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File metadata and controls

138 lines (87 loc) · 2.8 KB

React Media Player 0.3.0

React media container component to help build video & audio players.


npm install react-media-player --save

bower install react-media-player --save

Example Usage

import { Media, controls, utils } from 'react-media-player'
const { PlayPause, CurrentTime, Progress, SeekBar, Duration, MuteUnmute, Volume, Fullscreen } = controls

class MediaPlayer extends React.Component {
  static contextTypes = {
    playPause: PropTypes.func

  render() {
    const { Player } = this.props
    const { isLoading, playPause, currentTime, duration } = this.context

    return (
        <div onClick={() => playPause()}>
        <nav className="media__controls">
          <PlayPause />
          <CurrentTime />
          <Progress />
          <SeekBar />
          <Duration />
          <MuteUnmute />
          <Volume />
          <Fullscreen />

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    currSrc: ''

  render() {
    return (
      <Media src={this.state.currSrc}>
        {Player => <MediaPlayer Player={Player} />}

Live Codepen Demo



src: PropTypes.string.isRequired

The source of the media you want to play. Currently supporting Youtube, Vimeo, and any HTML5 compatible video or audio.

vendor: PropTypes.oneOf(['youtube', 'vimeo', 'audio', 'video'])

Explicitly choose which component to render for the player. If not set, the library does its best to determine what player to render based on the source.

children: PropTypes.func.isRequired

Passes in the Player to be rendered.


currentTime: PropTypes.number

progress: PropTypes.number

duration: PropTypes.number

volume: PropTypes.number

isLoading: PropTypes.bool

isPlaying: PropTypes.bool

isMuted: PropTypes.bool

isFullscreen: PropTypes.bool

play: PropTypes.func

pause: PropTypes.func

playPause: PropTypes.func

stop: PropTypes.func

seekTo: PropTypes.func

mute: PropTypes.func

muteUnmute: PropTypes.func

setVolume: PropTypes.func

fullscreen: PropTypes.func


This library makes heavy use of context, please be advised that with new releases of React the way context is handled in this library is subject to change.

Running Locally

clone repo

git clone

move into folder

cd ~/react-media-player

install dependencies

npm install

run dev mode

npm run dev

open your browser and visit: http://localhost:8080/