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Spring Boot 3.3 Release Notes

Andy Wilkinson edited this page May 22, 2024 · 15 revisions

Spring Boot 3.3.0 Release Notes

Upgrading From Spring Boot 3.2

Jersey Observability

Micrometer 1.13 has deprecated its Jersey support in favor of Jersey’s jersey-micrometer module. If you application uses Jersey metrics, add a dependency on org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-micrometer when upgrading.

To support observations with Jersey, the MetricsApplicationEventListener has been replaced with a ObservationApplicationEventListener. If you were using a JerseyTagsProvider to customize the tags, you’ll now need to implement a JerseyObservationConvention bean to do that.

Dependency Management for Dropwizard Metrics Removed

Dependency management for Dropwizard Metrics has been removed. Spring Boot does not depend directly upon Dropwizard Metrics and, therefore, does not require a specific version. If your application depends on Dropwizard Metrics directly, update your build configuration to specify a version that meets its needs.

Prometheus Client 1.x

Spring Boot 3.3 includes support for the Prometheus Client 1.x. This release of the client contains some breaking changes, e.g. changes to the exported metric names. Use of the Prometheus Push Gateway is not supported with the 1.x client, until this support has been added from the Prometheus maintainers.

If you want to continue to use the 0.x version of the Prometheus client, remove io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus from your dependencies and add io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus-simpleclient instead. Spring Boot contains auto-configuration for simpleclient in a deprecated form which will be removed in Spring Boot 3.5.0.

For a more detailed migration guide, please see this section of the Micrometer wiki.

Flyway 10

This release upgrades to Flyway 10. Flyway 10 is more modular than previous versions and support for several databases has been moved into a number of new, database-specific modules. If you are using any of the following databases, update your dependencies accordingly:

  • DB2 (flyway-database-db2)

  • Derby (flyway-database-derby)

  • HSQLDB (flyway-database-hsqldb)

  • Informix (flyway-database-informix)

  • PostgreSQL (flyway-database-postgresql)

  • Redshift (flyway-database-redshift)

  • SAP HANA (flyway-database-saphana)

  • Snowflake (flyway-database-snowflake)

  • Sybase ASE (flyway-database-sybasease)

Infinispan 15

This release upgrades to Infinispan 15. Infinispan 15 has raised its Jakarta EE baseline and, as such, a number of its -jakarta modules, such as infinispan-core-jakarta, no longer exist. Use their standard alternatives, such as infinispan-core, instead.

Git Commit ID Maven Plugin

The plugin has been upgraded to 8.0.x. As part of this upgrade, the default date format is now yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX. This provides compatibility with Maven’s reproducible builds feature.

Minimum Requirements Changes

Native Build Tools

If you’re using the Native Build Tools to build your project with GraalVM, make sure you’re using at least a 0.10.x version of the plugin. Maven users should get the correct version automatically when using the Spring Boot parent.

Gradle users should update the plugin version in the plugins block:

plugins {
  // ...
  id 'org.graalvm.buildtools.native' version '0.10.2'
  // ...

See #39068 for details.

New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

CDS Support

CDS is a JVM feature that can help reduce the startup time and memory footprint of Java applications. Spring Boot now has support for easy creation of a CDS friendly layout. This layout can be created by extracting the uber JAR with the help of the tools jarmode:

java -Djarmode=tools -jar your-application.jar extract

This creates a your-application/your-application.jar and the needed libraries in a your-application/lib folder. The application can then be executed with java -jar your-application/your-application.jar.

The tools jarmode supports two commands at the moment:

  • extract, as shown above. This supersedes -Djarmode=layertools extract.

  • list-layers, which supersedes -Djarmode=layertools list-layers.


java -Djarmode=tools -jar your-application.jar help <command>

to get more details.

If you have used layers.enabled = false in your Gradle build file or <layers><enabled>false</enabled></layers> in your Maven pom.xml, please note that disabling layers no longer prevents the inclusion of the jarmode JAR. Use includeTools on the BootJar or BootWar task or <configuration><includeTools>false</includeTools></configuration> on the spring-boot-maven-plugin for that.

