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Tanmatsu (端末; "terminal" in Japanese) is a Declarative TUI (Terminal User Interface) library, with layout features modelled after modern CSS.
Widget objects can be created by defining a class that inherits from the desired widget class.
For example, a CSS flexbox-style widget that contains a text box and a button can be created declaratively, like so:
class NiceFlexBox(widgets.FlexBox):
text_box = widgets.TextBox(text="Hello World!")
button = widgets.Button(label="Button 2", callback=None)
class Meta:
border_label = "Nice FlexBox"
nice_flex_box = NiceFlexBox()
or imperatively, like so:
children = {
'text_box': widgets.TextBox(text="Hello World!"),
'button': widgets.Button(label="Button 2", callback=None)
nice_flex_box = widgets.FlexBox(children=children, border_label="Nice FlexBox")
Tanmatsu supports either style. The declarative syntax should be familiar with anyone who's used Django models before.
which is given by the code:
from tanmatsu import Tanmatsu, widgets
class ButtonList(widgets.List):
class Meta:
border_label = "List"
children = [
widgets.Button(label="Button 1", callback=None),
widgets.Button(label="Button 2", callback=None),
widgets.Button(label="Button 3", callback=None),
item_height = 5
class VertSplit(widgets.FlexBox):
text_box = widgets.TextBox(border_label="Text Box", text="Hello World!")
text_log = widgets.TextLog(border_label="Text Log")
button_list = ButtonList()
class Meta:
flex_direction = widgets.FlexDirection.ROW
with Tanmatsu(title="Tanmatsu!") as t:
rw = VertSplit()
for (i, v) in enumerate(rw.button_list.children):
v.callback = lambda i=i: rw.text_log.append_line(f"Button {i + 1} pressed")
pip install tanmatsu
- 🟨 Unicode support
- 🟩 Multi-column character support (e.g.,
) - 🟨 Emoji support
- 🟩 Multi-column character support (e.g.,
- 🟨 Widgets
- 🟩 Button
- 🟩 Flexbox
- 🟩 flex-direction
- 🟩 justify-content
- 🟨 align-items
- 🟨 align-content
- 🟨 flex-wrap
- 🟨 row-gap/column-gap
- 🟨 Grid
- 🟩 List
- 🟩 Tab Box
- 🟩 Text Box
- 🟩 Fully editable
- 🟩 Line wrap
- 🟩 Text Log
- 🟩 Scrolling
- 🟩 Tab/Shift+Tab navigation
- 🟨 MacOS support
- Python >=3.11
- GNU/Linux
- Full-featured terminal emulator (e.g., Gnome VTE)
- A font with unicode symbols (e.g., Noto)
- tri.declarative
- parsy
- wcwidth
Development dependencies:
- sphinx
- isort
- mypy
- If not running python 3.11, install pyenv.
- Install poetry.
- Run
poetry install
from the repository directory to set up a virtual environment with the necessary python version and packages - Run
fish scripts/installgithooks.fish
to install the appropriate git hooks.
poetry run python3 main.py
poetry run python3 -m unittest
MIT License. For more information, see LICENSE.md.