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Releases: sonvister/Binance


17 Mar 17:32
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0.2.0-beta1 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.

Initial Beta Release


  • Add new IBinanceApi.GetWithdrawFeeAsync().
  • Add BinanceUnknownStatusException message (for #77).
  • BREAKING: Rename GetTradesAsync() extension to GetAccountTradesAsync().
  • BREAKING: Remove ClientOrder.Time (refer to Order.Time instead).
    • Remove IsNotPlaced() extension method (an order will exist or query API for status).
    • Make ClientOrder.Side nullable (must be explicitly set before placing order).
  • BREAKING: Add IRateLimiterProvider and IApiRateLimiterProvider.
    • Replace ApiRateLimiter(null) and BinanceApiUserProvider(null) with default constructors.
  • FIX: Add recvWindow parameter to GetDepositAddressAsync() and GetAccountStatusAsync().
  • FIX: IBinanceApi.CancelAllOrdersAsync().
  • Update static assets and symbols.


09 Mar 17:11
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0.2.0-alpha41 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.


  • FIX: Publisher Unsubscribe() not triggering automatic stream control (#76 - thanks @rakewell).
  • FIX: Cache SubscribedStreams returned client SubscribedStreams instead of cache-related subscriptions.
  • FIX: BinanceHttpClientmessage event subject was not AbsoluteUri.
  • Make GetStreamName(...) public static on clients (AggregateTradeClient, etc.)
  • Minor updates and improvements.
  • Update static assets and symbols (ONT).


07 Mar 20:20
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0.2.0-alpha40 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.

This release includes significant refactoring including removal of the web socket client and cache managers (functionality relocated) and removal of several namespaces (to simplify usage). The automatic streaming start/stop feature has been moved from the managers to a lower-level and is now a built-in part of the I...WebSocketClient implementations (the IUserDataWebSocketManager and composite managers remain). For those not wanting the automatic stream control, look to the IBinanceWebSocketStream and I...Client 'advanced' implementations. Examples and sample applications have been updated.

The fundamental change in this release is the separation of IJsonStream into a simpler IJsonStream and the new IJsonPublisher (both are JSON producers). The publisher handles subscriptions for the combined stream functionality where the web socket stream URI is automatically modified and changes to the URI trigger the automatic web socket abort and re-connect.

The architecture diagram has been updated.


  • FIX: SymbolStatisticCache link to client and unsubscribe for #75. (thanks @tompetko).
  • BREAKING: Remove all ...ClientManager and ...CacheManager classes moving functionality to existing ...WebSocketClient and new ...WebSocketCache.
    • Move IWatchdogTimer to IJsonStreamController (monitors JSON producer/stream rather than client data).
    • Move IJsonStreamController to new IAutoJsonStreamPublisher.
  • BREAKING: Remove several namespaces including Api, Market, Account, Account.Orders, etc.
  • BREAKING: Change IJsonProvider to IJsonProducer, IJsonObserver to IJsonSubscriber, ObservedStreams property to SubscribedStreams, and ProvidesStreams property to PublishedStreams.
  • BREAKING: Remove cancellation token from client events (expect to be handled quickly and synchronously).
  • BREAKING: Move all controllers to Utility namespace.
  • Add delay when calculating average timestamp offset.
  • Add IWatchdogTimer.IsEnabled control.
  • Update static assets and symbols.


28 Feb 22:53
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0.2.0-alpha39 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.


  • Add web socket cache managers (e.g. IAggregateTradeWebSocketCacheManager) and update sample apps.
  • BREAKING: Replace IBinanceHttpClient.Options (for #24).
    • Replace IBinanceHttpClient.Options.RecvWindowDefault with IBinanceHttpClient.DefaultRecvWindow.
    • Replace IBinanceHttpClient.Options.TimestampOffsetRefreshPeriodMinutes with IBinanceHttpClient.TimestampProvider.TimestampOffsetRefreshPeriod.
  • Add extensions for simpler ClientOrder validation.
  • Remove superficial sample applications.
  • Update static assets and symbols.


27 Feb 18:55
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0.2.0-alpha38 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.


  • Add IWebSocketClient extension to wait until web socket is open (for #71).
    • Add IWebSocketClient.IsOpen flag.
  • Add to and improve logging (change log levels to reduce the amount of reported 'errors').
  • Return IJsonStream on subscribe/unsubscribe to allow chaining.
  • Update application file logger to display inner exceptions.
  • Update static assets and symbols.


26 Feb 01:05
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0.2.0-alpha37 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.


