Schema data is defined in ABNF RFC5234 syntax.
name = 1*DIGIT/1*ALPHA
ref_hash_key_reference = "[" hash_key "]" ;The token is a refernce to another valid DB key.
hash_key = name ; a valid key name (i.e. exists in DB)
Stores information for physical switch ports managed by the switch chip. Ports to the CPU (ie: management port) and logical ports (loopback) are not declared in the PORT_TABLE. See INTF_TABLE.
;Defines layer 2 ports
;In SONiC, Data is loaded from configuration file by portsyncd
key = PORT_TABLE:ifname ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
admin_status = "down" / "up" ; admin status
oper_status = "down" / "up" ; oper status
lanes = list of lanes ; (need format spec???)
mac = 12HEXDIG ;
alias = 1*64VCHAR ; alias name of the port used by LLDP and SNMP, must be unique
description = 1*64VCHAR ; port description
speed = 1*6DIGIT ; port line speed in Mbps
mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; port MTU
fec = 1*64VCHAR ; port fec mode
autoneg = BIT ; auto-negotiation mode
preemphasis = 1*8HEXDIG *( "," 1*8HEXDIG) ; list of hex values, one per lane
idriver = 1*8HEXDIG *( "," 1*8HEXDIG) ; list of hex values, one per lane
ipredriver = 1*8HEXDIG *( "," 1*8HEXDIG) ; list of hex values, one per lane
pt_interface_id = 1*4DIGIT ; Path Tracing Interface ID (1-4095)
pt_timestamp_template = "template1" / "template2" / "template3" / "template4" ; Path Tracing Timestamp Template
;QOS Mappings
map_dscp_to_tc = ref_hash_key_reference
map_tc_to_queue = ref_hash_key_reference
map_mpls_tc_to_tc = ref_hash_key_reference
Example:> hgetall PORT_TABLE:ETHERNET4
1) "dscp_to_tc_map"
2) "AZURE"
3) "tc_to_queue_map"
4) "AZURE"
5) "mpls_tc_to_tc_map"
6) "AZURE"
cfgmgrd manages this table. In SONiC, CPU (management) and logical ports (vlan, loopback, LAG) are declared in /etc/network/interface and /etc/sonic/config_db.json and loaded into the INTF_TABLE.
IP prefixes are formatted according to RFC5954 with a prefix length appended to the end
;defines logical network interfaces, an attachment to a PORT and list of 0 or more
;ip prefixes
;Status: stable
key = INTF_TABLE:ifname:IPprefix ; an instance of this key will be repeated for each prefix
IPprefix = IPv4prefix / IPv6prefix ; an instance of this key/value pair will be repeated for each prefix
scope = "global" / "local" ; local is an interface visible on this localhost only
if_mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; MTU for the interface
family = "IPv4" / "IPv6" ; address family
IPv6prefix = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32
/ [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32
/ [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16
/ [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
IPv4prefix = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32
dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9
/ %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99
/ "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199
/ "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
/ "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255
For example (reorder output)> keys *
1) "INTF_TABLE:lo:"
4) "INTF_TABLE:lo:::1"
5) "INTF_TABLE:eth0:fe80::5054:ff:fece:6275/64"
6) "INTF_TABLE:eth0:"
7) "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"
2) "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"> HGETALL "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"
1) "scope"
2) "global"
3) "if_up"
4) "1"
5) "if_lower_up"
6) "1"
7) "if_mtu"
8) "1500"> HGETALL "INTF_TABLE:eth0:fe80::5054:ff:fece:6275/64"
1) "scope"
2) "local"
3) "if_up"
4) "1"
5) "if_lower_up"
6) "1"
7) "if_mtu"
8) "65536"
;Defines VLANs and the interfaces which are members of the vlan
;Status: work in progress
key = VLAN_TABLE:"Vlan"vlanid ; DIGIT 0-4095 with prefix "Vlan"
admin_status = "down" / "up" ; admin status
oper_status = "down" / "up" ; operating status
mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; MTU for the IP interface of the VLAN
;a logical, link aggregation group interface (802.3ad) made of one or more ports
;In SONiC, data is loaded by teamsyncd
;Status: work in progress
key = LAG_TABLE:lagname ; logical 802.3ad LAG interface
minimum_links = 1*2DIGIT ; to be implemented
admin_status = "down" / "up" ; Admin status
oper_status = "down" / "up" ; Oper status (physical + protocol state)
mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; MTU for this object
key = LAG_TABLE:lagname:ifname ; physical port member of LAG, fk to PORT_TABLE:ifname
status = "enabled" / "disabled" ; selected + distributing/collecting (802.3ad)
speed = ; set by LAG application, must match PORT_TABLE.duplex
duplex = ; set by LAG application, must match PORT_TABLE.duplex
For example, in a libteam implemenation, teamsyncd listens to Linux RTM_NEWLINK
messages and creates or delete entries at the LAG_TABLE:<team0>> HGETALL "LAG_TABLE:team0"
1) "admin_status"
2) "down"
3) "oper_status"
4) "down"
5) "mtu"
6) "1500"
In addition for each team device, the teamsyncd listens to team events
and reflects the LAG ports into the redis under: LAG_TABLE:<team0>:port> HGETALL "LAG_TABLE:team0:veth0"
1) "status"
2) "disabled"
3) "speed"
4) "0Mbit"
5) "duplex"
6) "half"
;Stores a list of routes
;Status: Mandatory
key = ROUTE_TABLE:prefix
nexthop = *prefix, ;IP addresses separated “,” (empty indicates no gateway)
ifname = ifindex? PORT_TABLE.key ; zero or more separated by “,” (zero indicates no interface)
mpls_nh = STRING ; Comma-separated list of MPLS NH info.
