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Spring Data Elasticsearch Spring Boot version matrix

Jochen Schalanda edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 6 revisions
Spring Boot Version (x) Spring Data Elasticsearch Version (y) Elasticsearch Version (z)
x <= 1.3.5 y <= 1.3.4 z <= 1.7.2*
x >= 1.4.x 2.0.0 <=y < 5.0.0** 2.0.0 <= z < 5.0.0**

(*) - require manual change in your project pom file (solution 2.)

(**) - Next big ES release with breaking changes

Common questions:

1. Why Spring Boot 1.x.x doesn't work with Elasticsearch 2.x.x?

Spring boot 1.x.x auto configuration is using ImmutableSettings class from Elasticsearch and that class has been removed in version 2.x.x of Elasticsearch.

For more information please look at that page: Breaking changes in Elasticsearch 2.0

2. Run Spring Boot 1.3.5 + ES 1.7.2

Spring Boot has dedicated module to specify dependency versions. To change version of ES from 1.5.2 to 1.7.2 add elasticsearch.version into your pom properties


3. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotations must specify at least one bean (type, name or annotation)

You have mixed version of Spring Boot 1.3.5 with ES 2.x.x and this will not work - please look at Point 1.