Teoman "QuanticDev" Soygul's engineering and software development resources. The articles and videos are mostly on software and engineering, while occasionally diving into tech topics, tech news, analysis, and more. All the articles and videos are based on my experiences as a software engineer with a decade of experience and education in electronics and semiconductor physics. In my career, I have developed several popular open-source projects, apps, games, services, and more.
You can reach me at info@quanticdev.com You can also use the social media links below.
- YouTube: youtube.com/quanticdev{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener"}
- Twitter: twitter.com/quanticdev{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener"}
- Instagram: instagram.com/quantic_dev{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener"}
- GitHub: github.com/soygul/QuanticDev{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener"}
- My personal website: soygul.com{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noopener"}
If you want to contribute to any article, you are welcome to make a pull request or create a new issue on GitHub. You can comment under YouTube videos of the articles, or read existing comments there.
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