- c51ab7d: Upgrade esbuild to ^0.12.5
- edc307d: Remove peerDependencies due to pnpm bug
- 2636e68: Attempt to fix peerDependencies specification
- 028abd9: Pass validated svelte config to adapter adapt function
- Updated dependencies [6372690]
- Updated dependencies [c3d36a3]
- Updated dependencies [bf77940]
- Updated dependencies [2172469]
- Updated dependencies [028abd9]
- @sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.110
- 71e293d: change toml parser to support dotted keys and other language features added after the TOML v0.4.0 spec
- dca4946: Make kit a peerDependency of the adapters
- Updated dependencies [261ee1c]
- Updated dependencies [ec156c6]
- Updated dependencies [586785d]
- @sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.109
- dad93fc: Fix workspace dependencies
- 11e7840: Ensure rawBody is a string or Uint8Array
- c6fde99: Convert to ESM
- 9e67505: Add es2020 target to esbuild function to solve Unexpected character '#' error
- 2e72a94: Add type declarations
- b372d61: Generate required package.json
- 1237eb3: Pass rawBody to SvelteKit, bundle worker with esbuild
- 4325b39: Aligns request/response API of cloudflare-workers adapter with others
- e890031: Fix dev/prod deps (oops)