diff --git a/ansible/templates/minigraph_cpg.j2 b/ansible/templates/minigraph_cpg.j2
index 8e556071873..1f49ecb28b9 100644
--- a/ansible/templates/minigraph_cpg.j2
+++ b/ansible/templates/minigraph_cpg.j2
@@ -14,6 +14,18 @@
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames is defined %}
+ false
+ {{ vm_asic_ifnames[vm][0].split('-')[1] }}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vm]['bgp_ipv4'][dut_index|int] }}
+ {{ vm }}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vm]['peer_ipv4'][dut_index|int] }}
+ 1
+ 10
+ 3
+{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if vm_topo_config['vm'][vm]['peer_ipv6'][dut_index|int] %}
@@ -25,7 +37,45 @@
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames is defined %}
+ {{ vm_asic_ifnames[vm][0].split('-')[1] }}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vm]['bgp_ipv6'][dut_index|int] }}
+ {{ vm }}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vm]['peer_ipv6'][dut_index|int] }}
+ 1
+ 10
+ 3
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] %}
+{% if asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv4'][0] %}
+ false
+ {{ asic }}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['bgp_ipv4'][0] }}
+ {{ neigh_asic }}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv4'][0] }}
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+{% endif %}
+{% if asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv6'][0] %}
+ {{ asic }}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['bgp_ipv6'][0] }}
+ {{ neigh_asic }}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv6'][0] }}
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@@ -77,6 +127,35 @@
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['dut_asn'] }}
+ {{ asic }}
+{% for index in range( vms_number) %}
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]][0].split('-')[1] == asic %}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['peer_ipv4'][dut_index|int] }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{% if neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] and asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv4'][0] %}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['peer_ipv4'][0] }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg.j2 b/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg.j2
index cdd9074244c..68f4a204498 100644
--- a/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg.j2
+++ b/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg.j2
@@ -210,5 +210,6 @@
+{% include 'minigraph_dpg_asic.j2' %}
diff --git a/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg_asic.j2 b/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg_asic.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cef693288d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/templates/minigraph_dpg_asic.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+{% macro port_channel_id(asic_idx, neigh_asic_idx) -%}
+{{ ((4000 + asic_idx + (10*neigh_asic_idx))|string) }}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{% set asic_index = asic.split('ASIC')[1]|int %}
+ HostIP
+ Loopback0
+ {{ lp_ipv4 }}
+ {{ lp_ipv4 }}
+ HostIP1
+ Loopback0
+ {{ lp_ipv6 }}
+ {{ lp_ipv6 }}
+{% for lo4096 in asic_topo_config[asic]['Loopback4096'] %}
+ HostIP1
+ Loopback4096
+ {{ lo4096 }}
+ {{ lo4096 }}
+{% endfor %}
+ HostIP
+ eth0
+ {{ ansible_host }}/{{ mgmt_subnet_mask_length }}
+ {{ ansible_host }}/{{ mgmt_subnet_mask_length }}
+ V6HostIP
+ eth0
+ {{ ansible_hostv6 if ansible_hostv6 is defined else 'FC00:2::32' }}/64
+ {{ ansible_hostv6 if ansible_hostv6 is defined else 'FC00:2::32' }}/64
+ {{ asic }}
+{% for index in range(vms_number) %}
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]][0].split('-')[1] == asic %}
+{% if 'port-channel' in vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][dut_index|int]|lower %}
+{% set port_channel_intf=';'.join(vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]]) %}
+ PortChannel{{ ((index+1)|string).zfill(4) }}
+ {{ port_channel_intf }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{%- set pc_intfs = [] -%}
+{%- if neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] and 'port-channel' in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ip_intf'][0]|lower -%}
+{%- for intf in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['asic_intfs'][0] %}
+{{- pc_intfs.append(intf) }}
+{%- endfor -%}
+{%- set port_channel_intf=pc_intfs|join(';') -%}
+{% set neigh_asic_index = neigh_asic.split('ASIC')[1]|int %}
+ PortChannel{{ port_channel_id(asic_index, neigh_asic_index).zfill(4) }}
+ {{ port_channel_intf }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for index in range(vms_number) %}
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]][0].split('-')[1] == asic %}
+{% if vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][dut_index|int] is not none %}
+{% if 'port-channel' in vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][dut_index|int]|lower %}
+ PortChannel{{ ((index+1) |string).zfill(4) }}
+{% else %}
+ {{ front_panel_asic_ifnames[vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['interface_indexes'][dut_index|int][0]] }}
