This project is an applescript for system administrator. It's mean't to automate hardware and software information retrieval on a Mac. The script collects the information and open an outgoing mail window ( with all the collected information. The script could be bundle as a (.app) and delivered to end users for an effortless retrieval.
You are a system administrator that want to collect all the information of your OSX/macOS IT Park in a few step. This script will generate a ready to send email with all the information.
- Get the the applescript (mac-information-gatherer.applescript) provided by this project
- Optionnaly fill the two first variables (recipientName and recipientEmail) with the email that will collect the information.
- Optionnaly edit variable "mailSubject" to match your requirements
- Bundle the script as an application (.app) :
- (from ScriptEditor on OSX/macOS) File -> Save as -> File format -> Application -> Save
- Deliver the .app to your users tell them to launch it and to send the generated email.
- Done !
/!\ This project is limited to OSX/macOS machine.
The sending of the email rely on the user of the script, so that he can check what will be sent ;)
Open "mac-information-gatherer.applescript" in "ScriptEditor" and click run (►).
Or as sayed before fill the 3 first variables to meet your requirements then bundle the script as a .app
In any case the script will collect the information and display them in an outgoing mail window (
Because applescript do not relies on Xcode or third party libraries. Applescript could be easilly bundled as a .app and delivered to non techie end-user.
The following information are collected by executing some shell commands.
Information | Associated Shell command |
Hardware Information | $ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType |
Software Information | $ system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType |
Hardware port | $ networksetup -listallhardwareports |
Used apple id | $ defaults read MobileMeAccounts Accounts | grep AccountID |
Account that run the script | $ whoami |
Accounts on the machine | $ dscacheutil -q user | grep -A 3 -B 2 -e uid:\\ 5'[0-9][0-9]' |
- OS X 10.11.6
- macOS 10.12.0