This guide is part of the Azure Spring Cloud training
In this section, we'll build another data-driven microservice. This time, we will use a relational database, a MySQL database managed by Azure. And we'll use Java Persistence API (JPA) to access the data in a way that is more frequently used in the Java ecosystem.
As in 02 - Build a simple Spring Boot microservice, create a specific weather-service
application in your Azure Spring Cloud instance:
az spring-cloud app create -n weather-service
After following the steps in Section 00, you should have an Azure Database for MySQL instance named sclabm-<unique string>
in your resource group.
Before we can use it however, we will need to perform several tasks:
- Create a MySQL firewall rule to allow connections from our local environment.
- Create a MySQL firewall rule to allow connections from Azure Services. This will enable connections from Azure Spring Cloud.
- Create a MySQL database.
💡When prompted for a password, enter the MySQL password you specified when deploying the ARM template in Section 00.
# Obtain the info on the MYSQL server in our resource group:
MYSQL_INFO=$(az mysql server list --query '[0]')
MYSQL_SERVERNAME=$(az mysql server list --query '[0].name' -o tsv)
MYSQL_USERNAME="$(az mysql server list --query '[0].administratorLogin' -o tsv)@${MYSQL_SERVERNAME}"
MYSQL_HOST="$(az mysql server list --query '[0].fullyQualifiedDomainName' -o tsv)"
# Create a firewall rule to allow connections from your machine:
MY_IP=$(curl 2>/dev/null)
az mysql server firewall-rule create \
--server-name $MYSQL_SERVERNAME \
--name "connect-from-lab" \
--start-ip-address "$MY_IP" \
--end-ip-address "$MY_IP"
# Create a firewall rule to allow connections from Azure services:
az mysql server firewall-rule create \
--server-name $MYSQL_SERVERNAME \
--name "connect-from-azure" \
--start-ip-address "" \
--end-ip-address ""
# Create a MySQL database
az mysql db create \
--name "azure-spring-cloud-training" \
--server-name $MYSQL_SERVERNAME
# Display MySQL username (to be used in the next section)
echo "Your MySQL username is: ${MYSQL_USERNAME}"
As we did for CosmosDB in the previous section, create a service binding for the MySQL database to make it available to Azure Spring Cloud microservices. In the Azure Portal:
- Navigate to your Azure Spring Cloud instance
- Click on Apps
- Click on
. - Click on "Service Bindings" and then on "Create Service Binding".
- Populate the service binding fields as shown.
- The username will be displayed in last line of output from the section above.
- The password is the one you specified in section 0. The default value is
- Click on
to create the database binding
Now that we've provisioned the Azure Spring Cloud instance and configured the service binding, let's get the code for weather-service
ready. The microservice that we create in this guide is available here.
To create our microservice, we will invoke the Spring Initalizer service from the command line:
curl -d dependencies=web,data-jpa,mysql,cloud-eureka,cloud-config-client -d baseDir=weather-service -d bootVersion=2.3.8 -d javaVersion=1.8 | tar -xzvf -
We use the
Spring Web
,Spring Data JPA
,MySQL Driver
,Eureka Discovery Client
and theConfig Client
Next to the DemoApplication
class, create a Weather
JPA entity:
package com.example.demo;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class Weather {
private String city;
private String description;
private String icon;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getIcon() {
return icon;
public void setIcon(String icon) {
this.icon = icon;
Then, create a Spring Data repository to manage this entity, called WeatherRepository
package com.example.demo;
public interface WeatherRepository extends CrudRepository<Weather, String> {
And finish coding this application by adding a Spring MVC controller called WeatherController
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class WeatherController {
private final WeatherRepository weatherRepository;
public WeatherController(WeatherRepository weatherRepository) {
this.weatherRepository = weatherRepository;
public @ResponseBody Weather getWeatherForCity(@RequestParam("name") String cityName) {
return weatherRepository.findById(cityName).get();
In order to have Hibernate automatically create your database, open up the src/main/resources/
file and add:
Then, in order to have Spring Boot add sample data at startup, create a src/main/resources/import.sql
file and add:
INSERT INTO `azure-spring-cloud-training`.`weather` (`city`, `description`, `icon`) VALUES ('Paris, France', 'Very cloudy!', 'weather-fog');
INSERT INTO `azure-spring-cloud-training`.`weather` (`city`, `description`, `icon`) VALUES ('London, UK', 'Quite cloudy', 'weather-pouring');
The icons we are using are the ones from - you can pick their other weather icons if you wish.
You can now build your "weather-service" project and send it to Azure Spring Cloud:
cd weather-service
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
az spring-cloud app deploy -n weather-service --jar-path target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
cd ..
- Go to "Apps" in your Azure Spring Cloud instance.
- Verify that
has aRegistration status
which says1/1
. This shows that it is correctly registered in the Spring Cloud Service Registry. - Select
to have more information on the microservice.
- Verify that
- Copy/paste the "Test Endpoint" that is provided. You might have to click on
See more
to find it.
You can now use cURL to test the /weather/city
endpoint. For example, to test for Paris, France
city, append to the end of the test endpoint: /weather/city?name=Paris%2C%20France
{"city":"Paris, France","description":"Very cloudy!","icon":"weather-fog"}
If you need to check your code, the final project is available in the "weather-service" folder.
⬅️ Previous guide: 06 - Build a reactive Spring Boot microservice using Cosmos DB
➡️ Next guide: 08 - Build a Spring Cloud Gateway