This guide is part of the Azure Spring Cloud training
In this section, we'll create an Azure Spring Cloud instance using Azure CLI. While there are other ways of creating Azure resources, Azure CLI is the quickest and simplest method.
Ensure your Azure CLI is logged into your Azure subscription.
💡 If using Windows, make sure you enter these commands and all others that follow in Git Bash. Do not use WSL, CloudShell, or any other shell.
az login # Sign into an azure account
az account show # See the currently signed-in account.
Ensure your default subscription is the one you intend to use for this lab, and if not - set the subscription via
az account set --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
In this section, we will create our Azure Spring Cloud instance using Azure CLI.
First, you will need to come up with a name for your Azure Spring Cloud instance.
- The name must be unique among all Azure Spring Cloud instances across all of Azure. Consider using your username as part of the name.
- The name can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. The first character must be a letter. The last character must be a letter or number. The value must be between 4 and 32 characters long.
To limit typing, set the variable AZ_RESOURCE_GROUP
to the name of the resource group created in the previous section. Set the variable AZ_SPRING_CLOUD_NAME
to the name of the Azure Spring Cloud instance to be created:
🛑 Be sure to substitute your own values for
as described above.AZ_SPRING_CLOUD_NAME
must be globally unique, use lowercase letters and should not have special characters.
With these variables set, we can now create the Azure Spring Cloud instance. To enable the Java in-process monitoring agent, we add the enable-java-agent
az spring-cloud create \
--enable-java-agent \
--sku standard
For the remainder of this workshop, we will be running Azure CLI commands referencing the same resource group and Azure Spring Cloud instance. So let's set them as defaults, so we don't have to specify them again:
az configure --defaults group=$AZ_RESOURCE_GROUP
az configure --defaults spring-cloud=$AZ_SPRING_CLOUD_NAME
⬅️ Previous guide: 00 - Set Up Your Environment
➡️ Next guide: 02 - Build a simple Spring Boot microservice