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Timex Plugin for Ecto

Master Version

Getting Started

Learn how to add timex_ecto to your Elixir project and start using it.

Adding timex_ecto To Your Project

To use timex_ecto with your projects, edit your mix.exs file and add it as a dependency:

def application do
 [ applications: [:timex, ...], ...]

defp deps do
  [{:timex, "~> x.x.x"},
   {:timex_ecto, "~> x.x.x"}]

Adding Timex types to your Ecto models

defmodule User do
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    # Stored as an ISO date (year-month-day)
    field :a_date,       Timex.Ecto.Date # Timex version of :date
    # Stored as an ISO time (hour:minute:second.fractional)
    field :a_time,       Timex.Ecto.Time # Timex version of :time
    # Stored as an ISO 8601 datetime in UTC (year-month-day hour:minute:second.fractional)
    field :a_datetime,   Timex.Ecto.DateTime # Timex version of :datetime
    # DateTimeWithTimezone is a special case, please see the `Using DateTimeWithTimezone` section!
    # Stored as a tuple of ISO 8601 datetime and timezone name ((year-month-day hour:minute:second.fractional, timezone))
    field :a_datetimetz, Timex.Ecto.DateTimeWithTimezone # A custom datatype (:datetimetz) implemented by Timex

Using Timex with Ecto's timestamps macro

Super simple! Your timestamps will now be Timex.DateTime structs instead of Ecto.DateTime structs.

defmodule User do
  use Ecto.Model
  use Timex.Ecto.Timestamps

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string

Using with Phoenix

Phoenix allows you to apply defaults globally to Ecto models via web/web.ex by changing the model function like so:

def model do
  quote do
    use Ecto.Model
    use Timex.Ecto.Timestamps

By doing this, you bring the Timex timestamps into scope in all your models.

Example Usage

The following is a simple test app I built for vetting this plugin:

defmodule EctoTest.Repo do
  use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :timex_ecto_test

defmodule EctoTest.User do
  use Ecto.Model
  use Timex.Ecto.Timestamps

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    field :date_test,       Timex.Ecto.Date
    field :time_test,       Timex.Ecto.Time
    field :datetime_test,   Timex.Ecto.DateTime
    field :datetimetz_test, Timex.Ecto.DateTimeWithTimezone

defmodule EctoTest do
  import Ecto.Query
  use Timex

  alias EctoTest.User
  alias EctoTest.Repo

  def seed do
    time       =
    datetime   =
    datetimetz = Timezone.convert(datetime, "Europe/Copenhagen")
    u = %User{name: "Paul", date_test: datetime, time_test: time, datetime_test: datetime, datetimetz_test: datetimetz}

  def all do
    query = from u in User,
            select: u

defmodule EctoTest.App do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec
    tree = [worker(EctoTest.Repo, [])]
    opts = [name: EctoTest.Sup, strategy: :one_for_one]
    Supervisor.start_link(tree, opts)

And the results:

iex(1)> EctoTest.seed

14:45:43.461 [debug] INSERT INTO "users" ("date_test", "datetime_test", "datetimetz_test", "name", "time_test") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING "id" [{2015, 6, 25}, {{2015, 6, 25}, {19, 45, 43, 457000}}, {{{2015, 6, 25}, {21, 45, 43, 457000}}, "Europe/Copenhagen"}, "Paul", {19, 45, 43, 457000}] OK query=3.9ms
%EctoTest.User{__meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{source: "users",
  state: :loaded},
 date_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 19, minute: 45,
  month: 6, ms: 457, second: 43,
  timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "UTC", from: :min,
   full_name: "UTC", offset_std: 0, offset_utc: 0, until: :max}, year: 2015},
 datetime_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 19,
  minute: 45, month: 6, ms: 457, second: 43,
  timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "UTC", from: :min,
   full_name: "UTC", offset_std: 0, offset_utc: 0, until: :max}, year: 2015},
 datetimetz_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 21,
  minute: 45, month: 6, ms: 457, second: 43,
  timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "CEST",
   from: {:sunday, {{2015, 3, 29}, {2, 0, 0}}}, full_name: "Europe/Copenhagen",
   offset_std: 60, offset_utc: 60,
   until: {:sunday, {{2015, 10, 25}, {2, 0, 0}}}}, year: 2015}, id: nil,
 name: "Paul", time_test: {1435, 261543, 456856}}
iex(2)> EctoTest.all

14:45:46.721 [debug] SELECT u0."id", u0."name", u0."date_test", u0."time_test", u0."datetime_test", u0."datetimetz_test" FROM "users" AS u0 [] OK query=0.7ms
[%EctoTest.User{__meta__: %Ecto.Schema.Metadata{source: "users",
   state: :loaded},
  date_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 0, minute: 0,
   month: 6, ms: 0, second: 0,
   timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "UTC", from: :min,
    full_name: "UTC", offset_std: 0, offset_utc: 0, until: :max}, year: 2015},
  datetime_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 19,
   minute: 45, month: 6, ms: 457.0, second: 43,
   timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "UTC", from: :min,
    full_name: "UTC", offset_std: 0, offset_utc: 0, until: :max}, year: 2015},
  datetimetz_test: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 25, hour: 21,
   minute: 45, month: 6, ms: 457.0, second: 43,
   timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "CEST",
    from: {:sunday, {{2015, 3, 29}, {2, 0, 0}}}, full_name: "Europe/Copenhagen",
    offset_std: 60, offset_utc: 60,
    until: {:sunday, {{2015, 10, 25}, {2, 0, 0}}}}, year: 2015}, id: nil,
  name: "Paul", time_test: {0, 71143, 0}}]

Additional Documentation

Documentation for Timex and timex_ecto are available here, and on hexdocs.


This project is MIT licended. See the LICENSE file in this repo.