Run multiple processes, defined by a simple json file, with a single log stream. Super useful for people who change from project to project.
A binary for Mac OS x64 is included in the releases section.
You’ll need Go installed.
go get
Navigate to your project root.
hack init
hack add redis redis-server
hack add rails "bundle exec rails server"
Once registered, you can run your project from anywhere.
hack register my_project
cd any/where/you/want
hack on my_project
When no command is supplied, it will run the project in the current directory.
Initialises the hack.json
Adds the given command with the given name. Use quotes for commands with spaces.
hack add redis redis-server
➜ ✔ Added redis
hack add rails "bundle exec rails server"
➜ ✔ Added rails
Removes the command with the given name.
hack rm potato
➜ ✘ No process named potato
hack rm rails
➜ ✔ Removed rails
Lists the current processes.
hack list
➜ 2 processes in hackfile
➜ Local:
➜ - rails: bundle exec rails s -p 3001
➜ - redis: redis-server
Registers the current working directory under the supplied name. If no name is supplied, it will register it under the current folder name.
hack register
✔ Registered servd at /Users/mal/Code/github/servd
hack register FOO
✔ Registered FOO at /Users/mal/Code/github/servd
Run the previously registered project name
. Once registered, you can run a project from any directory.
hack on servd
Deregisters the project with the supplied name. If no name is supplied it will deregister the project based on the current folder name.
hack deregister
✔ servd deregistered
hack deregister FOO
✔ FOO deregistered
Lists the registered projects.
hack projects
✔ 2 projects registered
✔ FOO: /Users/mal/Code/github/servd
✔ servd: /Users/mal/Code/github/servd
Created with love by Mal Curtis
Twitter: snikchnz
MIT. See license file.
- Handle global processes when starting another instance of hack
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request