Simple synchronous php library for
Modeled after the Parse Javascript SDK API.
Uses the REST API over curl.
Requires PHP 5.3+ (uses namespaces)
The ultimate purpose of this project is to make it easier to work with a more consistent API between JS/PHP.
This project is currently in early stages, so it's dirty and may have a few inconsistencies.
Features are implemented as needed, fork it and help out!
Mostly complete*, exceptions noted below.
*Supports basic Object, Query, User, Push and Cloud functions.
Not currently implemented:
- Relations
- Op
- Collections
- GeoPoint (Locations)
- Roles
- Facebook Users
The only setup is to give the rest client class (Rest.php) your parse credentials:
This can be done anywhere or for portability just in Sparse.php like so:
// Your credentials:
Rest::$applicationId = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890";
If done outside a Sparse namespaced file, you'll need the namespace:
// Your credentials:
\Sparse\Rest::$applicationId = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890";
\Sparse\Rest::$restAPIKey = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890";
The simplest way to use the library is just use Rest.php. It provides methods to get, post and put using the Parse REST API. Shortcut methods are also provided for Objects, Users, etc.
The remaining classes are meant to provide a more declaritive way to work with Objects and Queries.
We'll try to also mimic parse's documentation structure and note APIs which have not been implemented.
With Sparse it's usually easier to just use Object directly without subclassing it, like:
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
// or create with data (associative array of attributes)
$data = array('score'=>1337,'playerName'=>"Sean Plott",'cheatMode'=>false);
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore', $data);
If you use the object a lot or need custom methods you can extend as so:
class Monster extends Sparse\Object {
public function __construct($attributes=array()){
public function hasSuperHumanStrength() {
return $this->get("strength") > 18;
public static function spawn($strength){
// many ways to do this
$monster = new Monster();
$monster->set('strength',$strength); // or $monster->strength = $strength;
// or just simply:
//$monster = new Monster(array('strength'=>$strength));
return $monster;
Sparse\User is also an example of an Object subclass.
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
$gameScore->set("score", 1337);
$gameScore->set("playerName", "Sean Plott");
$gameScore->set("cheatMode", false);
// Note Sparse object getters/setters are overloaded so this is also possible:
//$gameScore->score = 1337;
//$gameScore->playerName = "Sean Plott";
//$gameScore->cheatMode = false;
// this is a synchronous call so you can check the save was successful with:
// Note id() is the same has objectId or get('objectId'), it exists to mimic the JS API
echo('GameScore saved.'."<br />");
die('Could not save GameScore.'."<br />");
Your object will now have the following properties:
echo('objectId: '.$gameScore->objectId."<br />");
echo('createdAt: '.$gameScore->createdAt."<br />");
Just like the JS API, you can set your properties on save() as well:
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
$data = array('score'=>1337,'playerName'=>"Sean Plott",'cheatMode'=>false);
// Using a Query
$query = new \Sparse\Query('GameScore');
$gameScore = $query->get('fc0Gy7fdf1');
// Your object will have the following properties:
echo('objectId: '.$gameScore->objectId."<br />");
echo('createdAt: '.$gameScore->createdAt."<br />");
echo('updatedAt: '.$gameScore->updatedAt."<br />");
// Using fetch:
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
// Your object will have the following properties:
echo('objectId: '.$gameScore->objectId."<br />");
echo('createdAt: '.$gameScore->createdAt."<br />");
echo('updatedAt: '.$gameScore->updatedAt."<br />");
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
$gameScore->set("score", 1337);
$gameScore->set("playerName", "Sean Plott");
$gameScore->set("cheatMode", false);
$gameScore->set("skills", array('pwnage','flying'));
$gameScore->set("score", 1338);
$gameScore->set("cheatMode", true);
$gameScore->addUnique("skills", "flying");
$gameScore->add("skills", "kungfu");
echo('GameScore deleted.'."<br />");
Delete a single field...
NOTE: Changed from unset() to unsetAttr() (unset is reserved in PHP)
$post = new \Sparse\Object('Post');
$comment = new \Sparse\Object('Comment');
$post->title = "I'm Hungry";
$post->content = "Where should we go for lunch?";
$comment->comment = "Let's do Sushirrito.";
// or with id:
$post = new \Sparse\Object('Post');
$post->id = '0HETDIVfuq';
// Fetching related data
$comment = new \Sparse\Object('Comment');
$post = $comment->parent->fetch();
NOTE: Parse Relations are NOT yet implemented
Name changes due to reserved words in PHP:
- unset() to unsetAttr()
- clone() to cloneObject()
These are stubbed in but are no-ops:
- changedAttributes
- escape
- existed
- isValid
- op
- previous
- previousAttributes
- relation
- setACL
Extra public API provided to API:
Get/Set all the attributes of an Object:
NOTE: Setting all the attributes directly does not set any as 'dirty'.