  • Modify TaskController and RetryTaskController:
    • Add optional logger and logging to task controller operations.
    • Add Pausing and Resuming events to IRetryTaskController (for issue #50).
    • BREAKING: Remove redundant task controller error action from constructor (use Error event instead).
  • BREAKING/FIX: Change OrderExecutionEventArgs.OrderRejectedReason type from enum to string.
  • FIX: Streaming of all symbol statistics (BinanceWebSocketStream parsing of JSON array).
  • Minor updates and improvements.
  • Update sample applications.


25 Feb 01:26
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0.2.0-alpha36 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.


  • Improve JSON client subscribe/unsubscribe usability.
    • Add extensions to subscribe/unsubscribe multiple symbols.
    • Return JSON client from subscribe/unsubscribe to allow chaining calls.
  • Change timestamp parameters to DateTime (use long.ToDateTime() for easy conversion).
    • BREAKING: Change IBinanceApi and IBinanceHttpClient GetDepositsAsync() and GetWithdrawalsAsync() timestamp parameters to DateTime.
    • BREAKING: Change IBinanceApi.GetCandlesticksAsync() timestamps to DateTime.
    • BREAKING: Remove IBinanceApi.GetAggregateTradesIn().
  • Add unit tests for JSON clients.
  • Update sample applications.


23 Feb 00:05
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0.2.0-alpha35 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.

This release includes a redesign of the automatic web socket manager IBinanceWebSocketManager, which allowed applications to use client interfaces (subscribe/unsubscribe) without needing to handle the required stream cancellation and restart. That functionality has been moved to a lower level but the usability remains in the new IBinanceWebSocketClientManager. Also, there are new discrete automatic web socket managers for each of the Binance endpoints (e.g. ITradeWebSocketClientManager, etc.).

Changes (significant refactoring of web sockets and caches with new managers):

  • Add IJsonClientManager and implementations (provide automatic stream controller management).
  • Add IJsonStream, IJsonStreamObserver, IJsonClient, and IJsonStreamClient.
    • BinanceWebSocketStream subscribe/unsubscribe can be done while streaming.
    • IUserDataClient allows callbacks to be defined for specific event types.
  • Add IJsonProvider and JsonMessageEventArgs (provides low-level access to JSON data).
    • Implement in BinanceHttpClient and DefaultWebSocketClient.
  • Add IJsonClientCache (caches no longer have reference to stream).
    • BREAKING: Remove StreamAsync() and SubscribeAndStream().
    • BREAKING: Remove LinkTo() and Unlink() (set IJsonClientCache.Client instead).
  • BREAKING: IBinanceWebSocketManager is now IBinanceWebSocketClientManager.
  • BREAKING: Move Binance.WebSocket.Events to Binance.Client.Events namespace.
  • BREAKING: Low-level IWebSocketClient property WebSocket.Client is now Stream.WebSocket.
  • BREAKING: ISymbolStatisticsClient subscribe/unsubscribe method parameters rearranged.
  • BREAKING: Web socket events no longer duplicated in higher level interfaces.
  • BREAKING: Remove user data options (and probably other things not mentioned).
  • Add example usage of managers and update all sample applications.
  • Add HttpClientTimeoutDefaultSeconds configuration option (for #64).
  • Update static assets and symbols.


The purpose of this document is to describe the core separation of JSON producers and consumers and how they form the layered architecture of this library as well as to explain the is-a and has-a relationships of the interfaces and implementations of this library.

This is not intended to be a 'how-to' guide. Currently, the sample applications still offer the best demonstrations and example use of this library. For those looking for the simplest application-level development, consider using the new web socket client managers or the composite IBinanceWebSocketClientManager.

Architecture Diagram (partial)


This fundamental interface defines a JSON message provider. This can be anything that produces JSON messages (in Binance format or otherwise) such as a Web Socket, HTTP client, or database API (for back-testing/simulation).

public interface IJsonProvider
    event EventHandler<JsonMessageEventArgs> Message;

NOTE: Application-level development will typically not use this 'low-level' event for anything other than logging or troubleshooting. Also, since some JSON data can contain sensitive information, this is no longer logged automatically as of this release (but, can still be logged at the application-level using this event).


The JSON message event arguments include the message data as a JSON object or array and the message Subject, which defines the context of the message. For instance, the IBinanceHttpClient and IWebSocketClient implementations use their respective URI.AbsolutePath as the message subject, while IJsonStream implementations use the stream name.

public sealed class JsonMessageEventArgs
    public string Subject { get; }

    public string Json { get; }

NOTE: When using combined streams, the IWebSocketClient message is the raw JSON before being separated into stream name and data.


