCustomersRegisterAttributes` | class|created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCustomersRegisterAttributes` |
-| `RestAddressAttributes` | class| created| `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestAddressAttributes` |
-| `RestCustomerPasswordAttributes`| class| created| `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCustomerPasswordAttributes`|
-|`RestCustomerForgottenPasswordAttributes` | class | created | `src/Generated/Shared/Transfer/RestCustomerForgottenPasswordAttributes` |
-## 3) Set up behavior
-### Enable console command
-Register the following console command in `ConsoleDependencyProvider`:
- ```console list```