Google translate in the command line.
This is not an officially supported way of accessing Google Translate. It can break at any time, so don't use it on production systems. (That said, it has been stable since the first release: 2014-01-06.)
gotr <from> <to> <phrase>
gotr [-sdi] <from> <to> <phrase>
gotr -h | --help
gotr --history
gotr --list
-h, --help Show help
-s, --speech Enable speech synthesis
-d, --disablelog Disable query loging into ~/.gotr_history
-i, --ignore Ignore extra meanings
--list Print list of available languages
--history Print log history in JSON
You can download binaries from releases.
brew tap sparrovv/tap
brew install gotr
$ gotr en pl equivocal
dwuznaczny, wymijający, podejrzany
$ gotr en zh "May the force be with you"
Temporarly broken
Unfortunately it's not available to all languages and some less popular ones don't have it yet.
By default all queries are logged into ~/.gotr_history
It can be disabled with -d
- To only check the pronunciation, specify
to be same as<from>
$ gotr -s en en obstreperous
- Passing
might be cumbersome. You might consider creating aliases for your default languages:
alias ep="gotr en pl"
alias pe="gotr pl en"
alias gees="gotr -s en en"
To play audio, install afplay(OSX) or mpg123.
- (written in ruby)