+{% endif %}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['bgp_ipv4'][dut_index|int] }}/{{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ipv4mask'][dut_index|int] }}
+{% if 'port-channel' in vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][dut_index|int]|lower %}
+ PortChannel{{ ((index+1) |string).zfill(4) }}
+{% else %}
+ {{ front_panel_asic_ifnames[vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['interface_indexes'][dut_index|int][0]] }}
+{% endif %}
+ {{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['bgp_ipv6'][dut_index|int] }}/{{ vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ipv6mask'][dut_index|int] }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] %}
+{%- if 'port-channel' in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ip_intf'][0]|lower %}
+{%- set neigh_asic_index = neigh_asic.split('ASIC')[1]|int %}
+ PortChannel{{ port_channel_id(asic_index, neigh_asic_index).zfill(4) }}
+{% else %}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['asic_intfs'][0][0] }}
+{% endif %}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['bgp_ipv4'][0] }}/{{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ipv4mask'][0] }}
+{%- if 'port-channel' in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ip_intf'][0]|lower %}
+{%- set neigh_asic_index = neigh_asic.split('ASIC')[1]|int %}
+ PortChannel{{ port_channel_id(asic_index, neigh_asic_index).zfill(4) }}
+{% else %}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['asic_intfs'][0][0] }}
+{% endif %}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['bgp_ipv6'][0] }}/{{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ipv6mask'][0] }}
+{% endfor %}
+ Everflow
+ Everflow
+ EverflowV6
+ EverflowV6
+ ssh-only
+{%- set acl_intfs = [] -%}
+{%- for index in range(vms_number) %}
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]][0].split('-')[1] == asic %}
+{% if 'port-channel' in vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][0]|lower %}
+{% set a_intf = 'PortChannel' + ((index+1) |string).zfill(4) %}
+{{- acl_intfs.append(a_intf) -}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{% set neigh_asic_index = neigh_asic.split('ASIC')[1]|int %}
+{%- if neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] and 'port-channel' in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ip_intf'][0]|lower -%}
+{% set a_intf = 'PortChannel' + port_channel_id(asic_index, neigh_asic_index).zfill(4) %}
+{{- acl_intfs.append(a_intf) -}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{%- for index in range(vms_number) -%}
+{% if vm_asic_ifnames[vms[index]][0].split('-')[1] == asic %}
+{% if 'port-channel' not in vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['ip_intf'][0]|lower %}
+{% if vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['intfs'][dut_index|int]|length %}
+{% set a_intf = front_panel_asic_ifnames[vm_topo_config['vm'][vms[index]]['interface_indexes'][dut_index|int][0]] %}
+{{- acl_intfs.append(a_intf) -}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor -%}
+{%- for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config -%}
+{%- if neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] and 'port-channel' not in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['ip_intf'][0]|lower -%}
+{% if asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['intfs'][0]|length %}
+{% set a_intf = asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['asic_intfs'][0][0] %}
+{{- acl_intfs.append(a_intf) -}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{{- acl_intfs|join(';') -}}
+ DataAcl
+ DataPlane
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/ansible/templates/minigraph_meta.j2 b/ansible/templates/minigraph_meta.j2
index 30a8c875cf6..a44ce45a16d 100644
--- a/ansible/templates/minigraph_meta.j2
+++ b/ansible/templates/minigraph_meta.j2
@@ -93,6 +93,18 @@
{% endif %}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+ {{ asic }}
+ SubRole
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['asic_type'] }}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/ansible/templates/minigraph_png.j2 b/ansible/templates/minigraph_png.j2
index 451638b50ad..128e8cae204 100644
--- a/ansible/templates/minigraph_png.j2
+++ b/ansible/templates/minigraph_png.j2
@@ -36,6 +36,36 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+{% for neigh_asic in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'] %}
+{% for intf in asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['intfs'][0] | sort %}
+ DeviceInterfaceLink
+ 40000
+ true
+ {{ neigh_asic }}
+ {{ intf }}
+ true
+ {{ asic }}
+ {{ asic_topo_config[asic]['neigh_asic'][neigh_asic]['asic_intfs'][0][loop.index-1] }}
+ true
+{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for asic_intf in front_panel_asic_ifnames %}
+ DeviceInterfaceLink
+ 40000
+ true
+ {{ asic_intf.split('-')[1] }}
+ {{ asic_intf }}
+ true
+ {{ inventory_hostname }}
+ {{ port_alias[loop.index - 1] }}
+ true
+{% endfor %}
@@ -135,6 +165,33 @@
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
+{% for asic in asic_topo_config %}
+ Asic
+ ::/0
+ ::/0
+ {{ asic }}
+ Broadcom-Trident2
+{% endfor %}