Observability Improvements

Observations can now be enabled for the simple, direct and stream listener and on the RabbitTemplate via properties.

Support for the Micrometer @SpanTag annotation has been added.

Added support for tagged fields for both Brave and OpenTelemetry. Support for local fields has been added for Brave.

Added a process InfoContributor, which can be enabled with

If no application name is explicitly set, unknown_service is now used for OpenTelemetry. This aligns the Spring Boot default to the OpenTelemetry specification.

Spring for Apache Pulsar

The properties spring.pulsar.listener.observation-enabled and spring.pulsar.template.observations-enabled changed their default value from true to false. This has been done to unify the observation-enabled properties, all of which now default to false. If you were relying on Pulsar observations and didn’t enable them explicitly, add the properties spring.pulsar.listener.observation-enabled=true and spring.pulsar.template.observations-enabled=true to your configuration to restore the old behavior.

Brave and Zipkin

Brave has been updated to 6.0, and Zipkin to 3.0. With that upgrade, the Zipkin support in Spring Boot got new features, like specifying the encoding in which data is reported to the Zipkin API. See #39049 for details.

A new JDK HttpClient based Zipkin sender has been implemented. This sender only depends on the JDK and will be the default sender in Spring Boot 3.5.0, superseding the WebClient and RestTemplate sender implementations.

Spring for Apache Pulsar Improvements

There are now properties to configure cluster-level failover for Pulsar under the spring.pulsar.client.failover namespace.

Spring Security Improvements

A JwtAuthenticationConverter (or a ReactiveJwtAuthenticationConverter) is now auto-configured if one of the properties is set:




Service Connections

Support for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

Service connection support for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis has been added. The Testcontainers support works with the ArtemisContainer container, the Docker Compose support works with the apache/activemq-artemis image.

Support for the official ActiveMQ Classic images

The ActiveMQ service connection now supports the apache/activemq-classic docker image and the ActiveMQContainer testcontainer.

Support for LDAP

Service connection support for LDAP with the osixia/openldap container has been added

Bitnami Container Images

The Spring Boot support for Docker Compose will detect and configure containers from Bitnami in addition to official images for several of the supported technologies, including Cassandra, Elasticsearch, MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis. See the {reference-docs}#features.docker-compose[updated reference documentation] for more information.

Virtual Threads

If a AsyncTaskExecutor is available in the context, it is now registered on the websocket ChannelRegistration. If using virtual threads, this will usually be a virtual threads enabled SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor, making Websockets virtual thread capable.

Batch Transaction Manager

A @BatchTransactionManager annotation has been introduced to make it easier to configure Spring Batch to use a custom transaction manager. See the {reference-docs}#howto.batch.specifying-a-transaction-manager[updated documentation] for more information.

Base64 Resources

Resources can now be loaded as Base64 encoded text values using a base64: prefix. This can be useful with resources such as SSL certificates, as in this example:

            certificate: "base64:LS0tLS1CRUdJTi..."
            private-key: "base64:QmFnIEF0dHJpYn..."

SBOM Actuator Endpoint

The spring-boot-actuator module now includes a new SBOM endpoint. By default the endpoint will server META-INF/sbom/bom.json or META-INF/sbom/application.cdx.json files located in your jar.

Additional configuration has also been provided in the spring-boot-parent-starter POM to make SBOM plugins easier to configure.

Documentation Updates

The Spring Boot documentation has been migrated to Antora, providing more structure as well as better search capabilities.

Auto-configure Embedded Web Server SSL with SNI

When configuring a Tomcat, Netty, or Undertow embedded web server with SSL/TLS, it is now possible to configure multiple hostnames with unique trust material for each to support Server Name Indication (SNI). See the updated documentation for more information on the configuration options.


