#Database Notes
These are the basic steps I followed in order to get the crimes table up on the EC2 police db. The basic approach I took was to download the NIJ files, convert them to csv, then copy them into duplicate tables in the postgres db. Once in the db, I used INSERT queries to append all the years' data into a single crimes table with a new column ID added as a PK.
I began by downloading the data from the NIJ site
Since the data was in .xlsx I used $ in2csv to convert the excel files to csv
Using $ csvsql I created table schemas for each csv (all years 2012-2015, then 4 csvs for 2016 so far). SQL for the basic schema was as follows
CREATE TABLE nij_2012 ( CATEGORY VARCHAR(19) NOT NULL, CALL_GROUP VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL, final_case_type VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL, CASE_DESC VARCHAR(43) NOT NULL, occ_date DATE NOT NULL, x_coordinate INTEGER NOT NULL, y_coordinate INTEGER NOT NULL, census_tract INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE crimes ( ID serial PRIMARY KEY, category character varying(19) NOT NULL, call_group character varying(18) NOT NULL, final_case_type character varying(6) NOT NULL, case_desc character varying(43) NOT NULL, occ_date date NOT NULL, x_coordinate integer NOT NULL, y_coordinate integer NOT NULL, census_tract integer );
I imported data for each csv into the postgres db on the EC2 instance using the psql \COPY function. This link was helpful.
$psql target-db \ -U <admin user> \ -p <port> \ -h <DB instance name> \ -c "\copy source-table from 'source-table.csv' (FORMAT CSV, HEADER)"
I then used INSERT INTO to append data to the crimes table
INSERT INTO nij.crimes (category, call_group, final_case_type, case_desc, occ_date, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, census_tract) SELECT category, call_group, final_case_type, case_desc, occ_date, x_coordinate, y_coordinate, census_tract FROM nij.nij_2015;