Runbook to publish multiple images of different Linux flavors and versions for scripted inputs tests
Once there is new Splunk release, and matrix is updated, we need to make sure that Splunk images for scripted inputs tests are created and published.
- check what OSs are listed in definition of matrix for scripted inputs tests here
- if any is missing in ta-automation-docker-images then add new Dockerfile
- figure out what version of Splunk is needed (sha) using
field from splunk_matrix (alternatively use go/fetcher) - trigger pipeline for every OS flavor separately
Whenever there is a need for running tests with unreleased splunk, we need to create relevant Splunk docker image and publish it to aws ecr
- Prior creating docker image it needs to be determined which revision of core Splunk repo is required. Splunk docker images are based on Splunk builds published to artifactory by CI in core repository. Their names match SHA of the commit in core repo: develop builds artifactory
- Docker image is built by pipeline which required UNRELEASED_SPLUNK_SHA as an input variable - provide first 12 characters of desired revision on Splunk core repo. Once image is built, it is published to artifactory.
- okta-artifactory-login -t docker
- docker pull[image-tag]
- docker tag[image-tag] "[new-image-tag]"
- aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- docker push[new-image-tag]
- confirm that image is visible in AWS ECR
- there are TAs which use Splunk images with installed java fot testing (e.g. JBOSS). Separate image with installed java has to be built, tagged and pushed to ECR. This branch can be used for this purpose. Existing CI/CD expects Splunk image with tag "[new-image-tag]-java"