This is the IJsonProvider interface to the Binance REST API using a single HttpClient that returns 'raw' JSON. The specific methods are implemented as extensions in BinanceHttpClientExtensions. New capabilities can be added as extensions of IBinanceHttpClient in a similar fashion (at the application level) utilizing the shared, singleton, BinanceHttpClient.


The top-level IBinanceAPI interface deserializes the JSON data from IBinanceHttpClient into convenient domain value-objects. All of the deserializers used in BinanceApi are available in the Binance.Serialization namespace for application-level deserialization of 'raw' Binance JSON data (for instance, if stored for back-testing/simulation).


This defines an abstract, streaming, JSON provider. New message notification is sent to subscribed observers or Message event handlers, where the message subject is the stream name. When subscribing to a stream, the observer is optional (if using an event handler instead). The ProvidedStreams property lists the unique stream names that are currently subscribed.

Streaming is controlled by calling the StreamAsync method and by providing a required CancellationToken to abort the streaming operation. The stream is 'closed' when the Task has completed (and IsStreaming is false). There is no Error event because exceptions can and should be caught with try/catch (when using async) or with the AggregateException via the returned Task.

NOTE: Users of this library are expected to be familiar with TAP.

NOTE: The IJsonStream implementations handle subscribe/unsubscribe of streams whether streaming is active or not. However (depending on the implementation), if changes are made while streaming, the flow of data may be interrupted (this is the case with BinanceWebSocketStream since the web socket client must be aborted and another connection established with a new URI).

public interface IJsonStream : IJsonProvider
    bool IsStreaming { get; }

    IEnumerable<string> ProvidedStreams { get; }

    void Subscribe(IJsonStreamObserver observer, params string[] streamNames);

    void Unsubscribe(IJsonStreamObserver observer, params string[] streamNames);

    Task StreamAsync(CancellationToken token);


This IJsonProvider decorator buffers data from another JSON provider.

public interface IBufferedJsonProvider<TProvider> : IJsonProvider
    where TProvider : IJsonProvider
    TProvider JsonProvider { get; }


This interface defines a specific implementation of IJsonStream that uses a 'low-level' IWebSocketClient to provide JSON data, which can be accessed via the WebSocket property. The extending IBinanceWebSocketStream interface provides an additional IsCombined property.

NOTE: An IWebSocketStream is not an IWebSocketClient. The IWebSocketStream is a specific form of IJsonStream that uses an IWebSocketClient. The IWebSocketClient.StreamAsync() method combines connect with receive operations and returns a Task, in-part, controlled by the IJsonStream. The Open event is raised after a connection is established. The Close event is raised just before the Task completes. Stream controllers need only manage the StreamAsync() returned Task and not concern themselves with the implementation details of the IJsonStream (i.e. the Open and Close events).

public interface IWebSocketClient : IJsonProvider
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> Open;

    event EventHandler<EventArgs> Close;

    bool IsStreaming { get; }

    Task StreamAsync(Uri uri, CancellationToken token);
public interface IWebSocketStream : IJsonStream
    IWebSocketClient WebSocket { get; }
public interface IBinanceWebSocketStream : IWebSocketStream
    bool IsCombined { get; }


This interface provides a means of identifying classes as observers of a IJsonStream as passed to the subscribe/unsubscribe methods as well as providing the ability to handle message events asynchronously. Any class can make use the IJsonProvider.Message event, but that event handler will receive all 'raw' JSON messages (depending on context of the event).

public interface IJsonStreamObserver
    Task HandleMessageAsync(string stream, string json, CancellationToken token = default);


These JSON stream observers have the capability of deserializing JSON into higher-level objects and providing notification via subscribed callbacks and/or non-specific events. Each Binance implementation is responsible for interpreting JSON from one or more of the official web socket endpoints.

public interface IJsonClient : IJsonStreamObserver
    IEnumerable<string> ObservedStreams { get; }

    void Unsubscribe();

NOTE: As JSON observers, the clients, can be used to process JSON from any compatible IJsonProvider implementation.


Processes JSON data from Aggregate Trade streams. When subscribing or unsubscribing, the callback is optional (extension methods are available).

public interface IAggregateTrad...
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15 Feb 00:17
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0.2.0-alpha34 Pre-release

Available on NuGet.

Changes (same as 0.2.0-alpha32):

  • FIX: Revert code back to 0.2.0-alpha32 for issue #60 (thanks @pavlexander).


14 Feb 23:30
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0.2.0-alpha33 Pre-release


For Testing Only

Changes (same as 0.2.0-alpha31 and alpha32):