blackhole = BIT ; Set to 1 if this route is a blackhole (or null0)
weight = weight_list ; List of weights.
nexthop_group = string ; index within the NEXTHOP_GROUP_TABLE, used instead of nexthop and intf fields
segment = string ; SRV6 segment name
seg_src = string ; ipv6 address for SRV6 tunnel source
; Defines schema for MPLS label route table attributes
key = LABEL_ROUTE_TABLE:mpls_label ; MPLS label
; field = value
nexthop = STRING ; Comma-separated list of nexthops.
ifname = STRING ; Comma-separated list of interfaces.
mpls_nh = STRING ; Comma-separated list of MPLS NH info.
mpls_pop = STRING ; Number of ingress MPLS labels to POP
weight = STRING ; Comma-separated list of weights.
blackhole = BIT ; Set to 1 if this route is a blackhole (or null0)
nexthop_group = string ; index within the NEXTHOP_GROUP_TABLE, used instead of nexthop and intf fields
;Stores a list of groups of one or more next hops
;Status: Mandatory
key = NEXTHOP_GROUP_TABLE:string ; arbitrary index for the next hop group
nexthop = *prefix, ;IP addresses separated “,” (empty indicates no gateway)
ifname = ifindex? PORT_TABLE.key ; zero or more separated by “,” (zero indicates no interface)
mpls_nh = STRING ; Comma-separated list of MPLS NH info.
weight = weight_list ; List of weights.
;Stores a list of groups of one or more next hop groups used for class based forwarding
;Status: Mandatory
key = CLASS_BASED_NEXT_HOP_GROUP_TABLE:string ; arbitrary index for the next hop group
members = NEXT_HOP_GROUP_TABLE.key ; one or more separated by ","
selection_map = FC_TO_NHG_INDEX_MAP_TABLE.key ; the NHG map to use for this CBF NHG
; FC to Next hop group index map
fc_num = 1*DIGIT ;value
nh_index = 1*DIGIT; index of NH inside NH group
1) "0" ;fc_num
2) "0" ;nhg_index
3) "1"
4) "0"
; Stores the neighbors or next hop IP address and output port or
; interface for routes
; Note: neighbor_sync process will resolve mac addr for neighbors
; using libnl to get neighbor table
;Status: Mandatory
key = prefix / / = macaddress ; (may be empty)
neigh = 12HEXDIG ; mac address of the neighbor
family = "IPv4" / "IPv6" ; address family
; Stores IPV6 prefixes for a SRV6 segment name
key = ROUTE_TABLE:segment ; SRV6 segment name
; field = value
path = STRING ; Comma-separated list of IPV6 prefixes for a SRV6 segment
type = STRING ; SRV6 segment list type like "insert", ""; If not provided, default type will be ""
; Stores SRV6 MY_SID table entries and associated actions
key = STRING ; SRV6 MY_SID prefix string
; field = value
action = STRING ; MY_SID actions like "end", "end.dt46"
vrf = STRING ; VRF string for END.DT46 or END.DT4 or END.DT6
; Stores FDB entries which were inserted into SAI state manually
; Notes:
; - only unicast FDB entries supported
; - only Vlan interfaces are supported
key = FDB_TABLE:"Vlan"vlanid:mac_address ; mac address will be inserted to FDB for the vlan interface
port = ifName ; interface where the entry is bound to
type = "static" / "dynamic" ; type of the entry
Example:> hgetall FDB_TABLE:Vlan2:52-54-00-25-06-E9
1) "port"
2) "Ethernet0"
3) "type"
4) "static"
; QUEUE table. Defines port queue.
