- Improved the MEG landmark coordinates description.
- Replaced ManufacturersCapModelName in meg.json with CapManufacturer and CapManufacturersModelName.
- Remove EEGSamplingFrequency and ManufacturersAmplifierModelName from the meg.json.
- Improved the behavioural data description.
- Added support for MEG data (merged BEP008)
- Added SequenceName field.
- Added support for describing events with Hierarchical Event Descriptors [8.5 Task events].
- Added VolumeTiming and AcquisitionDuration fields [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added DwellTime field.
- Added support for high resolution (anatomical) T2star images [8.3 Anatomy imaging data].
- Added support for multiple defacing masks [8.3 Anatomy imaging data].
- Added optional key and metadata field for contrast enhanced structural scans [8.3 Anatomy imaging data].
- Added DelayTime field [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added support for multi echo BOLD data [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added InstitutionName field [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added InstitutionAddress field [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added DeviceSerialNumber field [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByUser and NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner field [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added TotalReadoutTime to functional images metadata list [8.4 Task (including resting state) imaging data].
- Added T1 Rho maps [8.3 Anatomy imaging data].
- Added support for phenotypic information split into multiple files [8.11 Participant key file].
- Added recommendations for multi site datasets
- Added SoftwareVersions
- Added run-<run_index> to the phase encoding maps. Improved the description.
- Added InversionTime metadata key.
- Clarification on the source vs raw language.
- Added trial_type column to the event files.
- Added missing sub-<participant_label> in behavioural data file names
- Added ability to store stimuli files.
- Clarified the language describing allowed subject labels.
- Added quantitative proton density maps.
- Added ability to specify fieldmaps acquired with multiple parameter sets.
- Added ability to have multiple runs of the same fieldmap.
- Added FLASH anatomical images.
- Replaced links to neurolex with explicit DICOM Tags.
- Added sourcedata.
- Added data dictionaries.
- Be more explicit about contents of JSON files for structural (anatomical) scans.
- Renamed PhaseEncodingDirection values from “x”, “y”, “z” to “i”, “j”, “k” to avoid confusion with FSL parameters
- Renamed SliceEncodingDirection values from “x”, “y”, “z” to “i”, “j”, “k”
- Removed the requirement that TSV files cannot include more than two consecutive spaces.
- Refactor of the definitions sections (copied from the manuscript)
- Make support for uncompressed .nii files more explicit.
- Added BIDSVersion to dataset.json
- Remove the statement that SliceEncodingDirection is necessary for slice time correction
- Change dicom converter recommendation from dcmstack to dcm2nii and dicm2nii following interactions with the community (see moloney/dcmstack#39 and https://github.com/neurolabusc/dcm2niix/issues/4).
- Added section on behavioral experiments with no accompanying MRI acquisition
- Add _magnitude.nii[.gz] image for GE type fieldmaps.
- Replaced EchoTimeDifference with EchoTime1 and EchoTime2 (SPM toolbox requires this input).
- Added support for single band reference image for DWI.
- Added DatasetDOI field in the dataset description.
- Added description of more metadata fields relevant to DWI fieldmap correction.
- PhaseEncodingDirection is now expressed in “x”, “y” etc. instead of “PA” “RL” for DWI scans (so it’s the same as BOLD scans)
- Added rec-<label> flag to BOLD files to distinguish between different reconstruction algorithms (analogous to anatomical scans).
- Added recommendation to use _physio suffix for continuous recordings of motion parameters obtained by the scanner side reconstruction algorithms.
- Initial release