:mod:`sphinx.ext.napoleon` -- Support for NumPy and Google style docstrings
.. module:: sphinx.ext.napoleon :synopsis: Support for NumPy and Google style docstrings
.. moduleauthor:: Rob Ruana
.. versionadded:: 1.3
Are you tired of writing docstrings that look like this:
:param path: The path of the file to wrap
:type path: str
:param field_storage: The :class:`FileStorage` instance to wrap
:type field_storage: FileStorage
:param temporary: Whether or not to delete the file when the File
instance is destructed
:type temporary: bool
:returns: A buffered writable file descriptor
:rtype: BufferedFileStorage
reStructuredText is great, but it creates visually dense, hard to read :pep:`docstrings <287>`. Compare the jumble above to the same thing rewritten according to the Google Python Style Guide:
path (str): The path of the file to wrap
field_storage (FileStorage): The :class:`FileStorage` instance to wrap
temporary (bool): Whether or not to delete the file when the File
instance is destructed
BufferedFileStorage: A buffered writable file descriptor
Much more legible, no?
Napoleon is a :term:`extension` that enables Sphinx to parse both NumPy and Google style docstrings - the style recommended by Khan Academy.
Napoleon is a pre-processor that parses NumPy and Google style docstrings and converts them to reStructuredText before Sphinx attempts to parse them. This happens in an intermediate step while Sphinx is processing the documentation, so it doesn't modify any of the docstrings in your actual source code files.
After :doc:`setting up Sphinx </usage/quickstart>` to build your docs, enable napoleon in the Sphinx
file:# conf.py # Add napoleon to the extensions list extensions = ['sphinx.ext.napoleon']
to build your API documentation:$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/source projectdir
Napoleon interprets every docstring that :mod:`autodoc <sphinx.ext.autodoc>`
can find, including docstrings on: modules
, classes
, attributes
, functions
, and variables
. Inside each docstring,
specially formatted Sections are parsed and converted to
All standard reStructuredText formatting still works as expected.
All of the following section headers are supported:
(alias of Parameters)Arguments
(alias of Parameters)Attention
Keyword Args
(alias of Keyword Arguments)Keyword Arguments
Other Parameters
(alias of Returns)Returns
(alias of Raises)Raises
See Also
(alias of Warning)Warn
(alias of Warns)Warns
(alias of Yields)Yields
Napoleon supports two styles of docstrings: Google and NumPy. The main difference between the two styles is that Google uses indentation to separate sections, whereas NumPy uses underlines.
Google style:
def func(arg1, arg2):
"""Summary line.
Extended description of function.
arg1 (int): Description of arg1
arg2 (str): Description of arg2
bool: Description of return value
return True
NumPy style:
def func(arg1, arg2):
"""Summary line.
Extended description of function.
arg1 : int
Description of arg1
arg2 : str
Description of arg2
Description of return value
return True
NumPy style tends to require more vertical space, whereas Google style tends to use more horizontal space. Google style tends to be easier to read for short and simple docstrings, whereas NumPy style tends be easier to read for long and in-depth docstrings.
The choice between styles is largely aesthetic, but the two styles should not be mixed. Choose one style for your project and be consistent with it.
.. seealso:: For complete examples: * :ref:`example_google` * :ref:`example_numpy`
PEP 484 introduced a standard way to express types in Python code. This is an alternative to expressing types directly in docstrings. One benefit of expressing types according to PEP 484 is that type checkers and IDEs can take advantage of them for static code analysis. PEP 484 was then extended by PEP 526 which introduced a similar way to annotate variables (and attributes).
Google style with type annotations:
def func(arg1: int, arg2: str) -> bool:
"""Summary line.
Extended description of function.
arg1: Description of arg1
arg2: Description of arg2
Description of return value
return True
class Class:
"""Summary line.
Extended description of class
attr1: Description of attr1
attr2: Description of attr2
attr1: int
attr2: str
Google style with types in docstrings:
def func(arg1, arg2):
"""Summary line.
Extended description of function.
arg1 (int): Description of arg1
arg2 (str): Description of arg2
bool: Description of return value
return True
class Class:
"""Summary line.
Extended description of class
attr1 (int): Description of attr1
attr2 (str): Description of attr2
Listed below are all the settings used by napoleon and their default
values. These settings can be changed in the Sphinx conf.py
file. Make
sure that "sphinx.ext.napoleon" is enabled in conf.py
# conf.py
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.napoleon']
# Napoleon settings
napoleon_google_docstring = True
napoleon_numpy_docstring = True
napoleon_include_init_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True
napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False
napoleon_use_ivar = False
napoleon_use_param = True
napoleon_use_rtype = True
napoleon_preprocess_types = False
napoleon_type_aliases = None
napoleon_attr_annotations = True
.. confval:: napoleon_google_docstring :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to parse `Google style`_ docstrings. False to disable support for Google style docstrings.
.. confval:: napoleon_numpy_docstring :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to parse `NumPy style`_ docstrings. False to disable support for NumPy style docstrings.
