The SLS Gateway can be easily integrated with the Home Assistant home automation system. For integration, the software zigbee2mqtt can be used together with various versions of zigbee dongles, or the ready-made Smart Logic System (SLS) Zigbee BLE gateway.
The module works through MQTT. Install mosqutto on raspberry or linux:
Mosqutto for windows can be downloaded here
Discovery mode allows you to automatically add new devices to the system. This functionality is in development.
*The following examples show the ZigBeeCA20 starting topic - replace it with yours, which you specified in the MQTT settings of the SLS gateway.
SLS Zigbee Gateway devices can be manually added to the Home-Assistant. To do this, add the appropriate settings for the device type to the configuration.yaml configuration file. Below are tested examples of clippings from the configuration file:
- platform: mqtt
name: bathroom_leak
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_leak_1"
value_template:> -
{% if value_json.water_leak == true%}
{% else%}
{% endif%}
# Leak Sensor # 1 (charge level) SJCGQ11LM
- platform: mqtt
name: bathroom_leak_1_battery
icon: mdi: battery-high
unit_of_measurement: "%"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_leak_1"
value_template: "{{value_json.battery}}"
- platform: mqtt
# Temperature
name: bathroom_temperature
icon: mdi: thermometer
unit_of_measurement: "° C"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_sensor"
value_template: "{{value_json.temperature | round (2)}}"
- platform: mqtt # Humidity
name: bathroom_humidity
icon: mdi: water-percent
unit_of_measurement: "%"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_sensor"
value_template: "{{value_json.humidity | round (2)}}"
- platform: mqtt # Charge level
name: bathroom_sensor_battery
icon: mdi: battery-high
unit_of_measurement: "%"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_sensor"
### Square sensor with pressure (in addition to the previous one) WSDCGQ11LM:
- platform: mqtt # Pressure name: loggia_pressure icon: mdi: gauge unit_of_measurement: "mmHg" availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state" state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/loggia_sensor" value_template: "{{(value_json.pressure | float * 7.501) | round | int}}"
### Square xiaomi button (binary_sensor) WXKG11LM
- platform: mqtt name: bathroom_button availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state" state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bathroom_button" value_template:> - {% if == ''%} {{'OFF'}} {% else%} {{'ON'}} {% endif%} expire_after: 5 ``` A note on a button - since this is a button, not a switch, binary_sensor changes its state for a very short time. To work with it, you can use automation such as this (in this case, when pressed, the fan turns on / off):
- platform: mqtt
name: gateway
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/led"
rgb_command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/led"
rgb_command_template:> -
"mode": "manual",
"hex": "# {{'% 02x% 02x% 02x' | format (red, green, blue)}}"
on_command_type: "brightness"
payload_off: '{"mode": "off"}'
- platform: mqtt
name: sls_state
unique_id: cee1d05d-205a-4334-b257-723540c5d578
state_topic: "ZigBeeGW/bridge/state"
device_class: connectivity
payload_on: online
payload_off: offline
json_attributes_topic: "ZigBeeGW/bridge/config"
json_attributes_template: "{{value_json | tojson}}"
- platform: mqtt
name: gateway_join
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/config"
value_template: "{{value_json.permit_join}}"
state_on: true
state_off: false
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/config/permit_join"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
- platform: mqtt
name: gateway_uptime
icon: mdi: timeline-clock
unit_of_measurement: "%"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/config"
value_template: "{{value_json.UptimeStr}}"
! [permit] (/img/permit.png)
### boiler
- platform: mqtt
name: gas_boiler
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/gas_heating"
value_template: "{{value_json.state_l1}}"
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/gas_heating/set/state_l1"
### floor heating pump switch
- platform: mqtt
name: warm_floor
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/gas_heating"
value_template: "{{value_json.state_l2}}"
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/gas_heating/set/state_l2"
respectively everywhere name and topic addresses change to your
- alias: toggle_bathroom_fan_when_button_pushed
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.bathroom_button
to: "on"
- service: fan.toggle
entity_id: fan.bathroom
- platform: mqtt
name: GardenBulbLeft
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/GardenBulbLeft"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
brightness: true
color_temp: true
schema: json
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/GardenBulbLeft/set"
- platform: mqtt
name: GardenBulbRight
state_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/GardenBulbRight"
availability_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/bridge/state"
brightness: true
color_temp: true
schema: json
command_topic: "/ZigBeeCA20/GardenBulbRight/set”
# Sensor Motion Corridor
- platform: mqtt
name: "Motion koridor battery"
state_topic: "SLS/Sensor_Motion_Koridor"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: "{{value_json.battery}}"
- platform: mqtt
name: "Motion koridor linkquality"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Motion_Koridor"
value_template: "{{value_json.linkquality}}"
- platform: mqtt
name: "Motion koridor dvigenie"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Motion_Koridor"
value_template: "{{value_json.occupancy}}"
expire_after: 10
- platform: mqtt
name: "Motion koridor yarkost"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Motion_Koridor"
value_template: "{{value_json.illuminance}}"
unit_of_measurement: 'lux'
# Sensor Door Street
- platform: mqtt
name: "Door Uliza battery"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Door_Uliza"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: "{{value_json.battery}}"
- platform: mqtt
name: "Door Uliza linkquality"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Door_Uliza"
value_template: "{{value_json.linkquality}}"
- platform: mqtt
name: "Door Uliza"
state_topic: "ZigBeeCA20/Sensor_Door_Uliza"
value_template: "{{}}"
Create a file
#Victor Enot, 04/06/20 6:02 PM
# ================================================== ===========================================
# python_scripts /
# ================================================== ===========================================
inputEntity = data.get ('entity_id')
if inputEntity is None:
logger.warning ("===== entity_id is required if you want to set something.")
inputStateObject = hass.states.get (inputEntity)
inputState = inputStateObject.state
inputAttributesObject = inputStateObject.attributes.copy ()
for item in data:
newAttribute = data.get (item)
logger.debug ("===== item = {0}; value = {1}". format (item, newAttribute))
if item == 'entity_id':
continue # already handled
elif item == 'state':
inputState = newAttribute
inputAttributesObject [item] = newAttribute
hass.states.set (inputEntity, inputState, inputAttributesObject)
In automations.yaml you need to write the following code
- id: '1579606187576'
alias: Tualet pir off
description: ''
- entity_id: binary_sensor.tualet_pir
for: 00:02:00
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data_template:
entity_id: Binary_sensor.tualet_pir
state: 'off'
service: python_script.set_state
- PS: section in development. *