We invite participation in the Systems for ML Workshop which will be held in conjunction with SOSP 2019 in October, 2019 in Huntsville, Ontario.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts working at the crossroads of machine learning, system design and software engineering to explore the challenges faced when building practical large-scale ML systems. In particular, we aim to elicit new connections among these fields, and identify tools, best practices and design principles. The workshop will cover ML and AI platforms and algorithm toolkits (Caffe2, TensorFlow, PyTorch etc), as well as dive into ML focused developments in various systems topics.
We welcome high quality submissions in the broad area of large scale systems and software design for machine learning. A few (non-exhaustive) topics of interest include:
- Systems for training and serving machine learning models at scale
- Systems for online and interactive learning algorithms
- Large scale distributed learning algorithms in practice
- Database systems for large scale learning
- Specialized or custom hardware for machine learning
- Programming languages for machine learning
- Benchmarking systems (for machine learning algorithms)
- Model understanding tools (debugging, visualization, introspection, etc).
- Systems for collecting, preparing, and managing machine learning data
Through invited talks as well as poster presentations by the participants, this workshop will showcase the latest advances in machine learning systems and address challenges at the intersection of machine learning and system design.
We welcome poster abstracts up to 2 pages for both the submission and camera ready versions.
Poster Abstracts
Poster abstracts can be up to 2 pages long (not including references). All accepted poster abstracts will be expected to present a poster at the workshop. However, submissions in this format will not be considered for an oral presentation.
- All submissions must be in PDF format and should follow the SOSP format guidelines. Basically, an acceptable PDF can be generated by using the sigplanconf format and specifying the 10pt and preprint options.
- Submissions do not have to be anonymized
- Please submit your paper using CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ASWSOSP2019/Submission/Index
- Submission Deadline: September 10, 2019 11.59pm PST
- Acceptance Notifications: September 25, 2019
- Final File Upload: October 15, 2019
- Workshop: October 27, 2019
Contact us at machine-learning-systems-workshop@googlegroups.com