diff --git a/test/acceptance/cli-args.test.ts b/test/acceptance/cli-args.test.ts
index 5de5039111..7abdff22f4 100644
--- a/test/acceptance/cli-args.test.ts
+++ b/test/acceptance/cli-args.test.ts
@@ -346,118 +346,6 @@ test('`test --json-file-output no value produces error message`', (t) => {
-test('`test --json-file-output can save JSON output to file while sending human readable output to stdout`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(2);
-  const tmpFolder = randomTmpFolderPath();
-  const jsonPath = path.normalize(
-    `${tmpFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-  );
-  const testFixture =
-    'test/acceptance/workspaces/npm-package-no-vulns/package.json';
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --file=${testFixture} --json-file-output=${jsonPath}`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-        throw err;
-      }
-      if (!existsSync(jsonPath)) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-      }
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf-8');
-      const jsonObj = JSON.parse(outputFileContents);
-      const okValue = jsonObj.ok as boolean;
-      t.match(stdout, 'Organization:', 'contains human readable output');
-      t.ok(okValue, 'JSON output ok');
-    },
-  );
-test('`test --json-file-output produces same JSON output as normal JSON output to stdout`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(1);
-  const tmpFolder = randomTmpFolderPath();
-  const jsonPath = path.normalize(
-    `${tmpFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-  );
-  const testFixture =
-    'test/acceptance/workspaces/npm-package-no-vulns/package.json';
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --file=${testFixture} --json --json-file-output=${jsonPath}`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-        throw err;
-      }
-      const stdoutJson = stdout;
-      if (!existsSync(jsonPath)) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-      }
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf-8');
-      t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-    },
-  );
-test('`test --json-file-output can handle a relative path`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(1);
-  const tmpFolder = randomTmpFolderPath();
-  const outputPath = path.normalize(
-    `${tmpFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-  );
-  const testFixture =
-    'test/acceptance/workspaces/npm-package-no-vulns/package.json';
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --file=${testFixture} --json --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-        throw err;
-      }
-      const stdoutJson = stdout;
-      if (!existsSync(outputPath)) {
-        console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-      }
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8');
-      t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-    },
-  );
-  '`test --json-file-output can handle an absolute path`',
-  { skip: isWindows },
-  (t) => {
-    t.plan(1);
-    const tmpFolder = randomTmpFolderPath();
-    const outputPath = path.normalize(
-      `${tmpFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-    );
-    const testFixture =
-      'test/acceptance/workspaces/npm-package-no-vulns/package.json';
-    exec(
-      `node ${main} test --file=${testFixture} --json --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
-      (err, stdout) => {
-        if (err) {
-          console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-          throw err;
-        }
-        const stdoutJson = stdout;
-        if (!existsSync(outputPath)) {
-          console.log('CLI stdout: ', stdout);
-        }
-        const outputFileContents = readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8');
-        t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-      },
-    );
-  },
 test('flags not allowed with --sarif', (t) => {
   exec(`node ${main} test iac --sarif --json`, (err, stdout) => {
diff --git a/test/dev-count-analysis.spec.ts b/test/dev-count-analysis.spec.ts
index f7fc5b2800..a356e100aa 100644
--- a/test/dev-count-analysis.spec.ts
+++ b/test/dev-count-analysis.spec.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {
 } from '../src/lib/monitor/dev-count-analysis';
-const testTimeout = 30000;
+const testTimeout = 60000;
 describe('cli dev count via git log analysis', () => {
   let expectedContributorUserIds: string[] = [];
   let expectedMergeOnlyUserIds: string[] = [];
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe('cli dev count via git log analysis', () => {
     expectedMergeOnlyUserIds = uniqueEmailsContainingOnlyMergeCommits.map(
-  });
+  }, testTimeout);
     'returns contributors',
diff --git a/test/system/cli-json-file-output.test.ts b/test/system/cli-json-file-output.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e0e356dc..0000000000
--- a/test/system/cli-json-file-output.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import { test } from 'tap';
-import { exec } from 'child_process';
-import { sep, join } from 'path';
-import { readFileSync, unlinkSync, rmdirSync, mkdirSync, existsSync } from 'fs';
-import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
-const osName = require('os-name');
-const main = './dist/cli/index.js'.replace(/\//g, sep);
-const iswindows =
-  osName()
-    .toLowerCase()
-    .indexOf('windows') === 0;
-test('`test --json-file-output can save JSON output to file while sending human readable output to stdout`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(2);
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --json-file-output=snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        throw err;
-      }
-      t.match(stdout, 'Organization:', 'contains human readable output');
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(
-        'snyk-direct-json-test-output.json',
-        'utf-8',
-      );
-      unlinkSync('./snyk-direct-json-test-output.json');
-      const jsonObj = JSON.parse(outputFileContents);
-      const okValue = jsonObj.ok as boolean;
-      t.ok(okValue, 'JSON output ok');
-    },
-  );
-test('`test --json-file-output produces same JSON output as normal JSON output to stdout`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(1);
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --json --json-file-output=snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        throw err;
-      }
-      const stdoutJson = stdout;
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(
-        'snyk-direct-json-test-output.json',
-        'utf-8',
-      );
-      unlinkSync('./snyk-direct-json-test-output.json');
-      t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-    },
-  );
-test('`test --json-file-output can handle a relative path`', (t) => {
-  t.plan(1);
-  // if 'test-output' doesn't exist, created it
-  if (!existsSync('test-output')) {
-    mkdirSync('test-output');
-  }
-  const tempFolder = uuidv4();
-  const outputPath = `test-output/${tempFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`;
-  exec(
-    `node ${main} test --json --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
-    (err, stdout) => {
-      if (err) {
-        throw err;
-      }
-      const stdoutJson = stdout;
-      const outputFileContents = readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8');
-      unlinkSync(outputPath);
-      rmdirSync(`test-output/${tempFolder}`);
-      t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-    },
-  );
-  '`test --json-file-output can handle an absolute path`',
-  { skip: iswindows },
-  (t) => {
-    t.plan(1);
-    // if 'test-output' doesn't exist, created it
-    if (!existsSync('test-output')) {
-      mkdirSync('test-output');
-    }
-    const tempFolder = uuidv4();
-    const outputPath = join(
-      process.cwd(),
-      `test-output/${tempFolder}/snyk-direct-json-test-output.json`,
-    );
-    exec(
-      `node ${main} test --json --json-file-output=${outputPath}`,
-      (err, stdout) => {
-        if (err) {
-          throw err;
-        }
-        const stdoutJson = stdout;
-        const outputFileContents = readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8');
-        unlinkSync(outputPath);
-        rmdirSync(`test-output/${tempFolder}`);
-        t.equals(stdoutJson, outputFileContents);
-      },
-    );
-  },