Just to keep things sensible and maintainable, a few ground rules.
Please keep the translation as direct to the U.S. English translation as possible.
Keep the first part of the filename the same as the U.S. English translation. For example:
After the first part of the filename, use a period (
) to delimit the locale code of the translation. A complete locale code is comprised of a 2-character ISO 639-1 language identifer, then an underscore (_
), then a 2-character ISO 3166-1 country identifier.For example:
Code Country Dialect en_us
English, U.S. en_gb
English, Britain fr_fr
French, France fr_ca
French, Canada es_us
Spanish, U.S. es_mx
Spanish, Mexico es_es
Spanish, Spain zh_cn
Chinese, Mainland China zh_tw
Chinese, Taiwan zh_hk
Chinese, Hong Kong -
File extension is
. The final filename would look likeinstalling-garlicos-single-card.es_mx.md
for the Mexican Spanish translation of Installing Garlic OS on your Anbernic RG35XX using macOS (single-card setup).