This example demonstrates generating and verifying a proof of the query SELECT b FROM table WHERE a = 2
for the table:
a | b |
1 | hi |
2 | hello |
3 | there |
2 | world |
cargo run --example hello_world
To run this example without the blitzar
(i.e CPU only) feature:
cargo run --example hello_world --no-default-features --features="test cpu-perf"
Warming up GPU... 520.959485ms
Loading data... 3.229767ms
Parsing Query... 1.870256ms
Generating Proof... 467.45371ms
Verifying Proof... 7.106864ms
Valid proof!
Query result: OwnedTable { table: {Ident { value: "b", quote_style: None }: VarChar(["hello", "world"])} }