; SAI mapping - port queue.
key = "QUEUE_TABLE:"port_name":queue_index
queue_index = 1*DIGIT
port_name = ifName
queue_reference = ref_hash_key_reference
;field value
scheduler = ref_hash_key_reference; reference to scheduler key
wred_profile = ref_hash_key_reference; reference to wred profile key
Example:> hgetall QUEUE_TABLE:ETHERNET4:1
1) "scheduler"
3) "wred_profile"
4) "AZURE"
; TC to queue map
;SAI mapping - qos_map with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == SAI_QOS_MAP_TC_TO_QUEUE. See saiqosmaps.h
key = "TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP_TABLE:"name
tc_num = 1*DIGIT
queue = 1*DIGIT; queue index
1) "5" ;tc
2) "1" ;queue index
3) "6"
4) "1"
; dscp to TC map
;SAI mapping - qos_map object with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == sai_qos_map_type_t::SAI_QOS_MAP_DSCP_TO_TC
key = "DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:"name
;field value
dscp_value = 1*DIGIT
tc_value = 1*DIGIT
Example:> hgetall "DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "3" ;dscp
2) "3" ;tc
3) "6"
4) "5"
5) "7"
6) "5"
7) "8"
8) "7"
9) "9"
10) "8"
; MPLS TC to TC map
;SAI mapping - qos_map object with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == sai_qos_map_type_t::SAI_QOS_MAP_EXP_TO_TC
key = "MPLS_TC_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:"name
;field value
mpls_tc_value = 1*DIGIT
tc_value = 1*DIGIT
Example:> hgetall "MPLS_TC_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "0" ;mpls_tc
2) "3" ;tc
3) "1"
4) "5"
5) "2"
6) "5"
7) "3"
8) "7"
9) "4"
10) "8"
; dscp to FC map
;SAI mapping - qos_map object with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == sai_qos_map_type_t::SAI_QOS_MAP_TYPE_DSCP_TO_FORWARDING_CLASS
key = "DSCP_TO_FC_MAP_TABLE:"name
;field value
dscp_value = 1*DIGIT
fc_value = 1*DIGIT
Example:> hgetall "DSCP_TO_FC_MAP_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "0" ;dscp
2) "1" ;fc
3) "1"
4) "1"
5) "2"
6) "3"
; dscp to FC map
;SAI mapping - qos_map object with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == sai_qos_map_type_t::SAI_QOS_MAP_TYPE_MPLS_EXP_TO_FORWARDING_CLASS
key = "EXP_TO_FC_MAP_TABLE:"name
;field value
mpls_exp_value = 1*DIGIT
fc_value = 1*DIGIT
Example:> hgetall "EXP_TO_FC_MAP_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "0" ;mpls_exp
2) "1" ;fc
3) "1"
4) "1"
5) "2"
6) "3"
; Scheduler table
; SAI mapping - saicheduler.h
key = "SCHEDULER_TABLE":name
; field value
type = "DWRR"/"WRR"/"STRICT"
weight = 2*DIGIT
priority = 1*DIGIT
meter_type = "packets"/"bytes"
cir = 1*11 DIGIT ; guaranteed rate in pps or bytes/sec
cbs = 1*11 DIGIT ; guaranteed burst size in packets or bytes
pir = 1*11 DIGIT ; max rate in pps or bytes/sec
pbs = 1*11 DIGIT ; max burst size in packets or bytes
1) "type"
3) "priority"
4) "7"
5) "meter_type"
6) "bytes"
7) "cir"
8) "1000000000"
9) "cbs"
10) "8192"
11) "pir"
12) "1250000000"
13) "pbs"
1) "type"
2) "DWRR"
3) "weight"
4) "35"
5) "meter_type"
6) "bytes"
7) "cir"
8) "1000000000"
9) "cbs"
10) "8192"
11) "pir"
12) "1250000000"
13) "pbs"
14) "8192"
; WRED profile
; SAI mapping - saiwred.h
;field = value
yellow_max_threshold = byte_count
green_max_threshold = byte_count
red_max_threshold = byte_count
byte_count = 1*DIGIT
ecn = "ecn_none" / "ecn_green" / "ecn_yellow" / "ecn_red" / "ecn_green_yellow" / "ecn_green_red" / "ecn_yellow_red" / "ecn_all"
wred_green_enable = "true" / "false"
wred_yellow_enable = "true" / "false"
wred_red_enable = "true" / "false"
Example:> hgetall "WRED_PROFILE_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "green_max_threshold"
2) "20480"
3) "yellow_max_threshold"
4) "30720"
5) "red_max_threshold"
6) "1234"
7) "ecn"
8) "ecn_all"
9) "wred_green_enable"
10) "true"
11) "wred_yellow_enable"
12) "true"
13) "wred_red_enable"
14) "true"
; Stores tunnel decap rules
;field value
tunnel_type = "IPINIP"
src_ip = IP
dst_ip = IP1,IP2 ;IP addresses separated by ","
dscp_mode = "uniform" / "pipe"
ecn_mode = "copy_from_outer" / "standard" ;standard: Behavior defined in RFC 6040 section 4.2
ttl_mode = "uniform" / "pipe"
IP = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
"src_ip" field is optional
1) "dscp_mode"
2) "uniform"
3) "src_ip"
4) ""
5) "dst_ip"
6) ""
7) "ecn_mode"
8) "copy_from_outer"
9) "ttl_mode"
10) "uniform"
11) "tunnel_type"
12) "IPINIP"
; current LLDP neighbor information.
port_table_key = LLDP_ENTRY_TABLE:ifname ; .1.0.8802.
