work done for bbu cluj-napoca, faculty of mathematics and informatics, informatics in english
- 😃 semester1
- 😔 semester2
- 🗿 data structures and algorithms
- 📉 dynamical systems
- 💸 fundamentals of entrepreneurship
- 📐 geometry
- ♻️ graph algorithms
- 💻 object oriented programming
- 📁 operating systems
- 😍 semester3
- 😑 semester4
- 😁 semester5
i would like to provide you with my opinion on the difficulties of the exams so that you'll know when to take them in the exam session:
😣 computer systems architecture (vancea alexandru)
🙁 mathematical analysis (nechita mihai)
😬 computational logic (lupea mihaiela)
🙂 linear algebra (crivei septimiu)
😁 fundamentals of programming (molnar arthur)
😫 computer system architecture (vancea alexandru)
😞 computational logic (lupea mihaiela)
🙂 mathematical analysis (nechite mihai)
😄 fundamentals of programming (molnar arthur)
🤩 linear algebra (crivei septimiu)
😤 operating systems (boian rareș florin)
😓 data structures and algorithms (lupșa dana)
😟 dynamical systems (buica adriana)
😉 object oriented programming (bocicor iuliana)
😀 geometry (simion iulian-ion)
🤩 graph algorithms (lupșa radu-lucian)
😖 operating systems (boian rareș florin)
😟 object oriented programming (bocicor iuliana)
😬 dynamical systems (buica adriana)
😐 data structures and algorithms (lupșa dana)
🙂 geometry (simion iulian-ion)
🤩 graph algorithms (lupșa radu-lucian)
😊 databases (surdu sabina)
😌 logical and funcfortional programming (pop horia)
😁 computer networks (darabant sergiu adrian)
😄 advanced programming methods (crăciun florin)
😍 probability theory and statistics (micula sanda)
😊 logical and functional programming (pop horia)
😌 computer networks (darabant sergiu adrian)
😁 advanced programming methods (crăciun florin)
😄 databases (surdu sabina)
😍 probability theory and statistics (micula sanda)
🤢 software engineering (zsigmond imre)
😌 systems for design and implementation (mircea gabriel)
🙂 database management systems (surdu sabina)
😁 web programming (sterca adrian)
😃 artificial intelligence (mihoc tudor)
🤮 software engineering (zsigmond imre)
😌 database management systems (surdu sabina)
😃 web programming (sterca adrian)
😘 systems for design and implementation (mircea gabriel)
😍 artificial intelligence (mihoc tudor)