Apart from the changes listed above, there have also been lots of minor tweaks and improvements including:

  • spring.config.activate.on-cloud-platform=none will now match when the active cloud platform is null

  • Added a configuration option for "path" field inclusion in error responses. This can be controlled by the server.error.include-path property. It defaults to always

  • The WebFlux DefaultErrorAttributes now use request.requestPath().value() to populate path error attribute

  • Added the property server.tomcat.threads.max-queue-capacity to configure the maximum queue size for the Tomcat web server connector

  • The configuration processor now checks the additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json for superfluous keys and fails if it encounters any

  • Added a property named spring.task.execution.pool.shutdown.accept-tasks-after-context-close to control if the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor accepts tasks after the context shutdown has been initiated

  • Added the property server.reactive.session.max-sessions to control the number of maximum sessions when using WebFlux

  • ExecutionContextSerializer beans are now automatically applied to the Spring Batch configuration. If none is provided, DefaultExecutionContextSerializer is used

  • The started log messages produced by the four supported web servers (Jetty, Netty, Tomcat, and Undertow) are now more consistent

  • Added client-id and subscription-durable properties for JMS connections

  • If a class implements multiple servlet interfaces, like Filter or Servlet, it will now be registered for all of the interfaces (e.g. one registration for a filter and one for a servlet)

  • The new reactive sessions actuator endpoint can now return sessions for a given username

  • The environment’s default profiles are now included in the env actuator endpoint’s response

  • Added the new property spring.liquibase.ui-service to specify the default UI service logger used by Liquibase

  • Added the new property*.name-id-format to specify the NameID format of a SAML registration

  • Added the new property server.mime-mappings which allows additional custom MIME type mappings to be configured

  • jakarta.inject:jakarta.inject-api is now included in Spring Boot’s dependency management

  • The date format of the git-commit-id-maven-plugin has been changed to yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX to allow reproducible builds. See #39606 for details

  • The spring-boot-starter-jetty no longer includes jetty-jndi by default. If you need JNDI support, please add org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jndi to your dependencies

  • On Windows it’s now possible to start the application with mvn spring-boot:run even if it has an extremely large number of dependencies. Before 3.3.0 it would fail with a "The filename or extension is too long" exception due to the length of the classpath

  • The new property can be used to set the dialect for Spring Data JDBC. If not set, the dialect will be auto-detected

  • Add more gap between the orders of CloudFoundryVcapEnvironmentPostProcessor and ConfigDataEnvironmentPostProcessor

  • The Cassandra driver changed coordinates from com.datastax.oss to org.apache.cassandra

  • Setting the new property management.observations.long-task-timer.enabled to false now prevents the creation of a LongTaskTimer for every observation

  • Beans in the infrastructure role are now automatically excluded from lazy initialization

  • Spring Config now uses the conversion service from the environment when resolving properties

  • Set the new property spring.docker.compose.start.skip to never to always execute the Docker Compose startup command

  • A new spring.graphql.websocket.keep-alive property has been added

  • JPA auto-configuration now uses a ManagedClassNameFilter bean if one is defined

  • A new spring.rabbitmq.template.allow-list-patterns property has been added

Deprecations in Spring Boot 3.3.0

  • ZipkinRestTemplateBuilderCustomizer and ZipkinWebClientBuilderCustomizer in favor of the new ZipkinHttpClientBuilderCustomizer

  • -Djarmode=layertools extract in favor of -Djarmode=tools extract --layers

  • -Djarmode=layertools list in favor of -Djarmode=tools list-layers

  • layers.includeLayerTools on the BootJar and BootWar task in favor of includeTools

  • <layers><enabled>…​</enabled></layers> in favor of <includeTools>…​</includeTools>

  • The @ServletEndpoint, @ControllerEndpoint and @RestControllerEndpoint annotations for declaring Actuator endpoints have been deprecated. Instead, applications should use the @Endpoint / @ReadOperation / @WriteOperation model for contributing endpoints. See #31768

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