; field value
lldp_rem_port_id_subtype = 1DIGIT ;
lldp_rem_port_id = 1*255VCHAR ;
lldp_rem_port_desc = 0*255VCHAR ;
lldp_rem_sys_name = 0*255VCHAR ;
Example:[1]> hgetall "LLDP_ENTRY_TABLE:ETHERNET4"
1) "lldp_rem_sys_name"
2) "the-system-name"
3) "lldp_rem_port_id_subtype"
4) "6"
5) "lldp_rem_port_id"
6) "Ethernet7"
7) "lldp_rem_sys_desc"
8) "Debian - SONiC v2"
Control plane policing configuration table. The settings in this table configure trap group, which is assigned a list of trap IDs (protocols), priority of CPU queue priority, and a policer. The CPU queue priority is strict priority. The policer is created and exclusively owned by the given trap group; it will be not shared (bound to) any other object.
packet_action = "drop" | "forward" | "copy" | "copy_cancel" | "trap" | "log" | "deny" | "transit"
key = "COPP_TABLE:name"
name_list = name | name,name_list
queue = number; strict queue priority. Higher number means higher priority.
trap_ids = name_list; Acceptable values: bgp, lacp, arp, lldp, snmp, ssh, ttl error, ip2me
trap_action = packet_action; trap action which will be applied to all trap_ids.
;Settings for embedded policer. NOTE - if no policer settings are specified, then no policer is created.
meter_type = "packets" | "bytes"
mode = "sr_tcm" | "tr_tcm" | "storm"
color = "aware" | "blind"
cbs = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
cir = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pbs = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pir = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
green_action = packet_action
yellow_action = packet_action
red_action = packet_action
Example:> hgetall "COPP_TABLE:Group.P7"
1) "cbs"
2) "1024"
3) "cir"
4) "6600"
5) "color"
6) "aware"
7) "meter_type"
8) "packets"
9) "mode"
10) "sr_tcm"
11) "pbs"
12) "1024"
13) "pir"
14) "4096"
15) "red_action"
16) "drop"
17) "trap_ids"
18) "lacp"
19) "trap_action"
20) "trap">
Note: The configuration will be created as json file to be consumed by swssconfig tool, which will place the table into the redis database. It's possible to create separate configuration files for different ASIC platforms.
Stores a definition of table - set of matches, actions and bind point types. ACL_TABLE references a key inside this table in "type" field.
key: ACL_TABLE_TYPE:name ; key of the ACL table type entry. The name is arbitary name user chooses.
; field = value
matches = match-list ; list of matches for this table, matches are same as in ACL_RULE table.
actions = action-list ; list of actions for this table, actions are same as in ACL_RULE table.
bind_points = bind-points-list ; list of bind point types for this table.
; values annotation
match = 1*64VCHAR
match-list = [1-max-matches]*match
action = 1*64VCHAR
action-list = [1-max-actions]*action
bind-point = port/lag
bind-points-list = [1-max-bind-points]*bind-point
Stores information about ACL tables on the switch. Port names are defined in port_config.ini.
key = ACL_TABLE:name ; acl_table_name must be unique
;field = value
policy_desc = 1*255VCHAR ; name of the ACL policy table description
type = 1*255VCHAR ; type of acl table, every type of
; table defines the match/action a
; specific set of match and actions.
; There are pre-defined table types like
; "L3", "L3V6", "MCLAG", "PFCWD", "DROP".
ports = [0-max_ports]*port_name ; the ports to which this ACL
; table is applied, can be emtry
; value annotations
port_name = 1*64VCHAR ; name of the port, must be unique
max_ports = 1*5DIGIT ; number of ports supported on the chip
Stores rules associated with a specific ACL table on the switch.
key: ACL_RULE_TABLE:table_name:rule_name ; key of the rule entry in the table,
; seq is the order of the rules
; when the packet is filtered by the
; ACL "policy_name".
; A rule is always assocaited with a
; policy.