$gameScore = new Sparse\Object('GameScore');
$data = array('score'=>1337,'playerName'=>"Sean Plott",'cheatMode'=>false);
$data = $gameScore->attributes();
Get the class name of the Object:
Get/Set objectId:
$objectId = $gameScore->id();
Create a 'pointer' representation of this Object:
$query = new \Sparse\Query('GameScore');
$query->equalTo('playerName','Dan Stemkoski');
$gameScores = $query->find();
echo("Successfully retrieved ".count($gameScores)." scores."."<br />");
$query->notEqualTo('playerName','Michael Yabuti');
$query->greaterThan("playerAge", 18);
// Limit
// First
$query = new \Sparse\Query('GameScore');
$query->equalTo("playerEmail", "");
$gameScore = $query->first();
echo("Successfully retrieved the object: ".$gameScore->id."<br />");
// skip the first 10 result
// Sorts the results in ascending order by the score field
// Sorts the results in descending order by the score field
// Restricts to wins < 50
$query->lessThan("wins", 50);
// Restricts to wins <= 50
$query->lessThanOrEqualTo("wins", 50);
// Restricts to wins > 50
$query->greaterThan("wins", 50);
// Restricts to wins >= 50
$query->greaterThanOrEqualTo("wins", 50);
// Finds scores from any of Jonathan, Dario, or Shawn
$query->containedIn("playerName", array("Jonathan Walsh", "Dario Wunsch", "Shawn Simon"));
// Finds scores from anyone who is neither Jonathan, Dario, nor Shawn
$query->notContainedIn("playerName", array("Jonathan Walsh", "Dario Wunsch", "Shawn Simon"));
// Finds objects that have the score set
// Finds objects that don't have the score set
- matchesKeyInQuery
- doesNotMatchKeyInQuery
- doesNotMatchQuery
NOTE: Not tested!
$query->equalTo("arrayKey", 2);
$query = new \Sparse\Query("BarbecueSauce");
$query->matches("name", '/^[A-Z][0-9]/');
$sauces = $query->find();
// PCRE modifiers
$query = new \Sparse\Query("BarbecueSauce");
$query->matches("description", "bbq", "im");
$sauces = $query->find();
$query = new \Sparse\Query("BarbecueSauce");
$query->contains("name", "Extra Spicy!");
$query = new \Sparse\Query("BarbecueSauce");
$query->startsWith("name", "Big Daddy's");
$query = new \Sparse\Query("BarbecueSauce");
$query->endsWith("Original Recipe");
// equal to existing object:
$post = new \Sparse\Object('Post');
$post->id = '0HETDIVfuq';
$query = new \Sparse\Query('Comment');
$query->equalTo("parent", $post);
$comments = $query->find();
// equal to result of a query:
$innerQuery = new \Sparse\Query('Post');
$query = new \Sparse\Query('Comment');
$query->matchesQuery("post", $innerQuery);
$comments = $query->find();
// include related objects:
$query = new \Sparse\Query('Comment');
// Retrieve the most recent ones
// Only retrieve the last ten
// Include the post data with each comment
// Changed from include()
// using dot-notation
$comments = $query->find();
foreach($comments as $comment){
$post = $comment->parent;
$query = new \Sparse\Query('GameScore');
$query->equalTo('playerName',"Sean Plott");
$count = $query->count();
echo("Sean has played " . $count . " games");
$lotsOfWins = new \Sparse\Query("Player");
$fewWins = new \Sparse\Query("Player");
$mainQuery = \Sparse\Query::queryWithOrQueries(array($lotsOfWins,$fewWins));
$results = $mainQuery->find();
Name changes due to reserved words in PHP:
- include() changed to includeObject()
- or() changed to queryWithOrQueries();
These are stubbed in but are no-ops:
- collection
- doesNotMatchQuery
- matchesKeyInQuery
- near
- toJSON
- withinGeoBox
- withinKilometers
- withinMiles
- withinRadians
Sets the seldom used 'arrayKey'
Get the class name of the Query:
Add 'or' queries
NOTE: Collections NOT yet implemented
$user = new Sparse\User;
$user->set("username", "my name");
$user->set("password", "my pass");
$user->set("email", "");
// other fields can be set just like with Parse.Object
$user->set("phone", "415-392-0202");
// or
$user = Sparse\User::signUpUser("my name","my pass",array('email'=>""));
The JS API uses a static login method, right now we have an instance method.
$user = new Sparse\User;
$user->set("username", "my name");
$user->set("password", "my pass");
// or just use the rest class
$restClient = new Sparse\Rest();
$loggedIn = $restClient->login($username,$password);
$currentUser = Sparse\User::current();
if ($currentUser) {
// do stuff with the user
} else {
// show the signup or login page
$currentUser = Sparse\User::current(); // this will now be null
NOTE: Roles API NOT yet implemented
NOTE: Facebook Users API NOT yet implemented
NOTE: GeoPoints API NOT yet implemented
All the options available for Push via the REST API are supported.
// Super simple example
'channels' => array('channel1','channel2'),
'data' => array('message'=>'blah')