请确保您的Visual Studio安装有Multilingual App Toolkit。
Please make sure you have Multilingual App Toolkit installed for your Visual Studio.
使用Visual Studio加载解决方案,在解决方案资源管理器中右击项目PixivFSUWP,选择“Multilingual App Toolkit”->“添加翻译语言...”,忽略可能产生“翻译提供程序管理器问题”,选择并添加您要翻译的语言;在MultilingualResources目录下,翻译新添加的语言之xlf文件。
Load the solution with Visual Studio, then right click the project named PixivFSUWP in Solution Explorer. Click Multilingual App Toolkit -> Add translation languages... and select the language you want to add. Translate the newly generated xlf file of your language.
Please use Resources.resw as your blueprint. Send the translated file, along with some descriptions, to my email.