;field = value
priority = 1*3DIGIT ; rule priority. Valid values range
; could be platform dependent
packet_action = "forward"/"drop"/"redirect:"redirect_parameter
; an action when the fields are matched
; we have a parameter in case of packet_action="redirect"
; This parameter defines a destination for redirected packets
; it could be:
: name of physical port. Example: "Ethernet10"
: name of LAG port Example: "PortChannel5"
: next-hop ip address (in global) Example: ""
: next-hop ip address and vrf Example: ""
: next-hop ip address and ifname Example: ""
: next-hop group set of next-hop Example: ","
redirect_action = 1*255CHAR ; redirect parameter
; This parameter defines a destination for redirected packets
; it could be:
: name of physical port. Example: "Ethernet10"
: name of LAG port Example: "PortChannel5"
: next-hop ip address (in global) Example: ""
: next-hop ip address and vrf Example: ""
: next-hop ip address and ifname Example: ""
: next-hop group set of next-hop Example: ","
mirror_action = 1*255VCHAR ; refer to the mirror session (by default it will be ingress mirror action)
mirror_ingress_action = 1*255VCHAR ; refer to the mirror session
mirror_egress_action = 1*255VCHAR ; refer to the mirror session
policer_action = 1*255VCHAR ; refer to the policer object name
ether_type = h16 ; Ethernet type field
ip_type = ip_types ; options of the l2_protocol_type
; field.
ip_protocol = h8 ; options of the l3_protocol_type field
src_ip = ipv4_prefix ; options of the source ipv4
; address (and mask) field
dst_ip = ipv4_prefix ; options of the destination ipv4
; address (and mask) field
src_ipv6 = ipv6_prefix ; options of the source ipv6
; address (and mask) field
dst_ipv6 = ipv6_prefix ; options of the destination ipv6
; address (and mask) field
l4_src_port = port_num ; source L4 port or the
l4_dst_port = port_num ; destination L4 port
l4_src_port_range = port_num_L-port_num_H ; source ports range of L4 ports field
l4_dst_port_range = port_num_L-port_num_H ; destination ports range of L4 ports field
tcp_flags = h8/h8 ; TCP flags field and mask
dscp = h8 ; DSCP field (only available for mirror
; table type)
;value annotations
ip_types = any | ip | ipv4 | ipv4any | non_ipv4 | ipv6any | non_ipv6
port_num = 1*5DIGIT ; a number between 0 and 65535
port_num_L = 1*5DIGIT ; a number between 0 and 65535,
; port_num_L < port_num_H
port_num_H = 1*5DIGIT ; a number between 0 and 65535,
; port_num_L < port_num_H
ipv6_prefix = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
/ [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32
/ [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32
/ [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16
/ [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
h8 = 1*2HEXDIG
h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
ipv4_prefix = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32
dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9
/ %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99
/ "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199
/ "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
"ACL_TABLE:Drop_IP": {
"policy_desc" : "Drop_Traffic",
"type" : "L3",
"ports" : "Ethernet0,Ethernet4"
"OP": "SET"
"ACL_RULE_TABLE:Drop_IP:TheDrop": {
"priority" : "55",
"SRC_IP" : "",
"DST_IP" : "",
"L4_SRC_PORT" : "80",
"OP": "SET"
Equivalent RedisDB entry:> KEYS *ACL*
1) "ACL_TABLE:Drop_IP"
1) "policy_desc"
2) "Drop_Traffic"
3) "ports"
4) "Ethernet0,Ethernet4"
5) "type"
1) "DST_IP"
2) ""
3) "L4_SRC_PORT"
4) "80"
6) "DROP"
7) "SRC_IP"
8) ""
9) "priority"
10) "55">
Mirror session table Stores information about mirror sessions and their properties.
key = MIRROR_SESSION_TABLE:mirror_session_name ; mirror_session_name is
; unique session
; identifier
; field = value
status = "active"/"inactive" ; Session state.