.. confval:: napoleon_include_init_with_doc :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to list ``__init___`` docstrings separately from the class docstring. False to fall back to Sphinx's default behavior, which considers the ``__init___`` docstring as part of the class documentation. **If True**: .. code-block:: python def __init__(self): """ This will be included in the docs because it has a docstring """ def __init__(self): # This will NOT be included in the docs
.. confval:: napoleon_include_private_with_doc :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to include private members (like ``_membername``) with docstrings in the documentation. False to fall back to Sphinx's default behavior. **If True**: .. code-block:: python def _included(self): """ This will be included in the docs because it has a docstring """ pass def _skipped(self): # This will NOT be included in the docs pass
.. confval:: napoleon_include_special_with_doc :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to include special members (like ``__membername__``) with docstrings in the documentation. False to fall back to Sphinx's default behavior. **If True**: .. code-block:: python def __str__(self): """ This will be included in the docs because it has a docstring """ return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): # This will NOT be included in the docs return unicode(self.__class__.__name__)
.. confval:: napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to use the ``.. admonition::`` directive for the **Example** and **Examples** sections. False to use the ``.. rubric::`` directive instead. One may look better than the other depending on what HTML theme is used. This `NumPy style`_ snippet will be converted as follows: .. code-block:: text Example ------- This is just a quick example **If True**: .. code-block:: rst .. admonition:: Example This is just a quick example **If False**: .. code-block:: rst .. rubric:: Example This is just a quick example
.. confval:: napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to use the ``.. admonition::`` directive for **Notes** sections. False to use the ``.. rubric::`` directive instead. .. note:: The singular **Note** section will always be converted to a ``.. note::`` directive. .. seealso:: :confval:`napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples`
.. confval:: napoleon_use_admonition_for_references :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to use the ``.. admonition::`` directive for **References** sections. False to use the ``.. rubric::`` directive instead. .. seealso:: :confval:`napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples`
.. confval:: napoleon_use_ivar :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to use the ``:ivar:`` role for instance variables. False to use the ``.. attribute::`` directive instead. This `NumPy style`_ snippet will be converted as follows: .. code-block:: text Attributes ---------- attr1 : int Description of `attr1` **If True**: .. code-block:: rst :ivar attr1: Description of `attr1` :vartype attr1: int **If False**: .. code-block:: rst .. attribute:: attr1 Description of `attr1` :type: int
.. confval:: napoleon_use_param :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to use a ``:param:`` role for each function parameter. False to use a single ``:parameters:`` role for all the parameters. This `NumPy style`_ snippet will be converted as follows: .. code-block:: text Parameters ---------- arg1 : str Description of `arg1` arg2 : int, optional Description of `arg2`, defaults to 0 **If True**: .. code-block:: rst :param arg1: Description of `arg1` :type arg1: str :param arg2: Description of `arg2`, defaults to 0 :type arg2: :class:`int`, *optional* **If False**: .. code-block:: rst :parameters: * **arg1** (*str*) -- Description of `arg1` * **arg2** (*int, optional*) -- Description of `arg2`, defaults to 0
.. confval:: napoleon_use_keyword :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to use a ``:keyword:`` role for each function keyword argument. False to use a single ``:keyword arguments:`` role for all the keywords. This behaves similarly to :confval:`napoleon_use_param`. Note unlike docutils, ``:keyword:`` and ``:param:`` will not be treated the same way - there will be a separate "Keyword Arguments" section, rendered in the same fashion as "Parameters" section (type links created if possible) .. seealso:: :confval:`napoleon_use_param`
.. confval:: napoleon_use_rtype :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to use the ``:rtype:`` role for the return type. False to output the return type inline with the description. This `NumPy style`_ snippet will be converted as follows: .. code-block:: text Returns ------- bool True if successful, False otherwise **If True**: .. code-block:: rst :returns: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: bool **If False**: .. code-block:: rst :returns: *bool* -- True if successful, False otherwise
.. confval:: napoleon_preprocess_types :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`False` True to convert the type definitions in the docstrings as references. .. versionadded:: 3.2.1 .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Do preprocess the Google style docstrings also.
.. confval:: napoleon_type_aliases :type: :code-py:`dict[str, str] | None` :default: :code-py:`None` A mapping to translate type names to other names or references. Works only when ``napoleon_use_param = True``. With: .. code-block:: python napoleon_type_aliases = { "CustomType": "mypackage.CustomType", "dict-like": ":term:`dict-like <mapping>`", } This `NumPy style`_ snippet: .. code-block:: text Parameters ---------- arg1 : CustomType Description of `arg1` arg2 : dict-like Description of `arg2` becomes: .. code-block:: rst :param arg1: Description of `arg1` :type arg1: mypackage.CustomType :param arg2: Description of `arg2` :type arg2: :term:`dict-like <mapping>` .. versionadded:: 3.2
.. confval:: napoleon_attr_annotations :type: :code-py:`bool` :default: :code-py:`True` True to allow using :pep:`526` attributes annotations in classes. If an attribute is documented in the docstring without a type and has an annotation in the class body, that type is used. .. versionadded:: 3.4
.. confval:: napoleon_custom_sections :type: :code-py:`Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]] | None` :default: :code-py:`None` Add a list of custom sections to include, expanding the list of parsed sections. The entries can either be strings or tuples, depending on the intention: * To create a custom "generic" section, just pass a string. * To create an alias for an existing section, pass a tuple containing the alias name and the original, in that order. * To create a custom section that displays like the parameters or returns section, pass a tuple containing the custom section name and a string value, "params_style" or "returns_style". If an entry is just a string, it is interpreted as a header for a generic section. If the entry is a tuple/list/indexed container, the first entry is the name of the section, the second is the section key to emulate. If the second entry value is "params_style" or "returns_style", the custom section will be displayed like the parameters section or returns section. .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Support ``params_style`` and ``returns_style``