##CPU## The emulated Z80 CPU supports these instructions: (List may be incorrect, but I really hope not.) (List is not finished.) (S-A-D: Set as defined) (Test: OK = "this is tested", OKIX = "this is tested with the IX prefix too", MOST = "mostly tested - enough that the instruction logic's fine, but certain cases that would require their own tests are not checked", MSIX = "MOST, where tested, done with IX"
Test | Opcode | Mnemonic | What it does | Effect on Flags |
OKIX | INC rp | Increment (add one) to register pair | No effect. | |
OKIX | DEC rp | Decrement (subtract one) from register pair | No effect. | |
OK | 0x00 | NOP | Do Nothing. | No effect. |
OKIX | INC r | Increment register/(HL) | Parity/Overflow is set for the "overflow" condition. Sub/HalfC/Zero/Sign are S-A-D | |
OKIX | DEC r | Decrement register/(HL) | See INC r | |
OKIX | LD r, n | Put fixed 8 bit value n into register/(HL). | No effect. | |
OK | 0x76 | HALT | Halts the CPU until an interrupt or reset | No effect. |
OK | JP c, nn | Conditional jump, setting PC to nn if the condition is true. | No effect. | |
OK | 0xC3 | JP nn | Unconditional jump, setting PC to nn. | No effect. |
MSIX | LD r, r | Load LHS register/(HL) with RHS register/(HL):LD (HL),(HL) is HALT. | No effect. | |
OK | 0x18 | JR d | Relative unconditional jump with signed offset byte d. | No effect. |
OK | JR c, d | Relative conditional jump with signed offset byte offset d. | No effect. | |
0x01 | LD BC,nn | Put fixed 16 bit value nn into register BC. | No effect. | |
0x02 | LD (BC), A | Put the data in register A into the memory address specified in BC. | No effect. | |
0x07 | RLCA | Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left. | The MSB is copied into the the carry flag. Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags. | |
0x08 | EX AF, AF' | Swaps AF out with its shadow, AF'. | The flags are swapped with the shadow flags. | |
0x0F | RRCA | Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left. | The LSB is copied into the the carry flag. Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags. | |
0x10 | DJNZ d | Decrement B by one, then relative jump with offset d if B is not zero. | No effect. | |
0x17 | RLA | Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit left trough carry. | The carry flag is used as an "extra bit". Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags. | |
0x1F | RRA | Rotate accumulator (register A) one bit right trough carry. | The carry flag is used as an "extra bit". Resets the subtraction and half-carry flags. | |
0x27 | DAA | Changes accumulator after an operation with BCD input, to make it BCD. | The addition / subtraction flag is not affected, others are. | |
0x2F | CPL | Inverts all the bits in the accumulator. | The addition / subtraction flag and the half carry flags are set. | |
0x37 | SCF | Sets the carry flag. | Carry flag is set. Addition / subtraction flag is reset. Half-carry flag is reset. | |
0x3F | CCF | Inverts the carry flag. | Carry is inverted. Addition / subtraction is reset. Half-carry is old carry. |
adc might work, it's basically add but with the carry flag, and that should be working. Not completely tested though - only tested: adc A, (HL)