src_ip = ipv4_address ; Session souce IP address
dst_ip = ipv4_address ; Session destination IP address
gre_type = h16 ; Session GRE protocol type
dscp = h8 ; Session DSCP
ttl = h8 ; Session TTL
queue = h8 ; Session output queue
policer = policer_name ; Session policer name
dst_port = PORT_TABLE|ifname ; Session destination PORT
src_port = PORT_TABLE|ifname ; Session source PORT/LAG list
direction = "RX"/"TX"/"BOTH" ; Session direction
type = "SPAN"/"ERSPAN" ; Session type. Default is ERSPAN
;value annotations
mirror_session_name = 1*255VCHAR
policer_name = 1*255VCHAR
h8 = 1*2HEXDIG
h16 = 1*4HEXDIG
ipv4_address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32
dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9
/ %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99
/ "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199
/ "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249
"src_ip": "",
"dst_ip": "",
"gre_type": "0x6558",
"dscp": "50",
"ttl": "64",
"queue": "0"
"OP": "SET"
"src_ip": "",
"dst_ip": "",
"gre_type": "0x6558",
"dscp": "50",
"ttl": "64",
"queue": "0"
"src_port": "Ethernet0,PortChannel001"
"direction": "BOTH"
"type": "ERSPAN"
"OP": "SET"
"type": "SPAN"
"dst_port": "Ethernet0"
"src_port": "Ethernet4,PortChannel002"
"direction": "BOTH"
"OP": "SET"
Equivalent RedisDB entry:> KEYS *MIRROR*
1) "src_ip"
2) ""
3) "dst_ip"
4) ""
5) "gre_type"
6) "0x6558"
7) "dscp"
8) "50"
9) "ttl"
10) "64"
11) "queue"
12) "0"> KEYS *MIRROR*
1) "src_ip"
2) ""
3) "dst_ip"
4) ""
5) "gre_type"
6) "0x6558"
7) "dscp"
8) "50"
9) "ttl"
10) "64"
11) "queue"
12) "0"
13) "src_port"
14) "Ethernet0,PortChannel001"
15) "direction"
16) "BOTH"
17) "type"
1) "type"
2) "SPAN"
3) "dst_port"
4) "Ethernet0"
5) "src_port"
6) "Ethernet4,PortChannel002"
7) "direction"
8) "RX"
Policer table Stores information about policers and their properties.
packet_action = "drop" | "forward" | "copy" | "copy_cancel" | "trap" | "log" | "deny" | "transit"
key = "POLICER_TABLE:name"
;Field-Value tuples
meter_type = "packets" | "bytes"
mode = "sr_tcm" | "tr_tcm" | "storm"
color = "aware" | "blind"
cbs = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
cir = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pbs = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pir = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
green_action = packet_action
yellow_action = packet_action
red_action = packet_action
Example:> hgetall "POLICER_TABLE:POLICER_1"
1) "cbs"
2) "600"
3) "cir"
4) "600"
5) "meter_type"
6) "packets"
7) "mode"
8) "sr_tcm"
9) "red_action"
10) "drop"
;Stores vxlan tunnel map configuration. Defines mapping between vxlan vni and vrf
key = VXLAN_TUNNEL_MAP:tunnel_name:tunnel_map_name
; tunnel_name is a reference to created vxlan tunnel
; tunnel_map_name is an arbitrary name of the map
vni = 1*8DIGIT ; vni id, defined for tunnel map
vrf = vrf_name ; name of the vrf
;Defines schema for VNet Route tunnel table attributes
key = VNET_ROUTE_TUNNEL_TABLE:vnet_name:prefix
; Vnet route tunnel table with prefix
; field value
endpoint = IP ; Host VM IP address
mac_address = 12HEXDIG ; Inner dest mac in encapsulated packet (Optional)
vxlanid = 1*8DIGIT ; VNI value in encapsulated packet (Optional)
;value annotations
vnet_name = 1*16VCHAR
;Defines schema for VNet Route table attributes
key = VNET_ROUTE_TABLE:vnet_name:prefix
; Vnet route table with prefix
;field value
nexthop = IP ; Nexthop IP address (Optional)
ifname = ifname ; Interface name
;Stores buffer pools
key = BUFFER_POOL_TABLE:poolname ; The poolname can be one of ingress_lossless_pool, ingress_lossy_pool, egress_lossless_pool, and egress_lossy_pool or other used-defined pools.
mode = "dynamic" / "static" ; Whether the pool uses dynamic threshold or static threshold.
type = "ingress" / "egress" ; Whether the pool serves for ingress or egress traffic
size = 1*10DIGIT ; The size of the shared buffer pool
xoff = 1*10DIGIT ; The size of the shared headroom pool. Available only for ingress_lossless_pool.
;Stores buffer profiles
key = BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE:profilename ; profile name can be predefined or dynamically generated with name convention "pg_lossless_<speed>_<cable_length>_profile"
pool = reference to BUFFER_POOL_TABLE object
xon = 1*6DIGIT ; The xon threshold. The switch stops sending PFC frame when the buffer occupancy drops to this threshold.
xon_offset = 1*6DIGIT ; The xon offset. If both xon and xon_offset have been defined, the switch stops sending PFC frame
; when the buffer occupancy drops to xon or size of buffer pool size minus xon_offset, whichever is larger.
xoff = 1*6DIGIT ; The xoff threshold. The switch starts sending PFC frame when the buffer occupancy rises to this threshold.
size = 1*6DIGIT ; The reserved size of the PG or queue referencing this buffer profile.
dynamic_th = 1*2DIGIT ; For dynamic pools, representing the proportion of currently available memory in the pool the PG or queue can occupy.
; It is calculated as:
; alpha = 2 ^ dynamic_th;
; proportion = alpha / (1 + alpha)
static_th = 1*10DIGIT ; For static pools, representing the threshold in bytes the PG or queue can occupy.
;Stores buffer PG (priority-groups)
key = BUFFER_PG_TABLE:port_name:pg ; The pg consists of a single number representing a single priority or two numbers connected by a dash representing a range of priorities.
; By default, PG 0 for lossy traffic and PG 3-4 for lossless traffic.
profile = reference to BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE object
;Stores buffer queue
key = BUFFER_QUEUE_TABLE:port_name:queue ; The queue consists of a single number representing a single priority or two numbers connected by a dash representing a range of priorities.
; By default, queue 0-2 and 5-6 for lossy traffic and queue 3-4 for lossless traffic
profile = reference to BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE object
;Stores per port buffer threshold on ingress side
profile_list = a list of references to BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE object ; Typically, for each ingress buffer pools there should be a buffer profile referencing the pool in the list.
; For example, if there are two ingress buffer pools in the system, ingress_lossless_pool and ingress_lossy_pool,
; there should be two profiles in the list: ingress_lossless_profile and ingress_lossy_profile
;Stores per port buffer threshold on egress side
profile_list = a list of references to BUFFER_PROFILE_TABLE object ; Similar to profile_list in BUFFER_PORT_INGRESS_PROFILE_LIST_TABLE but on egress side.
Stores information for physical switch ports managed by the switch chip. Ports to the CPU (ie: management port) and logical ports (loopback) are not declared in the PORT_TABLE. See MGMT_PORT.
;Configuration for layer 2 ports
key = PORT|ifname ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
admin_status = "down" / "up" ; admin status
lanes = list of lanes ; (need format spec???)
mac = 12HEXDIG ;
alias = 1*64VCHAR ; alias name of the port used by LLDP and SNMP, must be unique
description = 1*64VCHAR ; port description
speed = 1*6DIGIT ; port line speed in Mbps
mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; port MTU
fec = 1*64VCHAR ; port fec mode
autoneg = BIT ; auto-negotiation mode
pt_interface_id = 1*4DIGIT ; Path Tracing Interface ID (1-4095)
pt_timestamp_template = "template1" / "template2" / "template3" / "template4" ; Path Tracing Timestamp Template
;Configuration for management port, including at least one key
key = MGMT_PORT|ifname ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
admin_status = "down" / "up" ; admin status
mac = 12HEXDIG ;
alias = 1*64VCHAR ; alias name of the port used by LLDP and SNMP, must be unique
description = 1*64VCHAR ; port description
speed = 1*6DIGIT ; port line speed in Mbps
mtu = 1*4DIGIT ; port MTU
fec = 1*64VCHAR ; port fec mode
autoneg = BIT ; auto-negotiation mode
;Stores system warm start configuration
;Status: work in progress
key = WARM_RESTART:name ; name is the name of SONiC docker or "system" for global configuration.
neighsyncd_timer = 1*4DIGIT ; neighsyncd_timer is the timer used for neighsyncd during the warm restart.
; Timer is started after we restored the neighborTable to internal data structures.
; neighborsyncd then starts to read all linux kernel entries and mark the entries in
; the data structures accordingly. Once the timer is expired, we will do reconciliation
; and push the delta to appDB
; Valid value is 1-9999. 0 is invalid.
bgp_timer = 1*4DIGIT ; bgp_timer holds the time interval utilized by fpmsyncd during warm-restart episodes.
; During this interval fpmsyncd will recover all the routing state previously pushed to
; AppDB, as well as all the new state coming from zebra/bgpd. Upon expiration of this
; timer, fpmsyncd will execute the reconciliation logic to eliminate all the staled
; state from AppDB. This timer should match the BGP-GR restart-timer configured within
; the elected routing-stack.
; Supported range: 1-3600.
teamsyncd_timer = 1*4DIGIT ; teamsyncd_timer holds the time interval utilized by teamsyncd during warm-restart episodes.
; The timer is started when teamsyncd starts. During the timer interval teamsyncd
; will preserver all LAG interface changes, but it will not apply them. The changes
; will only be applied when the timer expired. During the changes application the stale
; LAG entries will be removed, the new LAG entries will be created.
; Supported range: 1-9999. 0 is invalid
Stores vxlan tunnels configuration Status: ready
key = VXLAN_TUNNEL:name ; name is an arbitrary name of vxlan tunnel
src_ip = ipv4_address ; tunnel source IP address. Mandatory
dst_ip = ipv4_address ; tunnel destination IP address. Optional. When this attribute is omitted or equal to ""
; the created tunnel will be P2MP. Otherwise the created tunnel will be P2P
Stores vxlan tunnel map configuration. Defines mapping between vxlan vni and vlan interface Status: ready
key = VXLAN_TUNNEL_MAP:tunnel_name:tunnel_map_name
; tunnel_name is a reference to created vxlan tunnel
; tunnel_map_name is an arbitrary name of the map
vni = uint24 ; vni id, defined for tunnel map
vlan = "Vlan"vlan_id ; name of the existing vlan interface
; Stores the neighbors. Defines static configuration of neighbor entries. If mac address is not specified, implementation shall resolve the mac-address for the neighbor IP.
key = NEIGH| / /|prefix
neigh = 12HEXDIG ; mac address of the neighbor (optional)
family = "IPv4" / "IPv6" ; address family
Stores information for physical switch ports managed by the switch chip. Ports to the CPU (ie: management port) and logical ports (loopback) are not declared in the PORT_TABLE. See MGMT_PORT.
;State for layer 2 ports
key = PORT_TABLE|ifname ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
oper_status = "down" / "up" ; oper status
state = "" / "ok" ; port created successfully
;State for management port, including at least one key
key = MGMT_PORT_TABLE|ifname ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
oper_status = "down" / "up" ; oper status
;Stores system warm start and docker warm start enable/disable configuration
;The configuration is persistent across warm reboot but not cold reboot.
;Status: work in progress
key = WARM_RESTART_ENABLE_TABLE:name ; name is the name of SONiC docker or "system" for global configuration.
enable = "true" / "false" ; Default value as false.
; If "system" warm start knob is true, docker level knob will be ignored.
; If "system" warm start knob is false, docker level knob takes effect.
;Stores application and orchdameon warm start status
;Status: work in progress
key = WARM_RESTART_TABLE|process_name ; process_name is a unique process identifier.
; with exception of 'warm-shutdown' operation.
; 'warm-shutdown' operation key is used to
; track warm shutdown stages and results.
; Added to this table to leverage the existing
; "show warm-restart state" command.
restore_count = 1*10DIGIT ; a value between 0 and 2147483647 to keep track
; of the number of times that an application has
; 'restored' its state from its associated redis
; data-store; which is equivalent to the number
; of times an application has iterated through
; a warm-restart cycle.
state = "initialized" / "restored" / "reconciled" ; initialized: initial FSM state for processes
; with warm-restart capabilities turned on.
; restored: process restored the state previously
; uploaded to redis data-stores.
; reconciled: process reconciled 'old' and 'new'
; state collected in 'restored' phase. Examples:
; dynanic data like port state, neighbor, routes
; and so on.
;State for neighbor table restoring process during warm reboot
restored = "true" / "false" ; restored state
;Stores bgp status
;Status: work in progress
key = BGP_STATE_TABLE|family|eoiu ; family = "IPv4" / "IPv6" ; address family.
state = "unknown" / "reached" / "consumed" ; unknown: eoiu state not fetched yet.
; reached: bgp eoiu done.
; consumed: the reached state has been consumed by application.
timestamp = time-stamp ; "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", full-date and partial-time separated by
; white space. Example: 2019-04-25 09:39:19
;value annotations
date-fullyear = 4DIGIT
date-month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12
date-mday = 2DIGIT ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on
; month/year
time-hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23
time-minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59
time-second = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second
; rules
partial-time = time-hour ":" time-minute ":" time-second
full-date = date-fullyear "-" date-month "-" date-mday
time-stamp = full-date %x20 partial-time
;State for interface status, including two types of key
key = INTERFACE_TABLE|ifname ; ifname should be Ethernet,Portchannel,Vlan,Loopback
vrf = "" / vrf_name ; interface has been created, global or vrf
key = INTERFACE_TABLE|ifname|IPprefix
state = "ok" ; IP address has been set to interface
;State for vrf status, vrfmgrd has written it to app_db
key = VRF_TABLE|vrf_name ; vrf_name start with 'Vrf' or 'Vnet' prefix
state = "ok" ; vrf entry exist in app_db, if yes vrf device must exist
;State for vrf object status, vrf exist in vrforch
key = VRF_OBJECT_TABLE|vrf_name ; vrf_name start with 'Vrf' prefix
state = "ok" ; vrf entry exist in orchagent
;Available only when the switch is running in dynamic buffer model
;Stores the maximum available buffer on a global or per-port basis
key = BUFFER_MAX_PARAM_TABLE|ifname ; The maximum headroom of the port. The ifname should be the name of a physical port.
BUFFER_MAX_PARAM_TABLE|global ; The maximum available of the system.
mmu_size = 1*10DIGIT ; The maximum available of the system. Available only when the key is "global".
max_headroom_size = 1*10DIGIT ; The maximum headroom of the port. Available only when the key is ifname.
What configuration files should we have? Do apps, orch agent each need separate files?
port_config.ini - defines physical port information
portsyncd reads from port_config.ini and updates PORT_TABLE in APP_DB